Who do you think could be the next non-japanese character in Smash? Does YOUR country have a rep yet?

Who do you think could be the next non-japanese character in Smash? Does YOUR country have a rep yet?

Attached: Smash roster flags.jpg (1920x1080, 1.23M)

Dark Samus, Falco, Fox, Diddy, King K Rool, Little Mac & Sonic are all literally Japanese you fucking retard

>Sonic is half-American
>Little Mac is half-Canadian

In that case Mario should be half-American since it was literally NoA who gave him his name.

King K Rool, modern DK, Diddy, and Dark Samus were all designed by westerns

How are Krool or Diddy Jap?

>He doesn't know

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I'm going by "Jumpman was first" rules here. Plus his current design is all jap, unlike Sonic and Mac.

Why are fox, falco and wolf half redcoat?

The only reason star fox exists in the first place was because of a British dev team, srgonaut software.


The guys who made Croc?

>75 characters
>not a single n*gger

I didn't know that Nintendo was THIS based and THIS redpilled...

But didn't Miyamoto create the characters?

inb4 somebody says donkey kong


Dark Samus, Ganondorf, Meta Knight, Villager, DK

Heck, they were thinking about adding in one Native American skin, but Sakurai made it clear that they only want whites in his game.

Attached: Indian watch.jpg (145x175, 7K)

Doc Louis is the best we got

Morton Koopa

He did when this british developed game needed a roster, yeah.

K rool and diddy were created by rare which are a British developer and dark Samus was created by retro studios a American developer

Nintendo owns all of them, Nintendo is a Japanese company

Yeah. Croc was 3D Yoshi until Miyamoto got assblasted that it had better graphics than Mario 64 so they got forced onto Saturn/PS1.

>more and more spaces getting a british flag shoehorned in
bruh its k rool and diddy and that's it

Well, they were also created by non-Japanese people, so they aren't Japanese.

I get that Diddy and K Rool because of Rare, Dark Samus because Retro and Little Mac is because they took the design from Next Level Games' Punch Out and they're Canadian. Can somebody explain Sonic and the Star Fox characters?

Shit that nigga does look like Yoshi

Sonic - Created in Japan, redesign in San Francisco back when Sonic Team was located there.
Star Fox - Whole franchise started because of a pitch by Argonaut Soft. to make a game and the SuperFX chip that Nintendo picked up.

I don't understand why they do this, Japan bias is gonna get us yet another literally who in the form of Erdrick