Why is it ok when Japan adds gay characters and guys who dress like girls to their games but no ok when the west does...

Why is it ok when Japan adds gay characters and guys who dress like girls to their games but no ok when the west does the same?

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They are cute and not disgusting degenerates like in real life.

because Japan doesn't do it for political brownie points and instead does it because they think it's fun. A lot of western games force these things into them so they can check off some boxes and get some positive press and it just comes across as "LOOK AT US AND HOW GOOD WE ARE" and because of that, they're attempts at representation just seem shallow. Japan doesn't force these things in to get some points from some community because they KNOW that it doesn't really help sales, so any instance where it happens by default is a more genuine source of representation, even if westerners might not agree with how it's handled.

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Japan makes characters that are actually fun and/or interesting

Only faggots play jap games to start with normal people don't care

Let's be honest, Luka wasn't all that interesting besides being a guy any man would be willing to fuck.

>if you hate liberal so much why do you watch lesbian porn???

Yea Forums probably

>i want to fuck protagonist so much I'd become a woman if I could
wow, such a deep, interesting character

Thats not at all what happened?

because based Japan understands that it's only okay to fuck boys when they actually look like girls.

Friendly reminder that Kurisu is best girl with Suzuha second

Because they look like actual girls, instead of an inbetweener kind of thing.

cause the nips do it for variety and not in an attempt to normalize it, pretty obvious

It isn’t okay and your pic related is blantant proof.
That character is treated as a joke the entire time.

>implying weebs have more than room temp iq to notice this shit

Because nobody cares what nips put in their low effort porn games for incels.

Ruka and Rin are girls with dicks, nothing wrong with that.

I'm still straight, though.

I want to fuck Ruka

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Because it's obviously not forced, unlike in the west, there's no agenda behind it.

mental gymnastics

Is this the stealth Catherine thread?

>Luka exists
>knows he has gay feelings for the MC yet knows its wrong

Who would promote this as pro LGBT

I'm roman straight.

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Because Japan does it to appeal to degenerate fetishes while the West does it to appeal to social justice.

Romans were a bunch of faggots and so are you

>faggot exists
>durr, I know he won't like me cause I'm a faggot an sheit. Society is so cruel. Hurr, muh forbidden love needs to be hidden
>This isn't pro-lgbt propaganda
neck yourself

imagine marrying this cute pie

she looks so beautiful in a dress

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The west doesn't put in cute traps and twinks.I'd be cool with Bioware games and shit being faggier and faggier if I had some decent boypussy options. Instead its "Buff Guy A" and "Buff Dude B".

Traps = Cash.

Here is a better question

Is it a good character if changing their gender doesn't affect them? Or a generic stupid character if it doesn't affect them?
Imagine Mad Max as a women
Would it even be the same movie? I am legit asking.
Why should He/She be the same or different?


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Thread should've ended here.

>lumping traps with twinks

twinks are as shit as Buff Guy A and B, traps make me want to go gay

In Bioware games even the pussygirls look like buff dudes.

>character knows its wrong and only is honest after he is a girl in one of the timelines
>call it pro-lgbt propaganda
you are grasping straws never done before

It's okay because it's cute.

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it's that simple

>roman straight
Not a thing retard.

>too much of a negative iq weeb to realise that his degenerate games shove shit down his throat
>accusing other people of grasping at straws while he has to go through mental gymnastics to prove to everyone that he isn't a degenerate faggot that needs to neck himself
ok retard. Whatever helps to keep you from slitting your wrists like most other mentally ill faggots like you out there.

this but unironically

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Ruka is a bad example. Ruka is shallow and boring. Literally, his character development is: "Don't leave me out! I want to help too! I can't do anything but that doesn't mean I should be left out." There's zero real progression on this nor is there any form of personality development. Most we see is Ruka being muh ninja in the future, but Ruka is otherwise boring. There are plenty of other homosexual characters in other mediums, however, where Japan presents them and doesn't make them being homosexual their one and only defining character trait (see the ex-Yakuza goofball from Domestic Girlfriend).

Because Japanese gay characters tend to either be fetish material or full-blown camp; either way, non-threatening.
Western gays, on the other hand, tend to have character traits that defy shallow gratification, which comes off as too real—and nothing unnerves a Yea Forumsirgin quite like having to pay attention to a lesbian he wouldn't jerk off to.

I'm just speaking about effeminate dudes in general. Traps are preferred, but twinks are okay. Uber-faggy ones are a guilty pleasure.

This is also true. I think there's a legitimate attempt to eschew beauty in western games. Not saying every character has to be some insane fashion model. But, it's like developers are going way out of their way to make their characters unfuckable.

6/10 bait, good job. Keep working on it!

because they make the character actually passable and fuckable unlike westerners that only do it in porn

i want a girlfriend (male) so bad bros

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Western media creators seem to think that you can shape people's beauty standards by exposing them to all shapes, sizes and colors possible. Then they wonder why the weeb market keeps growing and growing.

Japan's interest in it is rooted in fanservice so at worst it's tacked on and doesn't flow well.

West's interest in it is political and moral police, so it basically always includes the removal of elements that oppose it or are opposite of it thus lowering quality for sake of insertion, and tends to be preechy and insulting of the user no matter your take on the issue.

Seriously, after this bullshit SJW shit, I now think highly of fanservice as it at least shows the people making the game are doing so in the interest of the userbase.

I quite like vanilla shyness mixed with indulging in my weeb desires.
Also future Ruka is kino.

It kind of if. Sure, Luka wasn't comfortable being a dude from the very beginning, but his desire to become a woman became that much stronger once Okabe came into his life.

would you make him one, Yea Forums?

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These. What is it with Western "artists" doing everything they can to get a rise out of people and pretending to be innocent cupcakes when people get angry at them?

lmao enjoying your daddy issues

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he cute

I'd send him a link to a jazz thread

Well, it is now.

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he can become a girl with dick, it's actually better this way

It wouldn't be the same if he didn't look and sound like that.

It is now.

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But in the true ending, he comes to terms with his gender dysphoria and is comfy being a trap. That's actually a very unusual, but positive (and timely) message.

F.Ruka > Kurisu > M.Ruka

This, if games just imitated real life they would be boring as shit.
Even games like the sims know this so you get an extreme amount of control that a normal human could never have over their life.

>Game lets you marry a transwoman
This game is fucking transphobic! Ban it!


Is he really trans? I thought he was just a guy dressed like a girl

/cm/ plebeians don't enjoy girls (males), they belong to us straight men now

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Because this crossdresser is


Unlike the trannies the West comes up with.


Japan makes sure it's cute or sexy. That's their prime goal and not "muh feefees" or "muh reprezentayshun"

wow, a real fpbp

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Is that why you want to censor them reeeeeesetera?

Are there traps in /cm/?
Always though there were only manly looking boys so never bothered going there

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I would absolutely send a text back in time to tell his mother to eat more vegetables. Tuturu getting choochoochoo'd is a small price to pay for creating the perfect wife.

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Whu did his ending make me choke up the most? I don't even like the guy(male) that much.

Very rarely, I've browsed a bit and never seen much threads promoting them since they'll call you closet faggots or ask for more masculine men.

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I want to be Luka.

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>Japan makes characters that are actually fun and/or interesting

The West does it for SJW brownie points

I think technically Rin is from a species that doesn't really get gender as a concept, though she does have a dick.

Regardless, the original Catherine and Full Body are some of the most progressive games out there, ESPECIALLY coming from Japan, but LGBTards only complain about them.

It's not. Only lonely friendless virgins say dumb crap like this.

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I go to /cm/ for the shota threads /spoiler] but they don't even have many of those. I only care for them and the traps, though I do like cool dude characters, just not attracted to them or find them cute.

i'm not familar with /cm/ at all, but they don't seem to like traps

there are some Astolfo threads, but it's mostly boyish pictures of the character, ugh

shit, i usually don't mess up my spoiler tags. Oh well. I know about ctrl+s, guess I'll get in the habit of using that.

yeah, i went there because i thought they liked traps. i don't care about shotas or regular dudes, not even bishounen types

It's literally just horny tumblr and LJ girls and teenagers who like capeshit on /cm/.

draw a girl call it a guy vs disgusting abominations

Traps are basically cute girls that you have been told are boys, /cm/ is more purist about looking male so they don't like traps.

based /cm/
take your tranny shit back to discord

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>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy

>Draw a boy
>Call it a girl

Like Ruka from Steins' Gate he uses male pronouns (I heard he switched to them after people started calling him a boy), but he's extremely girly in his manners and behavior, things like his body movements and gestures. He only uses feminine clothes too, it's pretty much a gray area.

I thought Yea Forums hated all this trans nonsense? Why do you guys keep making all these threads?

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because its not political

We're tsundere.

Is that Natalie fucking Mars?

>Natalie fucked Sue
>you will never fuck Sue

why is it when japan has all asian characters in it's games it's fine but when slavs make games without the demographics of 2019 america it's a huge problem for disgusting americunts?

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Yes it is

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Because Japan makes cute trap boys that aren't explicitly stated as gay. It's not exactly hard to guess they probably are, but it's not in your face.

West has to shove I'M TRANS BTW or I'M GAY BTW in every single piece of dialogue.

also japan just draws normal flat girls and then says they have a penis.

Nips make games only for nips and don't even try to be subtle about it. If the money wasn't so good they would probably stay in Japan as well. The Witcher is for everyone

>dad walks in

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how do you know they didn't make it for slavs/white people?

He is a blessing

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He's not even best girl.

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Nat got some work done they weren't nearly as cute a few years ago

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Eating ass looks disgusting, what's the appeal

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Luka is explicitly stated gay though

wait, another species? excuse me? I have never played catherine, and I know it has some shit that doesn't make sense in the real world like playing block stacking puzzles in a dream world, but is it fantasy or something?


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here, I can easily break down Yea Forums politics for you in a well written and detailed essay, ok:
>japan do it so it's ok
>west does it ew gross

opening up a soft butthole with your tongue and having thick buttcheeks all over your face, obviously this only applies to shaved and clean cute butts.

>shitting out a baby

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One character is a demon from the underworld who has been magically showing men across the city who are in stagnating relationships horrible nightmares to either force them to settle down and reproduce, break up or die.
So uh yeah.

It's just erotic and it also feels real good to have you ass eaten
Ask your girl for a rusty trombone user, she'll do it

sounds pretty cool i'll give it a try sometime, maybe the full body edition since it also has a trap, but i also heard bad stuff about the full body version of the game, what's wrong with it?

>Friendly reminder that Suzuha is best girl with Kurisu second
FTFY. Fuck Tuturufags

That's why they call it asspussy?

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>he doesn't have a trap impregnation fetish

what are you gay?

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It used to just be considered scat, it's really weird that it went mainstream
inb4 muh enema

This. Suzuha is best girl. I like Mayuri too tho

I haven't heard anything about it other than potentially bullshit controversy. I wouldn't recommend looking into it though, since the controversy contains massive spoilers for both Full Body and the original game.

Luka loves okabe but he wants to love him as a girl, not as a guy. that's the whole point behind his entire ending.

Does he have gay feelings? yeah. but he doesn't even remotely try to act on that. it's only once he becomes a girl that he is willing to do so.

ok, maybe the problems with it were just whining from retarded blue checkmarks or something.

Serious question. Do you know where one could find good trap/femboy impregnation stuff. All the stuff I find is terrible or weak.

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>inb4 muh enema
you mean the easiest and most basic way to get your butt completely clean? you can't just say "inb4 cleaning" to dismiss something, anyone can do it, and ass is fun to eat if someone is clean, which is super easy as I said, so maybe you're just a fag.

>so maybe you're just a fag

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That's exactly what happened, lmao

Gay ass homo, won't fucking lick a butt.

>completely clean
Nice fucking meme you're still eating literal shit
>hurr it's ok to lick this sewer because I cleaned it first with my water bottle

traps > faggots

>Gay ass homo
>won't fucking lick a butt

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Because Yea Forums is comprised of mostly sheltered weaboos who worship everything that comes out of Japan while demonizing their own nations (the West).

no idea brah, even though i love traps, i'm not really a manga / anime guy

Eating ass sounds nice, but I doubt that you can completely clean an asshole. There's always going to be that one particle of shit that's going to give you some sickness or something

What Western game has a guy crossdressing and looking convincingly like a cute girl?

I believe ZenraQQ has a work that involves two traps getting pregnant.

Listen I dont want to her anything from faggots who wont eat ass. You need to get out of here before I kill you and eat your mom's ass

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>Listen I dont want to her anything from faggots who wont eat ass

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I want to fuck Japanese traps. I want to kill western goblin trannys

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You won't eat pussy either you only eat the sweetest dicks you fucking homo

>draw a girl

in terms of actual cleanness, meaning existing fecal particles, yes it's impossible to clean a butt that well, but in terms of never tasting anything bad, it's not hard at all.

Fuck you normalfag
I know you are one because you'll literally eat shit if it becomes popular

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because ruka isn't delusional enough to actually think he's a girl. Why is it so hard to understand that the majority of hatred for trannies is from their "identification" bullshit. If they just acknowledged the truth about themselves there wouldn't be as much of an issue.

Not to mention any tasty parasitic eggs that get into our bowels

>sweetest dicks
>thinks dicks can be sweet

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>having parasites
>thinking it's normal

Absolutely disgusting.

I'm not into dudes who can't pass

>virtual youtubers

this is how it is in non-western cultures that have trannies. they don't actually think they are literal women.

japanese games tend to have better characters than western games in general, so it makes sense that they'd have better gay characters.

>he thinks there isn't shit living in and on him right now

you know that trans people acknowledge that as well right? some people may be truly delusional, but most trannies know they aren't actually women and just accept it and try to look like women to be more happy.

>fags use "breeder" as an insult but they fantasize about impregnating a boy
lmao sour grapes

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Kuri=Alpha Suzu=Maho>Ruka>Mayuri>Beta Suzu>POWER GAP>Yuki>Fubuki> Kaede>Moeka>Kagari>INFINITE CLIFF>Faris

>western gay
>ugly and annoying
>eastern gay
>cute and submissive
gee i dont know

The very concept of "gender" is proof that you're full of shit.

then why does society now want us to think of them as literal women?

>this thread

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/cm/ is all about cuteboys and traps. you're not straight if you like boys of any kind.

Yes, practically half the threads are for traps and twinks. People saying otherwise have literally never been there.

Tons of bacteria and other microorganisms.
When I am talking about parasites I don't mean things like gut bacteria or mites though.
I'm talking about big parasites like worms.

>Little to none Teddie porn
Also i hope that suit is well ventilated

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Ruka isn't gay though.
He's strictly Okabesexual, but only as a female.

/cm/ loves traps, but they require them to be actual traps. that means a clearly masculine body with a cute face and nice clothes. they don't want people to post disgusting flat chested futa, which is not a trap.

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>require them to be actual traps
>that means a clearly masculine body

We hate trannies. We like cute boys who crossdress. Trannies can never be cute because they're abominations that want to be inferior females. Cute boys are proud of being superior to and cuter than females.

Trap mpreg isn't that common, the few good ones I know are usually with futa.

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Weird gatekeeping
But yeah as far as Yea Forums goes futa belongs on /d/

This. Traps have to have boyish bodies under the clothes. Otherwise they're not real traps.

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Luka is best girl (male)
Any more games with characters like Luka?

right is better than left. The only good thing about a trap is the dick, male body ratios are gross.

More do than don't I'm afraid, most worms are unnoticeable

Because japan includes them because their audience wants to fuck them.

While western devs do it to be inclusive. It's not complicated desu.

It's not weird, it makes perfect sense. And calling that "gatekeeping" is retarded. That's like saying people are "gatekeeping" you from posting men on /s/. Traps are cute males and belong on /cm/, and traps also always have distinctly male bodies by definition

objectively wrong and bad taste

I don't mean the board I just mean the image
You can't stop boorus or whatever calling girls with a dick slapped on traps because it's so subjective as to be unenforceable

>having taste this bad
Thank god I'll never be such a disgusting pleb. Right looks like complete garbage. Left is kino. The male body is superior to the trainwreck people call females.

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you can't stop them, but they're still objectively wrong for doing it.

Maybe you're just straight.

seen plenty of dudes with more feminine bodies than left, it's just the faces that are 3dpd

I have none of those symptoms.
I'm also vegetarian (a proper one not a hipster) so that may help since a lot of parasites come from meat and fish.

The gay/straight dichotomy is a meme

for the most part I am, but I can relate to what a dick feels like while I have no idea what clitoral stimulation feels like.