Why does Yea Forums hate this? I thought you guys like New Vegas

Why does Yea Forums hate this? I thought you guys like New Vegas.

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it looks uninspired and boring

every character shown is ironic and quippy

>I thought you guys like New Vegas
You thought wrong fucboi.


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reddit fallout new vegas.


you described it perfectly. the humor in the game sounds fucking retarded

>New Vegas but with Reddit edition rise of Rick and Morty

what's your point? it doesn't matter if it's subjective or not, clearly enough people share the same opinion

The two leads were the leads responsible for VtM:B.
That game had to be finished by the fans.

Add to that all the good writers have left and there is very little reason to get excited for this game.

Cause twitter profiles trigger certain sensitive snowflakes that happen to hang around here.

I don't hate it. In fact I'll probably get it when it comes out. I'm just not super excited for it. Only real problem is the humor feels forced.

I've been wishing them dead for years but now they're back as a zombie reanimated by Microsoft. Guess there really is no way off this ride. I'm at least glad their attempts to coast by on old reputation failed after murdering all their talent, but I do wish their corpse would stop twitching.

>I've been wishing them dead for years
Why? What's the missing talent besides Chris Avellone?

Back to discord, tranny.

The game looks like a late gen 360 title.

A statement that vague shouldn't be so offensive to you that you bother to post this reply tranny.
Thanks for proving my point.

Because muh Microsoft

Most of Yea Forums's current user base was underaged when NV launched.

Did it come out already?

There's nothing wrong with communism.

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>You just keep on being you

Is not something neets and losers wants to hear. People like that doesn't want to be reminded of how little they accomplish. Living in denial is basically their mantra.

everyone here thinks it's gonna be a Borderlands game because of the fucking scientist, despite the fact that every Troika game mixes humor and dark themes as a means of reinforcing each other

Tim and Leonard said in a recent interview that the humor and zaniness is only surface level, but Yea Forums is retarded and doesn't read so there's that

>There's nothing wrong with communism.

what in the goddamn xD AMirite fellow 4channers xd

What else is there other than hatred?

These newfags are truly insufferable. If vampire came out today you'd have threads spammed daily about various dumb fishmalk antics and the game would just get shitposted to death.
This board is aids.

New Vegas best features is that it's a Bethesda game with actual tolerable writing, it's a Fallout game that actually feel a bit like a Fallout game, and it has really great mods.

The Outer world has none of those aspects, and having any sort of faith in Obsidian at this point is stupid.

VtMB is shit. Deal with it, autist.

Get off my board stupid newfag.

Been here longer than you redditfag

Ironically you out yourself as a zoomer by thinking that archtype is owned by Ronald and Morgan, it's clearly a Doc Brown standin

I'd still like you to fuck off retard.

HaHA! You trolled him, EPIC STYLE! Shut up and take my upvote!


you're the reason people still abort babies. they don't want to have dipshits like you, only to get a fucking disappointment in life, instead of a functioning child

Go make a Facebook page with auto-blockers if you're going to be this much of a little bitch.

I'm sickle rick!

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I haven't seen anyone say they hate it, just memeing about the guy looking like Rick. I mean I can't really hate a game until I play it

yeah, yours

I'm a little bitch for telling some faggot to piss off?
VTMB is good and you're the one who needs to deal with it fag.

>no romance options
into the trash it goes

>Why does Yea Forums hate this?
Why does Yea Forums hate anything they've not played yet?

Are you retarded?

>Why does Yea Forums hate anything they've not played yet?
I don't know. That's why I'm asking.

It doesn't have romancable characters

I'll reserve my final judgement until it's out. But it's not looking great so far.

Most stuff is just empty promises and marketing blurbs, and the tiny amount of the game they have showed off looks painfully mediocre. That and 90% of Obsidian seemingly being made up of 20-something straight out of school liberal arts majors with dyed hair and preferred gender pronouns on their twitters, if they can actually deliver an old school RPG product I'll be really fucking surprised.

Hell, compared to who they have now even Fenstermaker was good

>90% of Obsidian seemingly being made up of 20-something straight out of school liberal arts majors with dyed hair and preferred gender pronouns on their twitters
This is your brain on Yea Forums.

Corporations aren't real, Toddy

You're new here. Alright then.
Yea Forums hates everything.

An hour later and you've found 3 people fitting the profile. Doesn't seem like such a drastic change to me.


You mean using hyperbole and having a bit of a laugh by exaggerating to make your post a bit more interesting to read? Yes. I do suppose that's quite normal for Yea Forums.

It's a fucking Rick homage, you moron.

And it's right on the back of the show. If you think otherwise, you're a literal moron.

Fair enough.

I'm not the guy you originally replied to. In any case, those 3 people were responsible for a vast amount of writing in Obsidian games. Ziets did MotB which is probably Obsidian's finest output (too bad base NWN2 was so bad that almost no one bothered with expansions). Gonzalez wrote majority of NV together with Sawyer. Fenstermaker worked on all of the above plus was the lead of PoE1. Add Avellone to that and you're literally left with Sawyer when it comes to the original writing talent, and he stressed numerous times that he's much more interested in mechanics than writing nowadays and doesn't want to be a narrative lead of anything.

One of the Game Informer interviews they actually do say he was inspired by Rick and Morty.

>1 trailer
>a little game play shown
Clearly you know what the whole game will be like.

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To a writing-centric studio, losing even 1 key writer is critical. Look at what happened to Mass Effect after the departure of Karpyshn. Losing multiple? That's an incredibly serious concern.

I guaran-fucking-tee you this game will have a modding community. It's attracting fanbases that are already comfortable with mods, and it uses the Unreal Engine, which is one of (if not the) most accessible engine in the industry.

Pretty sure Obsidian themselves said the game won't support modding.

I mean sure it might have some minor mods like a lot of unsupported games have, but nowhere near the point where it starts to become worthwhile and have a life of it's own. Obsidian has never been particularly mod friendly(that said we have been fortunate enough that they have made a few games on engines that have had really solid mod tools, through no work of their own) so I don't see why they would start now with a story heavy console focused Microsoft published game.

>Pretty sure Obsidian themselves said the game won't support modding.




Fair enough then. Still only vague promises, but better than their earlier statements from 2018 that it wouldn't be getting any.

Now it only needs a new writing team and be a Fallout IP and we are in business.

hope you retards realize he barely even has blue hair

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...you think that Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky aren't going to be able to deliver writing quality similar to the the original Fallout, then?