Zoomers claim this is the peak of wow

>zoomers claim this is the peak of wow

Is this true Yea Forums? Or is it nostalgia because they were 16 when they first played it?

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Nigga I was playing Vanilla when I was 16 you zoomer fuck.

It was better than Cataclysm and Warlords of Doodoonor so people think its good but in reality it over stayed its welcome and was rather 1 note.

It was the peak of nu-wow

Fucking zoomers. Peak wow was undoubedly Burning Crusade with wotlk till patch 3.1, and when you have played every single xpac since launch of vanilla, you would agree with this.
Everyone else needs to GTFO.

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Everything but a year of SOO was perfect. ToT is as good as Ulduar was.

If we seperate old and nu-wow by the end of wrath than Id say it even edges out Legion as being the best of Nu.

it was okay but not peak. a lot better than it is now for sure. isle of thunder was great

I kinda enjoyed MoP, the soundtrack was nice, the quests were quite interesting and I really liked the area.

WotLK was mathematically the peak.

It’s not nostalgia, but rather just that fact that they never experience the pure kino that was vanilla-tbc, so they don’t know better.

>the first and only time the player count plateaued and didn’t even see a fraction of the explosive growth vanilla and tbc saw

BC was the peak

orc arms warrior
>Vanilla > BTC > Legion > WotLK > MoP > BfA > Cata > WoD

Delusional WoW fans. WoW lost against LoL after wotlk and stopped being a thing.
You have to be retarded to enjoy an expac with fucking pandas and focused on China.

I've never met anyone who actually liked MoP.

Shut the fuck up you fucking zoomer.

Taking into account that PVP has never been balanced, TBC was the best expansion ever, period.

Let me give you a rundown on best to worst.
Vanilla > Wrath > BC > Panda > Cata > shit > whatever order you want because they are now all shit.

but Legion was good. Sounds like you quit after MoP

>mfw I rejoined wow near the end of legion to try it out again after quitting during WoTLK, bought the expansion and everything
>Enjoying the end game but a couple months later BFA comes out
>Everything I did in those couple months instantly becomes irrelevant

I guess the winning move was just not to play

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It was the last time classes actually had spells. My only real problem with it was LFR invalidating the progression chain even if that was a Cata introduction and the year of SoO.

TBC > Vanilla > Panda > Wrath > Legion > Cata > WoD > BFA

I played it while I was 8 and it was good

>panda better than wrath


I did. I am sure legion was good. Bizz is kill :(

>ToT is as good as Ulduar was.

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I would rather take a epic-death-dragon-of-apocalypse than freaking Winnie the Poo


Wrath deducted a point for being the expansion that started the ultra-casualization of WoW

Karazhan was peak 10 man content.


Its true wrath was the peak of wow, and the downfall of wow. What is strange is the peak and downfall of wow were literally a major patch apart.

I blame Kung fu panda even though I enjoyed it

People get physically, autistically mad when you claim that MoP is better than BC and Wrath because they're a bunch of nostalgiafagging autists, and the only bad thing they can say about MoP is le kung fu panda xD

It wasn't peak, but it was better than Cata and anything they've put out since.

>Wrath being good outside of Ulduar and ICC
WotLK is unironically bottom tier alongside WoD and BFA.

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WotLK > TBC > Legion > Classic > MoP > Cata >>> WoD >> BfA

>t. actually played from 2005 until now, and not just pretending I did while putting the expansion I started on at the top (aka MoPfags)

I'll say that classes were at their funnest in MoP since wotlk and timeless isle is the best pvp area since vanilla. The bloodcoin mechanic was absolutely magnificent. Best fun post vanilla was my hunter soloing a group of 9 while blood coining.

True, but i also enjoyed T7 because of how much pugging there was. It was so fucking easy to find groups to run Sarth and Naxx. Used to host pugs every day on all of my characters OS25, would switch to ML right before death, and auction the trinkets to the highest bidder.
>tfw you will never find that kara video that you watched every day that had all the system of a down music
It hurts

>been playing for several hours straight
>start to feel slightly sick
>immediately remember the story about that guy who died after playing some game for several hours straight
anyone else remember that? was he some pro gamer or something? How many hours straight was it? would doing some quick jumping jacks or something help?

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>only bad thing they can say about MoP is le kung fu panda xD
Okay, how about
>continuation of LFR and LFD
>continuation of braindead AoE pull linear dungeons
>introduction of warforging rng
>continuation of babbyfying stats
>year-long raid tier
>dailies up the ass
>professions still don’t matter
>free welfare loot being given for just taking a shit
Don’t get me wrong. I started in cata and even I can tell wrath was a piece of shit and tbc was kino after playing them both on private servers. Just face it, your zoomer expansion is shit and you try to rationalize it by claiming everyone who doesn’t like it is just a nostalgiafag.

TBC > Vanilla > WotLK > Legion > Pandaria > Cata > Wod > BfA

shit taste
Vanilla > TBC > Cata pre nerfed > Panda > nothing

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If old games are considered good only because their fans were young when they played them, then gamers who are young right now can't have valid opinions on whether a game is good or not. The only objective way to know whether a game is good is to play it when you are fully grown.

WotLK was start of the end, with random dungeon crap and butchering vanilla exp, so more players will get faster to "actual content"

That list. wtf Should be:

TBC > Classic >Wrath > Legion > all else

Just move around every now and then to not get deep vein thrombosis. Those guys who killed themselves with gaming probably played for a full day straight without even getting up.

They "butchered" vanilla exp to keep the time to level cap consistent.

I don't know how you guys can play WoW during more than two years.
It's always the same thing !
I played it because i like wc3 and i wanted to discover Azeroth. But then that's it.

An easy way to see if someone doesn't know what they are talking about is if they lump Legion in with WoD and BfA as "nuWoW BAAD".
Legion was unironically good, sandwiched in between two awful expansions.

Yeah man, the economy shitting out millions upon millions of gold just for doing simple shit was a real good instance of game design.

And this is a bad thing.
You just fucking don't make shit like this.
There is no fucking way making some content irrelevenat because new exist.
This is why WoW died for a good.

You are in no position to try and rank expansion you haven't played.

Legion was just a step above BfA.

>likely wrathbab telling anyone anything

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walk around for sometime every hour or so. it really isnt a huge problem until you're old

It's actually the reason why the player count got so high during WotLK, but okay.


Anyone who was a semi-competent PVP or PVE player already had a limitless supply of gold before Legion.
Only supreme casuals who play to level alts and run random heroics care about gold.

>he thinks video games can kill you

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Not to the degree that Legion shat it out.

Some of the best class mechanical design i guess, thats about it

it had the best inn music

when Cata came out I just sold all the ore I gathered on the AH and made more money then I could spent in my lifetime.

Legion had good content brought down by awful systems and being very alt-unfriendly. BfA managed to take Legion's formula and do an incredible join of ruining what worked about Legion and making what didn't work even worse.

MoP was peak at class/itemisation design it had that sweet spot between RPG and actions mechanics also no RNG bullshit. Everything else was pretty average but in comparison with what we have now Mop was indeed a superior product

>almost dying so you can finish fucking skyrim
Why didn't this guy get a reward like that couple that named their kid Dovahkiin?

Was Naxx being straight up recycled but made easier the dawn of Nu-WoW?

Wrath in general introduced multiple mechanics and design philosophies that ruined WoW

Dungeon finder was

Wow peaked at Ulduar.

>Golden age
TBC before the removal of keys

>Gilded age
Pandaria ToT raid scene and Class Balance

>Timeless age

>Ice Age

>dark age
everything else

>very alt-unfriendly
This criticism is exactly why Blizzard needs to stop listening to people like you when it comes to designing expansions. Listening to this kind of shit is exactly how we got BfA.

>reeeeeee I've been 110 for 2 days and done a couple of mythic dungeons and LFR and I still don't have my BiS legendaries reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Apart from a couple of exceptions at certain points during the expansion, every class/spec had players managing to perform in the top 1% without """"ideal"""" legendaries.

The legendary system was literally only an issue for the top 20 or so guilds in the world, where people were unironically performing at the skill ceiling of their spec and would be benched based on legendaries.
Outside of that, screeching about "muh RNG" and "muh prydaz" was used as a crutch by bad players to explain why they were being benched, when it was proven entirely possible to perform within ~0-1% of the maximum possible for your spec without BiS leggos if you were good enough.

Now instead we get the azerite system.

I played from march 2005

TBC > WOTLK > Vanilla > Cata early > MoP > Legion > Cata late >>> WOD > BFA

That's fair, I can't argue with that outside of personal taste.
It's better than people who clearly stopped playing at MoP trying to critique everything that came before and after it.

i didn't like that they pruned defensive stats in cata and again in mop

Azerite system is the worst system ever and island expeditions a fuck change my mind

>The legendary system was literally only an issue for the top 20 or so guilds in the world,
The problem is the community lives and breathes on that and the stuff. Whatever is dictated to them as the best mathmatically will become the defacto method to play the game. While its unlikely people will sit out in lesser guilds they still gonna say. Shit, dude you got 3 int.

Same shit thats going on in Classic Dicussions where people are adment you play a certain spec or get out. Consdering you need about 10-20 mouth breathers depending on how good other people are its not like you cant clear content with other specs.

wotlk had one good raid
1 was a rehash and the other was a room

a fucking ROOM

The room did change at one point so you could call it a room and a cave.

It was good, but only if you compare it to Cata, WoD, Legion and BFA. Compared to BC and Wotlk? It's pretty bad.

I agree.
As a raid leader in Legion, what most people didn't seem to understand was that if you got benched, it was (at least in my case) always because either their spec was not good on a given fight, or we had someone else of their spec who performed better.

Yet instead of taking it as a kick in the ass to improve, they would head to the mmo-champion forums to cry about muh RNG because their favourite Method streamer mentioned someone in their core got benched for a fight because of legendaries, and they think it applies to them as well.

And if you took that gold into Legion or BfA alll that gold could get you 1 BoE. Maybe. All because of the amount of gold that Legion shat out into the economy. You could make millions off of doing a small handful of dailies every week.

I never got this argument. Skipping the part where you wait outside of a door for a half an hour is what killed WoW?

Naxx (rehash)
Ulduar (good)
Trial (room+cave)
Ice Crown Citadel = ???

You seem to have missed one.

It was an issue with Warlords rather than Legion. Garrison farming inflated gold prices by a large amount. One of my co-workers bought 6 years of game time the day the WoW-Token came out and still had 5 million spread between his characters.

>soundtrack was great
>chink setting is great
Got a problem white boi?

it was only ever an issue for the first couple months of Emerald Nightmare anyway, if your first 2 legendaries were particularly bad
if you didn't have 2 adequate (even if not quite BiS) legendaries by the time Mythic Nighthold kicked in, you were either someone who logged in just for raid nights and didn't put in the effort to clear content outside of that, or someone who re-rolled frequently to whatever flavour of the month spec was in fashion at the time.. in either case, you didn't deserve to be on the same level as a guy who put in the work and stayed dedicated to his spec for a longer period of time.

Remember when spells had different stats for each element

I miss my shadow weave set, grinding those bird people in that secret flying mount only spot in BC was pretty chill

Blizzard dumbing the game down had the opposite effect of what they wanted. It's so mind blowing they never reversed their stupid changes.

Been playing since vanilla, unironically i believe Legion's the best WoW expansion, followed by BC, then wrath, the rest's okay minus cata, that was PURE shit

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>Skipping the part where you wait outside of a door for a half an hour
Skipping the part where you actually have to socialize, actually traverse the game's world, have something worth bringing to a dungeon, and have a reason to talk to your party and stick it out with them.

I never got how people could not get this argument. Dungeon finder takes an MMO and turns it into a matchamde PVE game with a world lobby.

>ToT raid scene
>most melee being crappy

He wasn't wrong. Lei Shen is the perfect tuning and difficulty for an end boss

you couldn't get more legendaries at that point because of how the soft cap/bad luck protection worked


kill yourself.

Legion fucked over a lot of hardcore raiders with the atrocious legendary system.

>actually have to socialize, actually traverse the game's world, have something worth bringing to a dungeon, and have a reason to talk to your party and stick it out with them
Not him, but are you willing to admit that nuWoW's Mythic dungeon keystone system has very much made this a thing again? Or does it go against your narrative of "old wow gooood", "new wow baaaaaad"?

I was at university during launch. I have fond memories of it

The legendary system was fine outside of a handful of individual raiders in the top 20 or so guilds in the world.
Get better at the game and stop finding things to blame for you underperforming.

It's time to abandon the past an look to the future, for one more quest awaits you. Leave the darkness of wow behind and take your rightful place in the light of Hydaelyn. And then immediately betray the light of Hydaelyn and become an apocalypse bringing edgelord. All in the latest expansion.

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>Get better at the game and stop finding things to blame for you underperforming.
Legion is long gone, retard.

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wow is nu-male millennial shit zoomers dont touch it

can you repeat that without buzzwords?

>TBC above anything
It should be near the bottom purely for introducing blood elves and flying mounts

pretty sure there was a 15-20% dmg difference on boomkin if you didn't have the lege helm on release, it was fucked

I haven't touched the game in ages so I don't know anything about it. If there's no matchmaker and you have to go to the dungeon entrance, then yeah, that's absolutely a step in the right direction.

Never played it due to quitting with how shitty Cata was, but pretty sure they felt like they had to put actual effort in it to overcome the kung-fu panda controversy

There isn't, and yes you do.
It's basically the old group finder system but used for constantly relevant and repeatable end-game content.

I wouldn't say it's entirely not a matchmaker, it's more like a groupfinding auction house. You could probably do up to a +5 without typing a single line in chat, only pressing a few buttons to queue up for a specific group you find listed.

You could do exactly that in classic/TBC/WotLK before LFD though.

with addons*

Classic didn't have a group finder.

also it's xrealm

tfw (affliction) warlocks will never feel as good to play as they did in 3.0 again

would you prefer it not be and be stranded on a realm with only 150 active players unable to complete any raid content above normal and any dungeon above a +7? With the population contractions I think your specific xrealm community maybe be barely larger than 2 fused full realm pop's back in this game's heyday.

Cataclysm was the worst expansion in WoW and I will always stand by that. Revamping the zones resulted in the entire removal of their Vanilla counterparts, which, until summer of THIS YEAR, have had no official means of being accessed again.

Blizzard happily destroyed a chunk of gaming history because they got cocky after WotLK.

>tfw MoP unironically had some of the best lore and world-building that WoW ever saw (admittedly not a high bar) but it got dismissed out of hand because Pandas
>tfw the writers just gave up and started doing edgy/rule of cool shit with no regards for cohesion or consistency as a response

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I’ve got the itch to play a MMO so should I sub to this or ffxiv

Can someone remind them that Sylvanas isn't cool then?

>Make goblins a race hell yeah
>give them the most useless racials in the game
What did They mean by this

>pros: well made, memorable moments
>cons: chinky ching chong theme the entire time not warcraft.

What are you talking about, haste is probably the best plain stats racial for most classes overall over history and rocket jump has been used for so much boss cheese.

It was the peak of class design, which is undoubtedly one of the core pillars of WoW

Sadly they decided to not do anything in that department for BfA

Everything past WotLK is zoomer zone

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get a load of this casual hahahaha! what happun bruh?! didn't get into that coveted heroic cenarius PUG because you didn't have a legendary!?
i was in the top 100 guilds that killed Xavius, as a marksman hunter with the fucking fd head and Prydaz, i did good dps (nowhere near surrender to madness priests) and did every single boss no problem, despite of legendaries.Leggos stopped being annoying by the time nighthold was released, fucking get good you filthy animal

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Nah, it was just more of the same. Dailies dailies dailies. It was then that I knew the game had nothing more to offer me.

>Character that can serve as nostalgiabait, fapbait and Empowered Female Character-bait all at the same time
Nope, Sylvanas is gonna get redeemed and/or ascend to permanent unkillable demigod status and we're all just gonna have to deal with it.


Oh yea nice lore here

I liked a lot about MoP. Some of the prettiest and comfiest zones the game has ever had (jade forest). I loved the legendary quest line. Really felt strongly rewarded for completing these end game questlines and raids. The dungeons were pretty decent. The first raid tier was trash but everything afterwards was solid, especially ToT. Monks were stupid fun, easily the most enjoyable class they ever introduced, at least on release. Also the most rewarding. The difference between a good brewmaster and bad brewmaster was night and fucking day.

Yeah, I thought the overall storyline for the expac was pretty pointless. Yeah I thought the entire world being a kung fu panda referense (basically) was a bit much to spread out across an entire expac, even if I think they actually did a good job overall. And I felt the first raid tier was very poorly designed and the leveling experience felt like it lost steam in the second to last zone no one even remembers because it was so mediocre.

Overall though, very solid expac. Good fun. Legion was actually very solid too once they got a few key things fixed though. WoD was trash and I haven't touched BfA but it seems like they took the worst things about WoD and Legion and made them even worse.

>Everything becomes irrelevant.
I agree. I mean to an extent every game stops being meaningful once you stop playing it. But MMOs had that persistance of character that meant the skills and items you’ve got on your character would be kept to some degree. You might turf your old swords and armour but you’d still have the gold, mounts and professions. Maybe you’d have the Goblin Jumpercables; Furlbolg Wand; or Carrot on a Stick?

Then after like fifteen years of these constant resets obviously it’s getting a bit tired. We’ve got so many fucking mounts in the game no one cares or can tell what super rare mounts you have. Every rare ability or function has been copy-pasted into the mainstream.

Componded on that; professions can be started at level 110 or whatever without prior experience. It’s a good change but removes a mark of persistance from veterans.

Finally the plot across Draenor; Legion and BFA really made it feel like you were saving the world. I got the biggest fucking whiplash when Legion launched. I was finishing up some of the Draenor content and then it was literally Khadgar chiming in to say “That’s enough, pack your bags we are going on holiday. Forget this Orc shit they’ll cope without you.” Then it happened again during Legion. I skipped the Broken Shore middle-patch completely; doing only everything before and coming later for Argus. “Player, I need two-hundred peices of shit from this shore.”
>But, the door is already opened to go kill Gul’dan. I just ran the instance for a quest.
“You are right, hop in this space ship and ignore this part, it was all filler.”

“Alright stop actually. All your items and craft don’t matter. I know you spent months doing this shit but unelss you hit exalted it doesn’t matter; you lost; the factions don’t care about you. We only care about Sailors and Trolls now.”

>fucking get good you filthy animal
i just fucking love how casuals always used the "MUH LEGENDURIES" thing as an excuse back in legion,the reality is; even if you had your BiS legendaries you would have stood on that fire, you would have broken cc, you would have killed that add that cause the entire raid to die, as they say, YOU CAN'T OUTHEAL/OUTDPS IDIOCY

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Watch a video of the combat and decide. WoW had been going for fucking ages and at the core it’s this click-to-target auto-lock-on stuff that they’ve modernized over years; but it can’t shake the old-game. Also you can walk through all enemies and players like they have no mass.

Don’t play Guild Wars 2 though. It’s more modern but holy shit some how the combat feels less impactful and more logon snooze shit than WoW and I can’t beleive it.

I want a game that combines Splinter Cell co-op with Classic WoW. Co-ordinating take-downs against groups is hot shit.

Going through dungeons and using crowd-control was the best. There is a little of it going on lately but there was a decade in the middle where it stopped being a priority.

Maybe BFA not the best expansion for WoW and current state of the game is not perfect, but the problem is that THERE ARE NO ALTERNATIVES FOR WOW.
If you like PvE and cool class mechanics then you stuck with WoW.
There are no games that can gave you same PvE experience and you have to play WoW if you like PvE MMOs.

So just accept that.

Vanilla PVP was balanced as fuck you zoomer

not sure if baiting

>September 10, 2013
>Siege of Ogrimmar drops
>November 13, 2014
>Warlords of Draenor drops
>one year and two months of no new content
>durr gud xpac

Granted pandashitters are now accustomed to content droughts but this was heinous back then


its because they were either morons or were playing stupidly broken classes


it was unconscionable game design

and if you think mop was better than vanilla or tbc then you have brain damage

it brought in the least new players and was the first time subs stagnated. thats hardly a good indication that its better than vanilla or tbc which brought in millions more players

>taking roguecraft literally
way to out yourself

Player count stopped rising as soon as WotLK came out.

all you morons dont know how it feels to have your spot taken from another dude with the same class because his legendary is better.
t. Unholy DK
just die all of you, keep praising that one shit expansion with Artifact Power massive grinds coupled with Diablo rifts and "totally not dailies".

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WoW is garbage.

bruh where's the naked warlock beats entire rest of LFR group.

The pinnacle of skill.

> WoW is garbage.
Name a better MMO pls.
inb4. All MMOs are shiet

fuck pandaland, worst theme of any xpac.

wrath or cata >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pandas


I am aware Unholy DK was one of (if not the) worst when it comes to this, but even so it literally was not an issue outside of Emerald Nightmare for the top few guilds in the world.
There are a few UH DKs in the top 100 for virtually every boss without the bracers. Which one of them was you? You did reach the skill ceiling and highest possible DPS you could do without the bracers, right?

It is the peak.

>Ulduar: peak WoW
>Crusader's Coliseum: complete 180 towards shit content
>Icecrown Citadel: point of no return

cata pre-DS was good

it's just the last raid was shit.

Stay casual.
Better UH DKs who put in the time and effort and cleared more content than just hopping online for raids deserved that spot over you.


Fuck you you retarded boomer
I fucking hate you you bitter bronze tinted glasses assholes


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If you've never played this shit you can't just jump in into this shit in 2019 year.
Nah, it is worse cause 90% of its content are fucking quests.
Nobody gives a fuck about quests in MMO.

MoP was peak warlock in every conceivable way and you're wrong for thinking otherwise, thank you for your time

MoP"s greatest threat where the sheer armies of normies brought in by Wrath who don't actually understand or care about Warcraft lore, and should have been playing LOTRO instead.
If you use
>Pandas are an April Fools Joke
Unironically, you're overdue for killing yourself

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What do you mean? Runescape isn't competitive. You can just have fun your own way and do what you like.

>be blizzard employee
>time for yearly work reviews
>worked hard all year fixing my coworker's shitty code
>hoping for a promotion so I can start making more important decisions to improve the games
>finish my online evaluations and submit them and I get a 5000 dollar raise
>sirens start to go off behind me and my coworkers computer is going crazy with flashing lights everywhere
>His raise got titanforged to 20k and a promotion to head of WoW game design
>thanks blizz

I was having a blast with more than half of the classes in MoP. My one regret is that I didn't roll a lock during it to get the title with the green fire.

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That was some of the best game play. Super difficult and if you pulled it off damage gods.

>epitome of Ghostcrawlers "Bring the player, not the class" ideology
>everyone had stupid bullshit and game became mostly revolving around; who uses their bullshit the most effectively
>rare case of an expansion to have reveal showcase including how patches currently planned and who the final boss was, due to people bitching at reveal wanting to know who the final boss would be, minimal cut content between that (looking at you Tanaan)
The only downside of the overloaded dailies at launch if you wanted to keep up with everyone.

Zoomers actually believe WoW was good to begin with instead of actual oldschool mmos.

MoP really clashes with the rest of the settings that WoW has and I was really turned off by that at first. MoP was actually the only expansion I didn't get at launch. However now I'm fine with the Pandaren setting, sure the expansion has almost nothing to do with the rest of the game, but they did come up with a "Well, the continent was hidden for thousands of years!" kind of thing so I can somewhat excuse it for that. Now MoP stuff seems really comfy for me, makes me wish that I had played it at launch.

It looks like shit. OSRS is ugly as fuck, mate.

BC sucked. Vanilla and WotLK were the only good WoW expansion.

Only zoomers who didn't play vidya in the early 2000s think this.

t. didn't do progression and forms his opinion from anonymous retards

It was garbage

No, Runescape has always looked like ass - but it was free; better than no graphics; and better than no game.

I remember there was a guy in my highschool during those years whose entire family had accounts and paid the fees. We gave him a fair bit of shit.

>LMAO play a real game fag.
“But you are playing it too!”

High school was good.

No, bruh.
The thing is that if you have neva played old games when they were actual - you can't enjoy them later. You enjoy them only because they are games of your childhood.
For example i unironically have fun with Fallout 1-2, Dino Crisis 1-2, Dune 1-2 and first X-com games with mods, but i've neva played Arcanum and when i tried it in 2018 i just puke. These games are untolerable for humans if they never touched them before.

Born in 2000 here. Started playing midway through Wrath and quit a month after BFA came out. MoP was easily peak WoW

I think it depends on the game and your tastes. I had never played the Thief series until 2 years ago and I liked it a lot when I did.
On the other hand I tried Baldur's Gate recently and didn't really like the mechanics of it.

LOL they must suffer from brain damage. Then again they're also the ones saying Wrath of the Lich King wasn't the down fall of WoW.

Nobody fucking claims this

yeah, us boomers were already about 16 when WoW first came out

played afflock in legion,stand in fire dps higher, stay mad


Based and not based at the same time.

kill yourself immediately

It got a lot of backlash when the trailers released, and proved to be deserving of said backlash after release, but it does have some of my favorite locations.

muh dailies

Indeed it's the peak of wow classes.
Every class felt completed here in this last expansion. Till the shitstorm came.

Both of these.
BC peaked and Wotlk substained in the beginning but then introduced shit like LFG tool which was a welcome at first... we didn't know the dangers of it back then.

>Vanilla > BTC > WotLK > MoP> Legion > BfA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> horseshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more horseshit >>>> wod

i didnt played cata.

this is some of the shittiest opinion ever man

>Winnie the Poo


MoP was the last decent expansion imo. Vanilla and BC were my favorite times, Wrath had good content, but it brought a bunch of bullshit. Dungeon finder and the whole "you're the savior of Azeroth" shit was the beginning of the end.

Reminder MoP babs conveniently ignore just how bad t14 was.

It wasnt t13 bad but coming off t13 into another shitheap wasnt fun

These three can be interchanged, but they should always be above the later expansions.
MoP isn't as good at the top 3, but is still above all the other post-wrath expansions. Legion is too, but it's not nearly as good as MoP.
These three can also be interchanged, because they're all awful.

Cata was fine for the majority of it and Legion was dogshit for the majority of it

bc > wotlk >cata > mop > bfa > legions/wod were both awful

Even Destro was more enjoyable in 3.0. Timing your Conflagrate just right was so satisfying

Switch MoP with Wrath and that's pretty much how I feel. But that being said, Vanilla, BC, Wrath, and MoP were, at least, enjoyable enough that I liked playing them. It just sucks that there are now more bad expansions then good, with the majority of them coming one right after another while showing no signs of changing or Blizzard learning from their mistakes

>apply your 7 dots
>refresh them when they about to expire
>haunt on cd
>spam shadowbolt
>get 7k dps
Wooow super difficult, even the current iteration of warlock is 10 times deeper mechanically

I didn't play much of either, I enjoyed the post-cap content that Legion had. The Chromie mission, Suramar, Class hall quests, even Argus and the Illidan questlines weren't that bad. As someone who subs for a month or two at the beginning, and then subs for another month or two around prepatch for next expansion, I enjoyed Legion's side content.
Cata however is the expansion that made leveling a bit too easy in my opinion. It really gave the player a lot of powercreep, as well as changing the 1-60 content. It was also the first expansion to have extremely linear leveling zones, which just makes redoing a zone a huge drag. We did get some gems like Silverpine and Hillsbrad, but overall I feel like the leveling changes were a negative addition.
I rank Cata last because it did damage to the WoW experience as a whole, and it hasn't recovered since. If someone didn't enjoy Legion they can just forget it happened.
That's fine too honestly I don't love WotLK that much at all. I can see why most people would put it in their top 3 though, which is why I put it there.

Much easier said than done unless you're fighting Patchwerk. If you allowed even one dot or Haunt to fall off, your whole rotation got derailed. Retail Affliction is much more forgiving as long as you get your opener right
>refresh them when they about to expire
Pandemic didn't exist in Wrath

ignore this dumb post
he is just bitter that his shitty game that he dedicated thousands of his NEET hours to is going to die

>yfw WoD was good

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Vanilla >>> Legion > BC > Wrath >>> Mop >> Cata >>>>>> BFA >>>>>>>>>> WoD

Literally nobody disagrees though. Azerite is garbage. Island expeditions are worthless.

Yes it did. You talk to the meeting stone in front of dungeons and it gives you the option of being put in a queue with 4 others for the instance. It was group finder but it didn't have specific roles, so you could end up getting a group of 5 dps. Did you even play vanilla?

You don't actually believe that cringefest happened do you?

MOP wasn’t even that bad, only reason people hate it because it panda, insane amount of dailies and china theme.

There was a lot more content offer in that expansion than cata, wod, legion and bfa.

BC > Wrath > Legion > Mop
Didn't play the others and you're not tricking me into coming back again fucker.

WoD could have been amazing if they hadn't cut 2/3 of the things that would have been amazing from it
Granted I guess that applies for every other expansion but still. It had a decent start even with all the cut content, highmaul was a good first raid, but then came the fucking selfie cam and it was only downhill from there

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word of mouth lag. WoTLK was the most popular because BC was the best.

>Cataclysm was the worst expansion in WoW
Why is this opinion so controversial? ToC was when the decline began, but Cata was what truly shut the door on old wow. Fuck that expansion and fuck anybody that looks back on it fondly.

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>Cata early
Finally someone without shit taste put of 200+ replies

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MoP would unironically have been the perfect expansion if it didn't become about Orcs halfway through to set up WoD.

>Lei Shen the final boss
>ToT the final raid
>Add more Pandaria raids in between launch tier and ToT

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Not sure why. Cata was only decent at the start and that was because of the dungeons and raids, but even at the beginning it had it's own series of issues including, but not limited to, the terrible revamped zones and and the rushed new zones, like Twilight Highlands.
Also, fuck Uldum

>Dave Kosak has a lot of fun making up the story for MoP, to the point where at BlizzCon they show a video of him holding a bamboo staff while pitching ideas
>Leaves for Hearthstone
>Story goes to actual garbage

Because some of us recognize how good the majority of Cata was right up until DS
>decline didnt begin when they rehashed an entire tier

Cata dungeons at launch were great.

Most, if not all of my fondest memories of post-Wrath WoW involve MoP
>Doing the Jade Forest faction conflict intro while youtube.com/watch?v=_HaxQN-Egdw plays
>Jade Forest in general afterward
>Zen Pilgrimage to the Peak of Serenity for the first time
>That first pilgrimage also involved my first experience with the Sha of Anger, seeing him off in the distance and being able to hear him yell despite being across the zone
They got so many things right with MoP

Attached: Jade Forest.jpg (1600x900, 697K)

Anyone that puts legion that high is a pleb

WoTLk, TBC, Cata , MoP and WoD were all good expansions within WoD having the biggest issues.

Legion and BFA aren’t Wow and the people that like them would never be allowed in my Horde

mop was the last expansion i enjoyed but it wasn't the peak. mop was when they killed talent trees and lots of other fun stuff and make lfr a regular thing rather than an experiment like ds lfr was

Was this actually a thing? All I remember summoning stones doing is letting you teleport party members to you