You wouldn't hurt the enemie if they were this cute, would you?

You wouldn't hurt the enemie if they were this cute, would you?

Attached: 1551063696136.jpg (1433x1764, 1.28M)

Other urls found in this thread: northern_ocean_hime

I will slay anoyone that blocks my path

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This but for realsies

cute girls are even better when beaten senseless

top tier fetish

She looks like she fucks military installations and cruise liners

That’s what they want you to think
That and other human looking monsters like it are species of monsters that evolved to appear cute/innocent to humans to catch them off guard

That is my fetish

This is the enemy. Do not fall in love with them. Join the IJN today and purge the abyssals from our oceans.

Attached: 38411572_p0.png (1100x1556, 1.91M)

Yeah see, I don't know. I feel like destroying someone more beautiful than I am, is morally wrong.

Yes, because your whole fleet is full of cute girls. I'm practically tripping over cute girls, of all attractive shapes, sizes, ages even, not even elementary school girls can dodge the draft. I can send half the fleet out and double will join the next day. I am awash in so much estrogen that I can barely even remember what another man looks like, sounds like, or even acts like.

So what else am I supposed to do when the enemy decides to be a cute girl? It just means I can't escape them even on the field of battle! What madness is this, that even these monsters want to lay my head in their lap and sing bad pop? What kind of world is this?!

Not with that Dr. Seuss tumor on her forehead

I don't know what this is but it's cute

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i'd hurt her emotionally

Attached: 1539376813050.png (550x635, 192K)

>Still can't recruit abyssals

I'd make a deal with her.

That’s not the enemy, that’s my wife

Ship girls should always be ship-sized.

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I love every abyssal ship!

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Attached: 0aa04c98b6246691a0c9a6c47c01d780.jpg (595x808, 223K)

This is an enemy (dangerous)

Attached: hoppo.jpg (1240x1754, 1.09M)

Now wait a minute buddy that's MY wife

Wanko is for waifu, Hoppo is for daughteru

I am an incel user, laws of moe-moe-kyun don't apply for me.

Post ducks

Attached: illust_58582518_20190218_005853.jpg (810x1144, 130K)

No, I'd take them for my wife, shave their head/trim their nails, get them new clothes, and wait 30 days for the marriage, as is prescribed.

Attached: $_32.jpg (867x804, 144K)

Is KanColl still trash?


This is the enemy. Do not trust these boatsluts. The abyssals are your allies.

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Attached: illust_69683721_20190218_003512.jpg (1365x1280, 1.51M)

The fuck is going on with her anatomy?

How would Hoppo look when she grows up?

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This guy knows what's up.

Attached: hobo kick.png (1057x565, 566K)

With the other abyssals I can see the monstrous qualities in their design even if they're still attractive, Hoppou is just a fluffy loli though. There are shipgirls with more monster girl features than her.

Correct, the enemy is hideous looking and should only be met with extreme prejudice.

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All the better to bully her

Attached: bully.jpg (1300x900, 741K)


Attached: __hamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ayakase_hotaru__7c8b9b16586c6b747709572ebd70a022.jpg (2645x3679, 673K)

The user took that seaports hand in holy matrimony and is his partner

it's because she's a babbie

Only if they're open for a naval invasion

Attached: DIzmB7MUEAIpg9d.jpg (640x927, 95K)

Do not take a liking to the enemy, especially those Kagerou-class destroyers.

Attached: 68067397_p0.jpg (1200x1600, 1.04M)

I would impregnate the enemy, they can't fight if they are pregnant

I guess..

Attached: __hamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kanju__9567fd42105e1af3c357f7f56444259b.jpg (1000x1412, 962K)

That abyssal with black clothes and 2 horns is so fucking hot holy shit

Attached: 66031210_p0.jpg (2195x3191, 1.1M)

Is that Ark Royal in the background? Or the femtoku?

I'm going to marry RE

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Define "hurt".

Shota admiral x Northern Princess OTP

this but actually unironically.

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Issabelle being announced for smash brought me great pleasure because it meant I can stomp on that bitch.

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Reminder to not fall for the dark side. There are no cookies, only potatoes.

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I like girls that would bully me and she looks too pure hearted for that so I would just leave her alone unless provoked.

depends on how much of a dick they are.

Can i at least bake them? I don't want to eat them raw, also fuck chinks and taiwan cash square

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I want Mogami to lure me to the dark side!

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Wo is good too.

Attached: 44037198_p0.jpg (1678x839, 1.72M)

The abyssals all just tragic to me. I want to protect them!

This for some reason

Why does KDKW hate money?

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Because "muh sads" and "muh no thank you aniemayshuns".

of course, I wouldn't stop the penetration until they were crying

Attached: jesuschristhowhorrifying.jpg (1030x793, 233K)

>you wouldn't hurt
you're right...
first i'd RAPE them and THEN i'd fucking slaughter then, fuck women, jesus christ what i waste of a thread why the fuck would you think i wouldn't hurt a woman, are you retarded or something? if you aren't ready to attack whoever wants to kill you, then you deserve to just die off like a faggot

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A Haruna is fine too.

Attached: 72158092_p1.png (817x1153, 793K)

Isn't this game killed by Azur Lane? It didn't even show up on the top 100 ranking last year. AL was in the 40s IIRC

Whales are keeping it afloat, Azur Lane is too F2P-friendly for its own good.

The only reason to spend money on KC is ship slots

It's always either dead or beating KC.

Attached: 046b982a96f4cabedc36684ff15fc429.jpg (1792x2530, 2.47M)

But KC isn't even gacha. The only thing people spend money on is more ship slots, dock extension keys and marriage rings. And maybe improvement materials which everyone has too many due to dozens of dailies.

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>that artist

Attached: 62221220_p3.jpg (992x1370, 638K)

of course I woudn't OP unless there was another ending for doing so

Attached: angel of LOVE.jpg (518x747, 40K)

With that head giving me MuvLuv flashbacks I most definitely won't.

But its revenue indicates otherwise. It was released for a few months in 2018 and already made it into the top 50s. KC didn't even come close.

revenue doesn't equal popularity also kancolle isn't gacha at all the only thing you can buy is ship/item slots repair/construction slots and resources, originally tanaka made kc so it would fight off the gacha genre

>Azur Lane is too F2P-friendly for its own good
There's no bullshit wall where it slows you down to a crawl? i might check it out if it is a smooth ride

You get tons of cubes(your 'waifu summon' item) in AL.
What you buy are "gems", which you use for thinks like costumes for your favorite boats, or more dockspace for more boats, or marriage rings for your boats.

You don't pay for progress, though you CAN buy cubes there is 0 need, you pay for extras.

Don't post my wife

Attached: 3972067.jpg (652x343, 51K)

Honestly the in-game gold limits you more than lack of cubes (summon material)

Attached: __graf_zeppelin_azur_lane_drawn_by_kure_masahiro__d6f7c0012848d6258a72061334ffc8ce.jpg (2860x4060, 3.88M)

What's the loot drop?

Attached: 1.jpg (500x452, 62K)

>which you use for thinks like costumes for your favorite boats, or more dockspace for more boats, or marriage rings for your boats.
I get costumes but what the hell does the other shit do?

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Now it's stuck in my head fuck you

You have limited dockspace (150) and equipment space (300) at the start, so if you play favorites it won't be a problem. Marriage Rings are also playing favorites but a ringed girl gets a 12% stat boost.

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Would you?

Attached: 53150357_p9.png (848x1200, 526K)

You can have 150 boats at once. You can feed boats to other boats to make them stronger. Missions randomly drop boats. More dock space means having to return to your dock to feed boats less often.
Marriage rings are "I wanna marry my waifu", some boats have wedding dress outfits they get when you marry them, and marriage gives them a (very very minor) stat boost.

not a huge follower of these series, are those chicks enemies and/or ships? I´ve only seen the doujins


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I think for a time they were thought to be Allied ships because KC is all Japan before they added American boats and all.

They are enemy ships. Some are Installations, so naval bases and the like.

Attached: 1537370855971.jpg (1200x796, 349K)

They're pretty much only there to be shot at.

Attached: __battleship_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_akira_kadokawa__9b225d4f14cfbd91715571f39191d3fb.png (628x693, 484K)

i really hope she has a throat

Wait but where's italy tho?

Not implemented yet?

Attached: 50147117_p0.jpg (662x900, 525K)

They'll show up in the future probably. The French got added in too

Attached: __jean_bart_azur_lane_drawn_by_kodama_wa_ka_me__2373c19850221e59ee62c24e021390f1.png (1228x1712, 2.87M)

so each represents its power, there a big one that looks like the mom and the smaller ones.

who has the better girls and gameplay? azur lane or kancolle

She filter feeds.

Attached: 55069843_p0.png (635x903, 661K)


I like Azur Lane because it has multiple fleets of girls, compared to KC's intentional focus towards the Nip fleet and a handful of foreigners.
Plus I don't really like shibafu's art. Guess I prefer the gameplay too, even if it's mostly auto-farming for rare drops eventually.

They're very different in terms of gameplay. Your best bet is to see some videos of them both and see which kind you like more. Azur Lane is more of a shmup (but you can auto it at times).

Attached: 50662128_p0.png (1169x760, 925K)

Azur Lane has two good girls and that's about it.

Attached: 1541304464998.png (984x1392, 1.39M)

there's some good boats in kancolle, but most of them are enemies and have no attention drawn to them in story or at all
kancolle can barely be called a game, the only "gameplay" is building a fleet

pic related

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I'm easy to please and I like how AL doesn't hide the fact everyone is slutty.

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I think I only really like Bisko, Tone/Chikuma, and Takao, Ooyodo, and Iowa and from KC

I hear it...

Attached: 1546898106742.png (1280x720, 1.89M)

Cute boy.

really bummed out kadokawa never allowed you to control the abyssals would certainly made them more popular


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They made a ton of bad decisions

Gonna fap now

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kawady max

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Where would i get this is in a human language or would i have to deal with moonspeak

Why Re though? She's not voluptuous like some other Abyssals and has weird feet/hooves and a creepy tail.

Attached: 57180259_p0.png (970x1225, 1.51M)

Literally just go to the app store, it's in english and it's making its way to catch up with the other servers. Only like 2-3 big events left with a handful of mini-ones before we hopefully get synched.

Attached: AuroraSpring.png (845x1024, 711K)

AL already has an English version.

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Wo-class needs more art. Poor girl is stuck with basically no characterization nor voice despite being so cute.

Attached: wo-class stern.jpg (800x962, 67K)

tell that Re to stop licking me

Attached: 175.png (390x370, 66K)

all abyssals need more art and lewds

Attached: 51949434_p0.png (910x1105, 811K)

They need to be playable to gain more relevancy, but we know that will never happen.

Attached: 55027402.jpg (1000x805, 474K)

The girls in that fleet are pretty crap compared to the cute enemies desu.

I hate those faces.

Attached: 70619722_p0.jpg (1169x827, 475K)

Specially this one.

Attached: __battleship_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_akira_kadokawa__0c133113834036d601d8c40e0dd58217.j (1359x1920, 658K)

You have a cute wife.

Also known as gesugao.

Attached: 72051611_p1.png (817x1153, 896K)

Attached: __aircraft_carrier_oni_and_airfield_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_zuizi__9b1fb30c883536bbb3f5424c7 (1378x2039, 1.92M)

Too fucking cute.

Attached: 0885a0be189d0d35707af2893f3fd704.jpg (720x1107, 504K)

I think this is what bores me the most about KC. You'd expect they would come up with cool backstories and plotlines for her and other popular abyssals.

>this artist is drawing AL stuff now

Attached: 1543445520603.jpg (407x468, 37K)

I wanna marry that boat!


Attached: 66119630_p0.png (686x1000, 371K)

Attached: 8967f0c773d62402e3bc2fd80fde52e7.png (800x1000, 369K)

Spooky abyssal fanart is my aesthetic.

Attached: __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kodama_wa_ka_me__7ac7d719790817e615133da9876b (2113x3000, 1.38M)

She is so beautifully elegant, just how I like them.

Attached: __battleship_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_fuchiyoru_shirokutsu__767521f5743d2effb27cc9ee3ac8 (1091x736, 755K)

A lot of the later abyssals do have backstories of a sort, where they have an obvious counterpart or two in the player fleet, but Wo suffers from being a generic enemy instead of a boss.

The game was never intended to have the popularity it does, and it shows in how poorly-thought-out the plot as a whole is.

Attached: harusame.jpg (632x700, 146K)

Good taste.

Attached: __battleship_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_weasel_close_to_the_edge__78a93c2edc8f44cbb0330c34 (737x1000, 936K)

This needs to be fixed with an anime with Wo-class as the mc.

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She is soft.

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Attached: 69350098_p0.png (1500x1700, 1.23M)

Would you rather it be a light-hearted comedy series, or a darker and more psychological take on the paradox of fighting for peace when one's existence depends on war?

The Enterprise was scrapped so she could finally get some peace instead of spending the next century slowly rotting apart in dock while noisy kids trample about inside her.

Attached: wo 2large.jpg (208x295, 11K)

Attached: The Pharaoh.png (850x1200, 893K)

I just can't say no to that cuteness.

Attached: 0a0890db0f0490ad6c3aa0a69d01b285.jpg (494x700, 104K)

I can't either.

Attached: c5389d563d001b88dab3ad7a168b975a.jpg (647x900, 125K)

god i wish i had a draw that i could just pull to reveal a hopper

Attached: DiRMxEhVMAAAI2E.jpg (588x651, 59K)

Hoppo is cool!

Attached: 1452368427521.jpg (600x849, 84K)

Isn't she a submarine or something of the sort? Silly waifu-only tertiary here
Me too

Too much face-sitting nonsense, though.

Attached: 73292658_p0.jpg (858x1200, 355K)

She is an installation.

Are the horns magnets?

Attached: 7c01115e1d6a1daa84aa8162d296e6e1.jpg (2893x4092, 1.52M)

Pokey nuzzles.

Attached: 225.jpg (1024x952, 126K)

Long hopper is cool as well!

Attached: 539066a5057e7bb68bf53dec66a3c48c.jpg (1000x750, 90K)

I can't describe this feeling, I just look at her and want to hug her for an entire day without stopping.

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Miwday is good.

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I know I'm more inclined to take nonlethal routes if the enemy isn't a cartoon scumbag. Also tenryuu is cute

Attached: 8c4466a48952ceeeb81516da8de8ccb8.png (800x1286, 609K)

Light hearted and cute when she's with her people but with some slightly dark undertones, get's darker when they interact with humans and shipgirls but something that ends in an optimistic note despite how dark some parts of the journey were would be good.

Yes she is.

Attached: __tenryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_cherrylich__fcd54659765c62283abc5ef7da4c6df8.jpg (3382x2480, 2.27M)

I like them petite.

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I want this.

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She is so soft and huge and huggable and perfect.

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I need a scary boat wife.

Attached: (760x570, 550K)


Attached: 6a4bf9abe667ba42737890d154f68e2b.jpg (1680x2000, 2.62M)

A hoppou hiding in an unexpected place in your house would be fucking cute.

Attached: seaport_hime_kantai_collection_fan_art_by_asuka111-d81a2qs.jpg (1024x576, 134K)

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Attached: ae33cfaa4f28c09aa9dfdaae45505a37.png (1324x1964, 249K)

What's the name of that other cutie?

That's Re. She's a battleship.

Attached: 1479183982449.png (847x1080, 655K)

I can tell Airfield likes cuddling.

Attached: __airfield_hime_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_akira_kadokawa__815077b3fed961762dd0ccff30177ae8. (5935x4089, 1.84M)

>She's an aviation battleship

Thanks. I'm not a historical ship person at all.

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Abyssals are the only good thing about kancolle, there's literally nothing else of any value there

Some shipgirls are ok but the abyssals are the best

KC is a DMM game, the same way DMM games never show up in mobile ranking, also kanshit is a browser game, dumbass

Attached: aa7fa945632a8006e2deca811a36a9ea.png (708x1000, 802K)

Because they are retards.

Good Kancolle game would easily make FGO money.

Attached: Kancolle - U Got That.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

Play Mobile Strike!

Attached: IMG_4404.jpg (1221x959, 144K)

Smugkolle Kollection

Attached: __light_cruiser_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sumisu_mondo__687a161071ed027f7b3d2d710ca08b98.jpg (1400x1078, 266K)

KC definitely has better designs on average but some AL designs are great while some KC designs suck dick.

But AL is a far better game and it's not even close.

Attached: sluts.png (488x693, 547K)

AL has top tier lolis. Eldridge, Unicorn, Z46. All top tier.

>not a single tummyslut

Man, it keep getting lower eh

Attached: 65466965_p0.jpg (2894x4093, 841K)

A fellow patrician, I see.

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She is cute!

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Attached: __re_class_battleship_shimakaze_shimakaze_yukikaze_and_yukikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_goma_goma (600x800, 210K)


Attached: IMG_4405.png (640x1136, 119K)

Kadokawa has no control over the game itself. It's made by C2.

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Attached: 1514559492903.jpg (1672x1182, 332K)

That depends. Are they funny, too?

Attached: 1545092463853.png (800x600, 183K)

Lycoris is 10/10

Attached: __airfield_hime_kumano_lycoris_hime_pola_and_suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shimetta_seiya__bfbb2 (1000x1412, 1.13M)

>dabs on cancercolle
pffffff nothing personal kid

Attached: IMG_4406.jpg (310x163, 17K)

Let's just be friends.

Attached: __enemy_aircraft_lavinia_whateley_and_northern_ocean_hime_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_sako_bo (1000x1333, 181K)

She's quite cute.

Attached: 56921350_p0.png (970x1230, 1.53M)

Attached: 4f35f63e1d1046353c3a505924c93ec03bcfe055.png (1142x791, 1.18M)

I for one welcome our giant adorable overlords.

Attached: 15d68ae9896a883e0cfb279926a43206.jpg (800x628, 51K)


Based ryouna chad

one (1)

I love seeing abyssals playing with little kids.

Attached: __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kojima_saya__9dd9ba8e330e78023be30f39058ed8dc (636x900, 116K)

Bros, how can she even compete?

Attached: 67706131_p0.png (1237x1402, 1.33M)

We just don't know.

Attached: 67236751_p0.jpg (826x1169, 381K)

Not lewd. Her butt is made for being a bed, look how big and soft she is. Hoppo knows.

Attached: 4f0f608159f00d25798bce3e487fbead.png (1233x1480, 1.84M)

I mean she is quite beautiful so even if you never get to make anything lewd to her, just knowing that she's happy is enough to make my heart explode from happiness. Still some lewd time with her would be amazing.

Attached: __seaport_summer_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_quatre_aaaa__a321b233e74feb9dfb97fa0a8636253c.jpg (900x1080, 565K)

I want an abyss mommy.

Attached: 1452103886170.jpg (800x1131, 171K)

Attached: 491CA2B3-5213-49C7-8C5F-5F59987CE195-2896-00000888ADEE50F9.jpg (482x518, 94K)

It's rare to find a good mix of cute and hot. Seaport does it just right.
We can't all be as lucky as Hoppo.

Attached: 0f6e40665f4eb953d5d07ecd0e756fa4.jpg (595x841, 126K)

enlightened and edgepilled

Seaport is also very lucky since hoppo is also top cute.


Attached: __seaport_summer_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kimpeul__a9d060864b19d38c21f94b5339d791fa.jpg (2480x3508, 1.02M)

I want to be bullied by an abyss boat

Attached: __midway_hime_and_northern_ocean_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_untsue__9f3906b899efab1a863ed4fe3cc (900x1200, 1.22M)

So do I.

Attached: 43326451_p0.jpg (1200x1062, 944K)

Perfect family

Attached: 5d1a97b716f7348d31edced347d5bce1.png (1032x1387, 659K)

Wonderful idea.

Attached: 1453689696602.png (961x1426, 1.96M)

They're gonna teach a lesson to that dumb human admiral.

Attached: 1521467670341.jpg (900x1259, 890K)

Sounds like a good idea.

If only I was in his place.

Attached: 62172038_p0.png (1300x1500, 3.72M)

>Takes so long to listen to fan request that they got hired to do what they always wanted by your competitors

Twice in fact.

Attached: DyTDJxwU0AEYPfS.jpg (1271x2048, 146K)

I wish I was Hoppo's dad.

I want to be an abyssal admiral but a slightly incompetent one that gets bullied by his fleet often.

Attached: __ta_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_huke__bd529be10671e6ea26fa66f0377e6767.jpg (1680x2500, 1.76M)

Who else has done it? I know GFL is gonna be doing something like that pretty soon, at least.

how dare you

Attached: __admiral_and_seaport_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_salve_8947279__6740184afd13a406e33e7fd659 (1000x970, 337K)

That's good too. Either way I just want to get bullied. And told what to do by them.

Attached: 64099662_p0.png (940x1150, 465K)

WSG and AL hired Abyssal fan artist to design obtainable Abyssal-like ships (not enemies) for their games. They also start making knockoffs as well but they probably won't make them unobtainable, at least not their tech.

Attached: 1545309528856.jpg (2201x2934, 1.36M)


Attached: 658dc5a12678e0458a08d06b51069e31.jpg (2507x3541, 1.95M)

I like the way you think.

Attached: __ha_class_destroyer_i_class_destroyer_ro_class_destroyer_and_ta_class_battleship_kantai_collection_ (1450x1983, 1.96M)

Damn, that's pretty great to hear. I'm mighty tempted to pick AL back up now, though WSG doesn't ring a bell.

Thank you.

Attached: 68386257_p0.jpg (2304x1296, 825K)

Warship Girls. The most notable Chinese knockoff before AL. Theres tons of them.

Attached: Duke_of_York.png (340x340, 67K)

Attached: __northern_ocean_hime_and_seaport_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamato_nadeshiko__ebee89fa151f1513 (1036x1450, 963K)

i want hoppou stummy

Attached: 47c6dd650c27b86e35d58565928d55b7.jpg (1000x719, 435K)

Attached: 1453684677853.png (500x413, 164K)

Those beautiful legs, I want to be below them.

Attached: __battleship_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sekigan__eff849358e0320734be35bed74fd2916.png (667x1000, 979K)

Good answer.

Attached: __battleship_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_firebate__2c92efd61c3c05dd28a5f52c7a7379fe.png (848x1200, 1.16M)

Too lewd! Hoppo should wear bloomers.


Attached: __admiral_and_seaport_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_bow_bhp__4ffc5607c6cea8e3753e9bbe1b3d0d90.jpg (780x948, 120K)

Attached: __seaport_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_osiimi__b5678c369388de8a30f0b6ee2798bb11.jpg (960x960, 141K)

Attached: 66567621_p0.jpg (1466x1704, 2.04M)

She wears sidetie panties for easy access!

Attached: hoppou_chan_by_thesdros-db5ak7z.jpg (1024x1466, 243K)

Please do not lewd the hoppo.

Ok fine Ill put bloomers on her
it's even hotter

Attached: cec3764caa85a345ceac0cfc7c86a50ec4887633.png (670x1096, 466K)

If the AL devs can get Bote Uzuki right down to the same VA, they can get playable Abyssals if the fans meme hard enough.

Attached: 1540434861134.png (1793x1450, 3.2M)

Attached: 70302268_p0.jpg (827x1169, 604K)

Attached: __aircraft_carrier_water_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_meth_emethmeth__0d86e2dc818a973e5ff398b1aacb (676x1000, 699K)


Hey. Listen closely.
NEET Hime.

Attached: CgbzpJIVIAAgq1-.jpg large.jpg (998x500, 88K)

Oreo-chan is lovely.

Attached: __aircraft_carrier_water_oni_and_enemy_aircraft_kantai_collection_drawn_by_agaga__0ff25307c42e4461da (1062x1500, 1.27M)

Very lovely.

Attached: 39a3175a0de54d4b42c774dc5c9ea453.png (954x1350, 1.2M)

Re-class receiving belly rubs at high speed!

Attached: 1550721657716.gif (620x510, 79K)

nope, i wouldn't hurt them


why is there zero sub loli art

Attached: 3d18c114e657df5026e939c37938dbd2.png (1600x1800, 2.7M)

source? filename doesn't work, was it deleted?

I'll post some.

Attached: __submarine_new_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ninimo_nimo__6299c780d8c8ae2602c5e1a183aee616.jpg (1076x857, 171K)

I thought al is the FGO and kancancer killer? Even girl flopline rank higher than this lol

I'm a top. Being a bottom is boring and irritating.

Attached: 69311558_p0.jpg (765x957, 533K)


Attached: 5afe357b5c195c39353dd7c1df6b3243.jpg (1050x1397, 1.03M)

Most of the Zs are great

Attached: 72423838_p01.png (1452x1855, 3.85M)

Attached: CTSqjj4UsAAVrTa.jpg orig.jpg (1920x1080, 304K)

Attached: 71428922_p0.png (1800x2300, 3.48M)

Attached: 1537930583059.png (736x1180, 206K)

Attached: 71498808_p0.jpg (1328x1181, 683K)

Damn straight hat shit’s getting killed. The abyss runn’eth deep.

Attached: 0BF1C277-92AF-4927-B208-65C15D1705FD.jpg (600x600, 104K)

ah sank you

Attached: 1a6f1e1303c68b8e7f20240af8bdb9ef.png (1300x1300, 1.19M)

Attached: __supply_depot_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tatsu_shinomu__e1a0c9d668cbf62d95ce1d3c248f442f.jpg (561x1043, 301K)

Have another one.

Attached: 70136220_p01.png (1841x1441, 3.88M)

Attached: 1a0ebd252d85cffd447eed8f38ed8577.jpg (630x900, 392K)

Attached: __ancient_destroyer_oni_and_isolated_island_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_walzrj__ef54006e202d357de (928x991, 120K)

artorias got messed up because he ate too much of that abyssal pussy
he's the last one you want fighting them


But Ta is still good

They're both great.

Attached: __ru_class_battleship_and_ta_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_terrajin__017adba9ea58f3761 (727x811, 90K)

Attached: 1532906398841.jpg (739x973, 107K)

Attached: 46af066b5bfc2642a377a677fc7cdd2e.jpg (1077x1000, 196K)

This is fucking awesome art

Attached: abyssal.jpg (423x600, 49K)

Scary but cool.


Attached: 42513494_p0.jpg (800x1000, 451K)

are those tights or just a very moist suit

I've cursed and damned every Boatfucker and Shipslut since day one, and I'll keep doing it until every single piece of information about those Floatbitches cease to exist on the internet

Attached: the_boat_killer.jpg (4722x5644, 3.33M)

Ri is cute!

Attached: __ne_class_heavy_cruiser_and_ri_class_heavy_cruiser_kantai_collection_drawn_by_deel_rkeg__375ac0e109 (1280x800, 316K)

Attached: 62226161_p0 (1).png (994x1317, 1.17M)

I like 2hu and boats!

Attached: 1549896507861.jpg (600x639, 62K)

my bros
she is the cutest thing in the world

Attached: HTB1.mVqvIyYBuNkSnfoq6AWgVXaD.jpg (544x600, 68K)

Leather pants I think.

Attached: __fairy_and_ru_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_utopia__63b5d6e27bab1b3641424d5bb40a3414. (600x869, 62K)

2hus and abyssals are friends.

Attached: __hoshiguma_yuugi_mizuhashi_parsee_and_seaport_hime_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_black_jelly__ (1050x1484, 1.49M)

Attached: 66297580_p0.jpg (772x831, 97K)

I love Jintsuu's edgy twin.

Attached: 58255103_p1.png (650x800, 487K)

Attached: 71701007_p0.png (600x1000, 664K)

its even better when you can cripple them or cause irreparable damage to their bodies they will have to learn to live with for as long as you deign fit for them to continue

She's nice too.

Attached: 69886731_p0.png (1046x1500, 1.98M)


Attached: 1f86.png (686x476, 529K)

I bet that'd be super awkward to walk through doors/hallways with. Just scraping against shit constantly, knocking over whatever's on nearby tables etc.

The Light Cruisers are very cute.

Attached: __light_cruiser_hime_and_light_cruiser_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mochitsu_jou__22d3b380967f3df9 (840x1170, 1.02M)


Attached: __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_drawn_by_huke__f9478f5ff2a505a2d91d90e2515cac0d.jpg (1280x3982, 843K)

Attached: 61438329_p0.png (900x1200, 814K)

Have another.

Attached: abyssal2.jpg (564x1030, 107K)

Destroyer Hime is my daughter.

Attached: __destroyer_hime_ha_class_destroyer_and_i_class_destroyer_kantai_collection_drawn_by_itsukia__71ee16 (875x688, 387K)


Attached: __enemy_aircraft_and_enterprise_kantai_collection_and_etc_drawn_by_kazekawa_nagi__cbda7faeb209d2861d (906x1280, 1.04M)

Attached: 72710728_p0.png (900x1500, 1.72M)

Thanks user!

Attached: __enemy_aircraft_and_wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_drawn_by_bacius__c4b4905d85660b4e43 (1600x800, 1.02M)

Where are the legs though?

Attached: 54836364_p1.png (1058x847, 364K)

Attached: 65353226_p0.png (1191x1608, 2.88M)

Well they can't fight back anymore if they're beaten.

Attached: 74e92b88.gif (256x144, 3.38M)

She's an amputee so she needs lots of love and support every day.

Attached: __admiral_and_destroyer_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_suzuki_toto__bc8589e70001666f3ae26280e6d0ec1 (1206x900, 879K)

the evil botes stole them

is there a game where in the enemies from the early game to late game bands up together to try and kill the MC?

Attached: 69599407_p1.png (1000x1400, 1.24M)

Attached: 54958849_p0.jpg (960x1280, 810K)

Attached: 67946890_p2.png (990x1390, 1.4M)

Attached: 53653452_p0.jpg (848x1200, 259K)

I like her a lot.

Attached: 1529186978075.jpg (790x581, 206K)

My wife

Attached: Ri-class.jpg (512x553, 178K)

Attached: 1550501235787.jpg (765x950, 572K)

Your daughter makes delicious juice.

Attached: C2EpJaAUAAErFGS.jpg (991x1400, 130K)

This but the other way around

Too lewd.

Attached: __destroyer_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_aoyashio_rin__9bb47eec90a5edc300df4055b2e2e330.png (774x1040, 887K)

Your wife is lovely, her butt is delicious.

Attached: (669x800, 53K)

Attached: 63118073_p0.jpg (2756x3543, 3.62M)

Attached: __light_cruiser_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mochitsu_jou__4944b6ac04a4b1e481ba7de6eb967605.png (700x900, 613K)

Attached: 68376338_p0.png (1305x870, 1.32M)

The fact that she can't run away is the best part

Attached: Bueno.jpg (641x534, 111K)

She can fly.

Attached: __destroyer_hime_ne_class_heavy_cruiser_and_tsu_class_light_cruiser_kantai_collection_drawn_by_capri (800x800, 581K)

Last one for now.

Attached: __light_cruiser_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mou_tama_maru__822feb653f772ed2ae3789a533b22ae0.jpg (1188x1952, 496K)

Everything's better down where it's wetter, take it from me.

Attached: f2702e698c987a8110d0853ca12be9fc.webm (720x349, 1.96M)

Thanks user.

Attached: 58808479_p0.png (800x1000, 751K)

Seaport is fat.

Attached: __northern_ocean_hime_and_seaport_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_akira_kadokawa__41991d10864752a159 (1000x1549, 432K)

Attached: tumblr_o99985gq6o1su6woto1_1280.jpg (800x1131, 343K)

All concentrated into the right places.

Attached: a485bb905674903b93baaa6fa599292e.jpg (1254x1771, 395K)

>that was 10 years ago
what the FUCK bros

Attached: 46847276_p3.jpg (600x621, 226K)

Attached: 7093014544e8f1e544653e13eb584127.jpg (724x1034, 241K)

Good man.

Attached: 60181208_p0.jpg (728x1032, 402K)

I wanna live there.

Good night, fellow abyssfriend.

Attached: __light_cruiser_hime_and_northern_ocean_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_apupuru__6ef0dae315cfc6568c0 (710x900, 47K)

See you user.

Attached: 1531196212803.jpg (1300x1020, 990K)


Attached: f431a91d24edadf00eedf59ade2a7ccc.png (1536x1536, 2.62M)

Scary mom.

Attached: 65738424_p0.jpg (768x768, 331K)

It's been quite a while since the last abyssal thread. I am very happy to see that they're still quite comfy and peaceful.

Attached: __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_drawn_by_demstouts__8d45981ab62265d1e6546df68222f902.j (1086x1954, 715K)

I wanna fondle her fat body every night.

Thick baguette.

Attached: __french_battleship_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rui_shi_rayze_ray__9d9dcf41b5071c81ab607e9badaf7 (740x1035, 867K)

Attached: 67794272_p5.png (868x1228, 634K)


Attached: 719dd244615df9c653c949115343d53e.png (1024x1280, 848K)

I actually wouldn't, unless they try some shit, then it's kill or die.

Some people just want something warm in a cold and dark place.

Attached: 72516604_p0.jpg (1000x1591, 316K)

My wife is the enemy!

Attached: __enemy_aircraft_northern_ocean_hime_and_seaport_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sako_bosscoffee__sa (850x638, 94K)

That's nice to know, I am glad there are still plenty of abyssal fans around here. Also Sun Hime is very cool.

Your wife is huge!

Threadly reminder: There's an abyssal thread in /c/ in case any of you want more abysscuteness.

I've been there for weeks.

I would post a cute hoppou reaction image but we've reached the image limit.

>Just fought Bad Girl from No More Heroes
>mind kept wandering to how cute she was during the fight
>Kept staring at her body and thinking about how much I'd like a hug
>At one point I stopped let my guard down because I was looking at her
>Got hit
>Unironically lost the will to fight in a video game because the cute enemy made me remember i'm sleeping alone tonight

This was a nice thread

abyssalbros are the coolest

>file limit
Good thread. Makes me miss Yea Forums loli threads.

Comfy times with Wo-class and the gang.

How do we rescue them once KC dies?

>When Kancol inevitably dies so will the abyss girls the part of Kancol
fuck seeing those designs go its heartbreaking

Buy their assets or something and make a new ip about them.

>you wouldn't pirate a Seaport

I'll swab her poop deck if you know what I mean

I used to hate gurting cute girl enemies in games until I realized I have a ryona fetish. But even then it's very much asphyxiation / strangling based which isn't present in many games. If possible I like to restrain or paralyze female enemies rather than killing.

i'd longshoreman her union if you like the cut of my jib

Based and bruisepilled

Well don't worry for now because it's not dying anytime soon.

I'd construct a new vessel in her docks if you know what I'm saying

At least chink posters didn't ruin it.

Pirate Hoppou.png northern_ocean_hime

I'd have sex with her, if you catch my drift.

You lost me