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Other urls found in this thread:


I thought they were doing well, oh well.

thats what they get for not having drm

Damn, i always pirate the GOG versions

Looks like all our efforts pirating GOG games are working bros!

Good thing the games are drm-free.

Why do you even need a lot of staff to run an e-store like GOG?


>salad bar with kitchen and plethora of tables
>round tables scattered across the main floor as well as more big sss tables
>sofa area with giant projector screen
>media area with like seven screens
>loft area that leads into the pipe room
>big ass meeting room with a closing ceiling curtain
>visible flights of stairs
>hallway that leads into offices

Why do you need all of this when you’re going to be working at home anyways

Gaming companies over hiring because of their games being successful at the moment is very common.

Because it's a competitive job market and these fancy offices and amenities are recruiting tools.

thank you epic, valve you're next!

Devs cost a lot and add a lot of value to the company, especially when quality of service is a top priority.
Plus hr, designers, pr/sales etc.

Pretty useless with few employees
Why'd you even need it for GoG store?
You need them for sure, but how many?

Now this is EPIC!

>why would a store need a sales department
You're right user, I can't possibly figure out why a store would need people to handle selling things.

GOG is not simply an e-store, every game you see on GOG has DRM stripped and is made to work with as many operating systems as possible, since most games are from the nineties and would not run on anything later than XP at best. They play through every game on every operating system they managed to get it running at least once to test if it really works. There's a nice documentary about it.


Oh and an addendum to this :
They also have to track down who owns the rights to games, they want to add, which often isn't as clear as you would think. They have to renegotiate contracts with voice actors, devs sometimes. They also have to find a copy of every physical version of the game in all of the languages, bc they tend to include all manuals and extras like maps, guides (if included in a special edition), sometimes soundtracks, that came with the different versions.

Bad news for CDPR if true.

>no one ever mentions what kind of people the lay off
Damn, how is the company gonna survive without all those translators

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Now I feel good for buying from them. Still, half my library is free games they giveaway and shit that dumps over from your steam account. Yes, they occasionally give you a free copy on their platform for a game you already have on steam.

What does it mean "quietly lays off"? Are companies supposed to make proclamations to the world that they're reducing staff or something?

If they have RE3 for PC I'll buy it to support them

Sensationalis (((joournalism)))

... Why do they have a dozen staff to lay off?

Yeah, I feel good about supporting them as well. Especially considering that they are the only risk takers in this scenario. The right holders are usually approached by GOG and GOG handles everything and pays for everything. If a game isn't bought enough to make their money back they are the only ones that lose money. The right holders usually have no risk and do not do any work. GOG even goes so far to let the right holders sell the game they made work under modern systems on other platforms. Tons of these old pc games you find on steam, are only on steam bc GOG got the games to run on modern systems and allowed the right holders to put them on steam, as long as they are on GOG as well.

Jesus Christ, is there a video game company who didn't hire to force diversity for the last 2 years?

My big problem with GOG isn't how they handle old games, it's new ones. Their model was designed around old games and dealing with all the shit you're talking about, but ALSO that came with things like the fact that the games were obviously set in stone.

The problem is it doesn't scale well and work for new games where there is a constant stream of patches for the first year or two, it really slowed things up so the GOG version would always lag (often very substantially) behind Steam or anywhere else. I don't know if that ever got fixed, but end result was some devs even just gave up so GOG had a lot of games I liked where the GOG version was objectively the worst by far, missing content and bug fixes and shit.

I mean, I still love all the fundamentals of them and all else being equal I go with GOG, even at a somewhat higher price. But it irritates me that I even have to check whether the GOG version is the worst one, that shouldn't be a thing for new digital releases.

Noticed that trend too. I purchased a bunch of old 90s games on GoG because only they had them, months later Steam had similar releases. Now it makes sense.

>publishers won't put their big games on gog because of no drm
>the devs that do put their games on gog tend to not support them properly with updates
feels bad man, gog is the only store that doesn't fuck consumers in the ass so companies refuse to support it

Their (optional) launcher fixes that and does automatic updates.
But yeah, if you use standalone installers, you need to get the patches manually from the store page and sometimes wait until they're available. Since I use them for old games mostly, haven't had much of an issue.

>but end result was some devs even just gave up so GOG had a lot of games I liked where the GOG version was objectively the worst by far, missing content and bug fixes and shit.

Postal 2 is a good example of this. For the longest time the GoG version didn't have the Paradise Lost expansion, and the devs pretty much wrote off ever getting it to GoG because of their policies mucking up the process. Of course now its there, but it sure took its time.

Wasn't GOG Galaxy released for that very reason. The few modern games I own on GOG regularly get updates. But I can't tell you if they are behind the steam version considerably.


It's not about the automatic updates, it's about whether they're available at all. Last I checked Galaxy was basically automating the process of going to the manual page and patching/redownloading, but everything there still had to go through GOG approval process first (unlike anywhere else except consoles). I don't think GOG was actively malicious or anything, but it's inherently something that doesn't scale. They should have abandoned it for new releases.

>Since I use them for old games mostly, haven't had much of an issue.
That's a valid enough strategy though yeah, if you do in fact mainly use them for "good old games" then their strengths shine.

No one cares about GOG. Only the devs/publishers side of course.

That sounds terrible, but I mostly buy old games on GOG, like it was intended at the beginning at least.
And tbf, older games though often times have a far better GOG version, bc GOG themselves fixes reported bugs, whereas the steam versions rarely get any support, even if it's actually just a GOG version that was dumped there, since the right holders usually don't care enough to go through the hassle and get the fixed versions from GOG.

That's what happens when you try to compete with Steam without attracting consumers by AAA exclusives and aggressive marketing. They can enjoy their nice guy points, I guess.


>build a bakery
>give out free samples
>everyone only takes free samples and never buys your cakes
>have to shut down your bakery

What's the issue with their approval process for modern games exactly? Why can't devs just release patches on GOG? It's not like they would hide DRM with the next patch and breach the contracts.

enjoy your drm, you pirate pc cucks.

Based pirate bros getting trannies fired

Nah even with aggressive actions, they still wouldnt be able to do big damage to the competition.Steam is way too big and engrossed in people's habits. They're like the nice guy that the girl only considers as a friend while she fucks the hunky viril dude.

>a dozen
that's like, nothing. I'm sure companies regularly fire that many employees on a daily basis.

DRM doesn't fuck over pirates, only paying customers. Which is fucking evil, to say the least.

Didn't Kingdom Come Deliverance and Witcher 1-3 sell way better on GOG though? How come that these hyped up releases sold better on GOG?

>What's the issue with their approval process for modern games exactly?
I think it's just a hold over from what they did/do with old games. With old games part of their value-add was to have some GOG actual human employee deal with trying to take all the work out of packaging up some ancient DOS game and making it run on a modern system. Nothing any of us couldn't do ourselves, but they were basically making it easy and packaging it all up for normies who'd be put off by dealing with BC and old style patching and tweaking DOSbox or whatever.

>Why can't devs just release patches on GOG? It's not like they would hide DRM with the next patch and breach the contracts.
I think I saw them claim at one point they were "testing for crashes" and shit like that, and everyone was like come the fuck on. In principle sure it's great if it doesn't crash, in practice it's impossibly time consuming to do that even mildly well.

>all these people that didn't even read it
Jesus christ

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Yeah, they should go about this differently for modern games. Modern games will be more likely to crash bc of the fix it later mentality, but delaying patches by testing them for crashes, will leave the consumers with a version that will usually be more broken than the one being tested for quite some while.

People are not discussing the layoffs since it's irrelevant when they employ thirty times that amount of people. It's just a comfy thread of people discussing the benefits and disadvantages of GOG.

Ok, but they don't make games. It's a site that sells 90's games and some new indies.

Their parent company does.

>Yeah, they should go about this differently for modern games. Modern games will be more likely to crash bc of the fix it later mentality, but delaying patches by testing them for crashes, will leave the consumers with a version that will usually be more broken than the one being tested for quite some while.
Furthermore for anything MP it's pretty standard practice to require everyone to be on the same version since often it's not a matter of bugs it's balance changes or new items or whatever. If the GOG version is delayed at all vs every other platform that means time when it can't play within anyone else which obviously is shit. If there is some CTD, well whatever all players are in the same boat and devs will get it fixed pretty quick. Just part of being part of the modern gaymin market unfortunately.

GOG is owned by the Witcher devs.

>so GOG had a lot of games I liked where the GOG version was objectively the worst by far, missing content and bug fixes and shit.
That's the most annoying thing. Instead of just having to check if a game is available on GOG, you also have to look up if you don't get some garbage version too. Last time I checked, the GOG forums had a thread dedicated to games with inferior versions for sale on the platform.

It's not. CD projekt is the mother company. CD projekt red is a dev studio that belongs to CD projekt and same goes for GOG. Neither one owns the other. The mother company owns both. They are independent from each other.

What the fuck ever, the decision to lay them off probably came from the parent company regardless.

Many of their games are overpriced. €5.29 for a 24 year old game put in dos box? Nah, I'd rather not.

That may be, but I don't see how cd projekt red having to many employees would be fixed by firing employees of another company, just because they belong to the same mother company.


>GOGfags not coming to GOGs defense anymore because they're too busy sucking off Epic, and objectively worse storefront

GOG shills revealing their true colors now that it's made abundantly clear that they were just seething about Steam letting people buy what they want and giving the consumer more options. Who would have guessed

They can't set the price themselves, the right holders set the prices. And considering what you get often times the hassle to get a 20+ year game running can waste so much time, that it's more than worth it.

Yeah I had it bookmarked, although it seems to 404 now (maybe they changed the URL scheme and it's still there somewhere, I haven't checked the forum in ages). It used to be:
or at least that used to be one source. And it's not like it's every game by far, but there were some real bummers.

I have been fucked by extra DRM tacked onto Steam games a few times too however which also grinds my gears, sure I can pirate it but I shouldn't have to bother. And Valve could at least insist that devs only use their DRM rather then adding on more. Not even DRM-free, but at least not the really horrible shit that then also breaks after a year and never gets touched again.

No store is perfect I guess. Maybe someone will make some metastore someday that collects info on every game in every store and shows which one is the best and how bad the DRM is outside of gog and shit.

not gonna read though and find out if gog has improved in the last year. still choose them first if the games are equal.

>They can't set the price themselves, the right holders set the prices.
But it seems like they suggest certain price regions. I'm seeing a lot of different mid 90s games for 5.29, for example.

>And considering what you get often times the hassle to get a 20+ year game running
Often enough you get an installer that simply puts a separate dosbox installation on your computer. There's a huge community that has been publishing the necessary settings per games in dosbox for more than a decade at this point. For free.

If they do actual work, yeah, you can put a higher price on that. That's more than fair. Dosbox + profile + installer isn't worth 5 bucks for a game two decades old.

>I think I saw them claim at one point they were "testing for crashes" and shit like that, and everyone was like come the fuck on. In principle sure it's great if it doesn't crash, in practice it's impossibly time consuming to do that even mildly well.
Isn't it because devs simply don't give a fuck about gog version of the game because they are to small and have small playerbase? They prioritize steam patches, gog can't do anything about that.

Well with The Witcher games it makes sense because CD Projekt owns GoG.

In fairness I think you're discounting the kind of knowledge and metaknowledge all of us have here. Like
>There's a huge community that has been publishing the necessary settings per games in dosbox for more than a decade at this point. For free.
I've been out of that scene for a while and I honestly have no idea where such a thing has been publishing. But even so I am still part of enough tech such that I know who to ask or could find it myself if I cared I'm sure, not like it's even really modern piracy.

But think about normies who have zero clue not merely where to look but what questions to even ask. Like have never even heard of "dosbox" or even "emulator". They really do just want to go to one shiny site, get a single package they can double click, and that has official support you can complain to if it doesn't work and will try to fix it or refund. $5 is a few coffees. Might not be for us but I can see why being legit and having that would work for many for convenience, hardly some new thing.

>Isn't it because devs simply don't give a fuck about gog version of the game because they are to small and have small playerbase?
No, GOG's process is definitely more involved. I mean, yeah, if GOG was enormous then devs would probably jump through those hoops more anyway. But the point is there shouldn't be any hoops, just some dev portal where they can just upload a patch or new version with zero interaction with any gog staff whatsoever.

>I don't see how cd projekt red having to many employees would be fixed by firing employees of another company
Either pay the devs constantly working on/making games or pay the staff that sits around waiting until they need to update a storefront. Either way, CD Projekt probably gives money to both but with Cyberpunk they needed to cut somewhere and its not definitely not going to be the people working on Cyberpunk.

I don't remember now but there was game where devs simply didn't gave a fuck about gog and they didn't made patches for gog version for couple of months.

>But the point is there shouldn't be any hoops, just some dev portal where they can just upload a patch or new version with zero interaction with any gog staff whatsoever.

Is there even any source for that they check every patch for new games?

Does this mean I have to download all of my games and keep a local copy?

>Owned by CD Projekt
I don't give a fuck, just finish Cyberpunk and make sure it's good before you fucking die off

Can someone explain to me when exactly Yea Forums became a haven for moral crusaders against piracy?

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Most people aren't fine with cognitive dissonance once confronted with it over and over. Demanding better games while pirating is counter-intuitive. Industries don't go through resets, they evolve to deal with conditions. The idea that people can crash the industry through piracy and suddenly there will be better games is retarded. Not only that but it's bullshit and misrepresents why people are pirating, and that is simply that they don't want to spend money regardless of quality most of the time.

>Can someone explain to me when exactly Yea Forums became a haven for moral crusaders against piracy?
Nothing has changed you fucking nignog. There is no "moral crusading against piracy" here but some of us have jobs and disposable income and don't have any problem paying for our hobby either. If you want to pirate go for it, and if it's got DRM then it's even the morally right thing to do. It doesn't make you cool and edgy though, particularly GOG stuff which is babby tier since there is nothing to crack and it's mostly old shit you could get running yourself anyway if you weren't such a millennial queer. If you don't care about stores just leave the thread. If seeing anyone else buy triggers you consider suicide.

Unironic marketers. There's a reason Yea Forums is the No.1 most popular board on Yea Forums

/g/ used to have them but they got doxxed to oblivion

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Fucking this.
I have no clue why people are upset over a bunch of diversity hires and other pointless staff being fired. If anything it means less political agendas being shoved in games among other things.
I hope Ubisoft also goes through a big round of firings too.

Nah I'm not a marketer. Nigger faggot fuck SJWS. there's your proof. Anyways, yeah some people just want others to get paid for their craftsmanship because we understand how economies work and also we have money.

>we understand how economies work
You think that piracy causes lost sales. You have no evidence for this yet you keep saying it. Almost like a religious belief.

then explain how Witcher 3 sold well despite no DRM? explain literally any successful game before Denuvo and other DRMs broken?

get your fucking armchair thinking outta here

No, you don't understand.
Consumers bad.
Companies good.

No user you are the gaylord. You need to go back.


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Except that they sell games that do not work on modern systems. Look at the reviews for this one for example. gog.com/game/myst_masterpiece_edition

And at that they do questionable job as well. Quake they sell without the official soundtrack for example.

damn that studio reminds me of NOMS

>You think that piracy causes lost sales.
It causes SOME lost sales. When the ip maximalist bullshitters at AAA publishers cry about losing 500 trillion trumpbux over piracy they're obviously full of shit. Some poor shitskin in the 3rd world like michigan who has no money anyway beyond the pc they stole obviously isn't going to have bought the game.

But you're a quaddruple fag if you think literally 100% of people pirating would never have bought otherwise. Hell they fucking brag about it.
>You have no evidence for this yet you keep saying it.
Like, pirates laugh about pirating on their $3k godboxes, it's constant on Yea Forums mustardrace threads even, "sure my PC cost a ton but then all the software is free!". Yeah they really had no way to buy. FFS, obviously if NOBODY buys because everyone pirates the money doesn't materialize out of nowhere. Are you for real?

Like, do whatever you want. Just don't be self-righteous about it, unless you're an actual cracker who is doing something hard and cool. If you're just a leech because you're cheap fine, but own it.

>Almost like a religious belief.
lol look in the mirror.

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but i keep hearing about how developers cant find jobs

>but i keep hearing about how developers cant find jobs
Sure shit developers or even mediocre ones can't find jobs. Conversely the superstars are superfeted. Such is capitalism.

This does not surprise me.
I supported Gog because there was practically no DRM in their installs.
Now they're worse than Steam or Uplay in my opinion.

The Witcher 3 should have been a GOG exclusive, imho. Playing the "good guys" will never make you win in the video games industry.


Holy fuck at least 12 people, probably all in useless roles like HR. Hope GOG stays okay, their service is usually pretty good.

well it made them billions so I don't get what you're saying, shill

>every game you see on GOG has DRM stripped and is made to work with as many operating systems as possible
Yeah right, I quit buying shit from them after I found out my last purchase was actually a bit-for-bit copy of a pirated version except with the lines referencing the pirate group deleted.

Too be fair its a good point, I doubt they laid of more than 1 or 2 productive people.

Millions that went to Valve instead of going into the pockets of GOG.

Most likely, the pirated version was taken from GOG.

also I'll add it's absolutely completely fine to pirate if they just don't sell it anymore, or even if they won't sell it in your country. Fuck using a VPN, if they make you jump through any hoops to spend your own money fuck them, pirate away. Also I think copyright should only be like 14-28 years like it was originally in America, so personally I feel anything older is moral to pirate if you want.

But if you pirate then the next day go spend a bunch of money on eating out or something, you're not some wild anarchist.

How does that affect you? are you actually offended that their business model works?

Also, they made 500 million from consoles alone

>at home
>ever working

Doubt CD Projeckt gives a fuck, they made million more in revenue by selling it on steam.

Gaming crash.

What game?

This. Unless those people would have switched to GOG over Steam just over W3 then it just would have lost money. 70% of something is better then 100% of nothing. And Witcher just isn't THAT big anyway, it's a solid franchise for what it is but not a platform seller.

Kind of obvious really, if you were on both Steam & Gog already obvious place to get it was gog. Anyone who bought it on Steam probably wouldn't have switched anyway.

In my view copyright unless selling to make illegal profit should be 10 years.
There's a difference between ripping on a BMW and making it in china and someone watching a film they're making literally no money on.

It doesn't affect me, it affects them, and that's the point.
>Steam always demands a 30% cut (if not more) of every game sold there
>people prefer to bought the Steam version over the GOG version, as usual
>all that drain of money that could have been in GOG's pockets are now in Steam's ones

I think Cyberpunk would be a platform seller, but they will still use steam.

>It doesn't affect me, it affects them, and that's the point.

It's funny that it took me until this sentence to realize pirate anons literally think ethics revolve around their own personal situation. that's kind of funny.

>In my view copyright unless selling to make illegal profit should be 10 years.
I could see it making some sort of escalating auction system. Like, you get 10 years auto. Then the fee is 2x for another 5 years, then 4x, then 8x, then 16x or whatever. If Disney wanted to pay the public a hundred million to keep copyright for an extra decade maybe that's fine, but they should pay the ever bigger cost it exacts on the public to keep it out of public domain.

Also I think what a lot of people really want with copyright long term isn't so much money as CREDIT. We could have a separate "creditright", as in after copyright expires maybe for the next 50 years anyone can make a new work based on your thing, but they do need to still say "based on user-kuns thing". With public domain you can just ignore that, I think that is what grinds people's gears in a lot of ways. They know some 20 year old thing that isn't selling anyway isn't some goldmine, but if someone else does something on it they do want to have some acknowledgement is all.

They do more than just secure rights to sell the game and keep the download servers up. They get the games and then have to do their own QA testing to make sure it works on modern systems as well as old OSes down to XP, which usually means getting fan patches and other post release fixes added which means seeking out more permission to even use those.
They also have that GoG Galaxy shit and do some online game servers too.

>it affects them
they still made loads of dosh, again what are you getting at?

either way, who's gonna stop me from pirating? you?

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>>Steam always demands a 30% cut
Popular games like CD Projekt red makes will go for much less.
>>people prefer to bought the Steam version over the GOG version, as usual
People that use GOG bought it from there
>>all that drain of money that could have been in GOG's pockets are now in Steam's ones
Why the fuck would CD Projeckt care when their other company makes much more as a result.

They have been a distributor for like 3 decades, they know how to manage a storefront through tough times.

>I think Cyberpunk would be a platform seller, but they will still use steam.
I doubt it. Like, I hope it's a super awesome 10/10 game, but even if it is it'll still be some sort of single player RPG/action RPG type thing right? Objective fact is that entire genre just isn't that big a deal anymore, like if they sell 5-8 million in the first year or two that would fucking awesome but I don't see any cyberpunk RPG at all selling 20 million.

Better to just have it everywhere. GOG can be the best version with the least bullshit maybe, but no reason to try to force people to use their store.

Cyberpunk has the hype, the studio, the publisher and the general track record to be a massive hit, it should outsell Witcher 3.

Honestly I hope GOG and CDPR just fucking die already and all games have more inconvenient drm measures. Hope cp2077 flops too but probably won't happen.

Its not about DRM.
This shop has only old stuff, there is very limited amount of new stuff.
I couldnt care less about old games. I already played them a thousand times, why the fuck would i buy them.


You are retarded, if it would be that easy steam would go bankrupt long time ago because everyone would sell their games by themselfs. Most people who bought witcher 3 on steam wouldn't do it if it would be only on gog. They gain money making it available on steam and other shops because thanks to that they hit potentially bigger target.

So who did they lay off? I'd rather not read anything written by Kotaku, if I can help it. Also, I think GoG is a pretty cool idea but hasn't the company lost money every year since the service was created? I almost figured it was solely there to earn good boy points and to allow for easier use of older titles from now defunct developers/publishers. I'd be more than happy to hear i'm wrong, though.

CD Projekt have been distributing games since the 90's, it's just what they do and I find it hard to believe GOG is just a massive failure, they found a niche, they just need to work with big publishers more.

Tiananmen Square

>This shop has only old stuff, there is very limited amount of new stuff.
2010 called

Are you srsly believing they would run shoop that lose them money only to watch how faggs on reddit jerk of to them? They are nowhere steam level but they would shut it down long time ago if it wouldn't be profitable


>Chinese man only knows one word

Go figure

Explain how your retarded post makes any sense whatsoever you smooth brain fuck

You are forgetting that they are still alive because the polish and european governments are pouring money into them.

I'm specifically referring to GoG.
I do believe that there have been many, many companies that never report anything but losses over the course of at least 20 years and still go strong today, mostly because of how much money their parent companies make. Whether it be for the purpose of good PR, laundering, etc. if your parent is earning a few hundred billion annually your costing them ten to twenty million a year is a total drop in the bucket.


Last year Ford laid off 24,000 people. This year Ford is laying off "thousands".

A billion dollar company laying off 12 fucking people doesn't even affect the electric bill for just the lights.

>unironically replying to these rat kike threads
Don't do this you stupid redditors
you can instantly tell they are made by this fuck because he always makes sure his name and rat faced profile image is front and center

It's 10% of their staff. And check out the financials.

Maybe Pyranna Bytes, GOG with a massive parent company, not so much.

They are firing their veterans just to hire more interns, how is that a good thing?

proof fucking where

bullshit it's only eu funds, funds that are common in other eu countries for games/movies/art or whatever. Also it isn't anything big like people make it out to be.

Attached: 1545270763473.png (1300x715, 541K)

Maybe the janitors should form a union.

>only lost $1,739

>veteran jannies and translators

based china saving gaming from the polish menace

>Cost of products sold:

Man I gotta get in on that digital distribution game
