Minecraft is a good game, user

Minecraft is a good game, user
Why aren't you playing it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


All my friends are dead

because i did, a lot

I am, and I'm playing modded

What packs are you autists playing
I'm messing with stoneblock 2

lasagne is good food
Why aren't you eating it?

Hello Cult of Steve

i played in 2009 when everybody on Yea Forums was playing it and we had threads about it 24/7

I used to play it a lot but it started to become very boring and the RNG shit when it came to trying to do the main quest got boring. That and the fanbase started to annoy the fuck out of me. Overall it's a fantastic game that really did change gaming in general and I feel like this is a game that should be preserved for all time along with some other games

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Unironically pokeblocks

Im waiting till hytale

Get the fuck out Dongorong
You are a e-celeb

I played a lot of it, just isn't worth the time anymore. I saw everything, what little they added since was meh.

fuck you and your shitty discord raid server

There was a minecraft nostalgia thread last night, kinda made me want to play. I was gonna make a 1.8 server. Then I see there's some underwater update. Any good?

enjoy your predatory p2w, dumb retard

i would be if my friends still did.

But I have been, user; been a part of a MMO server and having lots of fun.

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When Microsoft took it over, my account became invalid and they won't help me restore it. I'm also too lazy to just go pirate it.


I'm literally just trying to talk about my favorite vidya, what's the matter?

I honestly feel this way with games that have constant updates, after a while I get super tired of them and it also becomes clear that they will milk the shit out of it. I just want a game thats start to finish. Same reason why I stopped watching cable or live action shit and stick to anime


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Playing with that tf2 mod at the moment and it's wild how perfect all the weapons feel. There's a few problems though.

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There’s a main quest???

you find a horse, you ride it till it stops bucking you and shows hearts, then it's yours and you can equip it

I am, i'm making skins right now though because they're fun to make.

Sort of with the nether dragon, I mean you kill him and the credits roll

Holy fuck, it's true!
Discord is invading us

the crafting journal objectives steer you to going to the nether and killing the ender dragon

>spend hours assembling the perfect modpack
>tweak the config files to make sure there are 0 conflicts
>lose the will to play the moment I boot the game up

this but any bethesda game

Hunger ruined it.

Haven’t had much time to do so. Plus, I hate the phantoms. Alot

It's not worth playing without mods
There's no big mods for 1.13 yet
And Thaumcraft development is in hiatus Q-Q

I'm fucking sick of jannies taking down threads just because it has a weird Steve as the header image

Hunger actually made it challenging. Now you can't just scarf down a million porkchops a second for infinite hp

Exploring abandoned bases on 2b2t is genuinely some of the most fun I've ever had playing vidya. I don't know why but it really pleases my autism.

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Would be more appropriate if it were a halo thread

minecraft is boring as shit

Is there a Yea Forums server? don't feel like playing with normalfags

Minecraft's game progression is just a boring resource grind and the combat is shallow bullshit. There are no mods that fix this. Only retards blinded by nostalgia play this shit still.


I get very quickly bored with it

I've been seeing a ton of 2b2t media recently for some reason.
I'm kinda tempted to explore it while listening to some podcasts or something

>Steve Cult Leader
>Steals jokes and content from Yea Forums
>7.5k subs and growing
Is he the new menace to Yea Forums?

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What else do you call this thread retard?

played the shit out of it during betas and release

I played it so long. I've been playing it since alpha.
I had so much fun building things with the WoMClient that gave fly commands on classic.
But as the years progressed, Classic died out. It was sad to see the servers go. I had fun playing lava flood minigames.
Alpha was a gem. Everything felt so comfy, especially in multiplayer servers. It felt so nice, and warm. Especially with all the nice little buildings and torches everywhere in the night.
Beta was all right too. Added a bunch of things to make the game play more interesting.
When the full version got released, everything went downhill. It got boring and dull, servers were boring clickbait crap, and everything just felt... Off. It didn't feel like the original minecraft anymore. It felt like a commercial meme instead of a comfy building game.
I really miss the old days. I want to go back.

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It came out 8 years ago.
If you were 10 when it came out, you'd have turned 18 now. I don't know about you but I remember when I was 18 there were things I fondly remembered from when I was a 10 year old kid. Hell even 10 years ago now I remember shit from when I was 18. It's not a stretch that someone is nostalgic for Minecraft at all.

If you think minecraft is about combat and not getting resources and crafting grand architecture, you're mistaken.
I do think the game is pretty worthless vanilla and you run out of things to do unless you take on an autistically large building projects pretty quick.
It's pretty 10/10 with mods though

zoomer thread

Im too busy beta testing steve in smash

Be happy because it happened, and move on with your life

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the mii costume, right

I'd recommend it. Once you manage to get out of spawn you can put a podcast on and just start exploring. Max comfy.

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>this is a thing
well fuck. guess it's time to stop browsing Yea Forums for the day and head back to /o/.

fuck discord kids

>P-Phil Spencer likes ban-

>the can't enjoy genuine minecraft threads anymore
Smashfags are a cancer

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he has 1 trophy in minecraft tho lmaoooo

t.Zoomer who started in 2012

>resource grind and combat is shallow
>if you think minecraft is about combat and not getting resources
Can you read nostalgiafag? No, it appears not. There are no mods that fix progression being so inherently tied into resource grind, and especially no mods that fix the shit combat.

I started when the game didn't even have survival, dipshit.

looks like a pedophile. probably is, too.

Got any servers to fuck up?

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Doesn’t matter. You lost

My pc is broken and I dont know how to pirate it

Yes but I wont tell you the IP

Despite it being a good game I have had my fill with it and if I want to scratch the itch again I'll wait for Dragon Quest Builders 2 to be released in English.

He literally played Minecraft for 10 minutes, then got bored and probably deleted it. Face it, discordbaby, he doesn't like Gaycraft.

Aren't the people that like minecraft supposed to be the autistic ones.

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Neither does he Sugar Crisp. Can’t wait to see you fuckers choke on your snot and tears at E3 when steve mines in

They are.

come @ me bro

I hope you don't have an autistic tantrum when he's confirmed as a fucking Mii Costume, kek.

r8 my "house" I built in the server we have w/ the lads.
we started in survival but it eventually it devolved to a creative mode fuckfest

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Because I like great games

my sister used my account and forgot the password and the email i signed up with is no longer mine (provider had a "bot purge") and the transaction code for recovery is at my parent's house the entire length of the alsace (give it back, frogs) away



proof the steveposters are literal zoomers

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But I am.

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Yea Forums


Waiting for Thaumcraft on 1.14, 1.7.10 lost its luster and I want to be a pretend wizard.
if they don't readd staves i will fuck this gay earth

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god i fucking hate zoomers.

I thought azanor stopped developing thaumcraft.

waiting on Hytale. Minecraft hasn't really changed enough for me to bother playing it more then an hour or two when I feel like playing it. Hytale unironically looks like the game I wanted Minecraft to be by this point, and I'm hoping that it turns out good, because it seriously would fit my idea for a server thats basically a generic fantasy world thats run by an adventurer's guild.

Banjocucks crying over Steve’s E3 trailer

>hexxit 2 never ever

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>he actually did

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I lost my saved password and account stuff when my last computer died and I bought the game like 8 years ago. Support won't respond to my emails.


I am. I'm attempting to build locations and buildings from my dreams. What's a good mod to help in building? Like being able to lay down a bunch of blocks down over a flat surface or in a line?

I think there's commands for that in the latest version, considering i was able to do something like this on my switch version.

Stevefags on the suicide watch, and steve never ever being in smash

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>food analogy

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Got one of these badboys and Minecraft has never been the same

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what are you making with all ths stuff?


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>banjokes throwing a tantrum itt

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>smashfagging itt

World generation ruined it for me, compare the 1.7.3 world generation to the current one

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>minecraft thread that wasn't even about smash turns into smashfag central #62539
>404 CITY


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Are there any major differences between the Java & Windows 10 version content-wise?

It's not done or shaded properly yet but i've been having a ton of fun making this one while listening to music or Sleepycast.

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What server is that?

Give me some creative methods to kill a villager without aggroing the iron golems.

1.13.2 server

Just started playing minecraft again recommend me some mods lads

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good man

Oh, sorry. I can just use the general shitpost formula. So here we go
X is good thing.
Why aren't you doing X?

literally who?

>team extreme is dead and their launcher only goes up to 2018 versions
>tlauncher doesn't fucking work with servers and is buggy

Is autism just stupid kids who were never disciplined?
Wouldn't he shut the fuck up if there were actual repercussions instead of gentle shushing?

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Trapdoor into lava

Why would I play Minecraft over Terraria?

Millenaire, Nether ex, Underground biomes, Industrialcraft^2, Enderio, Mystcraft, Advanced Rocketry, Roguelike dungeons and/or Dungeontactics, Minecraft Comes Alive

(My personal modpack)

I can't run it on my laptop anymore

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Sometimes, but in some cases you can clearly tell from their faces.

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It's called Monumenta. Pretty small-time atm but I've put a couple hundred hours into it by now.
Here's a slightly-outdated video explaining the gist of it - youtube.com/watch?v=BKpWH4dmaQk

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None of the boys feel like playing it rn
Also, none of us want to restart on the servers we like (vanilla survival anarchy)

Thanks man, I'll be sure to check it out tomorrow.

I would, if I knew how.
I downloaded TLauncher, a russian pirate launcher, but it lacks Beta-1.7.3.
What am I doing wrong?

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torrent team extremes latest launcher from 2018 and it comes with all versions up to 1.12.2

Just a question, how viable are clerics and scouts? I'm thinking of playing one of them, which one would you recomend?

have they said how they're planning on monetizing the game? because i know the shit they did in Minecraft.

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Anime is superior to western cartoons. Say otherwise

Can’t wait to see them all crying for the 100th time in the span of 8 months



I am. Just started Project Ozone 3 today.

Enjoy watching shit like ingayder zim for low dumb quality compared to Attack on Titan


Scouts are meta because mobility is king and the multi-shot ability is basically a shotgun. You can also spec into melee builds if you're all about quick small hits.
Clerics are weird; they have insane DPS and sustainability because they heal/buff on undead kills. But against creepers/blazes/spiders etc, they're basically vanilla. Also the only class you can spec for dedicated support with healing/curing/buffing spells.
The Mage class is almost pure offense.

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>Attack on Titan
If you're going to bait, be less obvious


So would you say clerics are viable?

zoom-zoom play rocknite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>premade packs
>not some super extreme autismo mode pack made from a bunch of shit that makes everything totally imbalanced

no one will know the pain of a combo with infernal mob and a springan from the monstergirl mod

Because i got showered in lava while digging up in the nether

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10/10 for support in team play, 7/10 for solo unless the area in question is 90% undead, in which case it's god-tier.
It's my personal favorite class; so I'm trying to remain unbiased.
Yes, very viable. I'd strongly recommend Rejuvenation or Divine Justice as your first upgrades.

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Great thread

Thanks, then I'm gonna go and play a social class for the first time in my life.

damn this looks like it's overpromising

>it's fucking real
death to e-celebs and discord degenerates

fucking based

BoomBoom play with cowshit and vote for cheeto

I could never get into it and I don't know why. I like sandbox stuff, I like Legos and building things, so Minecraft should be up my alley. But it isn't. It's a mystery!

I miss when Mojang didn’t go corporate with Minecraft and it got shipped to normies to the point of oblivion. Can’t even look up “Minecraft” anymore on YouTube without seeing cringe clickbait

>Adventure Time's style somewhat fits with Minecraft
>SU's style is out of place
No wonder everyone shits on it.

I mean kinda yeah maybe?

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Literally me

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anyone else migrating to minetest? from what ive tried thus far mineclone2 seems to be a good "game" as they call it to imitate minecraft. the only thing that is missing is the amazing minecraft ost which i plan on simply adding with the ambiance mod (ive done it before, i think this time ill back it up online because it really is a pain in the ass to setup)

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I hope someone ruins everything you have fun with someday.

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What's it about? The blurb on FTB's website doens't really explain anything.

Will THE Steve from Minecraft be in Smash Ultimate?

I need direction in my video games. Being dumped into an empty sandbox where "you can do anything" gets boring extremely quickly.