Why aren't you hyped for the best versions of these games?
>Joycon support
>more likely it will get minigames like Revelations 1 and 2
Why aren't you hyped for the best versions of these games?
>Joycon support
>more likely it will get minigames like Revelations 1 and 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Because I'm not an underaged console corporate-slave that gets swept in orchestrated fuzz. Also, I've already bought all of those games 2-4 times in the past, and will not be doing so again.
Finally, I do not own Switch, and never will.
>>more likely it will get minigames like Revelations 1 and 2
Says who?
I already have RE 4 on my ps2 so I'm good thanks
No physical no buy.
what is going so wrong at Nintendo that it takes them like a year to port some 15 year old games to the switch?
Only game worth getting is REmake
Resident Evil 0 and 1 are getting a physical launch in North America
no gyro :/
Nintendo doesn't publish or develop resident evil, redd*t.
How fucking starved are drones for content that they are actually hyped for this? Holy shit.
I'm not American.
I have not played RE4 yet, may get it on Switch.
Switch has next to nothing coming in the future, it's good that companies like Capcom are willing to throw the platform a bone like this.
Whats the diff between resident evil 0 and 1/
it's obviously not just a coincidence that nintendo as of recent is so insanely slow about releasing stuff.
Capcom wouldn't take that long to port them.
0 is fucking meme garbage, so no hype there.
based schizo
is re4 the most ported game of all times?
it'll just be ports
if anything RE4 will be the best version
portability :)
At this stage, all I want from the Switch is to be a port box, so I can play games that I already know that I like in portable mode. Otherwise, I’ve been disappointed by Nintendo’s current output, and it’s not powerful enough to handle current gen games without gimping them. Mass Effect trilogy next, please.
whats the bet that theres nothing new, like costumes or textures or gyro aiming or an art gallery or fucking anything, and its just a bog standard port of the same game ive finished ten times?
one is an amazingly fantastic game, the other is re zero.
that goes to tetris, but RE4 is probably the most ported game ever to come from gen 4 onwards
>I do not own Switch, and never will.
Must suck being a bedroom dwelling virgin. Shout on mommy to bring you more chicken dippers son.
>Must suck being a bedroom dwelling virgin.
Says a literal child who still buys Nintendos.
Sorry kid, 'been married for 9 years soon, and never got to become a wizard.
Been married 10 years and have two kids and a nice house.
Feels good playing wholesome Nintendo games with my family and knowing that virgins like yourself remain absolutely BAFFLED by the success of the Switch.
Seethe on kiddo.
The HD remaster isn't the best version of 1.
Not like you guys care though its just console war faggots.
Is it really a surprise? RE series is the new Street Fighter II
Gyro or Fuck off.
Oh, so it's a collection? I thought they were gonna jew it out and sell them separately.
Nigga this is Capcom
Completely different people
Nintendo never has owned resident evil
>Capcom wouldn’t take this long
>The HD remaster isn't the best version of 1.
Yes it is now because this exists:
>more likely it will get minigames like Revelations 1 and 2
Why the fuck are you people not calling OP out on stupid and baseless shit on this? RE4 has been the same exact the game for more than 10 years since the PS2 minus some fidelity changes.
Revelations on Switch got some cool minigames, nothing major but still fun
>720p 30fps
>best versions
Is gyro aiming confirmed? I'll probably pick up re4 again on sale if it does
I haven't played RE4 in like ten years so I may splurge on it again. Kinda strange they just dump them out all at once, though. SE has the right idea peppering FF ports every now and then.
it is crazy how this board is suppose to be sony field but Switch is literally no games machine portable edition and no one here points this out, Weird huh?
You are both a couple of retarded faggots.
Lol look at this faggot
Never played a Resident Evil game but I plan on getting REmake day 1.
Really excited.
It was in that other RE game from last year so I don't see why not
He's in.
Yeah, it was great in both Revelation games and it seems like a perfect fit for 4 but
Crossing my fingers for 4 to have gyro aiming like in the Revelations ports.
>I already have the worst version of RE4 so I'm good
They figure if you were going to buy one of them you're probably going to buy all of them. No point in delaying all of the releases.
>Why aren't you hyped for the best versions of these games?
I don't own a switch. I already have two versions of "REbirth", I don't like Zero and I already have RE4 but never finished it.
>also RE0 but not RE3
This thread/ is so depressing for the Switch Fandom. These are literally old af games and everyone here is acting as its the great messiah coming.
They're literally GameCube games that already have been on the PS4 for a while now. Like come one.
All these threads do is literally show how the Switch is starved for AAA Third Party Games, and the ones that do are so fucking Gimped.
I literally just purchased a refurbished PS4 yesterday because I faced the facts like any human being with a single cell would realize.
seething virgin
Objectively worst version. It can't handle as many enemies on screen as game cube version or the HD ones. You've basically played the baby version and haven't actually experienced the real thing.