Why did arcades have to die?
Why did arcades have to die?
Home consoles.
But there are still arcades around but they suck. It's 90% shitty ticket games
Arcades don't make money. When they were popular they barely made profits. If you want the feeling of an arcade just make a basic arcade machine and put a pc in it with a crap ton of roms.
Because they are designed to steal your money unlike modern games
You touch yourself at night
>go to my local retro arcade bar every Saturday
Feels good man
Unsanitary. Overpriced.
>be good at game
>play for 30 minutes on a single quarter
I don’t see the issue. Surely you’re not just blaming the games for your lack of skill, right? It’s empirically possible to beat even the hardest-looking beat em ups and bullet hells with one credit; plenty of people have done it. So what’s the matter?
this image is a bad representation of Japanese arcades, there's no cigarette haze and there are pinballs. Also games cost 50 and not 100 as per normal
>Arcades don't make money. When they were popular they barely made profits.
Did you seriously just write that?
Why are candy cabs so perfect?
Those places became filled with niggers and shitskins. Same thing with malls or sportsfields.
Better to play comfy alone in your house, rather than with a bunch of strangers.
Japan doesn't have niggers outside of like the five scammers in Roppongi.
It was a joke about loot boxes
>why did the internet kill X?
I wonder
That doesn't have anything to do with what I said but okay
It would cost a child a significant amount of money to get even remotely capable at any 20th century arcade game
>businesses that took out loans to open then closed as soon as the boom was over
Yeah arcades werent very profitable man. Same with shit like bowling alleys, they make enough to stay open and provide a living
Yes, it does. It is perfect and clean looking, because they are no niggers.
Still alive here in Japan my nig. Come join me.
>unlike modern games
>saying this when loot boxes, season passes, and day one dlc exist
wew laddie
I'd rather just pay 25c to play a game I'm good at for 20+ minutes on hardware that was too advanced to access at home
This has always baffled me to no end. The kind of socialization that happened in local pubs, diners and bars also died along with the arcades, didn't they? Maybe it has something to do with US urbanization patterns and the way "the public" transformed culturally? Maybe the social movements and activism of the 60s made public spaces too uncomfortable and contended for general relaxation and communication? I mean, one tactic used by social movement was literally to make everyday spaces like diners and public squares into cultural battlefields. Even after they movements died down, there really wasn't any formal declaration of "mission accomplished" or concious effort to de-escalate the cultural tension in public spaces. People prefer online spaces because you can do what you like here, and that just isn't "allowed" in public. Tomfoolery is always being watched and judged ever since the 60s.
and how do you practice, retard?
I'm talking about the design of the units themselves, not the condition they're in you fucking sperg
Go back to /pol/
>ywn be a 14 y-o kid in walking in to your local arcade right after they just received a picrelated
Fuck that game was fresh as hell compared to the competition at the time (Mortal Kombat 2, Primal Rage, Street Fighter 2 and Virtua Fighter)
>what are emulators
You have to be 18 or older to post here
Thats the joke
Yeah and? You try a game and if you like it you keep paying and the better you get the less it costs, otherwise you just drop it and play something you do enjoy. It's not like preorders or whatever where you waste 60 bux to play a piece of shit game that gets boring after 5 hours.
1 credit at a time, don’t continue. You can either play for 10 minutes again or 1 additional minute.
>what are emulators
A reason to not go to the arcade.
The design means nothing if your "people" are next to it. It's like taking a shit on the Mona Lisa.
>walk into arcade with 2 friends
>we each grab $5 worth of quarters with the firm intention to beat picrelated
>we actually manage to beat it
>it says we need to beat it a 2nd time to get the "true ending" or some bullshit
Zoom zoom
Arcade games had home console ports in their day too, people still went to arcades
I'm sorry you're too underage to understand the appeal of playing on real hardware and in a community with scores and spectators
>not practising at home and showing off your S-rank skills to the qt3.14s that hung in the food court across from the arcade
>He believed something some no skill journalist wrote about
Quit parroting shit you have no idea about
Arcades here seems to have people going in but I dislike at least 90% of the machines.
There's 3 things I dislike about the current arcades based on the ones near me:
-Shit games. There are games that are way too fucking basic. I have no problem with it if it didn't occupy at least 50% of the space. Why would you go to an arcade if there's no games to enjoy with?
-No proper maintenance. There are machines that are dying to be fixed but are frequently avoided by who owns the arcade. I mean, for fuck sake there's machines that can be fixed with little effort yet they still do nothing about it.
-People avoiding old and/or unfamiliar games. I don't know from where you came from but here, I can see some games avoided because they are either old or not familiar.
I'm planning to run an arcade but even I know running an arcade by itself is tricky. It's best to run them with something holding their hand like a pizzeria or a bar.
Because every Arcade I've been to only has racing games, shooting galleries that I get bored of in 5 minutes, and fucking mobile games. Maybe I'll see a pacman machine in the corner but other than that there's nothing fun to play. I'd rather just play skeeball, at least that's something I can't play at home
people went to arcades because it was a way to play multiplayer, which you can do online now
I think this is a pretty good explanation youtube.com
I just miss locals, being online really isn't the same.
Forgot to mention these abominations, stop fucking doing this shit
Too many factors contributed to it from financial to just the rise of home consoles and home console style games which were not only more comfortable but also allowed for the lighter versions of the same kind of addiction-first design you see in modern online and mobile games.
>be playing picrelated solo as Kitana
>the arcade is set to a high difficulty
>know the "trick" to beat any cpu (duck and jump backward when they get close to you, which somehow prompts the cpu to jump toward you without attacking, therefore granting you a free hit all the time)
>as I progress through the game, young kids gather around me and start talking about how I'm the best player they've ever seen
>manage to beat Kintaro without much difficulty
>barely manage to beat Shao Khan, and right after I land the fatal blow and he begins "exploding", I immediately leave the arcade, giving the impression that I do this all the time and it's no big deal
Those kids probably thought I was the most badass guy ever
This sounds like something a chuuni would do back in the days.
It's now possible to get arcade quality graphics at home. Also, with fast internet you can get multiplayer.
>trying to tell people why they went to arcades when you're a fucking child who's never experienced it
It's time to stop posting
I went to a big arcade recently after having not been to one in years. I excited at the prospect. "If we can have VR on home consoles then surely the experiences at a modern arcade must be incredible," I thought.
90% of it was larger versions of phone games. Fucking flappy bird and shit like that.
I left without playing anything.
I'm on the fence with this one.
On one hand, it's handy since you can bring it everywhere you want and you don't have to carry a lot of coins.
On the other hand, it can take time for the machine to read the card, especially for games where you need more than 1 credit, and the pricing for a credit can be BS because of it
>it's yet another Yea Forums can't detect very obvious sarcasm episode
Alive and well here in Japan.
People did that shit because they were bored and now with limitless access to television and movies along with longer work hours means no one's going out to a fucking bowling alley every night.
Local pubs/bars still flourish
Because arcades are worse than home gaming in almost every way.
Stop being such a fucking nostalgiafag.
It's one thing to look back on arcades fondly but there's no mystery as to why they disappeared.
No, it's pretty much all just gacha/gambling/expensive shit now. The 90's arcade culture of Japan is long dead. All that remains are gambling addicts and rhythm game enthusiasts.
>70% fucking ticket games.
Arcades didn't die, they evolved into barcades
I like the idea of a barcade but that place needs to rearrange their tables and machines. Speaking of tables, they need to replace it as well as the chairs. It looks ugly
I know why they disappeared, but its not what you want to hear. You can cook your own food yet people still visit restaurants.
>inb4 food analogy
how do you mean, "fresh"?
Every barcade I've been to has been fucking disgusting and just has shitty 80s games that everyone's already played a million times on emulators and ports and plug and play games
The real way to experience arcades in 2019 is Round 1 and/or local game shops with some community-owned cabs in the back
It might be more convenient but all the money on the card is there's now. You can't take any money left on it out, you have to use it at their arcade. You've already paid them for your visit without even playing anything yet
What's wrong with it?
>On one hand, it's handy since you can bring it everywhere you want
I fucking wish. Some D&B cards won't work at other locations. Same retarded shit with R1, which also jacked up the prices of their already retardedly overpriced games, and then they have the nerve to bitch about people not playing their games or pirating them in the west when one credit on Bemani games costs more than Nips pay for premium.
barades are a good concept but i've never met one with good execution.
The're too much of a money sink.
To be fair, quality 80s cabinets are expensive as hell.
t. someone who spend a fortune on a Kikki Kaikai cabinet and a broken Ninja Warrior one.
Uh, kiddo, arcades were still hanging around until the early 2010's. That's waaay after any boom happened.
You have to put in money for electricity since each arcade machine uses over 100w. And if something breaks you have to pay 300-600 just to fix it if you need a new part.
You can’t detect sarcasm over text easily without some sort of indication
IE Poe’s law
You're supposed to fix them up yourself
The reason "quality" ones are expensive is because someone bought an affordable cab, fixed it up, then flipped it for a profit
As a person that owns and repairs arcade machines, you're dead wrong, man. Machines are easy to set up, and your average PC runs about 10 arcade machines worth of power draw.
>And if something breaks you have to pay 300-600 just to fix it if you need a new part.
What the actual fuck are you talking about
The only thing that should ever need replacing are buttons, microswitches, and monitor capacitors and those are all cheap as dirt
>go to arcade
>panel is missing screws on the left side
>trying to mash out of stun makes the whole thing lift up
>arcade owner tells me to treat the machines nicer or to get out
They’re as dirt cheap as the people that refuse to fix them, but hey
You'll bust out quick man, save your money and invest it or something. Unless you're Uncle Got Bucks and you got money to burn, a bar/restaurant is a shitty business to run, add an arcade, and you got a money pit in the making.
My god and I thought Yea Forums couldn't get any more degenerate
>The're too much of a money sink.
The one I posted keeps most games at $0.25 a play, so it stays pretty cheap if you don't decide to drink
This, fixing arcade machines is about as complicated as wiring a home stereo.
They're coming back with the advent of VR. Just like arcades of old, the price of VR is too far from the average person. Not to mention the real estate required
I was overwhelmed by all the flashy toys. It's something we barely ever had in Europe and I couldnt resist. If I could turn back time I'd fucking do it again. Taito is probably the most underrated video game company to ever exist next to NEC/Hudson.
If you're paying for more than $5 a button, you're getting ripped off. You can buy Sanwa's on the cheap if you bulk order and anyone who runs an arcade and isn't a drooling retard should have multiple spares of everything and should know how to take apart a button for cleaning.
>tfw you write something witty but the moment you press "post" you realise that you shit the bed
Home consoles getting more and more powerful and becoming easier.
Why leave your house to go pay for Soul Calibur when you get it on your fancy new Dreamcast and not have to put in a quarter every time nightmare kicks your shit in?
>nearest round1 is 4 hours away
>tfw too lazy to drive there
On a unrelated note, where can I find IIDX soundsets and skins for Lunatic Rave 2?
>The real way to experience arcades in 2019 is Round 1 and/or local game shops with some community-owned cabs in the back
>No F-Zero
Honestly, if I ever made enough money to do so, I'd want to open up a barcade at or near a beach.
That's sort of something I've thought about, though I would probably never actually try. On the southern Jersey shore, most shore towns have ticket redemption arcades, which are pretty horrible, but Ocean City NJ, actually has two legit arcades on its boardwalk. Couldn't open up a barcade there though since its a dry town, though those types of puritan laws are probably the only reason those arcades there aren't filled to the brim with ticket redemption games like everywhere else.
Is this a recommendation? This book looks interesting.
Can confirm, worked at multiple bowling alleys over time. Our biggest income were the food bars and alcohol sales. Bowling sells for dick all.
>Huge family of 7 hog up a lane
>Takes 45 minutes for a single game
>In the time two or three single games of pairs could have taken place
There became too many, much more accessible alternatives to digital entertainment. Smartphones were the final nail in the coffin.
So now no one is going, and an arcade can't be super easy or cheap to maintain, so they close down.
In Japan it must just be really ingrained in their culture, compared to the rest of the world. They are obsessed with mobile games yet arcades still thrive.
I've been there. Totally kino
to make room for barcades.
Forgive me for the weebshit taking up the majority of the picture, but it's the only recent and decent image of my cab that I have at the moment.
The reason arcades have become a niche -- if not deceased -- item is that these bars were paying hand over fist to use them. The companies that produce the cabinets get their money selling them to the distribution companies, who also sometimes happen to be the direct game companies, who only get their money off the rental fees. The local stores who rent these have to break even or make over these costs in quarters. If you have a cabinet that's not getting played, it's losing you money. If you have a kid damage or break one, you have to call a specialist to repair it, which also could happen somewhat uncommonly. In the end, unless your place was really bumping, the payout was just not that well worth it. The ideal for stores shifted to owning one or two machines, and most arcades faded away. You might get lucky and find a few here and there, but odds are that the store actually owns those machines and has received the legal right to get the coinage from them. Boards for games can go from $200-$500 these days, prewired with JAMMA cables, which is still a bit hefty for small businesses looking to use them though.
Alternatively, you could always just use an empty cabinet, install your own sticks and wiring and use an old computer with MAME and a cheap or free front-end all for around $200 or so. It'd technically be illegal to charge money to use it, but I doubt much anyone would really, really mind these days. Hell, you could always have several cabinets in your store play the games for free and that alone would populate the store enough to maybe afford a legitimate one or for sales off store product itself. If you genuinely miss playing arcade games, make one yourself. Bartops and tablecades are super easy to make and shockingly cheap and you can be an absolute novice at software and electronics too to make 'em.
>work in a shitty arcade
>week old machine sends 300v hand to hand from the off switch
>spend next two days on a heart monitor
thanks for reading my blog
>tfw got to go to local arcade on Friday for 6 hours straight
>tfw they had a one of a kind prototype for a prohibition era driving game
They are cute
Shit user, that's cool as fuck.
Did you died?
they didn't. there are like 4 within a 5 mile radius of my house. not our fault you live in the boonies
sup gerardos
I think user meant paying for the "specialist" back when that was licensced out by the company that owned the cabinet being the expensive part, not necessarily fixing it if you owned it.
low-key would love to own one of these taito units
because you're an incel who can't get laid
>demo play on the other side
Does this doofus even know how versus cabs worked? It showed the same shit on both sides. Unless the guy is freaking out because he hasn't even played it yet, but his hands are already on the controls.
>yes i am this autistic about arcade machines
japan is far more densely populated. it's geographically the size of california but has well over 100 million people.
>tfw 2 week trip to akihabara could be as cheap as $4,000 and that's on the heavier side
>Only thing keeping me from going is college and inability to do manual labor
I was thinking of a place with a good boardwalk, like Ocean City (MD) or Rehoboth Beach. But I'll probably never have the money.
>yes i am this autistic about arcade machines
Who are you quoting?
Anyone know of arcades with shmups in Queensland?
19 year old here. What exactly did I miss from the arcade age?
It depends on where you live, some places didn't have arcades even at peak popularity
>yes i am this autistic about quoting
Well I live in Oklahoma so I don't think arcades were that popular. My mom never talks about arcades but she used to play Ducktales and Super Metroid so I guess not.
beaners,azns, and nogs crowding around killer instinct, mortal kombat, and street fighter cabs
Please lurk longer before posting, thanks
>live in a city with a bunch of casinos that usually have huge arcades along with two smaller niche arcades with Japanese cabinets and small fighting game and rhythm game communities
Who else here has a comfy arcade scene where they live?
Sounds awesome user, my citys arcade is garbage but at least it has air hockey
I don't think I even have arcades in my whole country.
Most barcades fucking suck. The few that are actually good are at least 2 hours away from me.
they already did that with tokens
>UC Davis arcade was replaced with a lounge and a small area with TVs and consoles
Shit sucks
my country dont have one
Can you beat this high score?
We also had an arcade called "The Library." So you could tell your parents you were going to the library instead of going to play games. It closed down a long time ago, I heard rumors it was because the owner was a pedo.
I find it weird that everyone here thinks of arcades in America as niche phone games on a big screen. the reality is that you have the ddr/pump it up/wangan maxi regulars spending hundreds and sometimes thousands a year to either compete with each other thru tournaments with other players from different arcades in different states.
the maxi guys will often spend 50 to a hundred a night just to time attack one map, to only get a quarter to half a second faster.
Hi Score Girl is pretty cool. Makes me want to find an arcade again. Last one I went to was when I visited Kyoto (a place called A-cho).
>See an arcade place on vacation
>90% of the games are token pushers, prize machines and ticket lotteries
>I heard rumors it was because the owner was a pedo.
Because HE WAS!
It blows when there's barely any video games, but I do like ticket games sometimes. Loved Skeeball as a kid.
I can't find anything on it now, maybe it was just some bullshit my friend made up.
skeeball and the knockdown games are fine. I'm mainly referring to the PRESS A BUTTON/DROP A COIN ones
Oh yeah, those suck.
There used to be an arcade in a strip mall near my house that I used to play MvC at, it's been gone for over 10 years
This right here is why I hate Dave and Busters. It's the only arcade near where I live and all it has is this shit. If I wanted to sit mindlessly and just chunk money in a machine for basically no entertainment then I would go to a casino.
Physical attractions are one of the worst parts of an arcade. Use up a ton of space, expensive as fuck, long lines, lasts no longer than a go at a video game. Save the gokarts and laser tag for amusement parks, keep the video games in the arcades. There's only a few good physical attractions like skeeball
Because you can play games for free now, without the sticky disgusting buttons
Fuck u todd
I remembered my local convenience store had a room which had roughly 30 arcade games in it and had games like Operation Wolf, Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat 2, Area 51, X-Men, TMNT and Turtles In Time, Simpsons, and other great games.
Shame now the entrance to the room is closed off and that room now is another store.
When that convenience store had that arcade room, that was fucking awesome since you can go into the store to buy drinks and snacks and then go place some games.
If I ever become rich, I do want to open a retro-arcade
If you do you should also get a couple of retropies setup and let people "bring their own games". Just make sure to map the coin slot to MAME's insert coin key so you can't just play whatever for free
until some smart ass brings a pre-patched freeplay ROM
I live in Argentina and every Arcade is a shitty D&B ripoff down to the rainbow magnetic card reader and everything. The best thing I saw in recent time was an original Daytona 2 multicab but didn't bother since I needed to buy one of those shitty cards to play. I seriously want to have a true Arcade experience but I'm too poor to do anything about it. If I ever get the chance to visit Japan the first thing I'm doing is go into an Arcade.
I'm also a huge Tetris autismo and I really want to play any of the TGM games on original hardware, especially 3. Having it on PC is nice and all but I never used an Arc stick to play it but that's besides the point
People say consoles, etc, whatever. Sure, that was a part of it. But they would have probably remained a niche for a lot longer like in japan or korea. The real reason why they died so suddenly is a lot more politically correct and nobody wants to admit it.
The real reason nobody wants to talk about (and the reason why white people don't play fighting games) is because they became infested with niggers and spics and became a hotbed of crime. Every fucking arcade turned into a den of drug dealers and delinquent minorities smoking and slinging weed in the back. It's the same reason malls died, or why cities died, or why white countries are dying today. Which is niggers. I read a post on here a couple years back once from a guy that hung out around chinatown fair (THE major fgc arcade in america) in the 90s, and he said whenever he did anything in fighting games nonwhites didn't like, like tick throwing (when you do a light attack and then immediately grab someone in block stun, you have to do a reversal or tech the throw to get out of it), they would threaten to stab and murder him or call all their cousins to wait outside so they could mug him and that it was so bad cops had to be called.
So, the social aspect of the arcades became actually threatening for whites because it was like walking into harlem or south central and putting yourself in danger. Without blacks and mexicans committing crimes and turning them into shitholes, they probably would have died anyway, but at a much slower rate. Consoles also, like it's been said a million times, started to have hardware just as good as arcades, and genres like fighting games, rhythm games, and shmups died because of oversaturation and the advent of online gaming that was more social.
>/pol/pigs come to ruin a decent thread
Fucking hell
But it's true. Keep saying it was "consoles" when the real reason why they died is because white soccer moms didn't want to send their kids to a place filled with drugs and crime where they were going to get stabbed and fucked up physically for doing wakeup dps in street fighter.
>Filter /pol/faggots
>Board becomes 1000x better
>why did arcades die?
read this post and you'll understand why:
it's because they were infested with gangs and crime, and got a bad reputation, then they had to close down because of no profit
Jesus /pol/ enough with the raids
I read that as why did he have to die at arcades
They were really fun so we all decided it was be a good joke on the zoomers if we got rid of them all before they could play them.
If that was the question, it was because he was a chink playing KoF in China.
You might have a point if not for all the arcades that didn't have these types of people in there, of which there were several in malls across America. You're applying anecdotal stories from "some guy" talking about a single standalone arcade in New York to every arcade across the entire United States. It's an unsupportable argument.
EightyTwo in downtown LA is pretty great, you get a nice mix of cute normie chicks and sperg gamers
Thankfully there's an arcade near me that has a shit ton of classic games and is run by people who have a passion for them. They've even went out of their way to buy test cabinets of games that never got official releases.
man i tell you what, i miss going to an arcade and just sitting on the pinball machines.
ever since the local arcade closed down probably 16 years ago, the closest place i have for good pinball machines is Chicago
>Every barcade I've been to has been fucking disgusting and just has shitty 80s games that everyone's already played a million times on emulators and ports and plug and play games
This. It's all shitty nostalgia games like paperboy or pac man. There's no fighting games besides the original versions of street fighter 2 that feel slow it's like you're underwater.
man I tell you hwhat I miss them dang ol arcades like pewpewpewpewpew dang ol quarters mang
In my area they just combined with laser tag and go karts or something. Or turned into barcades/VRcades.
>the same people complaining about lack of arcades never leave their house
Gee, I wonder why they aren't happening anymore?
Retarded American arcades making you pay 3 coins per credit on a lot of their new machines.
Could get away with using a rasppi too.
You mean bars, with expensive electricity-chewing decorations?
People don't play the games.
The people in the picture aren't even playing the games.
Sticky controllers.
>People in the picture aren't playing the games
>Despite the fact there are people playing the games
I guess anything is true in Yea Forums land if you lie
The two chicks in the back left corner?
Neither of them have hands on controllers.
Dude on the right's walking out the exit.
you really like Lucky Star huh
Blame nerds feeling more comfortable being called e dwellers instead of social
>go to disney arcade in chicago
>ride bumper cars with dodgeball guns on them
>only other people who joined in was some black kid
>got pissed off and threw a dodgeball at me afterwards
Who else was I supposed to bump in bumper cars?
There are some arcades in my city and several cons or events here where arcades pop up for a few days. I played Lucky and Wild at a small convention yesterday and it was fucking awesome. Its insane that ive never heard of it or seen it anywhere until yesterday. Player 1 drives and shoots, it's fucking awesome
The business model could easily change, in fact with modern arcades it has.
The arcade where I live has 6 dollars entrance fee, but the games are all free play and you can come and go playing as much as you want all day. They have a good selection too.
it was always cool to walk through the arcade and see all the graphical progress in the new cabinets like every 2 years, it so much more satisfying seeing the technology visibly improve instead of the shitty uncanny valley we've been stuck with the last like 10 years.
Nigga that's 4 months of rent for me. I really want to go to Japan for 2 weeks in June, but I could only spend around $2000 and I still think that's a bit much.
>The real way to experience arcades in 2019 is Round 1 and/or local game shops with some community-owned cabs in the back
Yup. And if you don't live near one, you're shit out of luck.
At least I don’t have to deal with annoying edgy gangs
I live near 2 round 1's and they have a pretty sweet selection of Japanese rhythm games but not enough old arcade games or fighting games.
ever heard of microtransactions?
I gotta get working again on an old '80s cab I've had for a long time. I think it's a bootleg (Space Panic) but I was able to recap it and get some half decent video from it. I don't think I want the video to be perfect though. It was pre-jamma and some asshole even soldered the video wires directly to the monitor motherboard. I put a connector in for that when I recapped it.
Finally got it dug out from behind stuff in the garage and got some caster wheels and bolts for it today. Forgot to get the right side drill bit, so fuck, gotta go back tomorrow. When I get it working again, I want to put something else in too, if not a raspi, maybe a Sega Genesis because RGB monitor.
Fortunately, I live near Galloping Ghost, which has most things you'd want out of an arcade, even a lot of extremely rare stuff.
Could use more pinball machines though.