How do we fix the horror genre?
How do we fix the horror genre?
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By making the monsters looklike Shin Godzilla
Revive the Condemned series
inb4 “no jumpscares and make dying have severe consequences”
Having to go back a long ways after you die isn’t scary, it’s just fucking annoying.
Greater focus on feeling uneasy, nervous, and worried. Far less focus on guns, weapons, and killing the monster. Even less focus on trying to push a narrative that isn't related to the monster or plot.
More body horror.
his head big lol
More jumpscares, I'm serious
What about a game with no monsters or supernatural elements, just black people? I want a game about being lost in an impoverished atlanta suburb late at night and being hunted by angry blacks.
it's just your eyes trying to compensate for blurriness
Constant paranoia about what could be coming next over in your face grotesque imagery. Don't fully explain the main monster(s). Giving the player enough equipment to feel like they can move forward, but never enough to feel like they're totally safe.
more reliance on fear of the unknown
example: the scariest parts of outlast were moving around the insane guys roaming/standing around, wondering if they are gonna jump at you or not, not running from the bad guys that chase you
You just described Onions Horror perfectly.
Games like RE, SH, Fatal Frame, Siren, RoR, Kuon, basically all the old school top tier horror games rely on enemies and ow to deal with them, mostly with weapons and resource management.
Hide and seek simulators like Amnesia are dog shit games that are zero scary and ruined horror games beyond recovering.
Oh and it NEEDS fixed camera angles. Remake 1 is still million times better than Remake 2 for that reason.
no more "horror" games where you can't fight back
More subtle horror where the game starts relatively normal which subtle hints that something is off before going full blown fucked. That's why DDLC is so fucking good. Atmosphere nailed in a fucking free visual novel. AAA devs should feel bad.
You might as well think slendytubbies is a good game, don't you?
But not having to go back makes dying just like death in any other game.
I think manual saves are the best because you always know exactly how much a death is going to cost you.
I'd fix the latter issue by making it roguelike or something. I play Stalker CoC ironman, and sometimes it can feel like a legit horror game - especially at night.
Also, fuck the invincible enemies that you have to hide from. Make the enemy mortal, just very difficult to kill.
This, I feel a horror game is successful when I don't want to go down a hallway
Let kojima complete P.T.
By making it not about survival.
I’m serious, make a horror game that’s entirely exploratory/discovery-driven. A game like Myst, sort of, except instead of an island designed by a guy who faps to puzzles, it’s just a surreal nightmarescape you have to find a way out of.
With enough unsettling imagery and music you could very easily create a game where the biggest obstacle to player progression was their personal unease with advancing further in the game. That’s good horror design, and it doesn’t rely on action sequences to create tension.
I think Mr. X is a good model to improve upon for unkillable enemies. You can't completely kill him, but you can delay him chasing you and you can easily avoid him if you pay attention to environmental cues. He wasn't done perfectly but I prefer him over the Amnesia-lite monsters that plague indie horror.
players should not feel powerful, but not powerless
Yume Nikki and .flow, then?
>He thinks severe consequences = going back a long way
you could just lose all of your shit or have important npcs die or get serverely injured making the playthrough harder etc.
With a budget, but yeah.
yes but it's the only way to make the player fear death
a horror game where you can die and respawn 5 minutes before isn't scary
the real challenge of an horror game is to not be too difficult to trivialize death but not too easy neither
Making a game like P.T for VR but also if you get caught you die in real life.
less handholding
the game is only scary because you are afraid of fucking up
Anyone who says "no jumpscares" is an idiot who doesn't know shit about horror. The reason we hate them is their lazy as fuck use and implementation in low tier horror media. Masterfully crafted jumpscares are be some of the most iconic moments in horror history. Think of the chest burster from Alien, or the alien ambushing Captain Dallas in the vents in the same movie. How about the blood testing scene from The Thing? Modern horror media thinking the way to scare audiences is to throw tons of loud as fuck jumpscares at you with no consideration of wear you're putting on your audience for doing that gave jumpscares a bad name, but that doesn't mean we should stop using them. Any horror media that you know doesn't have any scares in it at all with just be boring to watch. Creepy suspense can only carry you so far, you need scares to act as a payoff.
I once heard a proper horror movie should have two scares in it. One early on to let you know what to expect, then let the audience wait in anticipation for the other one. They don't know when it will come, but they know its coming, so they wait. That's horror.
It's honestly better or horror game than having forgiving deaths. It isn't scary, but neither is receiving no real punishment in death. It completely ruins horror game enemies that you can just fuck with them however you want without any risk to your convenience and long term performance.
Resource management and long term consequences that give the IDEA of being screwed over.
When i was a kid, what made me unnerved in RE1 was the ammo management "holy shit, I missed some shots. Im so fucked, this is gonna get me killed in the future, now I need to explore more"
While, in truth, the game has more than enough ammo AND nearly all encounters are optional (this was seriously a game changer when lil ol kid me realized i didnt need to fight every zombie.)
sounds good but it would need to have ham-fisted puzzles or people would complain that it's just a walking simulator.
Well for one stop posting images that look like they were made by some eighth grader who quickly looked up what spooks people on a subconscious level and tries to throw it all into one thing thinking it's gonna be totes malotes scary.
game is installed with a virus and if you lose it detroy your computer
By making enemies appear intelligent
I played the much acclaimed AI and the Alien was retarded and spent much of the game pacing back and forth, obviously frustrated. It was comical, there was no method to its hunting and obviously it only had a chance to begin with because there was a homing beacon up my ass.
This. Jumpscares are not bad in theory, especially if done when the viewer/player has lulled themselves into a sense of ease. It's just that they're so overdone, have replaced atmosphere and don't consider the "flow" of tension if done back to back.
death should be the reward, not the punishment
Stop being gay LOL
Kinda agreed
>Creepy suspense can only carry you so far
This is why I never got how Hitchcock movies were so popular, there's not much payoff despite all the suspense
Fuck with players when they have come to think they shouldn't expect it. One of the most effective jumpscares I can remember was in a Yume Nikki spinoff where the saving screen was suddenly corrupted with horrifying shit that came as a direct result of interacting with a specific object in the game itself. I was then left hyper paranoid of all saving screens after that.
based jumpscare user, tell these zoomers off bro
Honestly, I just want more active horror, hiding in a closet 70%+ of the time isn't scary, it's boring. Amnesia was great for the time and is influential on the genre, especially in Indie Horror, I get that, but Amnesia is over and done with, can we try something new already?
That's why I've been enjoying Dark Deception a lot recently, there is no hiding or just killing the monster, you're in a demented Pac-Man maze and your only option is to run or try and outsmart whatever monster the level you're playing contains.
Does anyone else agree with me that this game was genuinely off putting and at times downright scary? The atmosphere in this game was amazing
>put a man's entrails back in correctly to open the door!
Bonus points for having to collect them all over the location with several variants and with wrong ones fitting but punishing the player somehow.
Being attacked in an elevator is a classic one, thinking you're just transfering zones
Survival horror game where you play as a kaiju trying to get away from the most notorious serial killer of their kind.
Hey fuck you trevor is cool
What the HELL
Make a good fucking game first, then add the scary elements. People get scared by different shit, so at least make it so the game is still fun if you're not scared.
jumpscares are fine as long as they aren't cheap as hell, they're like the punctuation to tension. Sometimes it's better if you just leave the player to stew, sometimes it's better that you go all-in.
Your face is cool lmao
Always hated horror games because I've never been scared by a horror game. I envy people who can't discern reality from fantasy. I've never been startled by a jump scare. And felt a deep disconnect when my character starts acting scared or loses it's sanity walking down a dark hallway.
this is my top 5 of best horror games ive played, havent played any of this current gen
slenderman original
silent hill 4
project zero 3
condemned 1
what about RE2 remake? It's spooky as fuck
Just out of pure curiosity what game is this?
Define “puzzles”. “Puzzles” like The Witness? Or Puzzles like Antichamber? Because the latter would totally work.
Don't open the spoiler guys...
Agreed, resident evil 1-3 have close to the perfect horror save system.
It's not actually very spooky. I loved it as a game, but wasn't ever really spooked, besides when I was exploring the sewers. RE7 was way spookier. Then again, I think it may just be easier to be spooked in first person.
I think there needs to be more slow building horror like presenting everything as normal on the surface level, but then realizing how fucked up things are once you look past the surface.
stop making these fucking threads for one
have you tried playing with good headphones?
At least you can play them. I am so much of a pussy I can't play any horror game for more than 5 minutes.
I want to enjoy classics like Silent Hill but I am scared too easily to be able to play them.
Make more stuff based on SCP, but fuck homosexuals.
You can't, in my honest opinion.
It's not that horror games "broke" at some point and became not scary. You just grew up and got used to the tropes and whatnot.
You're the problem, user. Not the games.
Of course, but besides being able to hear Mr. X anywhere in the station, I don't think they really changed all that much.
This is an absolute classic
Video games aren't movies retard
I would say add something that fucks with you personally rather than the character you're playing as. Something similar to how the A.I glitches in MGS2 and tells you to turn off the game or the colonels skull face looking directly at you. The character you control is just the vessel to discover things like if petscop was actually a game or how LSD was with some of it's creepier stuff. You want that right balance between the known and unknown so you're constantly unnerved.
By making people realize that "horror" isn't a genre, it's a theme, an add-on to base the genre in.
I think that and the fact that the molded are fucking hideous
Make the games easier.
No, really. Getting killed by the Horrifying Thing is tension release, and it makes the unknown known. After the first death, the dread is gone because you know exactly what to expect. Narrow escapes and close encounters extend the feeling of dread.
>But muh casual dumbing down
Prove me wrong. Hard mode, prove me wrong without talking about how "scary" it is to lose your progress.
>Man in his mid 40s
>Doctor says hello
The scariest parts of RE7 were when you were in the main house, surrounded by silence, and not sure if one of the insane hillbillies was coming to get you. The jumpscare where you go to open a door to a hallway that you thought was clear but Jack opens it on you was absolutely perfect and how jumpscares should be done. RE2make was great, but you were always sure whether or not you were in danger.
That was more a rant on horror in general, and on the fools who keep saying horror doesn't need scares to be scary.
Jumpscares that don’t require a loud sound
now THIS is quality writing
>its another indie-tier idea guys thread
All horror needs is more budget and variety. I'm looking forward to Death stranding as the first actual AAA horror in a decade
I'm not seeing it.
Unfortunately, Death Stranding won't be the first horror movie we will able to watch, I mean, "play".
How the hell does an emoticon exist in an audio log?
We save it by making characters ask more important quesitons!
Then it’s too late
The Batman Arkham Knight joker sequence in the ending was well made and quite creepy.
>500 decibels
That's pretty fucking loud. IIRC, if SCP-3127 screamed that loud, the sound waves would be so thick they would instantaneously crush Dr. Chang between them. Not only that, but he would blow up in the same instant he made the noise, it would destroy his 5m wall, all of the special helpers, the entire facility, it would kill SCP-682, end all life on Earth, and cause the death of the entire galaxy.
I'm surprised they didn't make something up like those stupid Andromeda labels for his object class.
rap tap tap
The only way this works is to have a complete, functional, entertaining non-horror game and then have it pivot arbitrarily into horror without warning.
Difficult to pull off and ruins the whole game if you don’t succeed in your attempt.
Less walking simulators, more proper action horror.
Most jumpscares in vidya are just a randomly appearing 2spooky4me face with a really loud sound and really loud yell. It's not a payoff after suspense, it's developers throwing it in your face when they think the player is getting too bored.
Good and thought-out jumpscares could be good, but why would you do it when you can go full fnaf
Dead Space isn’t japanese
>fixed camera angle
>omniscient view
Warframe right? Now that was a cool mission.
this reminds me of the hotel from VTMB. Sometimes random games surprise you with the best fucking spooky levels out of completely left field. I can only assume because it's something they wanted to do of their own creative volition and not because they felt shackled by the genre.
Create rules, then break them. Safe rooms become dangerous, strategies you think are easy exploits on enemies don't work later, common things you become familiar with start to be a threat. In general, you need to make sure your players aren't overly comfortable or familiar with the game.
Perfect example is the double lickers in the lab in REmake2.
You've encountered several lickers before, you know they represent a significant threat and resource pit. At this point in the game though, you have enough ammo to deal with a licker if you want to. So as you walk down the hallway to the lab, a licker comes out of the vents, crawling along the floor straight for you. Most people are able to pump a few shells/grenades at it before it reaches them, but usually only enough to stun it, not kill it fully. Then, as you're preparing to finish off the licker you just mag-dumped, the second licker that was crawling on the ceiling jumps down at you. This is the only time in the game that multiple lickers ambush you, the only other area with more than one licker is the kennels with Claire, and both of those lickers can be walked past or door-cheesed.
I love horrors games but subnautica had me more tense than any horror game iv played in years
This, also why horror games shouldn't be too long.
Yes. It has two or three moments where it pivots like that BEAUTIFULLY
all is silent and calm. hushed and empty is the womb of the sky
Ironically it used to be MORE horror-centric, with dim lighting and high tension in “dark sector” infested tiles, but they moved away from that for some reason. I guess because it all feels very much like “LOL REMEMBER THE FLOOD?” when a sci-fi shooter horror pivots on a zombie-proxy alien species.
Pic related, anyone who just looks at this pic knows how lame it is and anyone who actually played RuneScape knows how terrifying it is.
>Having to go back a long ways after you die isn’t scary, it’s just fucking annoying.
You obviously never played Death Stranding.
I found Grave Prosperity pretty scary.
Horror games should use atmosphere more than combat but that isn't to say combat isn't an option.
Think about controllable helplessness, you are in a situation where you are entirely fucked but you still have the ability to move and stuff.
The horror should play with that idea, you can fight still, you can still kill the monsters but doing so isn't bringing you closer to the exit.
creepypastas and scp killed anything horror related
Playing a game expecting horror is the issue of the genre since you will inevitably be prepared to some degree at least as you get older, it's horror elements appearing in games that you wouldn't expect them in that leave a mark.
Something I haven't seen done at all is using switching of camera perspectives for horror for games that allow you to do that. Say your character hallucinates shit. In first person, an object/setpiece may look totally harmless or banal. Switch to 3rd person, and from an objective perspective, you can see that object/setpiece is entirely different and horrifying. It'd either make you never want to switch perspectives and see what's going on, or make you dread it if staying in first person means that you can't see shit that will potentially harm you.
Darkwood was quite spoopy
>Create rules, then break them.
Sounds like annoying bullshit. I would be frustrated, not afraid if I got suddenly killed in a room that has been previously safe.
Make sure the setting is relatable enviroments.
If you want long lasting spook effects, you need it in area's people see every day. In homes, at work, school, etc. The more chances you have of reminding them of the spook, the more memorable your title is.
Cant say the same about the amateur hour settings that dev's always throw darts at
>iN yOuR DrEaMs
>Gigantic mansion
>Space station
I'm fucking dying here
why havent we made a collab horror game Yea Forums? it seems to be the logical conclusion from all these threads.
This shit goes all the way back to pressure. Why havent we made a fucking game?
holy boomer
>player gets used to juking enemies into certain rooms and hiding in a closet
>out of nowhere enemies start coming in to the rooms, from the windows, or even slithering into the rooms from the vents
>enemies start to spawn FROM the closets you got use to hide in by the end
dont worry user I wont
Never got past the first village
Make the monsters fuckable and sell games to the lonely weeb crowd. The same way that Fire Emblem was "saved"
Do you think my idea is just "instantly kill someone who walks into this room"? That is a really bizarre interpretation of that statement.
The easiest way to abate frustration but keep horror is to make some safe rooms actually safe, others not, and have safe room invasions be rare and significant. So in actuality you're getting ambushed where you think it's safe very rarely, but the worry that it's going to happen is always there.
>open a closet to hide in
>the monster is already there
who wrote this shit
Have no music
Fire emblem was saved because of melee
I say it's less needs fixing and more needs variety. As much as people hate to admit it, the current jump-scare and unkillable chasing enemy is now the new standard of horror. But because it works so well, it had became stale since everyone is doing it. What the horror industry needs is more horror-lite. A game to cleanse the palate while still having the horror elements. Horror industry needs more left 4 dead type games.
Different user, but Dead Space is only partially guilty of #1. And you even could kinda sorta try to excuse that as his ebin faceplate projecting a panoramic view that is contstructed from several cameras directly onto his retinas or some other techno-babble.
#2 is not the case.
#3 didn't feel like a problem but then maybe I need a refresher, 2008 was surprisingly long ago.
#4 is usually "here, let us show you from several angles how you're about to be fucked in every orifice. Enjoy!"
>Now the monster cant escape.
These people walk among us.
This could be the guy in front of you at a store.
>Less monsters
>More powerful monsters
>Weak protagonist, heavy resource managment
>Monsters are near impossible to kill, can only be stunned, trapped, etc
it can be done right and isn't as black and white as you're thinking hes saying. Think of what they do in SH4 with the room. The entire room aspect of that game is the best part.
You say as you post a horror game with one of the best soundtracks.
clearly a horror game that steals your personal information and invites your parents over would be the most horrible thing in that situation.
Honestly, the best way to do horror is to put it in a normal game.
I'm pretty sure everyone remembers ReDeads from Ocarina or Ravenholm more than most of the shit in actual horror games that they played.
>A normal survival horror game that plays similarly to the Condemned series.
>When you play online, friends or randoms could spectate when you play.
>Could make traps, cause insanity effects or become a Mr. X/Nemesis tier enemy that could stalk you throughout the game and try to kill you.
>there will be no co-op mode what so ever in this game.
>hide in a closet
>monster kicks in the door
>looks around and starts to trash the room
>flips some of the tables you could hide under
>flips some of the beds you could hide under
>wheezes a while
>turns to leave
>stabs the closet suddenly
>did you pick that closet or the other closet? or were you under one of the beds he didn't flip? or one of the tables?
>you could flip some of them back into position but that increases the chance the monster flips it first next time or leave it as it is and have fewer places to hide next time around if you get noticed in that area
Actually give the player a weapon, and stop making games where you just run away from a monster with shit AI and hide in closets. Give the player weapons but make it weak with fights being rare and unexpected.
fucking fund it.
this is true horror, i cannot even describe it
yeah well now is time for change
Bees are pretty scary. Make a game about bees following you around buzzing in your ears and pollinating you
Because this is Yea Forums, if we were productive we wouldn't be here
Shorter games that don't try to explain everything. Every horror game falls down in the 2nd half when everything gets explained and you've figured out all the mechanics so they are no longer scary. They should leave it vague and let the players figure out what the mystery is from little clues hidden around and end the game before the mechanics get repetitive.
Think of it like kids telling scary stories around a campfire, nobody likes that one kid that drones on for ages and goes into too much detail
Maybe for once, don‘t show the monster.
Abandoned shopping malls, schools and university buildings are criminally underused for horror. It's inherently unsettling for a place that you associate with activity and normality to be empty and silent. You expect asylums and dungeons to be fucked up already.
I'd definitely agree with this. If you've made me so scared that I don't want to advance, you've done a pretty good job.
The sound design for HL2 zombies is so good, that alone made me shit my pants
>Play horror game.
>Die in horror game.
>Game posts your browser history to social media.
For me, it's abandoned apartment building. I believe FEAR 3 had that and it was the only spooky part of the whole damn game.
>Having to go back a long ways after you die isn’t scary, it’s just fucking annoying.
I've played a lot of RPGmaker horror games and I noticed there needs to be at least some sort of consequence to a death so the gameplay itself also incentives against dying. Being able to quick save anywhere easily breaks all sense of tension and entirely cuts off the gameplay part of horror. Proper save points can be used to intentionally pace out both the downtime and scary segments as well, rewarding the player with a moment of relief after they've completed a nerve wrecking part.
Also for other games there's Darkwood. If you play on Normal mode, dying carries zero consequence which also means you can just decide to splat every night without a worry in the world. I think that game's Hard mode strikes a good balance between Normal and Nightmare: you have a life system (+ a very limited number of collectible extra lives) which means you're always kept on your toes, while also giving some room for error so it's not too final like one simple fuck up possibly costing the entire run. I wish Subnautica had a similar system between its normal and ironman modes especially since bugs can easily ruin the latter. Maybe dish out extra lives from finding alien doodads and advancing the plot or something.
Hey bud, shitters full
Scary war game when
>Are you winning, son?
Sounds terribly boring. About as boring as the Shadow in the Dark Descent. So you're just chased by a presence? That'll be fine for an hour, but soon enough you'll realize there's no pay-off to the tension, and it will go away.
It's better to build-up to a monster, reveal it, and then have an encounter.
A hyper realistic war game with a horror focus would be dope
>resource management
Retards. That is not scary. Math is not scary. It just makes your mind game the system or try to do math while you're supposed to be immersed on something. You start to break the game mechanics so your survival chance increase and you start to notice less ambiance and more game math.
True horror is all about ambiance, lightning and sound design. It's all about overwhelming your senses and triggering the right responses. A non scary game can fuck you up hard with the right situations.
Subnautica Sea Darkness and the Gigantic Sea Monster that comes from below you when you're swimming around the radioactive ship fucking got me so hard.
The Stockholms syndrome is the reason for the writing being that way. 2deep4metbh
There only needs to be a consequence to dying in a horror game if it isn't scary or interesting, like with RPGmaker horror games, which are never scary. SOMA doesn't need heavy consequences for dying because it's engaging and has good visuals, sound design, and circumstances.
The other fellow is right. Dying often removes you from the game and ruins horror. It's one of the reasons why RE7 is such a terrible game. It's absolutely awful, because death sets you back to the beginning of long, bullet-sponge boss fights that are boring to begin with.
Tell this guy to quit putting shitty ear-rape noises in otherwise interesting games and actually focus on one project at a time.
Make everyone socially dependent on high school drama and force them to become practiced in the art of honest sociability.
Surreal horror exploration / investigation game. Little to no action, no explicit monsters chasing you, doesn't even look like a horror game at first glance.
If you don't like jumpscares you're a massive pussy. Knowing they are there puts you on edge, making everything else a little spookier.
horror games stop being scary after you die the first time, prove me wrong
Agreed. I've never felt scared or stressed out because my "battery" for my light source was going out, or I was running out of bullets. The only thing I thought was, "Without these resources, the game is going to be boring, since I won't be able to shoot at stuff or see anything."
Advertise it like a typical self-insert VN, but as the game goes on slowly start to reveal that each and every possible love interest is not a virgin.
They already made Yume Miru Kusuri.
Where does the sensation of fear settle in?
FAITH 2 is out btw
>Objective: Protect your anus
>It's absolutely awful, because death sets you back to the beginning of long, bullet-sponge boss fights that are boring to begin with.
That's more of a problem with boring bullet sponge boss fights and bad difficulty balancing that make you repeat the same segment over and over again to the point it stops being scary (assuming a boss fight was scary to begin with), rather than being a problem stemming from death having gameplay consequences. You might as well watch a movie instead if you completely remove the fail state from a horror game.
subnautica is the best horror game I've ever played
I said this in another thread, but if a dev shifted 90% of their time away from character model textures and toward more realistic and freaky movement/collision/expressions I'd be a happy pappy.
there's nothing to fix
horror games are a massive meme
resident evil was never scary
the only walking simulator with good atmosphere was amnesia
the only way to scare a player is to infuse horror elements in NON horror games
subversion of expectation and unfamiliarity with the unknown creates horror
hit where it's not expected, not where it is
I still have no idea what the fuck is wrong with this guy. Why the goat legs?
At the same time you have to balance it out by making it where you can be punished for your mistakes. Once I realize in a horror game that I can't die then I can proceed to do stupid shit because I know I'm going to be fine and all tension is gone.
Sound design is the most important aspect of horror games, even back on 8-bit CPU sound chips. All of the atmosphere and disturbing imagery in the world mean jack shit if I don't feel like the world is creeping in around me.
>The reason we hate them is their lazy as fuck use and implementation in low tier horror media
lol most the people who hate them isn't even because of that. They're nothing but a bunch of male teens mad a movie hurt their ego so now they gotta go into the classic I-I-I WASN'T SCARED GUYS I-I-I WAS JUST S-S-S-S-S-S-STARTLED I SWEAR PLZ PLZ PLZ DON'T THINK I'M A PUSSY defense.
Actually fun idea
>Queen Vanessa's manor
What were they thinking making it that distressing.
never skip leg and arm days
I agree and a good example of this occurs in Dark Souls, after the player re-arrives at the firelink shrine and finds the bonfire gone out and the lady killed
After so much progress was made and after so much running back to that location, you felt really safe and fine there, and the game just goes and kick you in the nuts
Of course it wasn't the biggest of the deals, but a nice touch, indeed.
Game on the left ?
>who says "no jumpscares" is an idiot
suck my dick, they aren't scary and their overabundance in revelations2 and remake2 make them downright comedic to the point where you can LITERALLY predict them, no one can use them well therefore they shouldn't be there, end of discussion lmao
It's more immersive to play a game than watch a film because you get to be involved in the exploration and can focus on what you're interested in. It also prevents you from worrying about other things, as you are forced to think about your next move in the gameplay.
I've never seen death consequences being useful. The consequence of losing in a horror game should be more scary things happening. If you die and have to re-do a sequence, it becomes boring immediately because so few horror games have good gameplay. If the gameplay is fun, then it won't be scary (IE: Doom, Bloodborne, etc.) This is why the best horror games focus on setting, plot, visuals, and music. It's better to play something like Yume Nikki, Detention, SOMA, Dark Descent, etc. because even if you fail, it won't set you back far. Even if you have a fail-safe, it should be extremely hard to lose in a horror game.
It has to be the perfect balance where the game is able to make you believe that you're in danger of being killed, but doesn't actually kill you often. It should always feel like you just barely got by, like during chase scenes in Frictional Games. The monster is never really that close to getting you, but it plays scary music and you can hear them coming, so you don't look back in fear of losing potential time. If the monster gets you often, as is the case in Justine's sequence with Malo (which resets you to the start of the game), it just becomes frustrating. Horror games are meant to be played once and then abandoned.
>gordan freeman (normal sound)
>gordan freeman backwards
based fucking retard kun
I see faggots keep saying this yet it wasn't true in the slightest
And no the "zombie pops up at the window" "zombie falls from the ceiling" and "licker busts from the panels" isn't one, they are all from the 1996 original game and you could see them coming from a mile
The only real jumpscares I remember in Remake2 were the licker jumping through the glass in the observation room and the one in the art room. Zombies pretending to be dead and then getting up aren't jumpscares.
it's true
It's not my fault those two games just suck. A game with no jumpscares won't be scary. You'll feel tense for a short time, and then you'll eventually realize, "huh--nothing is going to happen."
Trying to create suspense without a payoff is called blue-balling, and after the first sequence without a jumpscare, you'll have lost the audience.
Did someone say horror?
SOMA did it pretty well, kept the tension up but you wouldn't get killed if you didn't panic too bad. One of the best horror games all in all for sure.
I could also see your dick cumming from a mile but that doesn't mean my ass was prepared for it.
>being able to have a 360 view at all times scarier than being restricted to a mounted CCTV camera
>poor game design is scarier because you can fumble and die easier
>loading screens mattering when obvious safe rooms exist
>walking around behind a fence waiting for something to happen doesn't count as a traditional cutscene because you can still control it
Weak bait. Would disregard entirely if not for the bear in Condemned 2.
that's what you get for not playing my original cumming from a mile game
Stop making fun of Jonah Hill.
Just a bunch of shitty opinions.
>classic RE
>omniscent view
Only in the beginning.
As you progress through the game it very quickly became repetitive. You know all the enemies the game will throw at you, and it's not many.
Nearing the middle of the game I already ran around outside during night time, just shooting whatever came at me. Simply because it was the better solution as barricading the doors was completely pointless anyway.
I agree with you mostly, but jumpscares aren't hated just because they're lazy.
The problem with jumpscares is that they're not FEAR. I'm not AFRAID when I get jumpscared, I'm startled. And that feeling instantly goes away. The oversaturation of jumpscares in current media also means I expect them, which makes me even less scared and more annoyed.
A great jumpscare requires good context to make it good, like in your two examples.
Mccready had those guys tied to a chair and explicitly said something was going to happen if one of them was the thing. And right after the jumpscare, the thing transformed into a monster(not even fast).
Also movies without scares are called thrillers.
>How do we fix the horror genre?
Sleep paralysis simulator
Interview a shitload of people from Yea Forums and other boards on the net and then add some story elements, then BAM 10/10 horror game.
Lol just trip it
heh yeah sure you were just startled you lil bitch boy
The great thing games can do that movies can't is to play around a lot more with the location of the sound. It's a subtle difference that's easy to overlook between games and movies, but it's a big one. Immersive games mostly put you in the ears of the character. Movies change up the sound based on the focal point of almost every cut. it's disorienting.
Honestly, there could be a lot of cool ways games could borrow from film editing to change gameplay and mood in horror.
Subnautica did the horror well. I was scared shitless by my first reaper encounter, simply because the AI was designed to hit you in the back.
Not to mention swimming around in boneshark areas early on in the game.
The only thing I didn't like were the warpers. Those got obnoxious really fast.
What's this from?
>patrolled by special helpers
>The problem with jumpscares is that they're not FEAR. I'm not AFRAID when I get jumpscared, I'm startled.
I agree. Jumpscares that are essentially more grotesque versions of the classic cat scare gag that have no lasting effect or danger are bad design. Jumpscares that result in you having to change your course, run away or address the unexpected threat with improper firepower are the way to go.
The fear you feel from atmosphere and a threat lurking in a horror game doesn't exist without the threat appearing and frightening you. No matter how much you whine and say, "I wasn't scared," when you jumped and gasped or yelled out or spasm'd your mouse you got scared. The game scared you with a scary noise and a scary image. Just like in Ju-on, there's a bunch of frightening build-up, and then it turns out Kayako is under the bed covers and pulls the woman into them.
Oversaturation is laziness, and if you expect them, it's also laziness.
Thank you for your service, Corporal Help Helper.
Nor will any of us
I would fuck that thing up
honestly whenever I start to get scared or hear shit at night I just imagine beating the fuck out of it and pounding its stupid fucking face in and ejaculating on its corpse
It's just an empty room with a lot of blind corners in the context of a horror thread, which will all serve to set your mind on edge.
>open blanket
>see thing
>grab it and pull it in
I am the monster now
Yume Nikki isn't scary or even unnerving in the slightest and stumbles into common pitfall of making the setting way for too removed from reality and completely unrelatable to the point it's more of a dark fantasy than horror. I don't think it's even supposed to be a horror game.
>Dungeon crawler.
>You play as a lone hero with a class of choice.
>Early dungeon encounters are the usual goblins, orcs, maticores, etc.
>But the deeper you get, the darker it gets.
>Monsters become more dangerous and horrifying.
>Deeper and deeper.
>Loot is non existent.
>Food is almost impossible to come by.
>The only source of light is your torch.
>You have to keep doing more and more fucked up things to survive, like eat maggots from corpses.
>There's always something in the dark in front or behind you, and you can only catch glimpses of it if you're fast enough.
What if it can touch you but your hands and weapons just pass right through it when you try to fight back?
I would make a game where you go through spooky locations whilst the game and NPCs make it seem like something evil is chasing you. Lots of tension and subtle things making it seem like something is right behind you about to kill you. However turns out you never see the thing chasing you, ever. Not even in the credits.
Protect the few good horror devs there are like Red Candle Games, before they're torn apart by insane zealots.
In the Dream Diary game there's a scary sequence where you get to the end of the school and find the crying girl with KyuuKyuu-kun. I thought that was scary.
>DDLC is so fucking good
You cant relate to having weird dreams?
Then I guess I'm pulling out my dick first then huh
>that pic
>that filename
>that text
my sides
Where can you get Devotion now if not on Steam?
>want to discuss the ending on steam forums
>can't because chink insect swarm has hit the place
Not him, but I'll defend DDLC as decent free game. The community around it is a meme, but I still think it's one of the better character driven horror games I've played in years.
I'm tired of action games that call themselves horror just because the enemies are gorier than usual.
My dreams usually involve someone trying to kill me or trying to scream as loud as I can but nothing coming out.
Why are there no scary ayy games?
this nigga too tall to get in lol
I wish to know how these are made.
Make a game that lets you see the future of western civilization. You are a man from 1933 and you have a family and kid you love, you get this device that fast fowards to 1990, 2010, 2020, 2035 and you constantly shift at random to these points in your hometown. You see the effects of society constantly warping and see your now family in agony. Grandkids completely torn asunder, raped killed you name it. The final time warp in 2035, your great grandkids are abominations race mixed you out of society and they themselves are tortured. feral mudwalkers attack anyone with light colored skin, they are damn near zombies, the town you grew up in is now a rotten hellhole filled with death decay and a smell that is unforgettable. Everytime you die this pale goblin looking thing in a business suit laughs and mocks you. The game would show nothing you do works and you watch the society around you fail. I think it would be a great start for something that no matter who you are playing it will make you feel chills deep down.
hmmm maybe combine that idea with return of obra dinn
>seriously thinking they didn't remove it to stir up controversy as a marketing tactic
Fact:No one gave an F about this turd before the Chinese threw a fit. Guarantee it'll be back on Steam within the week and lots of reviews from morons stating they bought it to support the developers. YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED NIGGER!
When they claim you’re not the father or that you raped them
Are you sure?
That's more a dreadful feeling, not a need for alertness and responsivity.
>trolls completely swarming Detention threads as well
What is there even for them to discuss? It's just blind inane hate for a game that's vaguely related to another game that they didn't even play.
God I hate review bombing, censorship, hiveminds etc. A wave of bullshit from people wasting their time to kill a good game.
Why was this spammed all /x/ for a solid month? Are they really that starved for discussions?
But the characters are generic as fuck and the horror is as subtle as a brick to the face.
>No one gave an F about this turd before the Chinese threw a fit.
The reviews were overwhelmingly positive before all this nonsense happened. Now people who are interested can't even buy it.
How about we fix ourselves?
To comedy fart jokes.
To horror jumpscares.
thank mr skeltal
Little Nightmares does a pretty good job desu. It isn't over reliant on jumpscares and is more psychological than anything. It needs to suck all hope out of you.
>revive condemned: criminal origins and turn it into a series*
The second game is absolute hot dog goku blasting horse shit
there's alien: isolation
I still want someone to find a way to utilize the fucking weird way collision in the Fallout 3 engine would make model essential turn inside out and eat themselves. That shit was fucking terrifying and I'd like to see it employed intentionally.
My dream spooky game would be a small empty open world similar to SOTC but with short spooky dungeons instead of colossi
Also put some random eerie shit and very rare monster encounters in between the areas, maybe an unexpected jumpscare or two to keep things tense
The story around it was fun but immediately died after it was proven a fake
Steam really need to do something. Subhuman chinks are ruining everything they touch, Steam being the latest victim. They should just implement regional separation and put China in their own little box.
a decent free game is very different from "so fucking good"
it was decent, and free, yes
what do (You) find scary?
Is FAITH any good?
Physiological horror
Mindfucks and paranoia
One if my favorite stories just has the protagonist freaking the fuck out and going insane even though nothing happens until the end
social situations
ABIB, pls.
jeff the killer something about it is just very unsettling
Don't call it a game. It's the future you chose.
The characters are intentional stock archetypes that are subverted when shit hits the fan. And all the time taken to build-up the cast and set the stage is pretty damn patient by game standards, considering that most horror games can barely go five minutes without laying on loud noises and jumpscares.
I'm not saying it's a flawless masterpiece, but in a market that barely wants to touch character-driven psychological horror anymore I thought it was a pleasant surprise.
It didn't need proof it was fake the eyes alone are a dead giveaway.
Is it psychosis or something? I vaguely remember something like that.
the blood is there from me fucking it up
Dementia. Only thing worse than the absolute nothingness of death is totally losing your own sense of self.
hillbillies, rural settings, rituals and creatures with mindfuck-y designs
>implying the Colossi aren't eerie as fuck already
Reminds me of a game idea somebody posted in one of these threads months ago where you play as a black guy in Alabama right after the civil war and you've been caught fucking a white farmer's daughter.
Very much so.
>tfw you get MORTIS'd barely halfway in
I always wanted a full-on horror version of something like the Witcher. An open world of stories and characters, but heavily plagued by the ongoing threat of unique monster encounter scenarios.
The eyes are fine Tbh
The giveaway is the top of his head (that the original pic didn't show)
>it turns out that MAN was the real monster all along
drr drr drr...
The Blackout Club is a pretty good example of how to do good horror.
Yeah, they're eerie as fuck
Imagine combining that feel with scary too
Eyes look like someone took a stock photo of some off google and stretched them out in mspaint m8. Your eyes however are absolutely dashing
Fucking terrifying to be honest, put this in the hands of someone who knows what he is doing and its terrifying in itself.
h-how did you know that a-user now this is getting s-spooky
Good, I want the ayys to fear us.
Fear of the unknown. Obviously you have to show something eventually so the best choice is to keep spicing things up with different monsters.
What I mean is that the setting is way too alien and random to evoke any kind of dread. I don't know how to exactly put it into words, but to me it feels if you establish from the get-go that there's actually no rules whatsoever and literally anything can happen, it just makes all the threats and setpieces seem like high fantasy rather than scary, even when you encounter them for the first time. In dreams weird shit is outright expected. Same with alternate reality settings where the protagonist gets whisked into a convenient "ghost world" or some other shit that completely removes everything relatable to reality.
Even with other titles that at least attempt to classify themselves as "horror games" you'll often just end up feeling like Alice in Wonderland rather than ever feeling threatened.
One thing I would like to see in a horror game that I havent is things appearing and disappearing in the background depending on your POV
For example, in the Arkham Knight, Batman has constant hallucinations all over the city. Seeing Joker in billboards or in statues. But once you rotate the camera around its gone. Its a very creepy concept and yet its barely used in just about any horror game I've played.
I dunno. Playing RE2make on Hardcore did make it far more terrifying to know if I ran into a strong enemy without proper weapons or health I would retreat all the way back to my last save. I can see how it'd be annoying but theres a whole new level of fear when you cant rely on autosaves when you let your guard down.
solid snake would've loved this fucking room
Jumpscares are bad, m'kay.
>Mana system
Best game ever made, give me the name so I may download it.
>Windmills look like giants from afar
Not horror, but I love Rock of Ages.
I thought the same thing.
Sounds like one of the effects in Spec Ops: The Line.
>self insert OC character
>they meet the waifu of their dreams
>get married have lots of children
>life is just absolute bliss with not a single downside
>your children grow up happy and healthy and have families of their own
>you and your waifu die of old age peacefully in your sleep
>it was all just a dream
The first area after everyone turned to stone was genuinely unsettling.
Also those dwarven caves were really claustrophobic coupled with those Basilisk monsters was messed up
Hades/Hell was more interesting and cool than scary
Does anyone have a source on this
I don't like most Japanese games and I hate weaboos, it is I think a fact that the japs knew what they where doing when it came to the horror genre;few jump scares, the creating of melancholic and dreaded atmosphere and great world building with depth, experimenting with both the premise and game mechanics , along in some cases like forbidden siren with the exotic element of Asian horror. Can they do it again? I don't know...(obviously the west had some of the greatest horror games too like the first dead space or condemned but the japs where superior both in quality and quantity) also fuck five nights at Freddy's and all that tripe that passes for modern horror game design.
I want a game where you're a private detective investigating a cult, and track them down just in time to see them resurrect Cthulhu to lay waste to the Earth. BUT THEN AS HE APPROACHES THE COAST AND STARTS TO WREAK HAVOC, GODZILLA RISES UP FROM THE DEEP TO DO BATTLE WITH HIM.
As the King of Monsters battles the Great Old One for dominion over the Earth, you must navigate the crumbling city that is their battleground. Your presence for the ritual has somehow made you immune to the madness these formless things of chaos inspire, and your goal is to find out why. You do battle with surviving cultists, citizens driven mad by the apocalyptic sights, and horrible monsters spawned from the sloughing blood of Cthulhu all while seeking out clues as to the nature of the ritual, how to undo it and how to help Godzilla destroy Cthulhu, all of course while trying not to get trampled.
That's health, actually. "Mana" is on the right. And there is only one dinosaur and probably not what you are looking for, at that.
The game is "Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines".
Nice, there's a sequel too right?
Noclip, doppelgangers, sentient 3d shadows, decreasing low pitch loud sounds.
I hear this from a lot of my friends, and then I make them play P.T.
Not one has been able to make it very far without getting all worked up
nah fuck you.
First time playing the first few RE games is perhaps the most stressful shit ever. Not sure when to save or playing for a long time without saving has me on edge.
And that relief feeling when finding a save room is like no other.
Faggots gonna say its not. But on the first time you play through and not knowing whats going to happen, yeah its spooky.
>that dark empty hallway at the beginning of RPD
>having bodies in lockers or hanging from ceiling unsure if they will attack
>first time seeing Mr. X lift that helicopter
>seeing a G-Adult for the first time in the sewers
>Birkin's G1 chasing you through the boiler room
>the sounds inside the babies room in the orphanage
Granted once you know whats going to happen it loses its luster. But the first time was tense
>Hide and seek simulators like Amnesia are dog shit
Anyone else ITT that doesn't really seek out horror media to be scared, they just enjoy the aesthetic and concepts in a kitsch sort of way? I like movies such as Alien or The Thing for what they bring to the table conceptually, though I'm not personally scared by them. I like games like Resident Evil because of all the creature feature monsters, the gore, and the ambient environments. I think when the horror genre is approached from a stylistic point of view you can do a lot of cool, immersive things with it.
It could be OP
It could be the user you respond to
It could be you
It could even be me
source on image?
RE7 just had a very disturbing atmosphere. Almost every room had something to either unnerve you or gross you out. Even the safe rooms had a haunting soundtrack that made you more unsettled than calm like in the previous games.
Stressful, yes. Scary? Not really. If I died to Jad I wasn't shitting my pants in fear I was just super pissed off.
anything that triggers my megalophobia.
So far all I've seen is a bunch of triggered weebs with zero arguments.
I love both though.
lmao just slam the door on those little fingers man
also he's too tall to get in the house just wait for sunup, one of your neighbours is bound to call the cops
fuck dude how about you call the cops he can't get in the house lmao he's gotta be like 20 feet tall
what where they thinking
silent hill 4 did this right
fuck your doll, walter
What do we think of this game again?
>Old school RE actually restricts your view in several places and hides zombies behind corners or screen transitions
>Old school RE requires you to listen to sound cues to know where danger is
>Old school RE has enemies that can attack during loading screens and traverse to different rooms
Masterful bait
That reminds me of Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. Its basically an on rails carnival shooter with themed levels
>insane asylum level
>enter room with dozens of mannequins
>shoot mannequins to bits
>turn head
>more mannequins
>turn back
>theyre all back, this time closer
>look back at other mannequins you didnt shoot
>theyre closer
Tons of cheap jump scares in that game but that part definitely fucked me up
Mike (and Brett) is a dreamboat
Alien Isolation was god-tier hide and seek scary
deep sea, being stranded in the middle of the ocean. I remember playing GTAV and getting stressed whenever I had to play a mission where I had to swim deep in the sea. Oddly enough I wasn't scared during the open sea areas in SOMA.
But it was too long, the same pattern kept repeating over and over and it just became boring in the end.
in the beta version there was an additional section where you had to flash a shadow form of yourself a few times to get a key while avoiding vanessa glad they removed it the mansion was way too stressful
Death comes to all
It was go-tier everything desu
I actually played through it recently. It was an entertaining game that is essentially a movie. I do not mean that as a negative thing since that was the point. It was silly story with silly acting and dialogue, which again what it was going for. Its entertaining and fun but I do have one MAJOR complaint. The game makes a point over and over to the player that your decisions matter and will strongly affect the outcome of the game. This isnt true at all. No one actually dies until the last 20 minutes of the game so everything you do before that will essentially be the same with small changes in dialogue here and there. Regardless of who dies its still the same story with slightly different endings. The game would honestly be god tier if this was not the case.
Where is this from?
The helmet reflection part was when I had enough
Following REmake 2s path.
fuck you
there was a game like this I remember seeing a few years ago that used twitch integration like that
it wasn't very good
VTMB mansion.
Can get a bit repetitive and you pretty much loose the fear after it comes for the 30th time to hunt you, but the world building was top notch.
variety in terms of gameplay, aesthetic, story.
stop chasing trends
companies accept that horror is niche and it won't sell COD numbers
anyone else just wanna speed through this area when they saw this?
>chromatic memerration
wasn't Tsugi based off of a kid who went missing or something like that
But user dead space 3 (bleh) must sell 5 million copies in the first month to be viable.
I don't remember too well, I think I stuck around there for a while.
Best horror game so far in 2019
Its a cool interactive B-movie. But there werent many scares. Although the whole thing was pretty creepy, especially the asylum where the miners ended up
are there any horror games that feature the fear of heights
Say what you want about the length, but the core game had some truly terrifying moments
How would you even manage that? It'd probably have to be VR
also don't forget to use our official in game store™ to buy scrap and craft bullets!
>Another shity walking simulator with jump scares made to cater to streamers.
This is what killed western horror vidia
Matt (black guy)has the potential to die very early in the game. So does the nerdy kid(i dont remember his name)
I could never save Matt on all my playthroughs
I liked everything from the length to the chromatic aberration. It was fanboner all the way through.
>Never ever sequel or anything similar
Chris? I thought he couldn't really die until the shooting gallery.
As for Matt, you need to hang on to the flare gun the whole way through, if memory serves.
I had the opposite problem man. I couldn't get anyone to die
So Devotion? Or is that not okay since is made by halfchinks?
Ashley sometimes locks the door when the Wendigo chases him. Leads to his death pretty early on.
I'm not annoyed by them, but most of them will make me burst out laughing because of how sudden and goody they are. There are still some good jump scares that get me and leave me uneasy.
Especially fustrating since it ended on a cliffhanger
>dead space 3 (bleh)
Huh? There are only two games and the second was far from a perfect sequel. It's a good thing too, unfortunately, as EA tends to ruin everything if it exists in its vicinity long enough. I don't even want to think how badly a third game could turn out if they forced Visceral to butcher it. Pandering to lowest of the casual, microtransactions out of the ass, throwing any semblance of coherence in plot or setting overall out. In a way that would have been real horror...
This desu. More specifically, I have a fear of things that seem larger than they "should" be. In general, the larger an object is, the more complexity it has, i.e. surface texture, seams, etc. If something is just this huge, monolithic, featureless thing, it's very unnerving to me on a strangely primal level.
Also this , but I doubt a game could really convey that feeling effectively
This level was genius because the "new" enemies they introduced not only look different but they are SILENT.
That's what developers don't fucking get. Loud musical cues are not scary, at worst they are helpful because they alert you of enemies you haven't seen yet.
Predators don't conveniently scream to reveal their position before pouncing on your ass.
Many predators won't even attack you if you are facing them. The librarians in Metro 2033 work like that and they are brilliant.
Half of that is right here, but I like where you're headed.
You're gonna love hearing they rediscovered bees the size of your hand in Indonesia.
Does anyone have a free download of this, I don't doubt it's coming back to Steam but I have off the next 4 days and was eager to buy and play it
do you want to hear a horror story? in 30 years you will be too old to work without savings and family to take care of you. Also, medicare and gibs will be gone.
Skip the bees, go straight to those giant hornets
A controller with a peripheral dick guillotine
Stop making the enemies be deformed ghoul men or little girl ghosts
I'm not afraid of people
Comparing dead space 2 to dead space 3 makes dead space 2 look like a masterpiece. The real horror is looking all of them and how a great game became the shit that where the rest with 3 being the poster boy of what was wrong with the industry at the time (a coop 'horror game' with micro transactions up the ass that doesn't even follow the main mechanic of going for the limbs)
>contains extreme images
>have to reject "CHILDHOODFRIEND"
the fucking start of natsuki had so insane potential fucking wasted makes me mad
at least the stuckscript part with her skin color slowly fading was good
If I can say something I DID like about 3's coop, is the fact that both players see different hallucinations, with Issac seeing Nichole, and Carter seeing his son and shit like that.
It was pretty creative and neat.
This looks like someone took the avatar picture of Casually Explained and ran it through a creepy-pasta filter.
Remothered already did
dumb faggot
That whole game was just strange
I was really impressed with how that guy could get stabbed like 40000 times and he'd just keep coming at you.
Not mattering to anyone.
Har har, yeah, Dead Space 3. Next thing you're going to tell me is that EA is considering another C&C game after Kane's Wrath. They didn't get enough ROI with RA3 so they won't touch strategies anymore. C&C is finally safe in its grave again.
There is no way to “fix” the horror genre because horror isn’t like soulsborne games where there’s one good way to do things. Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Siren, Clock Tower, Haunting Ground, condemned, and Amnesia were vastly different games but each were scary in their own ways. Only when you drop retarded reddit soi opinions like “jump scares aren’t scary” and “you shouldn’t be able to fight back” will you realize that horror can’t be narrowed down to some perfect formula.
joining this server
>1st person jump scare walking simulator rehash number 2312312 that my favourite streamer™ is going to play oh my god I cant wait is best horror game of 2019 (so far)
under aged or mentally challenged?
>new C&C
>your buildings come from lootboxes
>tyberium comes from lootboxes
the games as service Wilson experience
>They don't know when it will come, but they know it's coming, so they wait. That's horror.
This was so good.
Go back to basics and realize that atmosphere is more important than the creature being designed or the shitty fiverr voice acting.
Realize that setting up the tone through the environment speaks more than finding a shitty fan fiction journal entry could ever do.
Ambiance comes from Lighting,Colors, and Sounds. Focus on those. Not the backstory of your shitty fucking slender momo clone spooky kill you clown girl thing when you blink.
You want to stick out?
You want to be remembered?
Give them something to remember other than a cheap thrill ride jump scare.
I was thinking about this the other day while playing resident evil. The thing that makes the creatures in resident evil, dead space, silent hill, etc scary is that they used to be human, that they're diseased and unhealthy, something far worse than death. One of the only enemies in all of video games that ever wigs me out is Bonewalkers because it seems like just being in their presence imbues you with an illness that doesn't kill you, it just makes you impossibly weak so you have to drop most of, if not all your gear to be able to walk again, assuming you have a potion or spell that restores the drained stats. THAT is scary compared to death.
If there was a game centered around an awful plague that you could actually gradually get infected by for being in the presence of hazardous environments or enemies that would be way scarier than just being stabbed. Have us gradually grow weaker or be able to control our character less as their mental state decays, have us be able to hold less if we're attacked or completely remove our ability to fight. Things that you can still technically survive and beat the game with and maybe eventually find cures to, but that makes the game experience way more frantic and difficult.
forgot pic, bonewalkers from morrowind
Thank you for proving that you are indeed a dumb faggot
Is this worth paying for, or would I get about the same experience pirated and playing solo?
yes, strange and scary
to be honest it was pretty hard for your character to die as well other than instant death. one of the few things i didn't like about the game
I mean this game seems to be close to what you want, you start off being super sick and you gotta scavenge around to make medicine, don't know how much horror it has but looks neat
honestly permadeath is a good idea in pretty much any horror game. until dawn was only a little bit scary, but having the characters permadie added a lot of tension.
so how about a new clock tower-esque game (like remothered) where you can't save or you have a lot to lose if you die?
It's terrible. I regret the money I spent on it.
Release outlast 3
Permadeath is one of the most dangerous elements you can add to a game. I dont think I know any good games with it that isnt 90%+ randomly generated content. Imagine SH2 with permadeath. It can work but not in every horror game.
what I really want is something like resident evil where you can actually get sick and permanently weakened from T-virus exposure. Unkillable enemies is always a bonus to horror. The mummies in tomb raider 4 scared me as a kid because they were always there and always following you. Nervewracking.
>enemy has an odd choice of headwear
"Hey guys, 'member Pyramid Head? Oh yeah I 'member!" XD
The problem with permadeath and no procedurally generated content is that you're just doing the same thing over and over again, it's no different than old 16 and 8 bit games with limited lives and no save function forcing you to replay hours of the game just because you got owned at some hard part you weren't prepared for. It would almost immediately become tedious to most players.
It's made by feeding frame by frame of the original video into a neural network. Why do you think captchas ask you to pick all buses, or dogs, or street signs?
good points. that's why i think something like until dawn with multiple protags would be good.
literally nobody has ever thought that other than you. you're a fucking retard
>Loud musical cues are not scary
Yeah, they're only good when they're unintentionally hilarious like in Deadly Premonition.
>Why do you think captchas ask you to pick all buses, or dogs, or street signs?
To train google's AI for them for free?
I just want a horror game where you're chased by something, and you have to hide to escape it, but the hiding space already has a horrifying monster in it and it's already hiding from the presence chasing you.
How so? That Murkoff employee from the comics trying to escape from their clutches?
Is this game as good as people say it is? Or is it just some meme game like that Winnie the Pooh batting game or Crazy Bus or something? Yea Forums used to talk about it kind of a lot once in a while years ago but never anything about the actual gameplay itself.
Hope people still support the devs. I hate how Detention's getting dragged down too for no reason. At least fans are writing up more positive reviews to curb against the endless parade of spammers...
Oh no! It's Safe Head Man from the Quiet Hill series!
Maintenance shafts.
No comms.
Ling/Vamp confirmed.
the gameplay involves interacting with people, puzzle solving, and a little bit of shooting. nothing special but not offensive
the game is best known for it's goofy but extremely likeable characters and ridiculous story and dialogue. it's pure camp and extremely enjoyable
I tried making this guy in Bloodborne.
Worked out, in a strange way.
Corporations are so big you don't even know who you're working for. That's terror.
The actual gameplay in Deadly Premonition is kind of a mess honestly. The driving mechanics are clunky, animations have aged, and it's best played on Easy mode where you can just kind of hack your way through every enemy and get through the combat sequences quickly.
But people remember it because the writing and music and characters are all fun. It's a blend of comedy and horror that plays like a clear homage to Twin Peaks and clearly came from a place of passion. It's blatantly flawed, but entertainingly so.
>horror games
>not movies
Jesus christ look at this retard.
zombies, and I'm being dead serious
When I was a child I had reoccurring nightmares about zombies, I still have them from time to time. There is just something about "them" dragging me down into their pain and suffering and making me become one of them that horrifies me so much.
>crippling camera to fake horror
Thanks for proving RE2r is a yankee pos.
guys what if
guys what if like the first few hours nothing happens but like reallly subtle shit like a chair moved or like shit changes when you come back to a room and also there's a driving section where spooky shit happens
then what if like
what if like at teh end it turns into lovecraftian horror? also no jumpscares