The Battle Cats
The Battle Cats
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oh the collab is up? nice
Yep. Dunno if anyone else on Yea Forums still remembers this among all the waifugacha games.
I still like it
>implying Sakura Sonic isn't cute
favorite cat is Major Space Cat though, little Char Aznable looking fella
The only gacha game thats respectable
All Ubers on this set seems trash but Archer and maybe Gilgamesh. But collabs are always fresh anyway
how hard would it be for a new player to get all of them?
I'm ok with spending cash if necessary
wait for the guaranteed draw, collabs with multiple ubers usually have them and you get one of them guaranteed on a 10 pull there
Battle cats is very particular. Even if you spend 1 million dollars on it there's a chance you'll not get all of them. But if you simply play and follow basic probalities rules you can easily get 75% of them without paying a cent. So just play and don't spend any money, and use the wiki
Account seeds are real, and you can check them.
5% chance of Uber, and 10x rolls near the end of the collab come with a guaranteed Uber.
I came back to the game after near a year of not playing and got like 4 Ubers almost in a row from random non-paid tickets, so I guess I'm getting back into the game again, what are the best rares and super-rares, I have a lot of those
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Rare and super rares are very limited pools, you're supposed to have all of them after playing enough time. Only Ubers (and recently Legends) are true gacha content. Best all around rare is Paris and super is Figure skating cat, but the game will impose you certain challenges where you need to vary your teams
Fortune Teller
>Super Rare
Hip Hop
Waitress Cat
Everything preferred at final form.
Pretty useful in Cat of the Cosmos with all those barrier motherfuckers, + damage against aliens.
Actually good game, to bad i deleted my one that had a lot of good shit and had to restart.
I want more drawfags to draw this ish
>no mention of Sushi cat
Literally the most underated unit, 100000 hp 10 seconds recharging meatsheild or 650000 hp against red with the ability to weaken them even more is nothing to sleep on buddy
Always remember to save your bind codes.
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Where's the fucking switch game lads?
In Japan
>dude spawn the rushdown boss right at the beginning of the level lmao
Is the mobile game more fun than the 3DS one? I thought that one got boring very quickly because you just stomp everything.
3DS game never get updates so mobile as like twice as much content
is it the same on switch?
oh shit, i've had this on my phone for years but havent touched it since pic related. thanks for the notice, senpai
Not sure what I should use to clear the 3* version of the stage.
Thank god for this leadership change from the recent patch.
at least the timed score stages in holy grail war shit out xp and items and tickets
I don't know. It released recently and is japan only so it must have at least all content until erly 2019 updates
Don't forget to try out that cat dojo stage for the collab.
Had to use breakerblast cannon + 3 knockback ups to zone this bitch out of my base
how much should I play and upgrade my cats before tying out the 50 en collab quest?
I can pretty much agree with this. I've had the game on my phone for almost 2 years and it's been almost strictly F2P. The ONLY time I spend money is when they have those random $1 Gold Ticket offers. I just amass gold tickets and cat food and wait for a collab that looks nice. I can easily say I've spent less than $15 on this game and I have the following Ubers
>Summer Kuu
>Rekon Korps
>Asiluga, Balaluga, Tecoluga, Togeluga
>Li'l Valk
This game ain't too bad, but you can't think too hard about it. Just enjoy the challenge.
I wish I could downgrade my cats to test things out, but I would suggest having their evolved form at least.
god bless jiagshi cat
best damn meatshield in the game
>guaranteed Uber on 10 pull near end of collab
Is this the norm for collabs or is this just a guess?
>Rekon Korps
I'm jelly. The only unit I crave for before ultimately seeking FESTS exclusives
The norm.
should I keep food and just use gold tickets? while I wait for 10 rolls?
Is it particularly good? Really not too versed in the game other than very light light play here and there when I'm bored. I'm not really even sure what's good or worth investing XP into with how light I play.
Is there a tier list or something?
post your officer's club cards RIGHT NOW
Rekon Korps does 75000 dammage (at lvl 30) every 4 seconds on everything except white ennemies at good range, so it's fucking massive
so is there anything fucky with the gold card thing, it's saying free for the first time or whatever but does it take shit away or try to auto-renew if you don't pay after the free part?
No. It just stops when you're out and I've never gotten a reminder since the free time ran out. You just stop getting the free cat food.
Im a beginner to this game. How do I get EVA-01 cat?
cool, free shit I guess
it was locked to a collab a while back, don't know if there's any way to get it now
You can't. It was from the eva collab
Fate fucking rules bois
Is there a site that explains why certain cats are ranked higher than others? That list is helpful, but it looks like I have a few of those on the upper tiers and I'm not sure which one I should invest my current available EXP into first for the best results.
Don't use cat food on singles outside of that discounted single roll. You can't use tickets to do a 10 roll, so save cat food for that guaranteed.
From my own experience, some of the placements are really bullshit. Lil Valkyrie's range is way too short to be effective against anything, and everywhere Shishilan had the occasion to shine, Ultima Cosmo could win too, but you can't reverse that statement.
So this game is actually good?
I want this game on Switch... Is it a Freedownload in the japanese eShop?
it's a gacha game, but it at least has fun gameplay
The wiki :
But they don't update the front pages for some reason so you better know the new units/ennemies names and use the search bar directly. But it really depends at what point of the game you are, and if you're lacking some ranged/dps/support units
I gave up on this game because I'm shit at it. Plus I found the whole thing with timing meat shields tedious.
Remember those old flash games like Age of War?
Imagine of that was a gacha game. That's Battle Cats.
can I use currency apk hack in this game and play online? fuck gacha
I have these ubers so far, could someone tell me which ones are worth maxing outside of the ones I already have done?
megidora (maxed)
grateful crane
warlock and pierre
amaterasu (maxed)
>grateful crane
>warlock and pierre
Max these.
Pretty good for if you need some crits.
Grateful crane is an obligatory pick. Longest range in the game, allows you to roll on some hard as fuck stages. And the base form is extremely good against most cyclones
What does Warlock do bar cheesing like 5 stages in the game ? Wouldn't recommend upgrading
looks like he'd be pretty good for all the alien stages
He does extreme damage to bases so theres that.
Whenever there's an option to take the easy way out in this, I'll take it.
Except maybe Ms. Sign stalls.
But most of the time there's a damage limit that will just nerf the damage you did and spawn the boss anyway