Is rocket jumping the deepest mechanic in any shooter?
Is rocket jumping the deepest mechanic in any shooter?
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I could never figure out bunny hopping or rocket jumping so maybe
Dude just shoot the floor
>wearing a blindfold
>facing away from the explosion
This guy is next level COOL!
my 8yo nephew can rocket jump in tf2 so no
yes, actually
there's a massive difference between being able to rocket jump and being a master of rocket jumping
I wish someone would rip off tf2 im tired of this matchmaking shit
movement in source games is just kind of fucky, it's just not as simpme as press a button to move in a direction. its deep, but probably not the deepest
that doesn't make it a deep mechanic.
is shooting a deep mechanic because there is a massive difference between a noob and a pro player?
ive been so accustomed to source movement literally every other game feels like shit unless its made from the ground up to have intricate, fast movement mechanics
>not deep
rocket jumping is a perfectly timed combination of running, jumping, twitching your aim, shooting, crouch jumping, using air control, and firing at your moving target as you are moving quickly through the air yourself
But it does since you're adding shooting on top of rocket jumping.
Surfing is harder.
Check out trikz in css. Can't do it in normal servers anymore because of a patch in 2010 but shit is cool. There's a custom game mode for it where you complete obstacles with people.
Basically you throw grenades at the feet of other players and it'll give a different boost depending on the angle used and if you jump while throwing. There's also run boost where a player runs on top of another player's head so you can jump a big gap or gain speed for bhop. Then there's head boosts where you hit another player with your head and they go flying straight up lol
i would say the grenade launcher + RL jump trick from quake 1 or conc jumping in team fortress classic
Nah conc jumps can only be done in the ground while rocket jumping can be done again mid air.
you can re conc jump mid air homie.
That's not K-Styling.
god i miss tfc pugs
>doing the flashbang/decoy jump in mirage mid T side and completely mind fucking the CT sniper
considering shooting is 99% of these game it better be.
That's not what depth is
Jump maps are hard.
Jumps you'll actually use in a match aren't with the exception of pogoing and ctapping maybe.
>jump exactly when you land. some games streamline this by giving you "hold jump to bhop" feature. allows you to keep your air momentum and sometimes removes the speed cap you'd have by walking.
>same as bhop but you add a sideways movement (a/d) and same-side sideways flick of the view to get a speed boost. also nudges your trajectory a bit to the side.
>a very big strafejump from standing still position
air-control strafing
>mid-air, hold only sideways movement (a/d) and turn the view in the same side to curve your flight path
rocket jumping
>fire rocket underneath yourself, jump, crouch in mid-air. that's the basics, advanced is similar but applied with more initial momentum
BONUS ROUND: Skill-based shit (that i personally know how to do) in other games
animation-cancelling (fighting games, character action games a-la DMC)
>each attack's animation consists out of pre-frames(the swing), active frames(the part that hits the ball) and recovery(the backswing). sometimes, some moves' recovery(backswing) can be cancelled if you input a second, different move during the pre- and active frames of the first move. most commonly normal one-button moves can be cancelled into special moves that take some dexterity to do, and specials can be cancelled into super moves that cost a resource along with more dexterity.
dragoon movement trick that can be applied to most RTS games
>the dragoon in starcraft brood war needs to stop to shoot the enemy, and it fires in bursts like a tank on legs. it also has default more range than other basic ranged units like the Terran marines. to effectively use the dragoon, you must first walk them close to the enemy base so you have space to retreat to, then open fire as soon as you can and when the first volley is shot, start to move back to stay out of the enemy attack range. sounds simple but many people just a-click the 'goons and call it a day. don't forget that micro can and will give you an advantage.