Was Sigurd an incel? seriously like his best friend was dicking his sister...

Was Sigurd an incel? seriously like his best friend was dicking his sister, his rival Eldigain had more relevancy and popularity than he did, Arvis literally took his wife and lit him up, deidre only loved him cause she lost her memory and kinda started a clean slate. His life fucking sucked. Also, because of him so much of the major characters in the first died because of his cause. His only loyal friend to the end was ugly ass arden, and a young lackey Oifrey. Finally, his son Seliph is a complete bitch and whines about violence compared to Julius.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He’s one of the few fire emblem characters with confirmed kids.

Medieval Europe had a thing for inbreeding and Kaga, being the westaboo that he was, was on broad with emulating that in his games.

Sigurd is the anonymous gangbanger of the Grann 8th century.
He's a true chad, despite that thot deirdre and the virgin Alvis.

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he's a turbochad you retard

he was only able to have kids with a girl who is legit handicap and he took advantage of that opportunity to get his virginity taken.

Arvis literally kills him and impregnates his wife. Sigurd is definitely not a Chad.

Only after backstabbing him, and after Sigurd massacred entire goddamn countries with his ragtag group of jumblefucks (& Lewyn), against all odds. Arvis also had to have daddy Manfroy mindrape Deirdre into loving him, or else he'd likely be alone.

Besides, Sigurd didn't need that bitch, he could marry any girl he wanted. You just KNOW he gave his Tyrfing to half the girls in the army.

i'm still fucking mad fuck you arvis you bastard give me my fucking wife back

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>implying the whole army wasn't getting ARDEN'D

ITT we post Fire Emblem memes

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>Arvis literally kills him and impregnates his wife.
Sigurd really got roasted that day.

I'll dump all of my Yea Forums plays FE3 memes from a year ago

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Isn't Sigurd not a very good dude?

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Jeigan is best Jeigan.

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New Yea Forums plays fire emblem when

Yes, unlike the Chad Marth

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I unironically want to see Yea Forums plays Awakening and being autistic over eugenics

is it law or something in fire Emblem to marry someone with the same hair and eye color as you

The eugenics are shit in Awakening, it doesn't even matter

Maybe I'll continue with Yea Forums plays FE5 when I have less college work. I'm totally doing Yea Forums plays Vestaria saga when that comes out since I'm a huge kagafag and I liked the demo.

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yeah but it's good autstic fun

this seriously needs to be remade. i don't know how riveting the backstory is for fe4 but sigurds life is such a trainwreck that is actually interesting.

Keeping the bloodline pure

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arvis also cheated on deidre.

>Was Sigurd an incel?
>Finally, his son Seliph


user, the keyword is
plus he fucked a handicapped woman who lost her memories. anyone from Yea Forums would fuck her and take advantage of her based on that.

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Playing Binding Blade right now. Was going into Sacae a sound decision?

>Camus drops Nyna for the far superior Tatiana
Bitch deserved it

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>Was Sigurd an incel?
>His son
These two don't add up, OP. How about you learn the fucking meaning of words before posting your uneducated opinion?

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>Was going into Sacae a sound decision?
Nope, have fun in Nomad hell

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I can't help it, Sue and Sin are based units and while all Pegasus Knights are useful to some degree Shanna is too fucking weak

Can you name anyone more JUST than sigurd?

read he....
not after his son but was still a cuck. and his son inherited that.

Didn't realize cucks save continents.

if you aren't a virgin...
you aren't an incel. this isn't difficult.

You what mate? He was such a chad everyone during Seliph's campaign acknowledges how much of a fucking stud he was and hate on Arvis and call him out for his shit. Also, he befriended the king of Sillesia, making cooperation for Seliph much easier once he became the king of Grannvale, successfully seduced a girl just by looking at her one time, was a fucking mentor to the king of Isaach, who can't stop orgasming every time his name gets mentioned and has the most OP unit in Fire Emblem history as a son (Robin and Corrin excluded).

You should have stopped using Sue so much she isn't that good unless you get blessed, Shanna and Tate are some of the best units, Shanna gets early acess to promotion and with swords right before you go to bandit land. Shin is GOAT all round though

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He had a kid. Sigurd ain't no incel but he is a cuck.

That seems more like it would apply to Arvis than Siggy. Siggy fucked Deidre, a woman with probably 20 years of memories, whilst Arvis literally had to mindwipe Deidre to a state of 0 for her to love him.

She's got some pretty good stats if I do say so myself
then again the only other FEs I've beaten are FE7 and Awakening so what do I know

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No you fucking idiot, That's Arvis. The only way he could get laid is if he brainwashed a girl already taken by someone and let cultists rule underneath him, undermining his power, even going so far as allowing them to corrupt his son.

No. Also, Shanna is great, stop misusing her.

Holy cow, that's a Strength blessed Sue.

>corrupt his son
More like they killed him, since Lopto took over his body once they gave him the tome, much like Holsety took over Lewyn.

Compared to Shanna right here

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Yeah you got pretty blessed. I mean at this point there's zero reason not to use her but Shin is really all you need due to his great bases. Going to nomad hell is one of the biggest reasons to not use her too since those chapters aren't very good compared to Illa.

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Sigurd isn't an incel, but he is a cuck.

You all saw how Deirdre acted the day of the BBQ. You know when she cums when Arvis fucks her, she screams "Aaaaah, AAAAAh-and who was that Sigurd fella?"

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Holy shit that is some fucked str.

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Why is she literally Sailor Mercury, holy shit.

Yeah but she flies and has 1-2 range. She fills her purpose perfectly.

Yeah I know she's a flying unit and whatnot and she's gotten plenty of use, just less in comparison to Sue/Shin who have wrecked shit and also have some good move
Can't forget about Melady of course, way better than all of them, as usual

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This is your brain on 4gag.
>his best friend was fucking his sister
Is Sigurd supposed to fuck his sister to not be an incel?? The fuck does this have to do with anything?
>his rival Eldigain had more relevancy and popularity than he did
Again, how does this make Sigurd an "incel"?
How do you even gauge popularity and relevancy in this instance anyway? Sigurd was leading an army, guess who led the army Eldigan belonged to? Not Eldigan.
>Arvis literally took his wife and lit him up
>plots to kill Sigurd
>makes him fight a long ass battle to tire out him and his whole army
>Sigurd has no idea Arvis is an asshole
>just as he reaches Arvis, he's surrounded by his men who set Sigurd's whole group on fire
>brainlet user has "KEK KEK KEK" repeating in his head as he watches this
>deidre only loved him cause she lost her memory and kinda started a clean slate
You didn't play the game.
>the rest of your post
Decent bait since it was annoying enough to make me reply.

You mean the woman who needed to be brain washed for Arvis to have a chance?

>>deidre only loved him cause she lost her memory and kinda started a clean slate
Actually even then all that was confirmed that she pitied him. Arvis though was obsessed with her.

>Arvis though was obsessed with her.
In his defense, how could you not be?

Thanks you saved me the typing. Good night.

If your on normal, place should be fine. Sacae and Illa both have their ups and downs. but i'd take the illa gaiden over the sacae one any day. On hard though, place becomes fucking hell with speed capped nomads.

To be specific Arvis is obsessed with Deirdre because she looks like their mother and Arvis has a classic Oedipus complex.

I miss him so much.

Didn't stop him from fucking his general and having Saias, though.

First time I played the game and beat chapter 5 I was all "oh this is the scene. Cool." Second time through, though, I kinda teared up a little. Don't know if it was the fact that I used a different translation or whatnot, but Sigurd's death can be hardhitting.

>Sigurd has Tyrfing, which gives him a massive resistance buff
>Gets burnt to a crisp anyway

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It's because he made it. He got the girl, had a son, drove back the enemy, saved his land and his people, and his reward is getting backstabbed, his wife taken, all of his friends and allies are caught up in it as well.

Because he's a hypocrite. There's a reason why none of his sons respect him. Heck even his daughter wanted to suck the cock of his mortal enemy.

In the Genealogy opening it shows that Sigurd almost killed Arvis. Arvis was only saved by Deirdre using a heal staff.

>wife gets brainwashed and heals the man trying to kill you
Jesus Fuck.

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And she even asks who Sigurd is.

That's why she felt so guilty that she wanted to die after she found out that Sigurd was her husband. She didn't try to fight back against Julius not because he was her son, but because she felt that she deserved to die for betraying Sigurd.

>She felt so guilty that she wanted to die
>Still stayed with Arvis for years after that and gave him multiple children, leaving Seliph to probably die on his own
yeah ok, she was a fucking whore and she deserved to die
then to make matters worse after Arvis' death she gives a fucking boo hoo sob story about how he dindu nuffin and seliph shouldn't be happy about killing him

She couldn't leave. Deirdre was aware that she was trapped both by Arvis and by Manfroy. If she tried to leave then she'd be dragged back to Arvis or just killed. And she couldn't look for Seliph because doing that would have made Manfroy and Arvis aware of his location and they'd kill him.

She was also aware that Arvis was trapped too, but Arvis was too arrogant to realize it. That's why she didn't hate him, she only pitied him. And hated herself.

>Still stayed with Arvis for years after that and gave him multiple children

literally the most fucked up family i've ever heard of.

yeah I'm sure she pitied him while he was railing her every night

Julius and Julia are fraternal twins. But only really Arvis and Julia were happy.

According to Kaga the relationship in that family is fucked up because we're not supposed to see Deirdre and Arvis together as a good thing.

A surprising amount of units from Gen 1 survive the Belhalla crisis. Lewyn is later killed by Manfroy, Tailtu is killed by Hilda, Fury dies from an illness, I think, Brigid becomes Eyvel and I think Arvis doesn't kill his brother, but I may be misremembering.

I have a soft spot for Archanea and Jugdral because of how much shit goes down and how many royal families get iced in the crossfire
War really fucked them up good

Actually considering that Julia and Julis are twins and ones that she was pressured to have, it's actually likely that the moment Julia and Julius were born the sex stopped all together.

>Implying Deidre even got wet after the murder of Sigurd
Julia and Julius, twins, were already conceived by the time of Sigurd's death. I seriously doubt they fucked much afterwards, leading Arvis to vent his sexual frustration on his general.

I'm curious is this what people want when they want "old fe?"

I like it when fucked up shit happens yes. Also actual world building

3 and 4 are the only FE games with serviceable stories

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Azel lived thru the bbq, but when he tried to start a revolution in Silesse against Arvis' empire, the citizens stoned him.

I'd say 5 despite some flaws due to being rushed and PoR also have good stories.

does 3 has a fucked up MC like 4?

>Azel lived thru the bbq, but when he tried to start a revolution in Silesse against Arvis' empire, the citizens stoned him.
Azel was killed by Manfroy before he could confront Arvis and call him out and put a stop to his bs.

I know this is bait but, partially, yes. I do like a well established continent with various families struggling for power as if it was 1800s Europe. The complex character dynamics serve a lot to elevate the story beyond what it was. For example, having Reptor, of Freege, as the ultimate Gen 1 baddie, betrayed by Arvis and maybe even killed by his troops (depending on how you played), was great and seeing how the house of Freege develops in Gen 2 as Arvis'/Julius' lackeys, with the eventual death of a reluctant and quite honestly, tired, Ishtar putting an end to what was once a revered bloodline with the power of dragons is great world building (Tilly only has minor blood so no one will ever be able to wield Mjolnir anymore, effectively fucking the Freege over).

I wish FE3 had more interesting politics stuff at the end, being forced to work under Hardin's rule before Marth and Jeigan go nuclear was great. Shame it just goes "LMAO DRAGONS" at the end.

3 is the sequel to FE1, which is Marth's story.

Marth doesn't reach Sigurd levels of Tragedy, but starting from Book 2, Marth is forced to follow the orders of a sadistic man and implied rapist at the orders of the Archanean Empire, starting with killing his friend from Book 1 and kidnapping children.

I'd say RD has a good attempt at a story, with the whole Daein vs Crimea conflict, and the player supposedly being torn between who they should cheer for, but the Dawn Brigade is such a pile of shit the whole thing never delivers what it sets out to do.

>5's plot

>leaf runs around doing nothing
>doesn't grow as a person in any way, as evidenced by his fe4 interaction with travant being the same shit as reidrick in fe5
>final boss is a literally who that the player couldn't give a flying fuck about
>no supports to shit to give character to units, some characters don't have a single piece of dialogue
Yeah no, and PoR is just the jerk off of Ike the mary use

>killing his friend from book 1
I think you mean watching his friend BLOW HIMSELF UP

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I'd love a FE6 remake that makes Roy more of a character

Or a 7 remake that makes Mark a character but not one that fights. Just someone that influences branching and gets some PoR style supports inbetween chapters. Maybe just let him support Lyn and some other characters that have no direct connection to 6.

Let me fuck a morph too

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if you play PoR perfectly, Ike can kinda come off as a Mary Sue. The game is better experienced as your first FE with the player and thus Ike making mistakes along the way and suffering the consequences along the way. youtube.com/watch?v=WycSpPhMGhw

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The dragon degeneration concept though is super interesting. Archanea is great

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The best thing about morphs is you don't need to worry about blowing your load freely inside them

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It's interesting but it was already done in Gaiden and the ending is basically just the same as FE1's. Hardin is a much more fitting final boss, at least he has a fucking great boss theme. Shame the remixes in FE12 butchered most of the FE3 songs.

I feel like Marth is underrated as a protagonist, he goes through a lot of shit in FE3 and has a decent character arc. His talks with Jeigan are great, shame they shit all over that in FE12 with the steaming pile of dragon shit that is Kris, who steals most of Marth's and Jeigan's accomplishments in FE3.

also hardin in smash when

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If they ever do remake FE4 and 5 (they never will) then I hope that there are some bonus chapters where you play as the Lopt cultists doing false flags and providing muscle to help kill Kurth, attack Darna and assassinate that king of Agustria among other such dastardly acts.
Bonus points for the MC of those chapters dying in a glorious last stand for the sake of the cause (and being remembered by absolutely nobody in history because they're all dead too)

>but it was already done in Gaiden
Yeah but Gaiden is a complete piece of shut

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Quick lore question, 4 takes place before 1 and 3, right? Since the dragons that came to Darna to give the crusaders their weapons are still sane and that wasn't that long ago.

more PoR examples.
As for FE5, Leif goes through personal growth as he goes from a brash brat that stupidly gets loved ones like Eyvel and Nanna in danger due to his impulsivity and letting overconfidence get to him letting Dorias die by biting off more than he can chew to someone more controlled and and understanding of the world, retaking Leonster and starting to retake the rest of Thracia, on his way to defeat Travant.

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where was it said morphs can't bear children?

In the hidden true ending of FE4 you get to see a small scene of the Loptor church in Yied now surrounded by a lush forest, implying that Seliph took ghost daddy's advice and let the Loptor church practice their non-child sacrificing rituals in peace. So the Loptor church actually survives.

I won't deny that gameplay wise, but I think some parts of Gaiden's story are neat.

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Brendan was destroying her tight morph pussy with his BWC and he couldn't knock her up so it's probably safe to spunk inside her

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Lawrence was based, but Samto was the most based character from Yea Forums plays FE3.

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It's gonna be hard to ever see these when it is near impossible to fail in PoR even your first run though

I think that they're trying to figure out how to include an avatar. Which is kinda hard when they can't make him Sigurd's BFF. And if there are support conversations and avatars then everyone will just end up hating Arvis.

I lost Rhys and Soren on their join maps my first time playing.

Literally fucking how. Maybe if it was manic mode where it spams random enemies in every direction but I doubt you did that

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Actually it's surprisingly easy, that's why they do things like give the character that's supposed to be OP with magic the worst tome to limit the player. And why Ike has a late storyline promotion and why they take away Shinon and Gatrie.

You just know they'll turn Oifaye into an avatar.

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it was my first FE, plz no bully. I was semi-aware you were supposed to ironman these games, so I rolled with it. Volke died in the desert, and I forget who else died if anyone did.

Soren, Shinon and Gatrie are all shit and aren't even considerable besides Soren's ability to use Siege tomes. When the game gives you Oscar, Titania, and Boyd you have to fall asleep to die while playing

Nah, he's a dude in a story with strong husbando game.

well yeah, they didnt die. Rhys and Soren did.

I tried a bunch of FE games, I even got to the final boss in Eirika's game but the story in FE games are really generic. Is it only Sigurd's story that's remotely interesting in the entire FE franchise?

Maybe she just magic'd the cum out because she thought he was disgusting

I meant like MC Loptman being totally forgotten because all his enemies and cultists in the immediate area are dead too

Soren is good if you use him right. And when you start out the game Shinon and Gatrie are broken.

Not him, but people in these threads tend to forget how stupid everyone is the first time they play FE games. I remember playing FE7 for the first time and having to reset once or twice in the fucking Lyn tutorial just because I didn't even know what those numbers on the battle forecast meant. Then I had to reset a bunch throughout Eliwood normal mode as I slowly figured out how things were calculated. Hell, even by the end of that game I didn't know exactly how attack speed worked and what was deciding who doubled and who didn't. I feel like that's actually how the game was designed to be played (at least on normal) since the game is almost painfully easy once you understand the mechanics.

Soren is useful because of his high magic stat staff utility and siege tome utility. His only set back is the fact that he starts with wind tomes.

FE isn't really designed around ironman at all, there's a lot of retarded factors in play besides Shadow Dragon

Yeah since he can use Siege tomes and straight up skip entire maps. a archer and a knight who can't one round aren't broken at all, Titania is broken

please delete that picture

No, FE3 exists. That's about it

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The early games are, where a major mistake would just run you the risk of losing one unit. The problem is that people if you DON'T ironman these, they become pathetically easy after a few maps (since your units are just getting stronger and stronger and not being cycled out) and people complain about this. So in the newer games, major mistakes will often cost you two or three units. And they're usually good ones.

FE12 changes it to the implication that he ran himself through his own sword.

FE4 probably has one of the most expansive stories in the series, but it does pull "muh dragons" in the end.

>not sparing Ishtar
I wish she had ending dialogue

Just another thing that makes FE12 shittier than FE3.

We can all agree Mia is best girl, correct?

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>le genki shit

I mean sure but there's more factors at play, like using a unit may be required to get another unit but now you have no way to get that unit because that specific unit(s) die, or the way to get units are insanely cryptic and they don't give you a single hint at what to do. SD dodges this problem with the tons of filter units, Gaidens, and disposable units meaning you are always at maximum deployment slots.

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Yeah no, FE3 plays like ass.

>Does not like Genki sword sexual

If it wasn't for that fucking Avatar, I would consider FE12 superior.

Bing Bing Wayu~

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Literally fucking how? She blocks the road to Grannvale in a tight ass corridor.

I'll take some clunkyness over completely shitting all over the story with Kris and making star shards less fun. Someone should make a patch to remove Kris from the game.

This, I can put up with the shittier star shards and other choices but Kris not only ruins the story but also the balance, it's easy to break the game with them.

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Where does she spawn again, was it with the pegasus cunts? I don't think there's any 1 tile chokepoint on that map. Anyway, I just silence her.

well, in the secret openings he raped arvis almost to death, deirdre healed arvis
in the manga sigurd dropped tyrfing

>yfw In FE4 remake the super secret difficult side quest of the final battle is to get Altena to kiss Arion and marry at the end

>Someone should make a patch to remove Kris from the game.
That would mean having to rewrite or erase the assassin sub-plot as well.

There's no one tile chokepoint, you're right. Still, whatever she hits, she's almost guaranteed to kill, with some exceptions, like almighty Ced, who wrecks her so yeah, your only option is to silence her. Had never even considered it since I usually saved it for status inducing tomes.

self insert protags are the biggest cancer of FE
I could at least tolerate it in fe7 since you're just the tactician and at least some nuthugger like Ike isn't getting all the glory

What are your sources for this?


Yeah, Kris is actually pointless. He's actually one of the worst avatars.

>Altena and Arion
>Quan has to look on from the heavens as his daughter fucks the son of the man who murdered him, his wife, and destroyed Leonster
How about no?

>some clunkyness
FE3 is easy, poorly designed hell of a game that breaks all the rules of balance. Even HM 12 is light years of base 3 let alone fucking lunatic that constantly rises in difficulty. They improved the worthless boosts that were star shards to a more moment-to-moment gameplay mechanic with static stat boosters that could mean the difference from life and death. The only thing that 3 does better than 12 is having weapon weight but that shit might as well not exist with Kaga's massive sword bias.

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No, Kaga's interview.

Not really in the games I'm talking about. If I wasn't clear, the games I'm talking about are the Kaga games. The only one I'm not sure of is FE5, which I haven't played yet, and I wouldn't be surprised if it had what you're talking about out the wazoo since it was literally made to sell guides (this is on-record). But in FE4, there are very very few units who you even recruit from the enemy side at all, and the ones you do recruit are either done with your lord or someone else you were given for free on that same map. In FE2 there weren't any missable characters at all. This only leaves 1 and 3, and let's be real here, how many recruitable enemies in those games that aren't recruited by Marth are even good? Your number one recruiter is Caeda, and she gets you Castor (alright), Navarre (probably the best one here), Roger (why even), Jake (only good in the post-Kaga remake), and Lorenz (see Roger). Early FEs did not have very many recruitable enemies who turned out to be exceptionally good units. Most of your valuable allies were either recruited from villages or given to you at the start of a map.

Yeah that was one thing Kaga did it was make the first gen get revenge in their murderers by proxy.

It was his fault for being an idiot.

>erase the assassin sub-plot as well
This idea just keeps getting better and better.

Actually, Travant betrayed Quan.

Difficult does not necessarily equal good, and easy does not necessarily equal bad.

I anything, Ethlyn was an idiot for
a) coming along
b) Bringing fucking Altena along
If she had stayed with Finn and Leif, they'd all be alive for Gen 2. Quan is in no way acting stupidly by going to aid Sigurd. You're speaking with hindsight on your side, but think on what really happened. It'd be the same as Germany expecting France to suddenly attack them when they went to aid Austria-Hungary just because they don't have good relations.

Lachesis is the biggest whore in all of fire emblem

It really does actually, if you aren't thinking in a tactics game the developers have failed at their job and didn't succeed with what a video game is

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Mindbreak Lachesis!

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>Trabant gets to watch as his daughter fucks his son and signs away Thracia's independence permanently
It's perfect for FE4

How so? She never fucked Eldigan, was apparently ok with him having a wife and son and even settled with someone else and had children of her own. Also, her promote is great, fuck off.

I liked the story for Path of Radiance... That's about it. That's why I find it funny when FE fags argue over which games have a better story. They're all mostly just generic shit.

>Fucked Beowulf who was obviously in it for only the pump and dump
>Fucks Finn later
>Then fucks off completely

FE3 succeeds because it tells its story through map design. When Marth is supposed to be running for his life from his once-close friends, every map feels like an escape map. When he is being attacked by dragons from every angle, it definitely feels that way. When he starts his assault on Castle Archanaea, it feels like you're desperately just breaking through the enemy lines and making a mad dash for Hardin. All of this is done without any objectives other than seize. I think that's pretty good game design.

That's actually a big pitfall with Genealogy. It's easy to say that certain gen 1 characters could have done using hindsight but at the time in the story the answer wasn't obvious.

For instance if Deirdre had stayed in Sigurd's castle and not left to surprise him then Manfroy would never have found her, or if Sigurd had introduced Deidre to the court as his wife then Manfroy would have been fucked if she suddenly got amnesia and Arvis claimed her as his wife.

You could have just paired her with Finn and go the canon route, you know. Still, who cares, Diamud and Nanna are eh units who don't live up to their mother. Ares is the true heir of Agustria, that fucking stud with his slutty dancer waifu.

He's pretty dumb to cross a desert if your horses can't walk through it for shit

Beowulf and then Finn is the canon route though I thought

Lachesis was looking for her son but Manfroy found her and turned her to stone.

you better run Prince Marth or heads will roll.

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FE3 does have good map design, that's why FE12 is so good. It just doesn't complement the poor balance and retarded design choices like WAIT being the first option instead of STAFF and ATTACK which all Kaga games fall into, the dismounting bug, the madly lack of QoL even for a snes game, etc

That didn't stop Sigurd, Noish, Alec, Lex, Midir, Lachesis and Beowulf from going through that desert, annihilating everyone in their path, conquering a castle in the middle of it, and still arriving with enough strength to take on Reptor. Quan was literally blindsided by an army that wasn't supposed to be there, since, as I recall, they had a truce. Once again, hindsight is 20/20.

>that bridge chapter
Fuck, probably one of the most intense chapters in all of FE.

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Keep in mind that Kaga expressly designs his games to be ironmanned. FE3 is stupid easy because he expects that if you keep abusing one broken character, you're going to lose them eventually, if only due to sheer dumb luck. This also means that he couldn't punish every mistake by killing half of the player's army (which is the most likely result in FE12). I'm not saying that FE12 is bad from a gameplay perspective (it's probably the most intense game in the series on lunatic/reverse), what I'm saying is that it and FE3 are very very different games.

This. FE3 would benefit from another remake that removes Kris and includes book 1, and has art and remixes that aren't shit. The original songs in 12 were good though.

It's Deirdre.

It was a well done chapter. Have some music

Well there's really no way to lose Palla and Catria in FE3 unless it's a random archer that spawns.

Catria has shit defence and HP in the early-game, so a miscalculation (or critical hit) can pretty easily down her at least near the beginning. You're absolutely right about Palla though. But again, Kaga expected that people would just keep on playing if that random archer spawned in and dropped the best unit in the game. He was wrong to expect that, but that's how the game was designed.

>pull Julia in Heroes
>cute, like her art
>see Deidre get announced
>she’s cute as well, the two must be related
>read this thread
>Deidre is involved in a brainwash NTR plot straight out hentai and Julia is the product
What the fuck man.

Seliph X Lakche > other Seliph pairings

I like Seliph and Tine more.

Deidre got kidnapped and brainwashed when she was on her way to Sigurd to perform coitus.

>there's really no way to lose Palla and Catria
yeah, about Catria...

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If FE4 gets remade, expect the Seliph x Julia pairing to become an ascended glitch.

Who? Is that Larcei? Lana? Is there a new translation I'm not aware of?

Catria only 2 HP less than Palla with a high growth and 1 less defense and due to the low enemy stats in 3 it takes a while before she can go down

That's book 1, though.

It's Larcei

FE3's soundtrack is underrated. At least it gets remixed in Smash.

>losing fucking Oguma in any Book

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Actually, they're more likely to fix the glitch and give Selipha different girl with major Naga blood to marry.

Not him, but in my playthrough of FE1, I lost Ogma to a random crit in the Gra chapter. It happens.

Yeah but let's not get distracted by Seliph. Everyone knows the true FE4 OTP is Shannan x Patty.

>new translation
not quite

Oh right, I'm retarded. At least we revived everyone in book 2.

He got out-merc'd and crit. So did Narvarre.

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The chances of this game getting a remake

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Lakche is the original romanization of her name

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High. The Echoes director said he wants to remake this one next if given the choice.

Nakanishi remaking FE6 is the worst possible scenario that could happen

>Losing all these units
>Not losing the randos in the jail cell in that one early game chapter
Not even gonna ask how.

I wasn't there, but Warp Staff probably.

Huh, I stand corrected, then. Still, Larcei is for Ulster. Gotta keep Isaach pure, brothers.

was echoes a good game?

>Wasting an FE3 book 1 Warp use on those scrubs
That chapter has a much better use of the warp staff to get the chests.

Nah, they seem too loyal to obscure glitches (like how Nosferatu kills Duma) to just up and remove it.

Please don't. This thread is good. We don't need him.


His philosophy would actually work to FE6's benefit.

Speaking of Warp in FE3
>Those two chests in the second-to-last map holding Aum and Hammerne
>Literally cannot be obtained unless you Warp someone to their area
>If you don't have a Rescue staff, they're effectively trapped for good

Yeah but the point in Genealogy is that there is no positive depiction of brother sister incest.

Define good game. It's a very high fidelity remake, to the point that it plays nearly as badly as Gaiden so in that sense, it fails as a remake, since it doesn't improve upon its predecessor's faults. Mila's Turnwheel is probably the best addition to the game. That said, art direction is stellar and the OST is great.

>Kaga admitted that he fucked up with Gaiden's maps and that he would want to fix them in a remake
>So Nintendo gets a guy who loves Gaiden so much that he refuses to change the maps
I wish Kaga never left.

Hey look I at least got everyone in book 2 alive at the end after I revived Cain and Bantu in the final chapter. I forget how most of those guys died in book 1 anyway, I remember Astria held off same-turn reinforcements so the rest of the army could survive, I think it was on the Camus chapter.

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But user, they're HALF brothers.

>FE12 lunatic doesn't give you a warp staff
>those chests are basically just decoration at that point
Fucking why?

>Tfw this is the same guy that's the most manly looking unit in gen 2
is this from the manga?

I think I might like this glitch

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So long as the actual sex isn't shown, nobody really cares, let alone the ESRB. At worst, it gets a T for Suggestive Themes, as per the FE norm.

>wasting when you get 2 for 14 uses total and the Hammerne staff

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>Mage with 10,000 Gold: "I am growing stronger"

that's certainly not the point

No the fuck it wouldn't, he would keep the flaws of FE6 and implement shitty mechanics

Again the point of Genealogy is that they're is no positive brother sister incest.

An unintended glitch that goes against the world building is different from a fun gameplay glitch. Especially when they're likely to give them support conversations.

I'm going to Japan on June and plan on buying a Cipher boxset just to own some of these artworks. I was planning on getting the FE4 Gen 1/FE6 boxset, user, don't make this decision more difficult for me!

Then just give them the equivalent of an A+ support.

So you won't be able to use them.

Yeah but they won't be able to S Support and therefore can't marry.

Cipher artwork is great, especially for a cutie like Lena

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Exactly. The point is that despite the lore and mechanics saying otherwise, being able to support Seliph and Julia is a well-known glitch. The achievement itself will no doubt remain, even if it is altered a tad to better fit in the game's established storyline.

A shame. Aum strats are some of my favourites in the series.

Fire emblem where you had a brother and sister who got seperated at birth but didn't realise it when they meet again in your army. You could let them marry, then when the second generation comes around the same things happens to their kids and you can have them marry again. I think it was a priest and mage, don't remember which Fire emblem it was though.

It was Sigurd’s ultimate punishment for being the ultimate unit

Claude (priest) and Sylvia (dancer) from FE4, though I don't recall Lene and Coirpre being able to marry as well.

But it's likely that all siblings will be able to support. But it won't be like the original glitch since they won't be able to marry.

According to Kaga there aren't any other sibling couples besides Arvis and Deirdre that's why that relationship is always portrayed negatively.

They don't need to marry, just to support. What matters is the achievement on account of the difficulty involved.

>Sylvia: “Hello, Reverend Claud!”
>Claud: “Hm? And who might you be?”
>Sylvia: “I’m Sylvia.”
>Claude: “Miss Sylvia? What seems to be the problem? Did you run across some bandits, perhaps?”
>Sylvia: “…What?”
>Claud: “Well, it’s just that… I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’re in your underwear.”
>Sylvia: “Huh!? Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a dancer before! This is my dancin’ outfit. It’s jus’ like you wearin’ a robe.”
>Claud: “Is that so? But, you must be awfully cold.”
>Sylvia: “Not at all. I’m burnin’ up in this. You see, my heart is on fire!”
>Claud: “Dancing is that enjoyable, is it?”
>Sylvia: “Yes! I want to do it for the rest of my life!!”
>Claud: “Really? How do your parents feel about that?”
>Sylvia: “I’m an orphan. This man took me in when I was real little, an’ raised me to be a dancer. But he was really mean! He would hit me when I didn’t even do anythin’. Anyway, I had enough, and I left him last year for good!”
>Claud: “That’s horrible! I feel for you. You see, I have a younger sister. If she’s still alive, she’d be around your age.”
>Sylvia: “You have a sister?”
>Claud: “Yes. But she was abducted when she was just a baby. I’ve been searching for her all these years, but still no sign of her.”
>Sylvia: “Ohhh! I bet your sister is real elegant an’ beautiful an’ all. Nothin’ like me.”
>Claud: “That’s not true! I find you very attractive, and you have a grace all of your own.”
>Sylvia: “Really!?”
>Claud: “Of course. I’d never tell a lie.”
>Sylvia: “Wow! No one’s ever said anythin’ so nice to me! Er.. I feel funny inside… You are… so kind!”

>All that
>He has major Braggi holy blood and she has minor

Maybe Kaga didn't approve it, but one of the writers certainly went there.

Yeah but then I realize the FE1 boxset could get me Doga, Castor or Wendell and all desire to buy an FE1 boxset dies within me.

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>There are people who consider Claud and Silvia siblings, as well as people who don’t. However, I intended for them not to be siblings. There aren’t any consanguineous marriages in this game*; the only exception is Deirdre and Arvis, but that’s why their marriage was painted in a negative light.–Shouzou Kaga, from the Genealogy of the Holy War Fan Special

Also pic related from the offical book

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Japan is obsessed with Luck

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FE4 has two mangas actually. Thats from the gag manga(as opposed to the shoujo one).

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They have the same holy blood and their background story matches up. They're brother and sister.

>retard-kun's fight against Hardin and Nyna in World of Light where Nyna just went straight to the bottom and killed herself
the toppest of zozzles, holy shit

>Eldigan and Lachesis are half brothers
You what now? Where do they allude to this in-game?

It's unlikely that it would be difficult.

That actually makes me mad. Not because I need incest in muh vidya to enjoy it, but like, why would you put a conversation in the game dripping with so much goddamn subtext and then later say "I have no idea where you got that idea, you bunch of perverts."

>the shoujo one
The shoujo one made me love Lex x Ayra and Ethlyn. It's fucking great.

What game should I play from I-V? I love the GBA games. I heard the SNES games have masochistic difficulty.

Well they're meant to be cousins and likely we were supposed to find the sister's corpse or some shit.

Don't play the NES games. If you absolutely must, get the remakes.

user you do know that cousins are a thing right?

>There aren’t any consanguineous marriages in this game
He says while pairing Shannan and Larcei gives Shannan a strength boost in the last chapter, obviously painting it as something positive.

>Ike the mary sue
You mean PoR Ike "mary sue", the one that cannot defeat the Black Knight except when he intentionally gimps himself? The "Mary Sue" that is a terrible strategist and would fuck up were it not for Titania and Soren, terrible at handling the Mercs' finances,? Perhaps the "mary sue" that isn't immune to the Medallion and needs to hire an assasin more capable than him as a killswitch, instead of being born with that immunity like Mist? The very same mary sue that gains favor with the queen of Crimea because the ENTIRE mercenaries prove their worth, instead of just him?
It's gary stu, btw, And the definition is:
>A fictional character whose implausible talents and likeability weaken the story.
Now, what exactly is likeable about Ike that is not present in Titania, and what exactly is implausible about the son of the best general of Daein, being groomed since childhood to wield a sword? Aether?
RD was doing great, but had its flaws that avoided it being on the level of 3 and 4's story. PoR was fine. Filled with tropes, but every character had its glaring flaws. Perhaps Elincia was the only one that was "perfect".

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that we get a good "lies and treason" story again. Better move on to less mainstream series.

Don't listen to , FE1 is a fine game in its own right, just make sure you play it on an emulator with a speed-up function because it's slow as balls. It's incredible to me how good the core design of that game is, and how long it took IS to recapture that.

Huh, I thought Gandolf and Kinbois were Jamka's brothers, not uncles.

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You got memed, none of the snes games are hard. 5 is just trial and error bullshit. That said don't bother with the NES games they are slow, clunky, and boring as fuck, just play 3/11/ and 12. 3 removes stuff from FE1 but 11 adds it all back in.

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4 is kinda tedious but if you want to understand why Sigurd is considered one of the best units play that

Nips only consider brother sister, parent-child, or grandparent child to be incest.

4 is just tedious,
5 as said is very trial and error without a guide and 3 is good on it's own

Only Thracia 776 is all that difficult and even then then you can use its own brokenness against it.
FE4 is on the same level as Awakening when it comes to empty fields and units that can slaughter entire armies. That said you can be somewhat screwed over if you don't know how the inheritance system works.
FE3 has a few nasty chapters but nothing that someone who has played the GBA games can't handle(except maybe the wyverns with 2 range attack)

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Yeah iirc they basically fully embraced cousin incest in Awakening and added in “companions” for the west.
Although Morgan could normal S support her uncle if you S support Lucina who has a brother.

Wait a minute, why would anyone play FE1 instead of FE3, or FE2 instead of Echoes? Why on earth would you recommend this, when FE3 is a straight-up upgrade to FE1? I can (barely) understand why you'd recommend FE2 instead of Echoes, but it's still a very weak argument, since you're never forced to use special skills.

Because the maps of the original game are designed around its archaic mechanics and start to fall apart as you add more conveniences to the mix. Nearly every map has an armoury and a store because the devs knew that it's a miserable experience to take and drop things off at the convoy. Since you can't send items directly to the convoy, they could feel safe including secret shops that sold unlimited stat boosters, as someone carrying the gold card, the silver card, and a weapon would only be able to carry a single item. The Lefcandis map is better designed, as it doesn't trick new players into thinking Minerva is going to attack them (she swerves off before she gets into attack range of the player's army). I have other points, but this post is getting long.

>You mean PoR Ike "mary sue", the one that...
He didn't gimp himself at all.
>the "Mary Sue" that is a terrible strategist...
Considering he leaves it to them and never even bothers coming up with his own plans that literally never fail this isn't a flaw and his merc tests are passed with flying colors, no. The game always flips this to either turn out that it don't hurt him at all, or end up helping him. Or people just give him a free pass, the game just kinds of ignore his "flaw" so they don't really come across as flaws. He is placed in charge of a band of mercenaries at age 17 despite no experience because of nepotism (but he's not a noble, we promise!) and the game expecting us to take his side instead of that of Shinon and Gatrie, the former of whom is painted with a large brush of negative traits (racist, drunk, money-grubber)
>Perhaps the "mary sue" that...
That is more of Greils thing, and a safety precaution
>The very same mary sue that gains favor with the queen..
No the merc who does everything right and has zero consequences for his actions. The merc who doesn't have "flaws" because they never stop him in anyway and has no consequences for his actions since the plot bends over backwards for him to always be in the right. His situation is "doesn't know much" in general. Which has no effect when he gets free passes for using the word "sub-human" in Gallia, or gets constant aid from much better warriors while still getting the credit because "he's new to the business", gets a ton of respect from people he never saw for no real reason, etc. The same merc who doesn't have any morally questionable battles or difficult choices. Everyone he ever fights is always in the wrong and he is always in the right and always has strong ties and allies with the good side of the conflict. Everyone who disagrees with him is evil, deluded, misguided, sold their soul to the devil or any combination of the four. He never does anything wrong basically.

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4 starts off super easy and stays that way until you are more than acquainted with the game to slowly become casually difficult

FE3 doesn't have all the characters of FE1 in Book 1, and FE11 looks like 3D ass and has a retarded reclass system that doesn't make any sense lore wise

4 is great and also pretty easy for the most part. Only the last chapter gave me trouble.

Basically there's never been a good version of FE1 despite all the remakes of it

I thought he just said he wanted to remake the older games and not 6 specifically.

Just like how there hasn’t been a truly good Fire Emblem game

Am I suppose to be able to beat Conquest without anyone dying and no dlc?

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you should try Warriors, it's pretty good despite running of a shit engine, shit graphics, bad roster and wasted potential

I mean it’s possible but it’s alright to a unit die here or there

>He never does anything wrong basically.

Yeah dude except getting his fucking dad murdered.

>The Lefcandis map is better designed, as it doesn't trick new players into thinking Minerva is going to attack them
FE11 has Minerva stay in a singular spot. And in 3 you can warp right to Maria with Marth

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Roy was already one of the most interesting characters in Elibe

He dad was going to die regardless if he wasn't there? He's fighting a blessed Sword Armor so he's at WTD

Yes. It takes place a long while before FE1.

I merely jest user

Lefcandis Gauntlet. The map where you get Bantu, not the one where you recruit Minerva. Nah, in her recruitment map, I'm pretty sure you have to warp-abuse if you want to "accidentally" attack her first.

Yeah, it's not that hard since Zero can capture units that end up better than yours

oh, well even in that. She flys off on right on the start of turn 2

you mean the woman who killed herself after regaining her memories?

Too true

I distinctly remember her doing in FE3 the same thing she does in Shadow Dragon, which is fly up and pose menacingly in a position that makes it look like she has her pick of your army, while sitting right in range of a mage with tome effective against flyers. Am I misremembering?

Literally nothing about FE4 is difficult other than the pegasus sisters in Final

Deidre never regained her memories she just found out that she was married to Sigurd and wanted to kill herself for betraying him even though sher couldn't remember him.

And then Julius decided it was time to kill her and Julia both. Deirdre barely got Julia warped to safety, then stood ready to accept her death.

And even then you can cheese them with Ced, Ares, Leif and Seliph ganging up on them.

No she flys up but doesn't attack the player in SD and in 3 leaves at the start of turn 2.

Fuck, I guess it's been too long. I think my other two points still stand though.

>FE11 looks like 3D ass and has a retarded reclass system that doesn't make any sense lore wise
So? It's still the best version of FE1 and the reclassing and higher difficultly gives the game more depth.

They should have just made a new game if they wanted to have that kind of system in, dragging FE1 into was just going to make people hate it

Only blind purists would hate they made FE1 playable.

That only takes out one, maybe two per turn, that's hardly cheese, and what really makes them scary is their ridiculous freedom of movement and stacked skills that can easily fuck over an unsuspecting unit on EP

I mean, I've played through FE4 twice and never really found them that hard. Just place Ced/Shannan in one's range so that she separates from the rest, leave all other units at a sensible distance. Ced/Shannan dodges due to their incredibly broken stats (Ced may even kill) and then retreat a little while the other two sisters go after you, killing them and establishing a front to fight the other units back.

How are the Kaga games like Tear Ring Saga? I've heard they're basically FE but properly done.

I suppose that's one way of doing it. Playing fast and aggressively though, with all your units advancing toward Belhalla and Velthomer, puts you on edge. To the point where it almost makes you regret not training Faval.

How difficult are the GBA titles on hard? I'm tempted to replay em and see how different they are.

TRS is probably more poorly put together than 2, 4, and 5 combined. It's also Gaidenshit too.

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7 and 8 are piss easy. 6 is night and day with normal and hard with the 3x stat growths/increase and different enemy composition.

FE6 is tough
FE7's enemies don't have stats so it drops off after early game
FE8 is a joke

The usual Kaga brand of gameplay and story integration, mixed with a frankly insane amount of worldbuilding (Tear Ring Saga and Berwick Saga actually turn people off occasionally just from how much dialogue they have, especially near the beginning), and a huge number of special events that you won't realistically be able to see all of in one playthrough without a guide (even then, some are mutually exclusive). That said, don't use a guide, because they game is designed around the idea that the player only gets some of the crazy broken personal weapons. If you get all of them, it'll be mind-numbingly easy by the end.

Yeah, Fevail is good against them. That said, I usually pair up Brigid with some useless character like Noish, Alec or Midir, so Fevail ends up being mediocre statwise. Good thing the Yewfelle makes up for that.

yewfelle is literally the worst holy weapon. The damn thing gives a +10 speed boost when it weighs fucking 13. So I don't regret not using him too badly when there's still Lester and Leif when you need bow damage.

It has its ups and down, but I'd say it's a game worth giving a try.

It seems a lot better when you think of it for what it effectively is: A bow with the accuracy of iron that weighs 3 and has 40 might (30 + 10 str).

Compared to other holy weapons, even other bows like the Killer Bow, it's just not impressive. And I'm even less impressed now that I recall effective damage doesn't work against the pegasus sisters anyway, Faval is absolute chump change.

At least with its 30 mt Yewfelle can make the arena super easy, (it's not like he's going to get experience any other way

>6 is pretty tough
>Hector Hard Mode trails off
>Use Seth lol