Chances of a Pokemon 2019 announcement tomorrow?
Chances of a Pokemon 2019 announcement tomorrow?
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Who cares, Yokai Watch has surpassed it.
Do adults really play new Pokemon games? I thought it was only autistic manchildren, or soibois. And their containment board is
0, since it’s Alola tomorrow
Not really, it never will surpass it, no other franchise will, the only thing that can kill pokemon is itself, but Yokai watch is a nice franchise anyways and I prefer it over nu-pokemon.
who gives a hoot anymore frankly, it's gonna be probably gonna be shit
Yokai what? never heard of her
what the fuck is this shit? I swear to god if it's another 3Dshit game with ugly ass graphics and little to no innovation, or worse, simpler gameplay I will give up on Pokemon and just stick to older games and not even bother with newshit
King and Queen. Wut?!?!
More like Kangz and Queenz
How have you not given up on it already?
The games were never hard or good.
>I swear if new Barney panders to 4 year olds instead of 6 year olds I will call it quits
Literally you
>Yokai Watch has surpassed it.
How's those YW3 sales in the U.S. going? Any NPD data? Will YW4 be outselling Gen. VIII on the Switch here in 2019?
I think its likely according to leaks, it's supposed to be BoTW tier in terms of quality, and "refreshing" and "interesting", again according to leakers that have a great track record.
theres a detective pikachu trailer being released tomorrow. the announcement will be on the 27th
I liked Omega Ruby
More 20+ year olds play pokemon than actual kids nowadays
We all know that 90% of Yea Forums will buy the Queen edition.
>it's supposed to be BoTW tier in terms of quality, and "refreshing" and "interesting"
That sounds like a hock of shit user
I liked it too but after being stupid enough to buy Ultra Moon and seeing the abomination that was LGPE I don't think there's any hope left.
queen = more waifus
Same here but with Sun. I feel like the series needs to take a rest or maybe go back to it's roots as in fuck Gen 1 fags and give us back the mechanics and graphics of Gen IV and V
Let's all laugh at YW being a dead meme in Japan:
>As J-Cast reports, when the “Yokai Watch boom” was in full effect in 2014, its intellectual property netted 55.2 billion yen ($499 million). But by 2015, that number had slipped to 32.9 billion yen ($297 million). The following year it was 10.4 billion yen ($93 million). That slide continued and Yokai Watch’s intellectual property sales are no longer even in the merch top ten.
>Interest in Yokai Watch characters has also evaporated. In 2014, Yokai Watch characters were the most liked in Japan. In 2017, Yokai Watch still polled number three on Japanese children’s favorite characters, coming ahead of Pokémon which was number four that year. As of 2018, Yokai Watch was no longer in the top ten.
>In the midst of Yokai Watch fever, Level-5 opened a series of ten Yokai Watch themed stores. Now, only one remains in Fukuoka, where Level-5 is based. That shop will shutter on February 24.
The only way that's even remotely possible is if Gamefreak got help from other developers, which would surprise me.
Only people who like Yokai are those who know Pokemon is shit, but will take literally any alternative just to say "i-it's better, I swear!"
It's based off of leaks so it could be a hock of shit, you're right. But based off of where the leaks are coming from I personally think it's true. Ex. King zell and chinese riddler.
I'll believe it when I see it
We'll have to see!
I'm hyped for Pokémon Soul and Pokémon Soulless
>level-5 in charge of managing a mixed media IP
>Botw tier anything
Does anyone mentally sane really believe this shit? How can you still expect anything remotely good from those hacks after gen 6/7
Level-5 do some good stuff, but they are retarded and don't know the meaning of the word marketing.
I believe that if level-5 focused on marketing more they would be absolute top tier and GF will have a good reason to stop being lazy faggots, so it will be a win-win situation.
I personally don't want to lose another game series to politics and/or mediocrity, fucking KH3 really did let me down recently despite it being a solid game
With Masuda finally quitting as a Director maybe someone at GF actually decided to take advantage of the connection they have to Nintendo and get some help to create a game on the level of BotW and Odyssey. Or these "leakers" are just full of shit.
Yes 6/7 sucked complete dick but we can hope, with the switch being the console that it is that they will completely revitalize pokemon and come out with something fresh
Stay tuned for Pokemon Pulp and Pokemon No Pulp!
>Picking Pulp
Literally the worst choice.
I didn't even think about that. Yes that would be great, the new game can only go one or two ways, it's gonna be amazing or its gonna be a huge letdown.
An announcement for an announcement?
1% chance
My money is on a letdown, most devs don't fucking try anymore
You guys are setting your selfies up for disappointment. Do you know how many years it took those teams to make BotW and MO? A shit ton, and game freak have made it very clear that they want Pokémon to be a yearly/ bi yearly franchise. Expect something closer to Fire emblem Three houses.
It depends entirely on who's in charge of directing now at GF. Masuda was shit because he excused making lazy cashgrabs by saying that kids nowadays are more interested in playing mobile games anyway. Having someone who actually cares about the quality of the games as a director can do great things for the franchise.
I'm almost certain that this year's game will be shit, I'm just saying there is a slight possibility it's not. Also the last two Pokémon games were made by B teams.
Well the SM/USUM director seems most likely to be Masuda's successor so I really don't have high hopes at all.
Considering this year's game has been in development since before USUM was released I doubt it's him.
I am not looking forward to this new generation of Pokemon.
The Pokemon social media accounts have been releasing little videos about each region. Today, they posted Kalos, tomorrow they will post Alola and the 27th, the day of Pokemon, they will probably reveal generation 8 along with the new region.
Not even morbid curiosity to see how blatant they make the new fapbait pokemon after going all-in with the concept last gen?
What if this newest game combines EVERY region?!
I will probably see through the grapevine what gets in. But I'm not gonna go out of my way to learn about a game I will never play.
That would require effort