As a fighting game fan, this game is fucking boring

as a fighting game fan, this game is fucking boring

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plus the 2nd season is just a smack in the face to people who bought the first season

I havent been able to go a week without playing it since it came out.
I lived long enough to see my dream game be released and it feels good.

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In what way? How dose season two effect people who bought the first

>fighting game fan
prove it, post your steam hours on all your fighting games, casual scrub

I'm too poor to have an opinion on it.
Just play CTB or SC6. Those are good. CTB gets shit on because of """easy""" combos but the game has WAY more depth than you'd expect.

obviously. It's a dumbed down mvc. Everything else about the game is pretty good though

>boring anime series
>boring gameplay
>boring everything
type-moon needs to pay frenchbread to give a good series a fighting game

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>fighting games on PC

yes, fighting games on pc. the best actual version of every fighting game. and? post your hours scrub.

>best actual version
come to akihabara

This. Only times I stopped playing is when I went for week-long vacations and even then I could feel the withdrawal towards the end and started doing combo routes with closed eyes before sleeping and theoryfightan in general

What are your teams, Yea Forums?

Videl/Piccolo/Trunks here and it works surprsingly decent

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Right now I'm using videl/piccolo/yamcha its been alot of fun so far my win/loss has gone up since I switched from 18/piccolo/tien

I dont even like dragon ball or even have the game. But the times ive played and also the matches ive watched i always liked it

It's the only fighting game we the moment I play aside from BlazBlue with friends. It's such a beautiful game, but the gameplay drives me crazy time to time with the homing dash shit. Also Jiren looks really bad.

Hit and Tien have been my main stays because I find them so much fun. 21 I've been experimenting with and do far she seems to fit very well on the team.

As a fighting game fan, I disagree. UMvC3 will hold a special place in my heart but DBFZ takes the idea in a new and interesting direction. S2 actually helped things for the most part, but I wish they had more exceptions for the Double Super nerf (like letting Tien not be affected since all of his supers have a downside) and gave every character a second assist so there's an option. Guard Cancel buffs and Dragon Rush SKD are great changes though.

I think I've finally settled on two main teams: Broly/Jiren/SS Goku and Zamasu/Jiren/Gotenks. Jiren just glues the Broly/Goku and Zamasu/Gotenks shells together really well and he's a lot of fun to play with with his big boy damage and reactive, read-based gameplay. I am going to experiment with some Broly/Jiren/16 before I lock that first one in though.

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As a video game fan, no one other than jungle bunnies, slopes, and retards gives a fuck about your shitty genre after a week so shut the fuck up and go back to the srk forums where you annoying twats belong.

>Characters all feel the same
>Low amounts of moves, usually having 2 to 3 at most with no command inputs
>Only cool combos are corner ones

I like to play and lab the game but I honest to god wish the characters were more diverse

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A team I find alot of fun but I'm not dedicated anuf to learn is ginue/piccolo/hit

seriously it feels so fucking random, me and my opponent can sd at the same frame from across the screen and i'll hit him when it should've clashed

I've been playing the game since Day 1 and I've never understood this complaint. There are some samey characters, mostly the Saiyans, that differentiate a little in their assists/damage output/neutral tools, but when the game has all of the following:
>all three Majins
>Base Goku
I can't call the roster samey. Most of those characters I listed are also mid-to-high tier, with Krillin/Nappa/Baseku trailing the most (you can still make them work with the right team, unlike 17 who is fucking unplayable).

I agree it's the only thing that drives me crazy in this game. Is it even possible for them to address this or change how it works? Probably not, I figure.

As someone who doesn't like fighting games, yeah, fighting games are all fucking boring lol.

I played Street Fighter II with my brother for a few dozen hours total back in like 1995.

Guess what? I'm done. I understand everything I need to know about any fighting game ever from that time. I mean, what the fuck is there to do? Back back forward X! Wow got a combo!

Fighting games fucking blow, dude. What did you expect? - and that's a serious question.


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This is the main reason why fighting games will never appeal to a broad audience. You will spend hours practicing one combo and the moment you play the game for real, you get completely btfo. People like seeing numbers or stat increases or something tangible rather than it going into your memory. Hell NRS has gotten over this by overbloating their games and making the core gameplay boring.

street fighter 2 was broken as fuck dude. a combo does like 75% of your life in that game. it's also rather rigid with not a lot of movement options or room for combo variety.

>You will spend hours practicing one combo and the moment you play the game for real, you get completely btfo.
Because you were practicing the wrong thing. You should have been practicing your fundamentals like blocking, knowledge of normals, execution and poking. Combos are generally the LAST thing you practice. I'm not afraid of someone who can do an 80% combo if they have the poorest defence and predictable as hell.

Team is Base Goku, Zamsu and Base Vegeta i fucking hate Videl so much btw seriously fuck Videl players and fuck Videl

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That's the entire appeal and limiter on fighting games at the same time: all the progression is entirely centralized in the player, not the character. Unlike other multiplayer-focused games, there's also no team or random elements to blame. You've outplayed them or you haven't.

The most frustrating thing is people who lose think that not having execution is why they lost. People like who think that knowing how to do a link or a juggle is the key to victory when it's neutral and blocking that give you the win usually, and combos just let you maximize your damage so you need to outplay them less times per round.

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90% of orange square have one combo memorized and spend the whole match trying to land the one combo

The casual isn't gonna get into learning fundamentals. It doesn't help that most fighting games don't provide tutorials for that and instead just do combo challenges. (does tekken 7 even have either?) Most casuals go into combos right away because it's meat of the game, most of them don't realize there's a whole meta-game behind minute things like taunting during a combo.

This too. I've seen so many people drop fighting games because they literally can't blame anyone else and they have to resort to one of the Johns.

>That team
Baseku/Zamasu have some synergy but Zamasu is definitely better off on point there, and I don't see how Base Vegeta gives either of them anything. Do you do well with that team?

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Tekken 7 while a great game is actually very poor at teaching new players. Like the basic universal systems like recovery moves aren't actually well explained at all and in some cases not even explained!

But there's no point if I can just land the same move for massive damage everytime if I can easily predict the attacks.

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The problem is no new player wants to sit down and go though a tutorial explaining the minute details they want to jump in and kick ass

I'm a big fighting game fan and have seen every episode of the dragon ball series' and I just couldn't get into the game. I just prefer more footsie based fighting like street fighter. MK11 looks to be more up alley.

I feel like tag games end up gravitating towards having more similar teams at the top level compared to others which is part of the reason they get boring. Main problem is with the strength of assists and some other things like season 1 double super strength it feels like your mid/anchor choices are very limited if you want to play optimally. So many characters in this game feel like viable points but you have to back them up with the same collection of mids/anchors.

Well at a basic or intermediate level you can do that in Tekken 7. You can go in and scrub it up with a few characters like that or just learn a basic few moves, the more tactical and advanced stuff though will be required learning to have any hope of progress though like correct wakeup actions.

Hell first time I started playing and was using Jack I just rocket punched people for counterhits and damage. Mid Rocket Punch > Knockdown > Low Rocket Punch = 50% already.

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MK11 is definitely trying to have more footsies than MK9/X with its mechanics, but it still looks super janky, and they might've gone too far and encouraged turtling, since your Offensive & Defensive EX meters both regen over time.

Samurai Spirits is coming out this year and that will be good and neutral-heavy while looking much better than MK11.

Uhh not really actually am pretty shitty at the game, i just use characters i like honestly.

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>as a fighting game fan, bix nood muthafucka iz nu ick mik yak buk clicklitkylcickclackclkac


There was the patch back in November I think that buffed many assists in terms of hit/blockstun, and that improved the number of viable Mids, especially since some of them really benefit from meter. I do think a second assist per character would do a lot for the game if the choices were right, though.

That's fine. I just lab team synergy like a motherfucker (hold over from Marvel 3) so that team confused me, especially since I play Zamasu. Personally, I believe that Zamasu is High Tier if he has Gotenks on his team and Mid Tier otherwise.

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He's not talking about character variety...He's talking about everyones game plan being virtualy the same thing. Eveything the bores me about DBFZ is the same thing that always bored me about marvel. It's way too much rinse and repeat.

>i just use characters i like honestly.
That's really how you should play fighting games honestly, don't play characters you don't like otherwise you'll burn out on the game and not enjoy it. Like that one JP guy who always play Jagi in the HnK fightan despite the character being bottom floor tier and still pulls wins.

I just bought this game, can anybody help me get gud?
Also once I finish dragonball should I watch the original dbz or kai

This is an ezmode game for Japanese kids and South Americans of all ages

I was talking about that too. Most of those characters have unique gameplans and the rest have tools that let them approach gameplans that others might have in new ways.

Is King of Fighters, dare I say, finally finished?

Kai is far less fillery and tighter as well as easier to watch, and faster since there are a lot less episodes, but the original experience definitely has its own flavor prepare for Freeza taking 7 episodes to blow up the planet

hmm, I stopped playing seriously in october but I guess that might be a big deal. Personally as I played A18 the problem for me was even though there were a lot of decent assists for her, because her assist is so bad it felt like I had to design the team around steamrolling with her on point and had to take the best assists possible. If it was like skullgirls and I could just change her assist to destructo disc it would be a lot easier. Might just try to learn another mixup character if I ever start playing again, videl/gotenks/piccolo seemed kinda fun when I was messing around but it's not quite the same.

combos are pretty straightforward, they all sort of follow the same flowchart for the most part so just learn how to extend off of assists and what different routes you get during sparking or in the corner. then learn how to do mixups with your character in the most common situations - on guard during a blockstring, after you slam them into a ground ("sliding knockdown"), after you snapback (switching opponents character with assist button during dragon rush, this takes blue life off the other character and locks out their assists/guard cancel), and after you level 3 them ('hard knockdown"). you can pretty much get away with playing braindead in neutral up until orange or pink square if you just punish super dash and play around assists.

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