What's up with them? Why are franchises like KoF so successful there even tho it's dying everywhere else?
The average mexican will tell you he played games like Metal Slug or how Terry is their favorite character.
Same with Piracy, they sometimes sell hacked consoles in retail stores with no problem.
What the fuck?
Mexicans, Piracy & SNK
Other urls found in this thread:
y dont u fu kof lol
Because unlike usa, arcades still existed. Neo Geo machines were cheap to get. Snk was good with that. The only thing keeping snk down right now is the fact that those retards refuse to play ggpo. You have no idea how many friends I have who bought kof and returned it after going online once and it being a delay based shitfest. Combos are too tight for such shit netcode.
Anyways tl;dr
Cheap cabs
Good roster that doesn't even leave out mexico even
Arcades everywhere
arcades are still popular in Mexico
just post her tits already
are people really attracted to fat girls like that now
fat? that's a breeding goddess
t. Basedboy
spics are terrible at kof anyways, they do retarded shit like random supers and constant mixups because their low iq brown shitskin brains are too retarded to comprehend neutral, the chinese are the real gods
Wish I had them
Who is it??
Wife of some Yea Forumstard that posted it like 4 hours ago
Are you going to post more thick Mexican girls or what?
I want to give her a baby.
Mexican here, can confirm.
I tried to put in the effort to make the jump to XIII when it came out but I couldn't find anyone to play with because the only things anyone asked when I showed it to them was "where's Rugal/K9999/Demon Yashiro", "why can't I do supers?" and "why aren't we playing 2002 plus?"
No one here even knew XIV was released. Fuck this place. Hope the chinks treat KOF better than we did.
Same girl?
>wearing shoes in the house
That kid must get away with all sorts of shit.
Mexican here, I remember arcades having KOF, metal slug and the simpsons beat em up arcade
The fact that this is real makes it so disturbing
I know you are just to shit post about user's bitch wife.
IDK but post her tits too
Some user posted that picture in the last shitpost thread about mexico.
Oof and that’s why I didn’t post my gf in that thread. Nothing gets forgotten on the Internet.
it doesn't matter unless you are crawling on the floor like some kind of baby
is that it? are you a baby?
Just cover up her face, faggot
Now post her
>tracking shit from outside into your home
You aren't welcome into my dwelling.
>Same with Piracy, they sometimes sell hacked consoles in retail stores with no problem.
What? Where? I bet its the fucking chilangos. Fuck those niggers.
same but unironically
SNK was pretty big in Mexico, arcades and stuff
Also Google EVOGA
Do you know how much shit and germs you track on the soles of your feet?
what even are you saying you dumbass?
Post more spic tits
well since i'm not licking the floor of my house it doesn't fucking matter now does it?
Walmart had one of those “CONSOLES WITH +300 games” that included Super Mario Bros, snes games and sega games
No. I'll get banned.
>bacteria never travels
Every single Latin America related thread on Yea Forums is just a /pol/ + /int/ chatroom poorly disguised as a videogames one.
Please report and ignore.
So, was it a hacked console or not, there's a difference.
Still, I bet it was a fucking chilango nigger that did that.
In my experience they are attracted but only on a very minimal level. Usually the hotter girl always wins out. There's a lot of resentment toward genuinely attractive people though these days in both the MSM and on the internet.
Post clothed spic tits then.
>are people really attracted to fat girls like that now
i bet you're jealous of her tits you faggot
The thing is, girls like the one in OP aren't fat, but they are easily on the verge of becoming fat, which is the distinction that gets lost in these kinds of conversations.
Why are you alone, Yea Forums?
source? please I beg you
Those aren’t milkers.
user, post pics of her tits right now! I demand it, unless if you're a coward, you're not a coward are you user?
>thirsting after goblinas
too much work. why try to go outside and fuck when you can just immediately jerk off?
Not anymore, but I do remember they used to sell Modded PSOnes so you could use shitty pirated games.
And yes, chilangos did it
Eh, I’m sure you can do better.
You can't have a baby with your hands
Ip range ban on phone posting or I’d post the Icelandic Asian I hooked up with in nyc
I better not get banned, asshole.
Daily reminder mother and son can kiss on the lips
its natural its normal
deal with it
La Rosa de Guadalupe?
Would deport
>Having kids
Video games
Thanks for the face, see in a few days.
Wow that was deleted quick. Hory shitu.
That's not the same girl as OP.
See you later, alligator
Why though?
im not mad lol im just lazy
In a while, Tododile.
>find qt hispanic chick
>la goblina meme takes off shortly after
I always did have terrible timing.
I deleted them myself. I am still here.
You should be able to see the image with an extension.
What extension
Yea Forums Ligma.
Boobs and legs are different, but still, with the right tools, you can easily find the person, and her connections.
Let me know if you find that girl's name, m8.
I have a couple pictures of her tits, but they're too hot for 4channel.
You better post them.
make a thread on another board
maybe /s/
Holy shit I fucking knew it!
La Rosa de Guadalupe is fucking kino.
Post an imgur link
>tfw a bunch of gringos will nut to La Rosa de Guadalupe
that's stef from /ssbg/ iirc
If user posts her real name I will.
>so many deleted posts
What do?
>video not available
That's a first.
Who? Do you have more?
Post more of this thicc taco.
Was the PS1 the most chipped console?
she was a smash player form the smash general on /vg/ during the 3ds/wiiu era. Not sure if she's still there because I'm not. Never saved any of her pics
>Rosa de Guadalupe
FUCK that takes me back. This is some soap opera like episodic show that often tackles """""""""""""""""""current""""""""""""""""""" subjects. They made an episode on Pokemon Go, on that krokodil drug fad and on that blue whale suicide thing.
They also made an episode on """"""""""""""""""""""""cosplay"""""""""""""""""""""""" that is, by all means, fucking kino.
Namiko moon is a fucking classic
What’s your NNID, user
Hiroshi-san and Namiko Moon...Fuck me for remembering their names
Contrarian fags are the worst.
this is what happens when a video game thread has a picture of boobies
I have her pics.
t. wozzler
you act like the mods give a shit about Yea Forums
i guarantee this thread will not be deleted no matter how many reports you give it
fuck off rakky
and send them to me on discord
Go on.
>still no sauce on OP
Even Latinos know this. That's why all the guys cheat on their wives with younger ones. The women are unfuckable by the time they hit 25.
what’s your discord username ?
Drop her pics here
you just know
Oh shi-
Deep in the heart of goblina-land here.
Why want them? Asians are so much better quality on average.
You just see the stand outs or the ones with loads of eyeliner that will turn into fat goblins once you marry em.
Doing a research on the Yea Forums archives, I think you’re right. OP is that smash girl