Considering the past year or so Battleborne doesn't look that bad anymore, does it?

Considering the past year or so Battleborne doesn't look that bad anymore, does it?

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Sure thing Randy, whatever you say

Fuck off Randy

that's not untrue...

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Battleborn wasn't that bad, the problem was that there is was no incentive to keep playing and the game wasn't good enough to hold a competitive interest. Poor balancing in both gameplay and spread of characters, didn't encourage team play on a basic enough level.

its still a garbage game

Being the first to fall doesnt make it not the worst

Funny that you're talking about this game in a year Overwatch itself is dying.

oh shit nice

As someone with 170 hrs in it, you're pretty much right. I still had a lot of fun playing with stacks and winning 85% of games. Blackie McHooks was the best character until they nerfed him into the ground.

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Even if overwatch did die/is dying wouldn't it still be considered a huge success?

This game was unironically good. Better than Overwatch. Shame it died in less than a year. It was the better game, desu.

what made it better

t. Randy Bobandy

>tfw Battleborn and Lawbreakers were considered as some "laughing stocks" for only getting like 75 metascores and underperforming in sales

>now we are drowning in games with even bigger budget, reaching only fucking 50-60 metascores

what the fuck happened to the western gaming industry


Nope, still shit.

Social Justice Indians

>Destiny was widely panned
>is now considered the high standard to which Anthem is hailed

Monsanto is ruining people's tastes

What world are you living in? People are holding Anthem to the standard of Warframe.

>Coulda had Fun Battleborn threads but Gearbox hate and Blizzard Cocksucking was in full force at the time
>Literally nothing for Battleborn in terms of OC or jokes, could've made our own fun with the obnoxious jankfest despite its flaws
>All OW threads are literal SOULLESS Porndumps
>OW Somehow ended up more pozzed than BB with Carpet diver Tracer, Autistic Symmetra and Lemon Party 76
We could've saved them, We could've been BADASS

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the characters are eyesores, the best looking ones are the ones with masks and helmets so you can't see their faces

I just played and had fun with TF2 the whole time, Randy.

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la creatura negra. . .

It was never bad, fight me.

BattleREborn HYPE!!!!

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The proper MP wasn't that bad. Should have just made that and release it cheaply (none of that $60 bullshit). Then maybe, but probably not.