>Ace Combat 7 was one of the worst games in the series
>but it sold the most
>they'll try to emulate it in later Ace Combats instead of the good ones like 4 and 0
Ace Combat 7 was one of the worst games in the series
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree with your main point (hidden beneath all that b8) which is that AC7 was too much of a zoomercore game instead of a classic boomercore game like most of the series, but it was still the fourth best entry, right after the PS2 trilogy.
Trilogy Ace here, what the fuck does any of this mean?
6, 3, X, I and Assault Horizon on the 3DS are also better.
>Like AC4
AC7 was literally AC4 2.0
>AC7 is bad
What the fuck are you people on?
6, Zero, 7, 4, 5. None of the other games matter.
It was more like AC5 2.0. Aside from "muh refugees", it didn't pick up any of the plot points AC4 left behind, but picked up a lot of 5's pieces.
AC7 has high-g turns and most of the game is actually balanced around that, meaning it's very twitchy and focused around reflexes rather than the old games which are slower and focused around planning slightly ahead.
I know AC6 has high-g turns too but majority of that game was balanced like it was one of the classic games. Only like 10% of it was similar to AC7, rest was like playing one of the PS2 trilogy with cheat codes.
>game has more advanced mechanics
>this is a bad thing
>le zoomers
True aces only target aircraft capable of carrying QAAMs
>join lobby on PS4
>some black guy is talking shit
>call him a nigger
>host kicks me
>set a timer on my phone for when the lobby will open to me again
>join again
>some guy takes a shit on my mom's tits
>another guy gets piss all over my dad's balls
>pull a high G turn
>post stall maneuver
>hit him with EML
>he dies so hard that women become illegal
yes, zoomers
very much zoomers
Meanwhile, on /vg/...
How is having more control a sidegrade, you fucking dunce?
I don't understand this, I'm not some memelord faggot.
Lmao get with the times faggot
I was talking about AC7 compared to the classic games. The fact that it gives you a new tool but at the same time revamps the enemy behavior and how the doggofights play out ends up being a sidegrade, rather than a straigth up improvement. It does not make the old ones obsolete at all.
It was extremely barebones for the length of time they spent in development, but for switching to an entirely new engine they came out with a pretty damned polished game. Now that they've got all the assets in place it'll be interesting to see if they commit to a serious amount of fleshing out in the next entry.
This. Mihaly and the Drones pull off some bullshit stunts, but they give the player high G turns and post stall maneuvers, which more than makes up for it. The end result is the same "get behind agile opponent to get a good shot off" song and dance but with a little bit of flair to it. If anything, it just makes the fights take longer because even if you get a good shot off, they can just do a 100g turn at any moment to evade it, meaning you have to be even more patient when fighting them. Outside of that, it doesn't really change anything except make standard enemies easier.
I heard they restarted from scratch twice or something.
is this an AC thread?
I read when the game came out that a bunch of retards were giving it a low score because they couldn't use their flight sticks or whatever
it plays fine with a regular controller right?
was gonna pick it up eventually
who is this dude?
i'm sick of seeing him
V2 yourself
He's the villain from Ace Combat 0, the best Ace Combat. Emulate it.
This, but put 7 between 4 and 3D
AC7 is a good game because it's an Ace Combat game. But it's not a very good Ace Combat game.
>No 6
Rectify this in a satisfactory manner
I dindn't put 6 because it didn't deserve to be in that list in any way shape or form
6 is the worst game, together with Ridge Racer 7,JA and Advance
I said satisfactory manner, not abhorrent manner
People who are familiar with the series play it with a controller like a normal person. People new to the series see a plane and they think they need a flight stick.
>worse than AH
AH was fun to play except for the helicopter missions
>one of the worst
>when it has one of the best flight models
>a fantastic set of missions
>a cast that isn't insufferable to listen to
You talk about 7 like it's 5, Joint Assault, or even Assault Horizon.
>>when it has one of the best flight models
Planes can fly level at a 90° roll. It practically has no flight model.
>a fantastic set of missions
I've seen more complaints about 7's missions than any other game in the series I've played. The stringent point requirement in mission 6, the missile bullshit in mission 9, all those unknown targets that you have to identify before shooting and they'll shoot at you as though they'r enemies before you identify them even if they're actually allies, all those poorly scripted unpreventable deaths
>a cast that isn't insufferable to listen to
You dumbass.
>Got distracted with real life things so never started the game
>Almost everyone agrees that it's one of the worst games in the series
>Now I'm out of the two weeks refund
This is the last time I preorder something.
>one of the worst games in the series
It's better than your beloved and overrated 4.
>Almost everyone agrees that it's one of the worst games in the series
Stop listening to loud contrarian retards on Yea Forums. If you liked the previous games, and I assume you did otherwise you wouldn't have preordered this one, there is literally no reason you won't like 7.
It's worse than the holy trinity imo, but it's still a pretty good game.
It's not the worst game in the series, it's just not better than the PS2 games and Yea Forums likes sensationalized bullshit. It's easily top 5. Instead of refunding because of Yea Forums memes, how about showing them support for putting it out on PC and playing the first good Ace Combat in a while.
Just played all of these games. They were a waste of time.
>Almost everyone agrees that it's one of the worst games in the series
Fucking who? There's like 3 people who are saying that, user. Them and the HOTASfags.
>hates "you dumbass" more than "muh white bird" or "dance with the angels"
>any of 7's worst comparing to Four Hoursmen, White Noise, White Bird Pt 1 and 2, Ghosts of Razgriz, the desert missions
Game is fantastic user, try it for yourself.
I played 4, 5, Zero, X, JA and the first route of 3 JP. My favorite is 5.
It's not just Yea Forums. Everywhere I've heard nothing but bad things about the game and now I'm afraid of starting it.
At least I learned my lesson.
>I've seen more complaints about 7's missions than any other game in the series I've played
Are you fucking new? Half of 5's missions are garbage
>White Noise
>Four Horsemen
>Fortress-8492-Final Option
>hurr here's more 100 more targets after the first 500 in the first phase on both Desert missions, also we forget how to code return line
>replaying Unsung War
You already paid for it didn't you you fucking idiot? Might as well play and, you know, FORM YOUR OWN OPINION.
Like where, dumbass? Imagine being so fucking weak that you're scared to play a game that you already bought because a handful of people online said mean things about it.
>Everywhere I've heard nothing but bad things
I guarantee 95% of those come from people who have never played AC7 before and had no idea what they were signing up for, including many who thought it was a sim.
>the desert missions
Thanks for reminding me of that god fucking awful mission where you have to hunt down those fuel trucks in a sandstorm.
These games suck and I'm glad I stayed away from them for so long.
You're so easily manipulated you'd love it if the rest of the thread starts praising it.
shit that bad huh
It was interesting playing AC6 right after AC7 on the xbone backwards compatability. (never got a chance to before, never had an xbox 3shitty)
the flight controls in AC6 felt a lot more fluid. it made AC7 feel like a slapped-together unreal game, which it likely was. it looks pretty, but the control feels kind of shitty. I can only hope they see the success of 7 and make the next game better story and gameplay-wise because 7 seems a little lacklustre compared to 4,5,0, and even 6.
My post wasn't about whether or not 5's missions were better or worse than 7's you dumbasses, it was about user's claim that 7's were "fantastic".
They're not.
And I'm not saying 7's mission roster are the best of the series, I'm just addressing your claim that "I've seen more complaints about 7's missions than any other game in the series I've played."
just listen to the two best tracks from the OSTs (usually the top results on Utube for each game) and you get 95% of the experience playing these games
I think people are disappointed because it had the potential to match the PS2 games and because it took 13 years, the expectations were way too high.
You have nothing to lose, just launch the game.
AC0 > AC04 = AC7 > AC6 > AC3 > ACX > AC5 > ACJA
It's on par with the ps2 games, people are just blinded by nostalgia
>I played 4, 5, Zero, X, JA and the first route of 3 JP. My favorite is 5.
But you haven't played 7, despite buying it? Go fucking play it and see for yourself. If 5 was your favorite of the holy trinity, then you'll like 7. Hell, if you could stomach playing through JA and 3, at the very least you'll think it's fine.
bad thread
>it had the potential to match the PS2 games
Which it did. The story and characters are merely alright enough but gameplay wise it's on par with 5 and Zero and worlds better than 4.
Probably because the game just fucking released, so of course spergs will sperg
I agree with all of those except for White Noise. The second half of that mission is fine and the soundtrack is amazing.
>My shit game isn't as great as some shit PS2 game
Finally a thread not filled with blind fanboys with nostalgia boners for a mediocre series.
Yeah, gameplay wise it was really good. The characters are fine, but the story feels rushed.
Honestly, I hate to be disappointed.
I'll think about it. It would be easier to ask Valve to delete the game from my library so maybe I'll just do that.
Yeah, you're right, I forgot how much of a shitshow 5 was. I liked some of those, though, especially being stuck in an A10 for 8492 but I've also seen people they liked the unknown target thing in the latter half of 7
You should get a refund. The game was boring as shit.
Are you really this fucking pathetic that you would simply not play a new entry in a series you like just because some people on the internet said it's not a great game? It's one thing to not buy the game bu to buy and then refuse to play it? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Do ir, delete it, make sure to screenshot it for us
>the good ones like 4
I bet you liked AH
>"stay under and we'll survive"
>a boat right under Trigger gets destroyed
really, scamco?
Post pics of when you do it
>it'll be easier to submit a support ticket than to play a video game I've already purchased from a series I love
I don't understand. I'd say give it
At least AH tried to make the series more appealing by adding helicopters.
Thanks for giving Kono your money, sucker.
>Four Horsemen
>White Noise
The rest, I agree.
The story is still nowhere near as bad and contrived as 5
I preordered so the two weeks refund window doesn't apply to me anymore.
All the positive reviews and opinions feel like they come from desperate fans trying to keep the series alive by praising it game to High Heaven instead of being objective and honest.
When it comes to games, I trust negative reviews and opinions over positive ones. A genuinely good game gets close to zero negative opinions.
Absolutely based. Ace Combat franchise eternally BTFO.
What do you exoect from the DLC missions? New superweapons? Free Erusea chimping out again?
AC3 references?
>All the positive reviews and opinions feel like they come from desperate fans trying to keep the series alive by praising it game to High Heaven instead of being objective and honest.
>When it comes to games, I trust negative reviews and opinions over positive ones. A genuinely good game gets close to zero negative opinions.
Jesus christ you actually are this stupid
Whatever man, you do you, it's your loss. It's not a bad game.
>they come from desperate fans trying to keep the series alive by praising it game to High Heaven instead of being objective and honest.
Just fucking delete the game or stop baiting
>Ace Combat franchise eternally BTFO.
Yeah I'm sure Namco will care about the opinions of a few shitters on Yea Forums far more than the objectively good sales figures.
Ah yes, the ones who complained about their glorified dildo not working or the ones who cried about how Bandog hurt their feefees. Real trustworthy.
You're just baiting though, so here's your last (You) from me.
>Replying to yourself
This is just pathetic
>Playing DLC
>Thus allowing games to come out unfinished
Ass Combat fans are truly a shitshow.
The only negative opinions about ac7 is about lack of support for hotas. Everyone else is giving good reviews? Where do you find bad ones?
the series in its entirety are all pretty overrated. It accomplishes what it sets out to do but every game is a combination of way too easy and skeletal in its framework.
I liked the music as a whole more than any of the other games (felt like a more consistent theme that built up as it went on, been a long time since I've played a game that had a main theme that actually built and developed with the game, I'm sure some people whine about it being samey but it's easily among the best in the series), the main story has problems sure, but Triggers motivations are spelled out just enough to make him an interesting protagonist, and the entire series has a pretty poopy story outside of the Aces.
In terms of gameplay there's really nothing to complain about, you know exactly what you're going to get.
Overall, a recommendation.
I can't believe you retards fell for this bait.
>All the positive reviews and opinions feel like they come from desperate fans trying to keep the series alive by praising it game to High Heaven instead of being objective and honest.
at last, someone unmasks AC7
based user is based
The game is finished as it is, though?
>good sales
>Had mixed reviews on first day
>Professional reviews don't even give it higher than 7s
Yeah, your sales are important, I'm sure.
Don't reply to bait.
Given the treatment they gave the VR mode, I don't have my hopes up too high. 3 fucking missions. I'd be surprised if it's on par with 5's arcade mode.
If it were finished it would all be in the original game.
FUCK simfags and FUCK chairforce!
The story is complete, retard
>HAHA! I'm gonna post this zoomer meme with no witty substance! That'll BTFO them for sure!
Try reading the thread.
>DLC missions
uhhhh..... No.
I miss the comfy AC threads
nigga, game has 20 long-ass missions with 1-3 checkpoints each. Game is longer than 4 or Zero. fuck off with this weakass bait.
>I miss when it was nothing but nostalgiafags who played this shit growing up and now unbiased people are giving their unbiased views
The game is still new so comfy threads about it are an impossibility, wait until the retards get tired of shitposting about and target something else.
Keep throwing away your money corporate bootlicker. This is the reason why we never have finished games.
there was a comfy thread earlier today.
t. nintendo zoomers
There was a comfy thread that hit the bump limit like an hour before this one popped up
What's exactly wrong with Joint Assault?
The fact that isn't set in Strangereal?
>Trigger's motivations
What's on your mind when you say that? They barely acknowledge his motivations aside from a "you look ready to kick ass".
It's just an ACX asset flip with worse missions, worse music (no Keiki), stupid mechanics, and the most retarded story in the whole series
>come to Yea Forums
>Yea Forums shills for niche game
>niche game is shit AGAIN
When will this meme die
>most retarded story
You mean the greatest rival ace and main villain
its namco employees you retard
said. also, the flight model is weird as fuck. It feels like you roll faster than you can pitch or accelerate.
>It's just an ACX asset flip with worse missions
Yeah, no, ACX had three good missions in a sea of boring crap, one of which is only good by virtue of its music.
JA has better missions than X, and more variety in what you do too.
>worse music (no Keiki)
Fuck you, the sole fact that they brought back Fire Youngman and other AC2 music already elevates it above most other AC, eat shit.
>the most retarded story in the whole series
How is the whole story retarded when it's probably the most simple and straightforward plot in the series?
Merely what I gleaned by watching it play out.
Trigger starts out as a rookie, he wasn't even supposed to fly, he probably only has basic training and maybe a sim or 2 of air combat, by the 4th mission he's spearheading an assault on the space elevator, even after being wrongfully accused of murdering the president, he sticks with it and even does underhanded missions ordered by someone everyone detests, and nails them.
Due to the combination of him being the player character and the narrative, he doesn't bitch out when he gets out of the 444 squadron, quite the opposite, he gets his own squadron and shines as their commander and ace. By the end of the game things are so beyond his control and he still does anything he can to fly, and win.
Beyond everything, all the political affiliations, all the behind-the-scenes tinkering from the Osean officials, Trigger just moves forward, mostly unconcerned with everything but the sky, similar to Mihaly, he inherits the sky as his kingdom.
That's how I read Trigger's motivations through the game, there's a novel out that probably ACTUALLY spells it out, but the combination of the music and the narrative gave me the sense that Trigger is above the worldly plane, and that narrative was more than interesting enough to keep me interested with him as a character.
The music also plays into this, but going into that would involve linking multiple songs and their set intentions which is even more open to interpretation.
For what it's worth, the headcanon was great.
JA was shit, seethe harder
uh? this game is probably one of the most casual AC, the enemy is braindead and the only thing that poses a challange are Mihaly, Sol squadron and the two drones at the end, the rest is just a matter of pressing the missile button and moving slowly to the left to avoid enemy missiles
and High-G are not that noticeable if you are good in the rest of games
He's definitely the villain because he took a story that was supposed to be about Best Country and made it about his ginger anarchist ass screeching at countries instead
7 was a nice fanwank to all of the PS2 classics, practically every game from the big three gets some call outs in the plot and they even managed to squeeze in IUN there and shit like Keith's dad.
But I want them to go back to the AC3 world since I have mad nostalgia for Namco of that era. Just fucking come on, it was a different era that needs to come back as well:
7 has the best missions in the series, mission 9 was great and the ultimate pleb filter
I wonder what the percentage of the fanbase is that between the setup we have now with fictional countries and a setup with fictional megacorporations running the world, would choose the latter.
If you think mission 9 was capable of filtering anyone out, that must mean you thought it was difficult you fucking casual. It was one of the easiest missions in the game. It was just annoying.
4 and 0 are both worse than 5 and 6.
I see. To be honest, one of the things Ace Combat does best is make you get a "feeling" for the protagonist in the way you mentioned, entirely through non-conventional means.
It's hard to explain, but I can provide an example to the "feel" all AC protagonists give by pointing at Takumi from Initial D. He lives in his own world delivering tofu and this normal reality of his sometimes interacts with other people's worlds, and only then you can notice how segregated he is from everything around him through his pure skill.
AC protagonists all seem mostly aloof and they shine when contrasted with what's around them.
>It was just annoying.
Pleb detected
>Full band: I'm not going to die here
>Bandog : this is the penal unit, I decide when you die
>mfw the end of that mission and the realization
Megacorps are better as far as the narrative goes since you can write fucking dicks like Commander Park, terrorist organisations like Ouroboros, and basically have it be more interesting than muh country 1 vs muh country 2 manipulated by Belka.
Not like any of this matters though, the story in AC was never specifically good and 7 kinda doesn't stick the landing here, ironically. 7's plot is just kinda shitty and fumbles a lot of potential.
It's not bad but it's nowhere near as good as 4 through 6 were. Cross Rumble 3D too.
your entire post makes no sense honestly, your post seem more like a random youtube comment
A common theme in the series is that corporations and countries are often one and the same.
t. didn't play 6 because it was on xbox
It does make sense within the context. I don't understand what you're trying to get at by comparing with a "random youtube comment", but that's a yikes from me.
By your logic, if I'm a pleb, and if mission 9 is pleb filter, I wouldn't have made it past mission 9. But like I said, it's one of the easiest mission in the game. It'd probably be THE easiest if the first mission didn't exist. How is it a filter?
Do people really hate 5 that much? I liked it a whole lot and my only complaint was shit falling off the SOLG was a bit cumbersome to dodge sometimes. Zero is basically a straight upgrade though, but you don't get enough missions flying with Pixy for his betrayal to really sting like you want it to.
4-5-0 are generally considered to be the best in the series so no.
Hell user, I'd say literally the opposite, megacorps are worse exactly BECAUSE they are unrelatable and impossible to root for because, by design, a megacorporation's only ideology and goal is profit.
>Commander Park
But one of the main reasons why the UPEO is so laughable and pathetic in AC3 IS because it's essentially the last remaining wisp of nation-state "authority" though. And if you think countries can't have cunts you probably never played ACX, Leasath is run by the biggest bastard in the whole franchise.
That's an emerging recent theme, if anything the most prevalent theme through all the games seems to be "blind loyalty/hatred to an institution is bad".
>A genuinely good game gets close to zero negative opinions.
This is simply not true, neither for video games nor for anything else.
>That's an emerging recent theme
What about Megafloat?
Hating on it is the hottest meme right now. Go outside Yea Forums for a second and you'll see no one says it's terrible.
It's the most popular and mainstream Ace Combat so far, so it's automatically bad.
There's no way to test if AC7 is good because there's no crack yet and I never played an AC game.
Worth a buy?
you could get through ace without ever getting hit or executing a high-g turn once.
its cracked, has been cracked for like a week bucko
Jerking off 4 is fucking retarded, so many brainless ground mission
It's basically its own little nationstate where a corporation has sovereignty
As a PCfag, I bought it as a way of paying for emulating the holy trinity, X, Assault Horizon+, and 3 and to show support for actually putting a game out on a platform I have for once.
I intentionally place it lower in my own personal tier ranking specifically because it was the first game I played and I know it's got inflated value from that and general nostalgia.
I like a brainless ground mission now and then desu
If my shit taste had its way, there'd be more close air support missions that exist to show more of the war happening when you're not being the biggest dick Ace in the skies
It would be really nice if there was a reason to stay in element ever.
>Go outside Yea Forums for a second and you'll see no one says it's terrible.
Probably because they never heard of your shit niche games to begin with.
This is it for me. They played it a bit too safe for my liking, plus the story felt like it wasn't terrible cohesive.
>this game is probably one of the most casual AC
Arguably. Like I said, the gameplay style is a sidegrade. Me saying it's more twitchy doesn't mean it's harder. The old games were more about learning patterns and some tricks and thinking ahead, AC7 is more about constantly reacting to everything. It was a bit of a culture shock at first, but once you learn the difference and adjust, it probably is easier to execute "near perfectly" since there's no real improvisation needed, just react to the moment.
I'm sure you could. On my first playthrough on hard I didn't actually do a single hi-G turn until mission 13. Does not mean that the most efficient way to dogfight isn't just one long hi-G turn, or in the case of more advanced enemies constantly reacting to their movements with hi-G turns. What's your point exactly?
Ace Combat's a pretty well known series amongst the pre-skyrim era gaymers, ie boomers
My point? To Trigger brainlet.
Are you sure you can trust that intel?
But that's exactly how 6 was... and I beat it on Ace multiple times with different air craft
No, it's not.
As with everything Ace Combat, I heartily expect Belka.
Literally just wait for him to stop dancing in loops and throw every missile you have at him at once. Most disappointing Ace of the bunch.
The lightning clouds and karst scenery is what made his first encounter.
cum historia
It's a good game, just not a good Ace Combat game.
This game felt more Ace Combat 4 than most of the other games though, just isn't as good
fuck you
>any Ace Combat
Everyone agrees that it's good so now we have to pretend that it's bad
He does it twice user. Hell by the time Transfer Orders happens he's more than happy to have you along though he's more happy if you let McKinsey die,
You bet
On an unrelated note, is there any ace combat knockoff games worth checking out?
>He does it twice user
Hell a lot of better than assault horizon i’ll tell you that
Project Wingman
Sky Crawlers
>people don't like 7
it's better then 5 and 6
>two most annoying meme by fake acfags
The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces is supposed to be good, but I haven't played it yet despite loving the movie.
Vector Thrust is objectively crap, but worth a pirate if you want to fly every single F-104 variant ever conceived by man.
Project Wingman is still in development, but looks really good so far.
Unrelated, but I just started listening to Cross Rumble's OST on a whim, and holy shit is it good. Makes me actually wish I had a 3DS.
>When it comes to games, I trust negative reviews and opinions over positive ones. A genuinely good game gets close to zero negative opinions.
Confirm to be IGNorant
HAWX 1 was great. I don't know if I'm just saying that because it was the closest thing to Ace Combat on PC in an age before decent PS2 emulation and even before Assault Horizon, but I know I liked it. HAWX 2 is more iffy.
He mentions he decides when you die during 444 when granting you permission to use your weapons.
Is this bait or are you just retarded
He's right.
End this meme now
Does anyone know where I can find the full version used of Liberation of Gracemaria used in this trailer?
i think invasion of gracemaria is what youre looking for
I know, but the in game version sounds different than from the trailer.
It literally follows the ace combat formula exactly.
So, did Trigger give Huxian the Fox Two, or is he a pure fightersexual like Mobius One?
Who cares they wont make one for another 10 years anyways
the song itself is called invasion of gracemaria, its a different version of liberation from mission 1
it sounds the closest and is the only other version but i could be wrong
I played 5 and 6 and both of them were really fucking good. I'm playing 7 now and I'm on mission 12 hard mode. The movement feels a lot different. Maybe its more realistic, I don't know. I'm really not liking some of these missions though. I hate all the escort and protection shit. I liked the way 6 broke things up into opperations. I like having clearly marked targets. The clouds and weather is neat but kind of gimmicky. I feel like I have zillion missiles on me at all times. Its definitely more frustrating. I'm still liking it but so far, I like 5 and 6 more. How many missions does 7 have?
Trigger is a bro, he wouldn't cuck Count like that.
Trigger remained alone and never had another relationship after his original waifu Brownie was killed. Except for his relationship with the sky itself, which he cucked away from Mihaly and continues to fly in even today while the old man is forced to lay in bed and watch, a fate worse than death which was inflicted on him as revenge for Trigger's waifu.
If they did make a new ac game after a decade then boomer acfags would still hate it
>which he cucked away from Mihaly
AND scrap queen
Favorite boss?
Mine is Rot from AC4. I also think Aigaion from 5 was neat too because of all those lasers shooting at you and the Ace Squadron Scarface that launches from it afterwards.
Is this bait?
i forgot theres also fires of liberation
Why are people pushing this meme lately?
Count is a bitch, anyway. His redemption was an utter heel-turn
f for jester, he was the greatest ace of his generation, but he had a bad habit of sleeping in
Its fucking hilarious how sony/weeb fanboys disregard 6 just because it wasn't on their glorious nippon box. They really missed out.
Ace7 was always considered bad
Borders good, belkans bad.
Uh no? this only started in the last week or so because people cant handle some minor changes to the formula like actual time limits on some missions.
Here's your full hangar bro, minus the one meme plane.
Factually false
can't wait to tell my son about this poll
Brownie for sure
Is something actually revealed about kitten in game or does everyone just assume she's just a qt grill because of the callsign?
Kitten is as much of a girl as 'Pixy' is
>Im doing to disregard all the fantastic gameplay because the game has less filler planes.
Time to stop posting on Yea Forums tonight, the retardation here is bad for health.
A really good point I was too dumb to pick up on that someone in a Yea Forums topic made is:
>Trigger's three strikes = trinity
>Mikhael = St Michael the archangel
>St Michael often associated with killing a dragon
>Ends up flying the Strike Wyvern
>His Kingdom is up in the sky
>He is thrown from that kingdom and denied the chance to live and die among it.
So he becomes a kind of fallen angel. I could get the Mikhael = archangel michael business but the wyvern and kingdom stuff was neat. Not deep, pretty obvious on the face of it, but neat. It's been too long since I played AC4 and 5 but I seem to recall a bit of messiah complex with Mobius 1 too.
that guy looks like linustechtips
You can see her bio in the assault records menu.
That's the voice actor for Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto.
>he doesn't know
Go emulate 4, 5, and 0 in that order then decide.
What is that gay fucking shop
Oh its bait.
If you aren't baiting, then you're fucking pathetic, the game is great, listening to down retards on Yea Forums doesn't make it horrible, every game is horrible here because retards want any new game to fail
If you could recast and reshoot the cutscenes of AC0, who would you cast and what changes would you make to improve the cutscenes?
I love post-stall maneuvers in multiplayer. Get lots of zero-airspeed sitting ducks with my foxbat.
>tfw no mission about whipping out asteroid fragments
Pixy was perfect and he's all that matters so I wouldn't change anything.
Scrap Queen > Erusian Princess
>not wearing a deodorant > wearing a deodorant
The only new/different things 7 did was the clouds gimmick which is completely worthless outside of 2 missions, and the two missions where you have to ID everyone before attacking.
Underrated show.
do you thin she even washes her hands?
Choose your original AC planes
It's better than both 4 and 5
>First few weeks
>People rating it as the best or 2nd best game
>Month later
>It is now considered shit
R-90 Ragnarok.
Fenrir seemed pretty good, at least in concept.
Don't you have better things to do than shitpost about a niche arcade flight game?
What is the shitpost? People were happy with the game and now all of a sudden arent?
Contrarian are always hungry for new games to shit
We've had a bump limit thread full of praise for the game earlier today
Now we're having a thread of people calling it bad
These are the facts, take them and make your own conclusions, nuggets
Also Osea a shit.
What's happening here?
My only disappointment is that it didn't do enemy ace squadrons Ace Combat 0 style, every Ace Combat should have 3 ace squadrons you face throughout the game instead of a recycled Yellow 13.
He's shooting at the derelict buildings to make them collapse on top of the shit rather than shooting at it directly
>has more attackers and less su variants than 7
bandi you lazy shits
AC7 is a stepping stone for a new console adaption like AC4 and combining it together with AC5 elements. AC8 will be guaranteed as PA's magnum opus by combining AC0 and AC3 elements.
I wish
Ace combat with shmup planes wen
This only happened after PC players got to play it. They always gotta shit in everything.
Holy shit this is possible? Does the rest of the sunken area behave the same way?
I'm not 100% sure. There aren't THAT many targets in the sunken district, so I wouldn't be able to say. I probably should go in the game and check.
Bringing console war into this isn't helping, user. Ace Combat doesn't deserve that kind of shitposting. Been playing PC ever since my PS2 decided to melt, and I've always wanted Ace Combat to get a second wind, arcade games like it are very underrated and I'm glad to see it doing well.
SpAce Combat I
look at this buddy we will never have another buddy why even live buddys
>why even live
For Belka
R are from Neucom
X are from General Resources
Am I right?
did someone say belka. that would imply border.
>Player character in Ace Combat 8 is the same faceless mute who comes out of nowhere as the last games
>You're the one thing Simon couldn't have known to simulate
>You completely fuck over Simon's plan to the point where he sends Nemo after you instead of Dision while you and Dision team up
Are we hitting the stage where we pretend to hate AC7 now?
Name one thing that AC7 did better than the holy trinity.
why is the story so retarded? why is the erusean princess not getting assraped for war crimes? why are all your wingmen so unlikeable?
AC7 was my first AC and I enjoyed it immensely. I look forward to playing the PS2 games as well and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Why instead don't you tell me why it need to wildly surpass them to be even considered good? The holy trinity is fantastic, EVEN if you say that 7 falls short of them a little for one reason or another doesn't that still make it a pretty good game?
>unlikeable wingmen
Came for the cute chinese lady, stayed for the wholesome family man.
Did Tabloid hit that?
is it bad that I only like ace combat for the unit insignias and call signs?
fuck you retards lmao
>that mission flying in the mountains with lightning where you have to protect some retards
>that mission where you have to identify retards
godamn that was obnoxius
Dumb tiktokshitter
Releazed NEMO is working under Simon Commands
Erased NEMO survived the delete of the simulations and becames AURORA and it's discovered by Cynthia.
Absolutely KINO development.
Delicious brown is one of the weaks of the belkans.
>ac9 your wingman is literally an IA
>ac9 is shaping nemo to be the final boss of the whole franchise
no u
I liked the ace combat on PSP, twas dope.
Champ, aren't you dead?
It's a few shitposters samefagging to try and turn opinion. The general opinion still seems to be that it's a great game and worthy of the trinity, or just shy of it.
No Nemo final boss, no buy
Will we ever have a Ace Combat game that lets us play for the actual good guys, Belka?
You basically just described all AC games, the mooks are all easy trash except for the bosses.
>Trigger never gives her the plane she built back
Maybe you shouldn't have called him a dumbass all the time, dumbass.
That's because her creation is just too much even for her and only Trigger can handle it.
>cutscene where the princess looks so broken
>get boner
This is normal right bros?
I have the premise for this :
>You a part of reformed Belkan Air Force
>4th Air Division 175th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Blau" (Blue)
>Emblem mascot is a Swift bird
>Your T.A.C name is Blitz, the leader of the squadron as Blau One.
>There's only other two members on your squadron and they are both siblings named Jacob Galland and Wilhelm Galland (Based on Grimm brothers and Adolf Galland)
>Due to Communication Blackout after AC7, Osean insurgencies try to invade your homeland
>Your squadron will be sent to the front line for full-scale defense
>You have to juggle between Osean and Belkan conspiracy story along the way, with the former want to create another scapegoat incident to Belka and justify themselves to annihilate your country entirely and seize all of your techs
So did the princess die at the end or what? I was confused with that scene of her jumping off the building and the drone literally blew her up but then you see her looking at the space elevator at the end cutscene.
How great would it be to have the people who ACTUALLY take down Grunder Industries and the Grey Men to be Belka proper?
So this is what people are feeling when they complain about stupid-looking keyblades.
I love this meme
She's fine, Count ate the missile, she literally talks to you shortly after that cutscene during the mission. Shes the one who tells you about the drone
For a brief moment, when she talks to you to reveal the second drone after having seemingly been blown up, and going by how they make a plot point earlier in the game of how the space elevator is a ridiculously powerful energy source because of all the solar collectors attached to it, I was expecting her to have been somehow sublimated.
Daredevil is the best climactic song in the series and not a single other one even comes close.
>Traditional Belkan honor pilots make things right and restore the honor of their glorious nation by destorying megacorps
It would be sweet and amazing, its also serves as Belka redemption for bringing down their own radical faction, just like Erusia in the end of AC7
I bet she knows how to rock a strap-on.
>Final mission
>The Belkan Aces from AC0 will join you one by one to fly together with you and vow to dismantle Grey men and Gründer Industry entirely to prevent another warmongering and restore their country's pride
if only she didn't have the retarded tattoo she'd be a perfect tomboy
huxian is better than either the dykelet and the princess though
Do you think Trigger likes to fly by where she lives while in her plane and starts flying slow and at low altitude so she can get a full look of him enjoying himself in her plane?
what's wrong with the tatt?
>I've got quick fists too!
What did she mean by this?
fastest handjob in china
trigger is literally the best protagonist of the series
>mission has a tunnel run where you have to destroy the core of the enemy superfortress and escape before it self-destructs
>except while you're inside the tunnel and after you destroy the core, magnetic bulwarks seal up both exits and you're unwittingly locked inside with no way out
>the locked exit is fast approaching, wingmen are panicking, there's nothing that can be done, one of them half-heartedly suggests you try to make a forced landing inside the tunnel and try to find a way to escape by foot
>there is no time
>AWACS communication pops up
Stop it user it's too glorious.
Isn't trigger canonically the most skilled pilot?
>AC8 takes in 2030
>Right after Simon sent NEMO away to do his mission to kill Dision
>But at the same time Belka annexed Gründer Industry and reveal the Grey Men roster all over the world to search and capture
>Some of them hiding in Neucom and General Resources as high ranking executive officers
>As a result, both Neucom and General Resources getting toppled down and lost their investments, effectively merging them back to their respective governments
>Belka inadvertently prevents the dark future that happened in Simon's simulation
I hope they turn Trigger into an antagonist in the next game, he has such a ridiculous story that even someone who came in new to the franchise would pretty instantly know how much of a badass he is. Wouldn't even have to name him, could call him Three Strikes, or the president's murderer or something.
b-but it’s mobius 1 ! He wiped out an has-been squadron ! He destroyed a stationary target with almost no defense system !!
Dudes it took Mobius half a game to finally down a yellow... and get this, the plane wasn't functioning properly. Dare I say, best ace?
Cipher>Phoenix>Mobius 1>the rest
>they retcon AC3 out of existence by having AC8 be Belka taking out the Grey Men and MegaCorps
Be honest, Yea Forums, how mad would you actually be? How turgid would your boner be?
>Ridge Racer 7
It's the second best in the franchise you fuck
You can deny it all you want but this is the truth.
The berkut is an actual plane, no? Just an experimental plane but it's not original to AC
Nothing is retconned in AC3 because its still a simulation, anything can happened. The annexation of corporations will not stop Simon ordering Nemo to erase Dision in Electrosphere. Besides, this possible AC8 scenario indirectly gives Fiona, Erich, Cynthia, and Rena a better future for them, free from corporation's shackle like the simulation predicted.
3 was a simulation so it's fine, I guess. I'm half German so I might be a bit biased
I love Belka and hate Megacorps, so this is the golden timeline for me
Play AC2 and 3JP my dude
>trying to fight your fighter jet and get through the day
>"woah trigger you're really good!"
>"trigger you can go ahead and take my wife as soon as we land, or me if you want"
>"guys who cares about fighting, let's just send trigger in while we pretend to distract the enemy"
>"no way we can take down that arsenal bird... Go Trigger!"
lazy fucks
Never played Ace combat games, but this one was fun. As soon as I realized to turn down the difficulty to normal the game became very enjoyable. On hard it was retarded.
I love this game
0 > 7 > 5 > 04
04 has fucking garbage missions and I do not understand why everyone loves it so much. I swear that everyone just remembers Megalith and nothing else from the game
It was the same as every other AC game. What makes it worse?
Jesus christ take all of my money.
Glory to fucking Belka
You're on Yea Forums
If someone out in the world liked again, you better bet your ass this contrarian shit hole with try and convince you its bad and you should feel bad for liking things
Ignore and sage
>Ustio is revealed to have been involved somehow
>Belka is allowed to retake rightful clay
I don't get why this warrants attention when environmental kills were a thing since ages ago.
>the good ones like 4
I don't like AC3's setting since it funnels future games into a foregone conclusion, so I would be happy if they retconned it. AC3 was a great game, but I wish it wasn't an AC game.
>You have to fight Cipher who has been hired for one last job