Why would gamers harass a character's voice actress instead of complaining about the character to the devs?
Why would gamers harass a character's voice actress instead of complaining about the character to the devs?
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Because incels are cowards who'd say shit behind online anonymity that they wouldn't dare say in real life
vagina make grug mad >:(
You'd be surprised how many people are completely retarded when it comes to associating actors with the characters they play
Judging by what counts as harassment nowadays he probably just asked her how her day was.
Because most people are dumb niggers.
Even on this board.
>Space jin
Meme artist
Because feminists are right about gamers being entitled and toxic fragile males.
The post below yours is proof enough
Because females deserved to get harassed and pushed out of the gaming community.
Why is this "news"?
You mean especially on this board?
>one person, a literal who, made a rude comment to a somewhat public figure
>make an article about it?
How is this news worthy?
This but unironically
Because you can't make any money off gofundme if people only complain about the fictitious character you play as
but then who will voice our waifus??
Sneaky test
Sneaky test
Sneaky test
because whinging to Blizz got nothing accomplished so they changed focus for attention and it seems to have worked
not saying I agree w/ it though
>Some random guy told me to kys online
This but unironically
I love that this means "gamers" are pieces of shit and not just that guy.
Video games don't need voice acting.
So it was one guy? Did they had to make such a bid deal because one guy made some shitpost about her?
I love Briggite. She a cute.
Big surprise, people want a target to project their rage on and they go to the person with the closest relationship with the character since there's no "Person who designed Bridgitte" in a box underneath her.
This isn't shocking to anybody who has seen similar industries.
Funny how the mod deletes the porn, but not the obvious political bait thread.
Yet, they also deletes Granblue Versus and Relink threads, when those are actual fucking video games and not mobile shit, while leaving up Fate GO threads.
Funny how that works, huh.
Another disingenuous clickbait article using a few tweets from literally whos to spur outrage among SJW's and Yea Forums for the sake of pageviews. Please stop falling for this shit.
Gamers are evil and should be hunted down like dogs
is it actual harassment or is it just waah criticism=harassment?
cause people throw that word around like it's going out of style.
Because character designers are cowards who hide behind their voice actresses.
What the fuck does that mean? What the fuck is harassment? What did he say? Why was it harassment? What the fuck? If I go to fucking Donald Trump and say to him "ya got a big dick" and walk away, is that fucking harassment?
Is talking to women harassment? Is walking to the voice actor of a character and telling her her character sucks harassment? How is it harassment? HOW? FUCKING HOW? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-
Voice actors of course?
Seriously? I don't own Overwatch, never played it, but surely the game has a fucking credits section where you can see who did what with the game. From there you can probably google up the names of the people you wanna vent to to see if they have a social media presence. In this day and age it's doubtful that many of the developers don't have a twitter or a facebook or a linkedin account.
>longnose tribe man say grug rock not popular
>nobody talk about grug rock
>! grug have idea
>grug make up story to get snugs and wuggs to about rock
>grug happy now people talk about rock
>grug share rock with snugs and wuggs
>grug give longnose man handshake for making rock shared
Because kids are idiots
So 80% of Yea Forums?
chill out mayne I wasn't the one that did it and I don't agree with them doing it I was just providing a potential frame of mind for the guy that did
Daddy Jeffie dindu nuffin
Now link your twitch goy
Now if you excuse us we are going to make our community a safer place for LGBTQIAPZN+ Islamic midgets of color
I'll never forgive trannies for stealing the word "trap" and then turning it into an insult towards them despite the fact that was never once the intention of the word nor was it ever used like that. It literally refers to straight men who pass for women.
Extremely based
Extremely cringe
Nezha IS a trap, what is wrong with women (or niggers as I like to call them)? Afraid cute thinks will make them irrelevant?
What exactly did Bridgette even do to the game that's so bad?
Never played Overwatch past the beta
>What the fuck does that mean? What the fuck is harassment?
The dictionary defines harassment as agressive pressure or intimidation. The former is something you can resolve and easily avoid. The latter, not so much because any "victim" can just cry out that they felt threatened or intimidated by what you said/did.
No, I get that you don't agree with it and are trying to put a frame of mind to the act. I'm just saying it's ridiculous that they probably googled up "overwatch brigitte voice actor" to find her twitter and bitch about it but can't be assed to look up a list of names of overwatch developers to pester on twitter, where it might actually do something.
strong woman bad
lets all go back to text based games. problem solved.
Fucking what?
It was a joke but there is actually an implication of a dude getting turned on thinking they were with a legitimate girl only to discover they were in fact (male). The whole thing started with misleading thumbnails on Yea Forums. That said who cares, trannies are such fragile creatures that they collapse at internet banter and need a dystopic police state just to survive.
>Overwatch is bleeding players to the point where the only people left playing are a handful of SJW types and their bitchboys like
>everyone else has jumped ship by now
It’s funny that it’s literally other lefties that are attacking VAs now, since the whole Soldier 76 debacle was the last straw for everyone else to quit this shitty game. The “toxic” community that remains is nothing more than other SJWs, so what does that say?
>someone commented on her character
OP stop harassing me with your thread. I'm calling the cops
RPGs would actually be good again.
>Brigitte literally requires no aim to deal damage
>Prior to a nerf, she could insta-kill Tracer
>She's basically unkillable unless focus-fired, which in pubs never happens
She was insta-picked in both the pro and casual scene for her ability to counter squishy characters, and because she's brain dead easy to play.
>feminists are right about gamers being males
Because people are fucking braindead. VAs get death threats all the time because of retarded shippers.
But transsexual are not traps.
Transvestites, tomgirls and sissies are traps.
Nobody looks at a fucking transitioning abomination and thinks “oh look, a trap”
>too stupid to understand grug memes
Resetera invasion is weird
Embarrassing post
fake outrage
overwatch is dead
Thanks for proving that point.
It's considered offensive because of the implication that their identity is solely based on "trapping" straight males. However you feel about how insulting it actually is, the literal definition of trap comes from getting trapped by a male appearing to be a cute woman.
Cringy posts from squares who don't get it
Because they're autistic.
But then you can just shit talk the devs online you ninny instead of some bitch who VAs her
Because third worlders are retarded and are the only ones dumb enough to still be playing the game
Some fans believe that since voice actors tend to be more close to the fan community than other members of the game or animation world, they'd be willing to pass along requests or feedback. This is, of course, completely retarded.
Dr. Eggman's VA gets this a lot from Sonic fans, to the point that he wrote a parody of Moon Shadow over Shadow fans asking when he would be in the Sonic Boom show.
>one retarded insane person does something retarded and insane
>this person happens to perhaps have played overwatch
>implication that their identity is solely based on "trapping" straight males
No there's no such implication. Unless you also think that calling French people "frogs" implies that their identity is solely based on eating frogs. It's an amusing part of their identity that earned them the moniker. Nothing implies it's their only characteristic
>some 11 year old gets pissy
Mods are biased cunts, more news at 11
Are you a descendant of the longnose tribe?
Are you fucking stupid?
Yea I'm jewish. Nothing wrong with being jewish.
>muh false flag
nobody ever said Yea Forumscels were smart
Well you have to be an insane retard to play that shit. Or do voice over work for it.
Yes you're saying the jews are helping spread fake news to get attention for a game to make money.
True, and still embarrassing.
Well yeah but it's all a wash anyway because a girl who dresses boyishly is now a METAPHYSICAL male and homosexuals who wear dresses don't exist anymore.
I get the joke that doesnt mean its still not cringe.
wait doesn't that imply one person? so one random retard cried "ur unbalanced!" at some bitch and she's crying harassment? pathetic
He's not wrong though
Because gamerism correlated with low IQ and stunted development. Same reason why literal neo nazis come here to recruit.
more like he is fucking smart, voice actors are part of the reason budgets are bloated. Silent text only games are for the thinking man
But 50% of gamers are women
This is fantastic. It's a good thing voice actors don't know they could literally make a hundred times more money streaming than their non-union scale rate they get paid to say the same line four different ways.
No you're not, you're just trying to make an argument. Jews don't waste time on Yea Forums. If you're a jew on Yea Forums, unironicly kys because you're an embarrassment to your race.
>nobody ever said Yea Forumscels were smart
But why would Yea Forums care about some VA when half the time they just fap to it or just call the game shit
We're only here to subvert Yea Forums, just like we do to all western countries.
Anything that keeps these tertiary tier e-celebs and their overinflated egos in check is a good thing.
It's not just us two here, mr tourist. People randomly reply to shit here on 4channel, welcome and enjoy your stay.
Why wasn’t this picked up in play testing
>overwatch players
Subverting Yea Forums is pointless because we're not tied to Yea Forums. If this place is flooded by reseterafags, I'll move to cripple's place. I don't care, I'm not losing karma.
Funny how you think I'm one of those other two who were called cringy.
Female? I don't understand why they need to be "into gaming" or some shit?
as opposed to women who talk shit behind everyones back
I think it's a sentiment that's only risen recently because I've only noticed it in the past year, but there's a group of people on Yea Forums who unironically believe that every single video game would benefit from no voice acting. Every one of them. It's fucking retarded.
I didn't imply that in any way, but I enjoy seeing you grasp at straws
Nope. Women don't attack and belittle things they don't like, generally.
She's isn't though.
>Nope. Women don't attack and belittle things they don't like, generally.
>just us two
>Nope. Women don't attack and belittle things they don't like, generally.
because there's this small thing called "personal responsibility"
Yes, me and the person I was replying to. Are you implying the person I was replying to is not the person I was replying to?
>Nope. Women don't attack and belittle things they don't like, generally.
in what universe?
Imagine actually having pussy so high up on the pedestal you believe this. Jesus
It's very easy to "harass" a woman. You just say "I disagree" and they go completely psycho.
its a English slang term for anime crossdressers first and most famously applied to one of the most famous trans porn stars and the word has had long cross over use especially outside of communities that might know the difference. Blame it on the fact that every trans woman has been called a trap not that they are taking it the wrong way
>Nope. Women don't attack and belittle things they don't like, generally.
>connect to the internet
>you're now in contact with the entire world
>someone uses the fact you voluntarily connected to the internet to talk to you
What is wrong with women
>But why would Yea Forums care about
50% of threads on Yea Forums are outrage threads senpai, the other 40% are porn and only 10% are actually talking about games.
Because people are retarded. It's like people who harass actors for characters they play, like Chris Pratt for hitting Thanos, or that one chick who played space gook in Star Wars, when they should've not harassed anyone (in the case of Chris Pratt) and they should've actually directed their anger towards the director or writer or whatever, someone who MADE the character (in the case of Star Wars)
But nothing even happened to her, there actually wasn't any harassment.
>straight men
user, you and i both know this isn't true
How many people actually know any of the no name voice actors in Overwatch?
Just not a zoomer. Sorry kid, I guess neo Yea Forums really is getting beyond me.
Blizzard does not respond to player feedback, leading players's mild frustrations to become full blown hate, and since Blizzard ignores them, they vent their anger at anything tangentially related to the product
Because gamers are retards. If they weren't they wouldn't be playing video games.
screen cap or it didn't hapen, some rando probably called her a cunt and she cried, that's how it is 99% of the time,
remember bulma voice actor?
>broly VA sexually assaulted me
>oh wait jk that didn't really happen sorry
>broly VA loses his job
>bulma VA lol whatever
Sounds like pure Bunk to me.
Never trust video game journalist, they’ll do anything for a click and some attention.
The again Overwatch is known for being the most “toxic” Game on the planet next to LoL, given how they pander to a “Diversity and Inclusion” demographic these people are never happy and never seem to enjoy anything based on its merit, you reap what you sow.
TF2 and CS:GO dont have this problem, back in my day we used to call being “toxic” banter and shit talk.
this unironically
the beiterooni
I miss the days when you could critique and people would take it to improve on themselves and not just throw the red flag of harassment
i like brigitte, she's fun
>Nope. Women don't attack and belittle things they don't like, generally.
lmao, I main brigitte and laugh at all the faggots trying to use their ults as I stun them, and the reinhardts who rush me but get canceled out by my stun. Get fucked, shitters.
>Get harassed by some sperg on Twitter
>Block them
Wow, that was hard.
He says on an anonymous image board because he's too afraid to use his real idenity, lol.
I want these girls to spit on me
How naïve you are my child.
For the same reason many popular entertainment products will have a few crazy idiots as fans.
This would actually be an interesting issue if the VA actually did feats as interesting as the character they were based on. Come back when she can hold the front line with a shield while being able to easily kill the enemy like Brigitte can
because gamers are retarded, just look at the ones that come to Yea Forums to post screencaps of twitters and articles