Discuss, and post illegal way to watch it early
Discuss, and post illegal way to watch it early
Doesn't matter since MM2 wins every time.
It's not team based, it's a free-for-all
Now plug it into an HLS player. .EXE won
yeah it's rigged
>Exe wins since they applied to same logic the digital world has to the real one which pretty much makes him a god
Fucking hacks
They fuck up every single one of these, it's honestly amazing.
Only Splintercell man vs Solid Snake didn't feel like bullshit, but knowing their track record it just might be.
Geo was fucking robbed. He 100 percent had this in the bag. I know it's >Death battle but come on.
Wasn't the one you mentioned a retarded "Snake has the gadgets of Old Snake, but the body of MGS2 Snake", which was a bit eh if you ask me.
Shouldn't Exe be the weakest one, all things considered, since the only he could ever fight of the other megas (bar maybe Geo?) would be through a copybot, and didn't those have limitations?
How well does Geo do?
He can literally fire black holes
Is this real? I haven't checked up on DeathBattle in years
So can Rock
So can X
So what
EXE is by far the strongest, hands down
In theory yes, but they applied the same logic the Cyber world has to the real observable universe
Which is retarded in so many different ways
Ok, Geo is also made of electromagnetic energy and can escape a black hole
No. Geo fires actual black holes, as in the things in outer space that light cannot escape from.
Exe's nothing to sneeze at to be sure, but are you seriously going to tell scaled he's a straight universe buster?
Given the chance, EXE probably could too.
Yes, but like I said, if he is to fight the other "mega men", he has to enter the real world, and the only two ways to do that are to either use a copybot, or that cross fusion thing from the anime (unless I am forgetting something here), which in turn should make him considerably weaker.
Did they give any credible reason for doing so? (Though I am expecting that they didn't)
He can also cut them if that makes any sense
Dunno how he jobbed when he's the only solar system level fighter here
>inb4 ScrewAttack has Adam Tarus win against OG Vergil because he blocks summoned swords.
Being a Legendsfag sucks.
Surprise surprise, being a godly deity in the Cyberworld translates to the real world according to Death Battle. Lan and .EXE fused together (they're brother to an extent) and literally have wave a Lovecraftian monster out of existence. It's that fucking retarded.
Exe (In the Digital world) is basically a demi god with Hub.bat or similar shit. Since apparently DB applied that to the real world in the actual fight, exe wins because nobody, not even someone like Geo can do much against that kind of power.
By the way, the death timeline is Volnutt -> OG -> X (hacked by Geo) -> Geo
Yeah, but applying EXE's cyberworld prowess to the real world like that is just retarded, and DB should feel ashamed for being hacks.
>a fucking computer program
Haha Nigga Just Press The Power Button Haha Like Remove The Batteries Nigga
cant get this shit to work with VLC, any other programs that arent shit?
>Did they give any credible reason for doing so?
I mean, the tried to justify with his connection with Lan, which doesn't work the way they think it does
>push the power button
>digital entity suddenly becomes a physical entity
>said entity somehow retains his godly powers
This is most likely the reason why .EXE won: he's a dual entity who can exist in both realms
>(hacked by Geo)
Why? He doesn't run on radio waves, they could have just had Geo overpower him.
Should have known. Wouldn't be the first time they misunderstood something like that.
Ha, fuck X. They should have brought the original, perfect, and angelic wonder instead of the old has been who only has 3 good games.
>No X from megaman zero
>no zero from megaman zero
>nothing from zx or zx advent
>putting in the jobber that is legends
why even
>Adam wining anything
>No X from megaman zero
Fucking why? X from his own series is fine, 2 Xs is redundant.
>nothing from zx or zx advent
Literally who games.
>he's a dual entity who can exist in both realms
Are you literally retarded? Exe ain't shit irl without Lan throwing him or putting him into a copybot. No, the anime does not count. Even if it did he needs a fucking jetpack while Geo can turn invisible and walk on air.
>>No X from megaman zero
He's a fucking ghost. Literally, his DNA Soul or whatever left his body to corrode at a tree. It's not like he can fight, he can talk, interact with some technology and that's about it. This thing was already stupid enough, don't make it dumber.
What's the next match?
I mean the copy used as a final boss in zero 1
>not even someone like Geo can do much against that kind of power.
What the fuck are you fucking serious
>.EXE won
based and redsunned
Oh. He's not good. X would blow him up anyway. He's like X but worse pretty much.
Legends Megaman is actual dogshit, even OG MM is stronger by a mile.
ZX doesn’t even like Model X very much tho.
Once you get Z, you’re stuck with a redman who doesn’t resemble X.
Have you seen the shit Exe can do when he has PLOT on his side? Geo would absolutely get BTFO
Huh, would've expected Starforce to win
Anyone got a quick rundown of each Megaman's greatest feats?
It's a battle between Mega Men, not Zeros. Otherwise it would have been X-Zero, Zero-Zero, Zero.EXE and ZX.
>nothing from zx or zx advent
I'm assuming it's because Model X is fused with Model Z early on and they forgot you can unlock Model X again and Model A has no business being there.
CyberElf X have different abilities that could be use in combat. He literally can use mind control and great defense.
But... hub.bat is so powerful because it's using the DNA of a person (Hub) inside a computer program, which completely breaks it and allows for retardedly strong literal handwaves
if hub.bat was usable in the real world then he'd just have the DNA of a human boy and be just as easy to kill as he was previously, if not moreso because of the half HP
Nigga, we never got to see Megaman Trigger mode in Legends cus that faggot is stuck on the moon and we'll probably never see it.
They just went with who's in the final smash in Smash Bros.
That is dumb.
There is no Trigger mode, he just has what Roll makes for him.
But that means Protoman and Bass should have been in the fight aswell.
Dunno how a computer program beat this
no Finalized Noise/10
MM beat Sunstar and Ra Moon, X4-6 ultimate armor, Zero beating a powered up version of himself 3 times in a row, Volnutt putting up with Roll's bullshit, Grey defeating a powered up version of himself, Exe getting up absurdly early, and Geo going inside of a black hole to its core and defeating it.
Wish this game got remastered or remade or more games...would like BN clones too. Honestly one of my favorite battle systems.
I just want a BN collection for the Switch
Honestly I don't know why Capcom also insists on making Classic or X collections but leaving out games like & Bass or Xtreme 2
>No outside help.
>lol Mega Man can have Rush.
>lol X can be his X6 version who has the Z-saber.
>took over a minute long to beat him
Nah nobody gives a shit about those two. I played 11 and I don't even know who they are
How bout this
>needing more than 4 seconds to kill a boss
Childs play.
>EXE's speed being 60 bazillion times of the speed of light
It's called an outlier dude. I'm sure Geo and other Megamen have outlier feats too but his combat speed wouldn't be like that. Also, since when can he can just go Hub mode? I understand they measure each character at their peak, but as far as I remember in all Battle Network games he can't just turn into Hub?
So underwhelming
>but his combat speed wouldn't be like that.
>Mega Men at their peak.
>No speed and power gear.
What did they mean by this?
this thread can't die yet
>Mayl and Ciel barely got any porn even to this day
Why the fuck do they insist on using non-canon bullshit with characters? Its so annoying.
X should not be able to rebuild himself from just his core, that's retarded, and EXE should have been a fucking joke in this fight, because he cannot fuse with Lan to enter the real world, that's just more retarded shit, what would actually happen is he'd be put in a copybot and get rocked faster than Volnutt, because he wouldn't have access to anything that would make him powerful in the cyber world in the first place.
Also considering that they gave X the ability to just use the Dark Elf, why didn't they have him use it to erase EXE outright?
Begone waifufag
I expected battle network or star force Megaman too win but not by this bullshit
Also hub form can be unlocked in game
Zero-Zero is the same as X-Zero.
Yeah, Legends wins hand down.
They weren't in the final smash before Ultimate.
Rock and X don’t shoot actual black holes
*Blocks your path*
Play X8, zoom zoom.
Hasn't both MMBN and MMZ had separate events where the real world and cyber world were in danger of merging?
I don't think it's relevant to the fight itself but I thought that was interesting.
Same mind, but with the memory erased and in a different body.
So what is the next Death Battle?
What? Geo is far stronger. They better not be counting that bullshit ass SF chaper shoehorned into BN1 DS as why EXE is stronger
>they better not include game canon as canon!
Well okay then
They're counting manga bullshit.
Black Widow vs Widowmaker. Boy that does not sound exciting at all
What are some Death Battles you want? I'd be interested in Sauron vs Archaon vs Arthas Menethil.
Super Saiyan God Ultra Instinct God Goku vs Superman
Oh boy, can't wait for Widowmaker to asspull a victory so rooster teeth can avoid a lawsuit from Blizzard
>Implying Marvel money wouldn't win out in the end
>Flutter vs Gescellschaft wasn't played in Volnutt's analysis
they wish they were getting paid by marvel, they have absolutely no budget for this shit
Weren't later Battle Network villains merging both the digital and real world?
Alucard from Castlevania vs Alucard from Hellsing
Archaon would fucking win. No doubt on that.
I mean endgame Geo losing to early EXE is still canon
So whens Goku vs Superman 3?
Belmont Battle Royale
Never ever
The one time they were offered payment was from a Pizza company telling them to do a Sausage vs Pepperoni match on email
To quote Chad/Boomstick "Never in a million years"
Only because Geo has to go easy, they literally say that if he went all out and killed EXE, they'd massively fuck up the timeline.
Video games?
Tiesel's ship is junk anyway, what else is new
And EXE was holding back as well
You can't quantify that if they're both holding back.
Its probably just an Algorithm Match or one of their animators wanted to make it/see it get made
Frank vs Leon only came to be because Torrian wanted to see it
Julius would win because of how the warlord genes work.
>holds back against a stronger opponent
It checks out.
Left 4 Dead 1 Survivors vs Nemesis-T Type
Gotta lose on purpose, so you don't fuck up the timeline.
Probably just wanted to show off him beating the Mother Elf and Geo has possessed machinery
>Another fucking Marvel character
No he wasn't, EXE went all out, Geo was the only one holding back.
classic beat x? excuse me while i'll go to punch something.
Classic died before X did though.
They said this match was another reason why they dropped the FIGHT text
Its just like the people who say monika from DDLC is a god because she can control her own computer program which is cannonically just a computer program
No, Classic was the second to die, X was the third.
Read that again.
No he didn't
He tries to take X out with him only for X to recover after the black hole exploded
Weren't later Battle Network villains fucking with both the real and digital worlds simultaneously?
Get it!? Because they both have "Widow" in their titles!
should been black window vs black cannery.
They're also female European assassins that got fucked over mentally
another reason to be disappointed by it. I keep waiting for the FIGHT to appear and I feel blueballed when it doesnt.
Dude that makes even less sense
x still should have won, did they forget about the ultimate armor plus dark hold?
well who would you have black widow fight then?
They said it became too restrictive writing wise since it had to have both characters on screen and they thought both characters shouldn't just be standing doing nothing so they tried to get more creative last season
They said this match wouldn't work with the text showing up
actually who beats x?
Geo takes over X's body.
That would just last like 10 seconds, not enough time to kill a bunch of Megamen with buster only
I wouldn't have her fight at all
If I wanted to see an agent vs agent match again I'd rewatch Snake vs Sam
Black Widow vs Widowmaker makes sense but its also a who cares match
Speaking of animator requests, the lead 2D animator saw Beyblade on twitch, laughed at its horrible English dub, and said on Twitter that he wants a Beyblade Death Battle now
Not sure if he was joking or not
>Young Bonne
Gandalf vs Dumbledore has been long overdue
>volnutt gets taken out first.
fuck death battle.
alright i'll agree to that since geo is pretty op.
dark hold lasts must longer then 10 seconds and x is a smart fighter so he should be easily be able to take them all out with the ultimate armor and dark hold alone.
i mean i care so yeah.
might as well be another three weeks more with no episode. Really hope it was an animator's request at the very least so someone can get something out of it
Volnutt really got the short end of the stick
He only managed to land a few shots at X that did nothing, watched Classic and X show off their upgrades, narrowly evade the crossfire between the other 4 Mega Men, and then he got sucked up by a Black Hole
Dark Hold does only last about 10 seconds though, that weapon drains fast as fuck.
Also Classic can stop time as well, so X has to compete with him if either decides to stop time. If anything, Classic would have an advantage in regards to stopping time, because classic has like 3 or 4 time stopping weapons, as opposed to X's 1.
That's pretty messed up.
They really shat on the Megaman legends series the episode
I mean, he never had a chance to begin with so him dying was just a matter of how soon that'd be
Aside from calling Volnutt a stupid name and the joke that Legends 3 being cancelled means Dr Light's dream is dead (and everything was his fault) at least they said Volnutt at least had one thing no other Mega Men had which was an immunity to EXE's uninstall chip
>that Legends 3 reference
They didn't even bother trying to hide the fact that Volnutt never stood a chance
When the Super Adaptor and Ultimate Armor popped up, the camera zooms all the way to Volnutt as he looked nervous
When the preview was available on YouTube, people in the comments were surprised he didn't die when X uppercutted him off a building since he only pops up again at the very end of said preview
i wish mega man was more running and gunning instead of precision platforming
the special weapons don't feel like they warrant enough use either through saving them for the boss or just using the buster
i know im more than likely going against the core of megaman games in general but they're just not fun for me if i got all this firepower and little to no practical, much less enjoyable use for it, although im probably looking over most opportunities where the opposite is the case
play something else then
any recommendations?
Though it doesn't do it a lot, some of the later games like 7 and 8 tend to have puzzles or stage elements that require specific weapons (like freezing the lava in Junk Man's stage). Again, doesn't happen that often, but still.
i actually love the multiple uses of those weapons and how they can affect the level and open secret paths
i just wish varied weapon usage was encouraged more, instead of the buster always being the bread and butter
but i guess that comes with the varied stage selection
IntiCreates games
>X finally playable in a fightan gaym
>Game literally bombs so hard
Deathbattle typically caters to contrarians, not surprised.
fuck Bubbleman he deserved this
Sterling Archer vs Stan Smith
And a fight with pic related
>your fairly niche character will never be in a DB
If you're not against screencrunch, the megaman zero games are pretty good for run and gun
Canary would obliterate her
What song was playing during Volnutt's analysis?
those games are great, but the progression and conditions at which you gain techniques needs work
im sorry if i sound like a picky spoiled bitch, dont mean to be
Then play ZX instead
X is the best megaman, no contest. Only complete faggots would disagree.
How in the fuck does X only weight 128 pounds?
>gets canonically hacked by an elementary schooler in a death battle
What now?
I don't give a fuck about death battles but Tron is the best girl from the best series
You're not using this word correctly
t. Guy who agreed with the result
You must be a special kind of retarded to take DB as gospel.
Grorious rightweight Nippon steer
I don't know how Dr. Light managed it, but it feels kinda bad to weigh more than a robot that is almost the same height as me.
Why didn't Geo just Black End Galaxy gg no re?
Roll is the best girl.
X could potentially destroy all of Japan.
.EXE has destroyed and recreated the Cyber Universe, on top of being able to disable all of the other Megemen’s (besides Legends) weapons entirely.
The fact that the cyber universe wasn’t destroyed in their battle is evidence of EXE holding back.
I'm not arguing in terms of strength. X is better as a series, turn based tile combat is boring as fuck.
So how many Death Battles that you feel were correct. but for the wrong reasons? I agree with the boba fett vs samus. But they downplayed her hard to make it look like fett stood a chance.
>fett stronger then samus
>when she lifted a multi ton fish monster out of lava while level with it
>fett having better armor
>when samus can tank all kinds of shit even in basic power armor
X wins.
EXE went all out in their battle, and was huffing and puffing when Geo backed off. Also EXE wasn't nearly that powerful in BN1.
>Cyber Universe
So he deleted the internet?
Tron Bonne vs Risky Boots when?
>agent vs agent
I'd like him more if the writing in MMX wasn't so hokey
This guy gets it.
Sure, if you want to be bored to death.
>X could potentially destroy all of Japan
In a few days, if Japan didn't fight back.
>Also EXE wasn't nearly that powerful in BN1.
More powerful than Geo though lmao
thats fucking evil
I just realized net navis are basically just super advance bonzai buddies.
He wasn't more powerful than Geo, Geo had to hold back and let EXE through, otherwise he would have deleted him and fucked up history real bad.
You EXEfags seems really salty about Geo for some reason, and can't accept how stong he is. Is it because his series is just watered down BN?
I don't give a shit about faggoty boomer ecelebs, Volnutt has the most personality.
i always thought of Navis as Reploids done right
When isn't the writing "hokey" in a megaman game?
The Goku vs Superman one, I knew they'd never let Goku win but they gimped the fuck out of him. They used his speed during the Sayian Saga to calculate his normal form speed at the end of Z.
This match pretty much writes itself
Helps that American Dad is surprisingly more consistent about its power levels compared to similar Fox comedies
At the very least should be a DBX
How would I be bored to death? Nice girls are best girls. Its also a plus that she's a better mechanic.
If I recall correctly, they had a full cartoon animated DB before.
Could be pretty cool if they apply that here and nail the comedy
Tai vs Red is the only one we all can agree wasnt bullshit.
Goku now would decimate Superman. There isn't a single shred of doubt.
How can a program lose an arm?
I hate how selective they are with the things they will or will not include.
I remember Bowser vs Ganondorf, they concluded that because Ganondorf can only be killed by the Master Sword, Bowser can't win.
Maybe that's accurate, but that's not FUN. Either throw that out, or include Bowser mugging Link for the sword as part of the analysis.
Golgo 13 vs Agent 47
Gokufags keep saying this and it's never true
Well digimon works on universal ending levels of power. It was fair fight until anything after greymon.
It also actually makes sense for digital beings to be scaled up on at least a 1:1 ratio with material beings, because that's how the cosmology of Digimon works, instead of the actual fucking internet of Battle Network.
Doesn't matter.
Superman Blanco can even beat SSGSSGSS Gocellderado Calvo Zoinks mode (Full power, Overdrive redeux, after merging his soul with Sephiroth) and Superman has twelve more forms after that.
Alita vs Raiden
Digimon lore is all kinds of messed up due to power creep. Machinedramon is supposed to be the strongest digimon ever, but aint shit anymore.
AVGN vs Captain N (played by Mike Matei)
Funny that even with they using non-cannon shit Geo that only had feats from his games still came in second
MechaGodzilla Battle Royale
Ridley vs Kaido
Arceus vs Beerus
Jago vs Liu Lang
Vega vs Baraka
Team vs Team match
Night Rider vs Speed Racer
Acroyear vs The Knight (Hollow Knight)
Sakura vs Yuri
Travis Touchdown vs Scott Pilgrim, when they do that I can finally stop watching
The fact of the matter is the most popular megaman whi isn't Classic won. They clearly missed what absurd shit happens in sf3 or just read a wiki article about it. These things arent even fun retarded anymore, they're just blissfully retarded.
Megaman 9 he gains "black hole bomb." That's what it is called, that's what it does.
Post-Crisis Superman even in the present timeline still outclasses even endgame Goku.
>Volnutt has the most personality
Nigga wat. EXE is literally a clown that tells jokes while still having one of the most dramatic backstories.
This one's a tough call, honestly.
The "humor" upgrade isn't really a core part of his personality.
They didn't even mention black end galaxy
Black Holes don’t fucking get incased in concrete or dissapper after a few seconds, and the one the size of a baseball would immediately dig its way through the center of the Earth until the entire world collapsed on said black hole.
Just because Japan and the VSwiki doesn’t know what a blackhole, doesn’t mean what ever they call a blackhole is a blackhole.
Cant admit Geo was the better operator and has a better, less shitty, chemistry with his bud.
Also they hate that geo earns his bullshit through willpower and hard work. Hub just throws a tantrum and wins, when lan enables it insync.
Decade vs Gokaiger Red
If one video game black hole isn't a black hole, why is another? Cherry picking at its finest.
>All these seething starfags
I'm sorry that you can't deal with Hub being the equivalent to an "I win plus infinity" button
Shining laser GG no re
Remember when Superman beat Goku TWICE? Are people still asshurt about it? I couldn't stop laughing as a Superman fag
So since we had a Megaman Royale, what are the odds this is going to be a thing?
The shitty thing is, everyone points out how lame and biased Death Battle is, UNTIL they have something to lord over people, like you. Hell, I agree Superman wins, but it's still meaningless that Death Battle said it.
Majora's Mask due to sheer arsenal
Results and whatever aside I thought the battle and music were a lot of fun. These fucking sprite battles always connect to the newgrounds-loving kid that still lives in me.
Pretty high. "Multiple Links" is common knowledge. And everyone and their sister plays Zelda.
Neck yourself, my dude.
Honestly, I'm surprised they don't bullshit an excuse like "Bowser's a Star Child and thus has innate Star/Holy power" or something.
They've probably done further stretches.
>The shitty thing is, everyone points out how lame and biased Death Battle is, UNTIL they have something to lord over people, like you
And? I have no problems picking and choosing stuff like this when it's convenient shitpost fuel for me, most people are not smart enough to realize I don't care about Death Battle and am thusly a hypocrite.
Why does anyone even watch this trash?
Rematch of DoomSlayer against Master Chief.
Shitposting hypocrisy, see the guy above you.
Animation and music really. Plus they don't have some sort of horrible dialogue mid-fight like in most fan battles you see.
Its weird knowing Alvin Earthworm has inspired a generation into doing sprite animations and said kids are now adults with more success compared to Alvin
You know what's going to happen if they do that, right? Everyone expects Mister Chef to get rip'n torn, so they're just going to double down on Mustard Chaff to win again. Halo fanboys rejoice and all they have to cite is one of the many bullshit cutscene antics from past games to be vaguely justified for doing so.
Likelier to see a Belmont or even AssCreed Battle Royale
Considering we only got 5 Mega Men, what 5/6 Links should this be condensed to?
Schadenfreude > consistency
Besides, power level wanking and "who would win" arguments has always been retarded when you start including near-omnipotent characters with no upper limit like Goku and then matching him to characters like Superman, who has actual omnipotent versions of himself in the comics.
Song is called MegaMania just to let you know
Did someone say black holes?
Jiren is based off Superman so that match kinda already happened in the DB canon
X can apparently move through other people's time stops.
I know it wouldn't change much due to HUB but man I would've loved to see Tribe King/Black Ace vs Beast Megaman x Souls
What a beat
Considering how the handle the Megamen fight, they would most like stick with all the 'mailine' title ones and maybe throw a bone to a fan favorite game from the portables, or just add CD-I linke to make him the buttmonkey of the fight.
Joestars vs Belmonts.
They would have to work around the whole "Only Stand Users can harm other Stand Users" thing, but they did that for the Jotaro vs Kenshiro fight.
They couldn't do that again could they? Doesn't Slayer's whole slaying that titan and having infinite years of demon slaying give him the tactical edge?
That's not something special to X, thats just how time stopping works, if two people stop time, everything will be frozen except for those two people.
People expected MN9 (Hell, an official researcher even went back to the fan blog just to make that joke in the prediction blog) or Bad Box Art Mega Man to show up to die
I don't think they'd have CD-I Link cameo
bless you user
Death Battle will claim whatever bullshit gets the most clicks, ruffles the most feathers, and they were probably the right age when Halo came out to be biased fanboys anyways.
So would OoT Link be separate from MM Link?
Stand users can be harmed by non-stand users though. Their stands however won’t be harmed unless it was being harmed by another stand.
Like if Jotaro was stabbed by a non-stand user, he would still be hurt, but if Star Platinum was stabbed by a non-stand, he couldn’t be harmed by it.
Geo had Black Ace or Joker right?
But Zelda has a lot more Links than there are Mega Men, and even this video excluded the ZX crew and OVER-1 (no real loss on that last one though)
Fourth Armour (namely the helmet for infinite ammo) plus Dark Hold would essentially be an infinite time stop, wouldn't it?
Although, I don't know if X could damage Geo with uncharged buster shots.
Yeah, they could just make OoT be adult Link and MM be his Young self with their respective arsenal from each game.
if they make a Link royale they would just most likely stick with the "main" ones from each games/generations of consoles, something like thist:
>Alttp/Albw Link
>OoT Link
>MM Young Link
>WW/PH Toon Link
>TP Link
>SS Link
>BotW Link
Castlevania is in this weird place among powerlevelfags in that Dracula is multiversal for some reason
what am I looking at?
I mean, they never said the fight was in the real world. For everyone to be at their prime, the fight would have to be in the digital world. No one else is weakened by being in the digital world but EXE is weakened by not being in it
I think it's because one moment you got Alucard who is a super demigod that has a dozen powers shadowbox wolves the size of dump trucks...and then you have some drunk jackass who can't fight a dude with a gun
Thanks buddy now Zero can suck my dick is super deepthroat.
Yeah, Fourth Armor would basically guarantee a win for X, also he can use charge shots while using Dark Hold. But Death Battle decided to use Ultimate Armor instead of Fourth Armor.
>inb4 but Ultimate Armor has infinite ammo
X4's Ultimate Armor is non-canon due to it being impossible to legitimately obtain in game, X5 is the canon version of the armor, and is what was used in the fight.
They were mentioned in the analysis but were unused in the animation (presumably due to ot having any good sprites for them)
>Hub just throws a tantrum and wins
I wouldn't go that far, but you're basically right.
BN is my favorite series, but I can still admit that Geo would be stronger, especially if the fight is during the events of BN1, before EXE even had the Hub.bat applied. He's be weak as hell compared to Geo.
So who's the Volnutt of the bunch?
I'm going to make femzero with big huge green titties just to spite the both of you.
BotW Link I guess, his arsenal is the most limited out of the group, he could compensate with champion abilities and the sheika slate, and even those abiltiies need some sort of cooldown, the rest of then had him beat almost every category.
Link to the Past and Link Between Worlds feature different Links.
>both of them still lose anyway
They "conveniently" didn't let Geo use them in the fight itself. Joker alone would mean he kills EXE by just looking in his general direction. Ace would be for every else who could MAYBE survive the laser of infintehyperdeath.
Faith Connors (Mirrors Edge) vs Kyle Crane (Dying Light) would be pretty interesting, but I'd love to see a Martian Manhunter vs Piccolo fight
>has to stand in one place the whole time
Lol he's fucking dead
Except they have had that before.
Char Clone Battle Royale
Yeah except kinda it didn't, so fuck off.
Geo was fucking robbed
Yeah but now it's not as often. If anything it's just Marvel Tier quipping as opposed to long drawn out pauses with text boxes appearing on the screen.
That's just sprite limitations. Plus it's not like EXE got touse any of his transformations either.
That would quite the interesting fight, I can see the Joestars having a edge with their stands but, considering some of the feats the Belmonts have, specially Julius, they could take the fight on their favor somehow.
To be fair they have a guy on board who has done custom sprites for the show
Or maybe just go straight to Zero 3 cause story in Megaman isnt super important. All skills straight away except ex skills
>inb4 Legends 3 gets announced
>Volnutt pulls a Jeb Bush and is somehow buffed into EXE tier
Nero vs Yang cause I want to see Yang fags seethe
Absolutely based
Good, Doomguy was cool up until Zoom 2016 made him reddit tier, I'll take chief anyday
>inb4 complete delusion
>Scalebound pulls a BotW and gets made for the Switch
What is Yea Forums‘s opinion on this show? It’s bad, but it’s not that bad.
not as bad as I expected but still bad, even my hard love for this franchise is not enough to make me keep watching
why is it in broad daylight? Also why does Megaman always look so smug
I wish that you didn't remind me of its existence.
Why wouldn't it be during the day? Have you seen how many Megaman levels take place during daytime?
I’m watching it right now. It’s really bizarre. The suit design is really disappointing.
I know their are stages that take place in the day time yes. It just looks so odd in contrast for some reason. Like it looks like something from one of those kids shows like those PJ heroes or whatever the fucking Ladybug girl is
The epitome of "watchable but unremarkable". It wants to have a serious subplot but can't be assed to really make you care that much besides snippets of Hard Age mysteries, and yet it also wants to be the Mega Man equivalent to Sonic Boom and doesn't really nail the humor. Plus the arbitrary changes like turning Rock into Aki Light for school hijinks balanced with a superhero life, and turning Roll into fucking "quirky smart token minority girl" Suna just make you wonder if the creators wanted to make another series despite all the MM nods and winks everywhere.
>what 5/6 Links should this be condensed to?
Original (Extends to Link's Adventure as well)
Majora's Mask
OOT Adult Link
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess (No Midna)
Breath Of The Wild
Never because they realised the current Superman is canonically a composite between New 52 and Post Crisis.
They used the X4 Ultimate armor with infinite ammo, he can stop time for as long as he wants that way.
>quirky smart token minority girl
I didn't think you were serious. Also what the hell happened to Willy?
>BoTW Link
have you seen how much of ganon's force he was able to kill with no upgrades, basic clothes plus the champions tunic armor, no shield and only the master sword? AND YOU WANT TO GIVE HIM ALL THE MAGIC AND THE iPAD?
It was too much effort to not half-ass the entire thing either way. The only thing I'm surprised didn't happen is Megaman Zero appearance then win out of nowhere because of stupid memename shit and them going "Lel because its zero and he's the best xD"
It wants to be Sonic Boom so badly but fails hard.
>all the references that only 1% of the watcher base will get
no wonder it tanked
>The only thing I'm surprised didn't happen is Megaman Zero appearance then win out of nowhere because of stupid memename shit and them going "Lel because its zero and he's the best xD"
we aren't in the age of Dr.Eggman vs Dr.Wily
>school hijinks balanced with a superhero life
Nothing new to MM so not really a downside
>quirky smart token minority girl
Nevermind, fuck off back to pol or co.
Bert Wily, Aki's best friend at school. A lot of allusions to Dr. Albert Wily, no idea if he's a son or meant to be some younger version or anything because the first season's not really developed him towards anything deeper besides being a smart guy with a skull motif. The main antagonist is instead Sgt. Night, to play off of Light vs. Night for some reason, who might as well be King pretending to be a human mayor.
That depends on the player imput though, also is really not much against other Links that could put the same kind of fight as him or even better considering their much bigger arsenal and options.
>That depends on the player imput though
he was talking about this 11:37 in.
You act like they wouldn't do shit like that now if it meant fucking with the viewer. We've come to expect that level of asspull so they wont do it now unironically
He literally came from post-Crisis, nu52 Supes is dead. Unless they changed something else, I heard the newer stuff was bad so I dropped it after JL Rebirth.
If you don't like it, don't watch it. I don't really care to see classic Megaman done straight again after the tepid comic so I was fine with something new.
It would've been funny if it became like The Protomen Wily where he rises to power and gets Mega Man framed
I dunno, the last time I saw this was in that waste of a fight between Deadpool and Pinkie Pie. I think I would drop them at that point though if they just straight up admitting to asspulling finally
>I don't really care to see classic Megaman done straight again after the tepid comic so I was fine with something new.
I want more original Mega Man content. The problem is that this is basically a repainted Classic throwing in twists without devoting itself wholly to a new idea, so it kinda comes off as clumsy and like the creators dunno what they want to do in terms of new ideas. I'm just glad there was no tie-in game to this.
To be fair, we don't even know what truly happened before that scene, considering it's BotW we are speaking about, he most likely just broke most of his weapons in that fight.
>He literally came from post-Crisis, nu52 Supes is dead.
New-52 Supes came back and he and New-52 Lois merged with Post-Crisis Supes and Lois.
It basically retconned the universe to combine both aspects and numerous other changes/reinsertions
> I don't really care to see classic Megaman done straight again after the tepid comic so I was fine with something new.
Probably stupid of me to ask, but have you read Megamix?
Is there any Link stronger than Majora's Mask Link?
Keep in mind I'm talking about Link owning his full collection of masks including the Fierce Deity Mask, having drank Chateau Romani for infinite magic power, and carrying a full supply of 6 Bottles filled with Revival Fairies.
The Oracle Links could stand a chance simply because he was the only Link to save the 3 Goddesses of the Triforce.
>New-52 Supes came back and he and New-52 Lois merged with Post-Crisis Supes and Lois. It basically retconned the universe to combine both aspects and numerous other changes/reinsertions
Alright, I just remember the end of nu52 where pC Supes comes out and says he's pretty sure 52 Supes will get revived but it never happens.
>have you read Megamix?
Long time ago. Liked it, but it's not really my favorite anything since I just don't like classic much.
keep in mind each Link has their own set of buffs that could use in a fight too, I think the biggest thing to consider is that MM Link has his mask for any sort of variable, but each Link could have a counter for each one, so the biggest problem is Fierce Deity itself, even though he can't use the rest of his items on that form apparently.
Finally, obnoxious Geofags will shut the fuck up.
Does the Ocarina's time magic work outside of Termina or no?
Read the thread.
EXE is reality warper, he had it in the bag
>Does the Ocarina's time magic work outside of Termina or no?
Yeah, it's always been a thing since OoT, in that game it could manipulate day and night, don't know about resetting the time entirely since that is only a thing in MM.
What I want to know is, does anyone ACTUALLY care about some random fuck on the internet arbitrarily deciding the relative power levels of totally non-comparable characters?
>MM Link
>hylian shield raised
>bomb mask on
Not even Wind Waker Link and his OP Parry Strike can get past that combo
no. It's just that they are popular and have made so many that they've gotten a following. At this point it's just entertainment rather than caring about who wins or loses
I mean after the coping period.
>does anyone ACTUALLY care about some people doing their research and coming to a logical conclusion?
you know what is even funnier? if they used Manga EXE. this wouldnt even be fucking fair he could solo the whole most of the cast of the series, he even keeps Gregar power as his after everything is said and done with the cyber beasts
Well clearly it must not be that logical if you're all still arguing like fuck about it.
The only real entertainment happens after the videos come out.
Sooner get Sailor Senshi Battle Royale to be honest
They actually did use the Manga. Watch the end analysis.
>Gandalf vs Dumbledore has been long overdue
There wouldn't be a point. Dumbledore may as well be an ant compared to Gandalf.
Geofags and Xfags are arguing about because they are illogical people who can't be reasoned with.
oh really? pardon me then i still haven't watched, i just assumed that they limited to only using video games source material like they did with Sonic
Oh, okay, you enjoy dumbass fanbase wars, that's why you have no problem with this.
I'm fairly certain they used manga feats for literally every single character, aside from Volnutt because no manga and also fuck Volnutt apparently
exactly. Intellectuals watch the masses argue about power levels, but do not dare interfere with it
doesnt exe wear literal weighted bracelets and anklets so he doesnt trounce on noob fighters. i just wanted to see gregar exe vs black joker geo, but cant have everything i guess
I just wanted to see the cool robots fight
I would have wanted Grezar Blanco EXE vs Tribe King Geo
the little shit does and Blues thinks Exe has gone soft and he drops it and shit gets real, poor Blues has to get a trucked Katana to get Exe to drop his guard and even then he manage to rip his torso with a punch ending it in a draw
I care more about Star Force and Legends being mentioned by a YouTuber after so long.
rip Shining Laser.
Is there a canon explanation for why EXE is the most powerful NetNavi?
Isn't Imp Midna needed for Wolf Link?
Is that screwattack?
It's been a while since i watched it, but saw a thanos vs darkseid one and holy shit the cringe is too much, why the fuck do they make those avatars? People actually think their retarded jokes are fun?
Vergil would fuck up Adam with literally no effort whatsoever
Outspeeds him, outskills him, overpowers him, can cut through fucking dimensions, doesn't even need to touch you with Yamato to kill you, and to top it all off his regen is complete bullshit. Not to mention Adam is complete trash without his sword while Vergil is still a Son of Sparda regardless.
Adam needs to kill Vergil about ten times over for it to do anything, meanwhile Vergil needs to stab him fucking once. It's Flash v. Quicksilver all over again.
You're absolutely right. But after Yang vs Tifa and the DBX for Ruby vs Ragna I'm convinced DB will succumb to shill mode instead of giving Vergil the respect he deserves.