>Dishonored 2
What in the goddamn hell were they thinking with this sequel and the pisswater quality plot?
Dishonored 2
My ex gf was called Emily so for that reason I hate dishonored 2
Wait until you play Death of the Outsider where you play as literally a stronk empowered negress.
They were thinking about how to improve every single gameplay aspect from the first game.
Sorry to hear your fixation on stories soured it for you.
Maybe read a book next time.
Other than the main villain being a rehash its the better game.
>pisswater quality plot
It's about the same quality as the first game, where I could not give less of a fuck when any of the boring fucking characters were blabbing.
A better question would be why they chose to switch to an engine that runs much worse and is much less responsive than the old one.
bethesda meddling?
Dishonored 1 is objectively superior.
The gameplay is literally worse, feels clunky, non responsive, and overall sluggish not aided by the shit level layouts and new enemies.
>but i want to play a new dishonored story featuring a new interesting character and new amazing powers
Then play knife of Dunwall you degenerate.
> a game designed to be stealthy assassin who rip and tear his/her enemies.
> if you want to get the good ending you have to go on non-lethal way with your enemies who betray you.
What a joke.
You can literally kill all of the main targets and still get the good ending. You can kill around 2-3 people each level and keep a low chaos rating. Stop basing your opinions off of memes and actually play the games you shitpost about
>feels clunky, non responsive, and overall sluggish not aided by the shit level layouts and new enemies.
Nice fluff you wrote there m8. Try again maybe.
Literally countless improvements and new options present. That's not even debatable.
The only objectively superior aspect of D1 is the fucking writing, pull your head out of your dumb ass.
Way more than 2-3 actually. High chaos usually requires the player to go out of their way to kill people as much as possible.
>Game gives you all these powers, then punishes you for using them
Read you dumb faggot.
New elements don't mean anything if they are executed poorly.
Adding ketchup to water doesn't make water taste better.
these "improvements" you speak of make the game slower and more tedious. It also actually decreases the possibilities and options for the player to take.
Dishonored 1 is the objectively superior game in literally every aspect. Even the graphics are better.
I killed about 16 people during a mission and still got Low Chaos. The trick is to use the heart on the NPCs. It'll let you know in on their secrets which actually points out if they're good or bad people. Killing someone who say, aids people in charity by donating to them from his monthly guard duty earnings will earn you a shit ton of bad boy points if you decided to do kill them. If you kill someone who killed a child and their parent for example, it usually won't affect your score. Also you can make up for the bad boy points and even get rid of some of them by taking the non-lethal approach on some of the main targets, like the ones who might actually deserve it. (that doctor Hyptia and the other guy from that time travel mansion)
>What in the goddamn hell were they thinking
They weren't. I've been in the last few Dishonored/Immersive Sim threads explaining my boling hate for D2/DotO. Gameplay is top notch, as well as some world building, but literally everything else is way, way worse. And don't get me started with The Outsider and Daud's character murder. I blame Raphaël Colantonio working on PREY instead of Dishonored and Harvey Smith being a little bit too much in love with Anita Sarkeesian.
uhhh shut up cuck! kek
>t. speedran the game and didn't bother to read books, talk with NPCs more than once or used the Heart on them
You know you're playing an Immersive Sim, right?
Who cares about the plot? I liked the original because the controls were smooth as fuck and it was fun to play.
Not like the story was some DEEP shit or anything.
If anything, there's too much plot. Just let me blink around massacring shit. Give me a sandbox mode. I don't need a story.
Are you talking about D2 only? Because in D1 the Heart lines are randomized.
If I remember correctly you need to kill more than 20% of a level's NPCs
Posts of yours also mean nothing apparently since you've replied to me once again and yet said nothing.
Very cool food analogy by the way.
Storyfags are objectively retarded.
Don't talk to me and get off my board please.
Yikes, didn't mean to hurt your feefees. Fine prefer your objectively worse game i don't care. Probably enjoy your steak well done too don't you?
Glitchy and uninspired
Played for 5 days and never touched since
Dude, I adore Dishonored. Easily Top 5, maybe even Top 3 favourite games of all time. I'm and , but even i have to admit D2's gameplay is infinitely better. You can still do everything you could in D1, just not on the maximum difficulty, at least if you expect to not save scum and live at the same time. The graphics are way better, but in a weird way: D1 had some very low textures at times no matter your settings, and while D2 looks astonishing, it really doesn't feel like the same world, you know? Like the graphics from both games don't "connect" in a cohesive way that makes it feel like the games are actually taking place in the same universe.
Also fuck Far Reach. Fuck it hard.
What are you acting smug about retard? Are you about to hit me with the classic "I was only pretending"? That would certainly crush me so you'd better not do it.
I don't know about D1 but it works in D2.
They're randomized on D2 as well but each time you reload the game it seems to give each NPC some sort of good/bad personality. I tested it once, where I killed about 4 guards that only ever did really good things and I ended up with High Chaos, where as in my other try, I killed about 12 guards that were either borderline psychopaths or just 'bad' and I got Low Chaos.
i played twice and still the game restrain you not kill because you dont have the true ending for example: killing the duke and his double and his people.
i really like the first dishonored i undestand the designer giving you the message not to kill everyone because they are simply follow orders but in this game is clearly they betray you and still the game lead you not kill.
So go fuck yourself.
Why aren't you acting smug? You have confidence problems or something?
No idea but it's still hella fun to abuse the fuck out of stopped time and clear entire areas at once
Except only the Dunwall guards betray you. The ones in Karnaca have no idea what the hell happened, just that a new Empress has been crowned.
I really hope you aren't a native English speaker or are very tired right now.
Anyway going around killing every guardsman during a plague that spreads with every corpse absolutely should give you a bad ending.
Are you one of those faggots that just replies over and over just for the sake of it?
If you're lonely call your parents or something. Willingly provoking insults on anonymous imageboards is not a substitute for human interaction.
Anyone actually enjoyed playing Emily?
Her powers just seemed so fucking shitty, I enjoyed doing a non-lethal, no powers mode playthrought with her more than I did with the powers mode.
Corvo is still the best and his powers and the most fun to fuck around with in-game.
I respond because i like responding, I do what i do because its fun. I could go talk to a friend or something, but i already had a long Monday of constant social interaction and stimulation. Right now i just feel like being alone with some of my Yea Forums buddies.
Huh, I've never heard about it. God, I just don't understand Dishonored 2/DotO. The games are so detailed, both level-wise and gameplay-wise, with huge improvements on those fronts in regards to D1. And yet, everything else, the reason why you go through those levels in the first place, the characters you interact with while doing so... it's just so fucking bad.
I think the level design in the first game was also better. I guess that's not objective but I think it's a pretty common opinion.
The levels in D2 were just way too big and for some reason all except the last 2 occurred during the day.
Just a retard sharing his retarded opinions.
>The gameplay is literally worse, feels clunky, non responsive
Have you even played the game? i prefer dishonored 1 too but The controls are better by a mile in 2
Also the level design in 2 is equal and in some aspects even better than 1
Thanks for the heads up user but you didn't actually share any opinions in your post. It's okay i will give you time, i know you are a bit slow.
What are you talking about? Script, voice acting and plot clearly had more time being worked, but the end result was something pretty shit.
You're just embarrassing yourself, brainlet.
>oh no how will my social status on this anonymous image board ever recover.
Imagine actually caring what people think of your posts lol, one would have to be a whole new tier of sad.
Let's see here you overgrown nigger, explain the specific reasons why you dislike the game, create some discussion like I did, did you really create the thread just to post some ebin Pepes?
If you didn't care you wouldn't be avatarfagging this hard trying to defend yourself.
Get some help.
stop replying to the frog fag
>like i did
There is literally not a single pro dishonored 2 post in this thread that adds anything to the conversation. Meanwhile i added many posts that enhanced the thread greatly such as
>he thinks i'm on the defense here
This isn't reddit user, i don't care one way or the other what people think of my posts. I just enjoy the (yous) and the sweet and salty replies i get from speaking the objective truth
Whatever then. Come back when you're ready to discuss D2/DotO and everything they do terribly wrong and some right here and there.
Okay here is one thing they did wrong
If you don't have fire then the only thing bloodflies do is slow you down. They are too easy to sneak around and only serve as an annoyance for Corvo.
Also Corvo shouldn't talk. Silent protagonists are superior in that they let you figure things out yourself without pointing out every dumb little detail like you are a baby in need of spoonfeeding.
Also Daud and the new government are both better antagonists than whoever that witch bitch that i already beat in the knife of dunwall was. She is a weak forgettable character.
Agree in that bloodflies should be tougher, it's easy to run to their nest and destroy it with your sword. But you're always given flammable liquid/ fire bolts whenever you're near bloodflies, so it shouldn't be a problem.
And also agree on Corvo. He's easily one of the most well made silent protagonists out there. If you give voice to a character, s/he better have something more to say than just point out the fucking obvious
>find Daud's audiograph that explains how he saved Emily from Delilah 15 years ago
>no fucking comment from neither protagonist
Bravo, Harvey
The Lord Regent + allies worked as "generic bad guys" that show you the universe of Dishonored if you dig a little bit on their characters. The Loyalists are there to showcase the game's main theme: how power corrupts.
Daud is special in that he killed the Empress, and throughout the game is shown as Corvo's equal. And he's voiced by Michael fucking Madsen.
Delilah was "good enough" for a side story. This covenant of witches that just so happened to try and rule the Empire behind the scenes while the main plot was happening. It also added another layer to Daud's character, and how he both doomed and saved the city, and no one would ever know the latter. Then they went and retconned his character in DotO.
I really thought there was going to be some kind of twist where there's a bigger bad behind the plot to take the throne.
I mean, nobody could be stupid enough to take a villain from the DLC that YOU ALREADY FUCKING DEFEATED IN SAID DLC and make her the main antagonist of an entire game.
Cause rats were such a threat in the original huh?
Rats weren't meant to be obstacles other than that one puzzle in the first mission. They were used scarcely enough and put in the right places so they didn't get annoying. The first hour of dishonored 2 had like 5 bloatfly areas and they are basically the main obstacle in that first doctor mission.
It has 2 bloodfly areas and one of them is completely optional. Since they're such a minor threat to you you shouldn't have a problem either way though right?
I'm not sure what you're complaining about.
Also no they're not the main obstacle in addermire, not even close, it's just one room that you pass through twice.
Press F for Arkane.
PREY was their swan song, it's all downhill from here boys.
I don't know what you all are talking about in this thread, but Dishonored never had an amazing plot to begin with, neither did the sequel. It's a Mario saves the Princess, shitty little excuse for a story. And that's exactly what it should be, because Dishonored is more about the gameplay. That being said, Dishonored 2 was just more of the same type of gameplay from Dishonored 1. This is also a good thing. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Both games are 8/10 games.
Yeah the story was meh and the lore was ruined, but as for level design and gameplay it was a fucking stellar as the first game.
t. replayed 1 to death and played 2 for the first time three months ago
D2 feels like a rehash t b h
Dishonored didn't need a sequel.
I don’t give a fuck. It was just as fun as the first.
Yeah, why would I want more of a great game that I've enjoyed like no other?
Why would I be interested in being a supernatural assassin exploring fantasy Havana?
Fuck you, Dishonored is the best IP that came out of it's gen, and I wish we could get a dozen games set in that world.
I guess you mean it didn't need to repeat protagonists. Dishonored's universe is big and cool enough to warrant sequels with gameplay, power and story improvements. The thing is there was no reason for Harvey to repeat plot, villain, protagonists and side characters. And then DotO killed whatever hope there was left.
Immersive sim is a single descriptor for many different games. It does not mean that the game is about hunting down the lore. You can safely play every single game that people frequently apply the descriptor to without reading the flavor text.
yeah it doesn't make much sense, they never intended to continue the series but it was so successful they had to, everything else is pretty much an objective improvement though
And if you do play every single game that people frequently apply the descriptor to without reading the flavor text, you'll probably come out of it thinking stuff like "[it] never had an amazing plot to begin with, neither did the sequel I actually agree on this one. It's a Mario saves the Princess, shitty little excuse for a story"
I don't share your excitement.
Who cares? What's truly terrible is the goddamn performance. It's shit no matter what platform you have.
After playing one of the most optimized PC ports ever with Dishonored 1, it was so goddamn disappointing to see how terrible Dishonored 2's port was.
I'm just saying that it's not wrong to play these games while ignoring the flavor text.
For many people it really doesn't make much impact either way.
Oh, yeah I agree with you, not everyone must get so invested into the story if they don't want to. That's actually one of the best things about Dishonored: all lore and story bits are completely optional, and what few cutscenes aren't, you can skip them.
Did they ever fix the piss poor state the game ran in?
chaos system is too complex for average retard gamer