Xenonauts 2

Anyone else hyped for this? It looks way deeper than the first game. Also, much better art style.

Attached: xenonauts2.png (1552x873, 1.85M)

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I would be if XCOM and all its spinoffs weren't RNG bullshit

the RNG is what makes it good, look at how horrible it is without the RNG when Phantom Doctrine tried it

Dunno man. I am absolutely spoiled by all the UFO mods I have been playing lately, I heavily doubt that this one will hold up to this in every aspect besides graphics.
Is the scenario similar to Nu-XCOM 2?

The beauty of the original XCOM was that it accomodated those RNG factors by leaving room for mistakes. Nu-XCOM decided to fuck it up by making one squad wipe a game-breaker on higher difficulties, without any reasonable possibillities to make a comeback.

Seriously, how bad you have to be at XCOM to think that it's just RNG bullshit? There's RNG involved, but you should be constantly trying to maximize your chance of success and giving yourself the best opportunity to cover for any fuck-ups. Tactical/Strategy games with guaranteed damage and accuracy tend to be far easier and result in a single way to play the game optimally.

Phantom Doctrine is a good game. RNG encourages savescumming too much. No wants to have a master plan fuck up because a 99% shot missed, or your opponent landed at 10% crit.

I lost all hype when I learned they were following FiraXCOM style.
Singular base/squad is the largest tumor of the nuCOM style.

I had no idea they were doing that. I guess I'm skipping this one.

These graphics make me really nostalgic for Commandos.

Attached: QR7Skie.png (741x413, 707K)

Are the backgrounds prerendered or 3d?


Phantom Doctrine is a shit game. It's slow as fuck and the enemy has all the advantages all the time. Being forced to use stealth all game and with shit """Intelligence""" is awful.


>Phantom Doctrine is a good game
once you figure out how to the game works the optimal approach of ghosting becomes the easiest despite being the least fun and most tedious. the overworld gameplay was good though

>play RNG game
>bitch about RNG

every time

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Release when? I'm afraid that Phoenix Point might come sooner

Thats what I mean. Its a pretty fucking fun stealth game. The combat is trash, but so is combat in most stealth games.


wow i knew they were copying XCOM but come on....

Attached: main_base_arrangement.png.8bcdf3dac37866e86f08a002a87d5500.png (1961x1029, 2.22M)

Americans can't into percentages, it's no wonder they hate these games

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Oh, it gets worse:
>Secondary Bases - what's the point?
>It's important to draw a distinction here between Xenonauts and old X-Com, because in Xenonauts we are actively trying to limit the number of ground missions the player can play in a single campaign. In order to keep the air war interesting, we throw far more UFOs at the player than X-Com does - which means a lot more crash sites. We can't possibly expect (or allow) the player to do all those missions, so we've introduced the Readiness mechanic to force the player to choose which missions they consider important.

>Not allowing the player to do every crash site removes one of the biggest reasons for building up a secondary team on the Geoscape, which means the only real role for secondary bases in the current X2 design is to expand radar coverage and to house interceptors - everything else can be done more efficiently in your main base!

Well, that's more a problem of believing being born in a barn makes you a horse.

in the off chance you havent already check out shadow tactics: blades of the shogun

xcom 2 is the worst pc port of all time

ufo defense with openxcom is the best xcom style game

At some point they were planning to remove the Skyranger and just use a teleporting room instead
Also the new airgame is shit

ugh casualized....

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Honestly, the air-game was the worst part of the original game too.
Yet, it was also the only really original thing it did.


The Readiness mechanic controls the number of Geoscape actions a player can perform. In game terms it represents the maintenance level of the helicopter dropship at ATLAS Base - so if an action requires Readiness and your helicopter isn't airworthy, you can't do it.

Given the helicopter is primarily used to deploy soldiers to Geoscape combat sites, the primary function of the system is to act as a check on the number of combat missions you can play across the course of the game. It was problematic in Xenonauts 1 that there was nothing to stop the player from fighting every single crash site and combat mission spawned on the Geoscape (other than the fact it was extremely boring); this now means the player has to pick and choose rather than do them all.

As there are unpleasant overtones of the Firaxis XCOM "choose one of three missions" system here, it's important to note that the player has far more freedom in this setup. You're not arbitrarily barred from doing multiple sites in a single day if you have enough Readiness to launch two missions, and the Readiness generation rate can be increased if you hire additional Engineers and assign them to the Hangar at ATLAS Base. You can run more combat missions than a normal player if you want to - but you need to make a conscious choice to do so and devote resources to it.
... continues

The final cool feature to mention here is that Readiness can also allow us to expand the base mechanics - for instance, by bringing back Stores Capacity. We're experimenting with a system where Readiness isn't just used to deploy troops on combat missions - a secondary use is to buy things and hire personnel from the Stores screen (the helicopter has to fly and pick up those supplies). This means that the player has to choose carefully when they want to buy / hire, because they are wasting Readiness if they do it too often - so you might not want to hire replacement soldiers immediately after taking casualties, as if you wait a few more days until your Lab finishes building you can hire six new scientists at the same time and save Readiness. Having more Storage Capacity at your base allows you to buy more stuff with each supply run, making your base more efficient.

Why even bother making this shit then? If I wanted to play nuxcom I would just play that.

>tfw you want to call for a pizza but you can't because you shoot some aliens earlier

Why implementing all that unintuitive stuff? All they had to do was to set the Skyranger refueling time to 24h or something

Its a case of "_____ made more money than us, so we should just copy them" that kills so many franchises. Instead of carving out their own niche, they want to go head to head with XCom.

Just buy a second helicopter, lmao.

Which is probably worse for Goldhawk...
Since their only claim to fame thus far is making a subpar clone of a 30 year old game. (One of the best X-Clomes, but still worse than the original.)

Guess I'll be buying Phoenix Point instead of this turd.

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The only thing I know about Xenonauts is this and looking at it always upsets me

Attached: Armour.png (856x1450, 304K)

Air combat was kino in 1

But, user, its problematic that your secret organization could actually perform its job.

>mfw taking down large UFO fleets with normal interceptors

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