What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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Holy shit what a savage.
I love how this game just mocks a lot Dragon Ball tropes, it is so self conscient, like Cell roasting everyone and Freeza telling him he got owned by an enraged kid, or the Yamcha memes.

Wasn't this patched out?

What about yamcha x freeza

Well its not like Goku being a terrible husband and father is breaking news

its like he's offended that gohan can be so terrible

Attached: btfo.png (750x627, 736K)

Goku is a shit dad, everyone knows this.

Goku & chi-chi's relationship feels like a cautionary tale of why you shoudn't marry someone you barely know over a childhood promise

Goku sucks cocks in men's restrooms for pocket change in order for chichi to let him go train, and forgets gohan even exists

Women were always a bane of power levels.
>no wife - proper development in DB
>gets married - dies against Radditz
>away from wife in afterlife - beats Saiyans & Frieza, gets Kaioken, SSJ, can into teleportation
>trains for 3 years while staying with wife - no gains, gets heart cancer
>spends 1 year in Hyperbolic No Wife Chamber - SSJ mastered
>7 years in afterlife - jumps to SSJ3, learns fusion
>back to life and wife - no progress
>spends time with Beerus - SSB
>Hyperbolic No Wife Chamber - KKx10 SSB
>back to wife - loses control of ki, suspicious as fuck
>runs to Kaiou - healed

>stronger than Goku until Bulma
>wise enough to fuck his gf and run - gets SSJ
>Hyperbolic No Wife Chamber - SSJ Stage 2
>7 years with wife - only gets SSJ2, outclassed by Goku
>runs to Beerus - surpasses Goku in 6 months

>useless aside from rage autism until Piccolo kidnaps him
>gits gud with Piccolo
>gits gud on Namek
>trains 3 years with mother around - no gains
>Hyperbolic No Mom Chamber - SSJ2, surpasses Goku
>7 years with mother - LOSES power
>goes to Sacred World - surpasses Goku again
>gets married - cannot even into SSJ

>Over a decade with mom
>Barely reaches SSJ, can't beat androids
>Travels to future, spends a year in Hyperbolic No Mom Chamber, SSJ Stage 2
>Returns to future, destroys androids
>7 years pass with mom, only reaches SSJ2
>Mom dies, goes to past, trains with father
>Turns SSJ/Blue Aura on par with SSB, able to hold his own against Black

Coincidence? I don't think so

>Krillin strongest human fighter until married, grows hair and quits martial arts
>Picollo asexual, strongest non-saiyan Z-fighter
>Roshi former world champion, now thinks of nothing but women, presently the weakest fighter
>Champa has female supervisor - fat fuck, no one treats him seriously
>Beerus: male supervisor - magnificent cat, gets all the pussies
>Zumasu has alt version of himself - Becomes immortal, beats SSGB Goku & Vegeta, has himself for hugs & cuddles

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but he made millions the first episode of Super witch is CANNON


What about Tien though? He hasn't felt a woman's warmth in decades. He ought to be the most powerful by that logic.

Fuck vic

He treats that second set of arms like a woman.

Chiaotzu is basically a wife/son he has to constantly watch over. Like yamcha and puar. They got a little sidekick who holds them down BUT still give them bjs

It doesn't apply to GODly

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When you're a Saiyan and fucking Tien can beat you, you know you fucked up.

He's exempt because cheelai has a penis

No way, the suit is stretchy, we'd see the bulge.

He means that Gohan is a shit and a disappointment.

Only in dubshit cancer fanfic, people actually contacted Shueisha about this cancer and Shueisha slapped the shit out of Funimation to retranslate all instances of their fanfic properly throughout the game.

>Loses a fight for the first time after talking to a girl for the first time

Very small penis

>It doesn't apply to GODly
See The second he comes in contact with a female he immediately jobs

>goku is a piece of shit father
More news at 11

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He didn't, though. He beat Vegeta, then Goku, then Frieza (for a whole fucking hour) and only lost when Gogeta showed up. And even then he was still fighting, who knows if Gogeta could have finished the job?

You forgot Goten and kid-Trunks.

They subvert the theory, they go SSJ with mom, but in the no-mom chamber go Gotenks-SSJ3

Woman are and always have been kryptonite to men, both in fiction AND reality.

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>Roshi former world champion, now thinks of nothing but women, presently the weakest fighter
>goes on NoFap for 2 days
>achieves Ultra Instinct

He did become strong enough to fight in the god level tournament after raping puar tho.

>after raping puar tho
Except he didn't do anything, he literally achieved Zen by spending full 48 hours with Puar as a sexy girl and didn't touch Puar or even fap.
He achieved temporary full enlightenment by training resistance to pussy gains sucking sorcery and achieved Ultra Instinct.

Anyone got that pic with 3 stick dudes all showing off, first one saying he's finally lost weight, second that he's picked up muscle and then the 3rd one floats with radiant aura and they ask him what did he do with the reply being "nofap"?
Always relevant in threads like this.

Fuck it found it myself

Attached: no-fap-comic.png (625x605, 66K)

Gohan is garbage

No, it's still there. People just thought it was removed because there happens to be another quote that is nearly identical, stopping at "That makes me proud!" The lines used are random.

>what a SAVAGE
>Cell ROASTING everyone
>Freeza telling him he got OWNED
This is an 18+ website

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While that comment was pretty shitty from Goku, is he wrong?

Gohan was on the fast track to being a real Chad as a kid, then he threw it all away to be a wagecuck nerd who'd rather balance his checkbook then fight. It's why he went from the strongest person in the series at one point to being a total joke.

I think it's bullshit that Tien never rose to Super Saiyan-tier power. He's trained more than anyone else in the show, including Vegeta and maybe Goku.

t. Beta male Sean

Launch is still killing him inside. He's not over her, and neither am I.

Attached: Launch.Ep.126.png (720x540, 261K)

>bit player in BoG
>can barely go Super Saiyan and gets OHKOd in RoF
>totally offscreen and unmentioned in Broly

Gohan is going to be retconned as having never been born in the next movie, isn't he.

>who knows if Gogeta could have finished the job?

>Broly fans have the same IQ as Broly

Colour me surprised


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Gohan never wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. He literally went home to be a family man. Fuck Goku for being such a judgmental prick.

>This is an 18+ website
Then why are you posting le epic dante of ADHD children?

So is this the real reason Rich Piana died? Did he stop making gains after marrying his whore wife and then realize that the only way he could ascend even further is by training in the afterlife?

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He tanked Stardust Breaker, user. That's Gogeta's finisher. He was getting whomped, sure, but could Gogeta have closed it out before the fusion timer elapsed?

Yes. After Goku fucked off to train Uub, Gohan writes a book that basically explains in layman's terms how to harness one's own ki energy for practical purposes, and the entire planet gives it a read.
It propels earthling civilization hundreds of years ahead. Now everyone can fly, channel energy, et cetera, toying with ki to harness it in ways more unique than just shooting beams and fireballs.

Goku saved the world a couple times. Gohan future-proofed the planet against galactic/magical/interdimensional threats for eternity by teaching everyone how to control ki and fight for themselves. In the end, Gohan went way beyond Goku's intentions of letting Gohan be the protector of the planet, and Gohan did it by writing a fucking book.

You missed the point entirely: the Stardust Breaker/Soul Punisher erases evils. For it to whiff on Broly was entirely to show that Broly wasn't an evil character. If the last Kamehameha hit though, that would've been it.

>Gohan future-proofed the planet against galactic/magical/interdimensional threats for eternity by teaching everyone how to control ki and fight for themselves. In the end, Gohan went way beyond Goku's intentions of letting Gohan be the protector of the planet, and Gohan did it by writing a fucking book.

When/where did this happen?

Isn't Super Saiyan inherently impure of heart, though? That's why Goku can't use the Spirit Bomb in that state, and got bodied by his own Spirit Bomb in the ToP. Or is LGSS different in that respect?

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Dragon Ball Online is officially canon (Toriyama helping write/oversee much of it) and part of the main timeline after End of Z, it is referenced in other media such as Xenoverse. In DBO lore, Gohan wrote a book titled "Groundbreaking Science" that explains how to control ki in simple terms.

Only about eight minutes had passed from the moment Gogeta fused to the point Broly was looking helplessly at the final Kamehameha. If the Fusion Dance is genuinely 30 minutes no matter what, Broly had at least another 20 minutes of being brutalized to go.

Gohan fans are the fucking worst.

Impure doesn't mean evil, and different "purity" items and techniques have different rules. Krillin isn't pure-hearted for the nimbus but he can hold the spirit bomb, Vegeta barely qualified as good at the end of Buu but was still able to help with SSG, and it's likely the demon that became Janemba wasn't a goody two-shoes but he was still left after the soul punisher was done.

Weird, but fair. I don't really understand the distinctions but it's probably some nip culture shit.

He did rise to SS tier, problem is the Saiyans didn't stop there.