Anyone else disappoint with the RE2make?

Seriously, I just found the 2019 version of Resident Evil 2 a huge let down. I'm not griping about the mechanics (although I think the zombies are needlessly bullet spongy), I'm upset about the story. They couldn't be bothered to put even half the effort into their remake's stories as the original did! I mean, what the hell?! How do you go from the glorious REMake to this piece of polished crap?!

Attached: NTSC_Resident_Evil_2_Cover.png (323x308, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:!QNt1RYDb!aNtMZ4KSM8aovTfUf4jXhlrj4PvYpH41cMHT9Ve3ElM

no one wanted more story we can just replay the original for that

shut the fuck up you ingrate did you even pay for it?? if so disregard the profanity but seriously dude, what did you expect them to do? tell the same story a second time? tell a different new story?


No, you're not the only one, fag. No need to create a new thread for this faggot shit.

what is missing from the story?

I'm an old head and I think the game was great. I can understand the story wasn't fulfilling, but that gameplay sure made up for that. I haven't enjoyed a game like that since, Resident Evil Revelations.

Old head here as well, but the game looks shit. Same with every remake post 2010. Something fucking died.

I do think they didn’t do as good as the REremake but it was still pretty good. Better than modern games anyway

revelations, really?

The zombies are fine.

Removing enemy types is what bothers me the most, because it makes the later areas feel very samey

Plants kinda sucked but is more zombies really the way to go about it?

I could make a long bullet-points list, but what it boils down to? A complete lack of consistent internal continuity.

Basically, Leon and Claire are supposed to be exploring different parts of the station at the same time. Yet, regardless of which game you play, 1st Run mode or 2nd Run Mode, you encounter the exact same bosses, in the exact same places, and you repeat the exact same puzzles.

To try and put this in perspective; when you play Leon's 2nd Run, you find a note from Claire saying that she's escaped the RPD through the secret door under the central statue. But the door is now locked and you have to retrieve the three medallions to unlock it AGAIN.

And then, when you get to the labs, you have to retrieve the G-Virus, after which you'll see Birkin G-3 mortally wounding Annette and have to battle him, a fight in which he tears up the "bioreactor" room in which you face him. Afterwards, Annette will die after shooting Ada and knocking her off of a platform.

...Except that you already saw Birkin G-3 mortally wound Annette, fought him in and destroyed the bioreactor room, and saw Annette die in the guard's room in Claire's 1st Run, which chronologically comes first!

Literally the only thing unique to each character's story is which side character they get (with brief attendant mini-section prior to the sewers) and which penultimate boss they fight. And the only difference between 1st and 2nd Runs is that in the latter, you don't get to interact with Marvin but you do get to fight G-5.

>you encounter the exact same bosses, in the exact same places, and you repeat the exact same puzzles
Wasn't it like this in the original? I can't remember. Anyway, I see your point.

You actually face off against a mixture of different bosses, depending on which scenario you're playing. It's been a while, so I'm not clear on which is which, but one scenario focuses more on Mr. X, and the other more on Birkin. You only face certain versions of Birkin in certain scenarios - so the character in A scenario faces Birkin 4, but the one in B scenario faces Birkin 5.

As for puzzles... some do repeat themselves, yeah, but other puzzles are unique to specific scenarios, if not characters. Only Leon finds the chess piece plugs to enter the sewers by way of the treatment plant, and only Claire finds the stones that unlock Chief Irons' hidden torture dungeon from his office.

I thought it was great, my only complaint was that the B scenarios didn't really differentiate themselves like in the original. Seems like they kind of just added them in without a whole lot of thought behind it.

I gotta admit, this is really disappointing. When you're remaking RE2, you have plenty of options to include other monsters from both RE1.5 and from RE3, because that's what the original REMake in 2002 did. There's no reason why we couldn't have gotten the Green Lickers as a reskin for lickers, or even had Hunters or Spider-Chimeras or whatever.

No, Michael, it was great.

A Bosses

G Embryo (Irons or Ben)
Sewer Gator
Birkin G2
Birkin G4

B Bosses
Birkin G1
Birkin G3
Super Tyrant
Birkin G5

I wasn't let down, I can see where you're coming from. The character interactions were defo the weakest aspect about REmake2. That being said it doesn't stop it from being one of if the best game to me.

I hate how they half assed the classic costumes
Leon is the only one accurate

Claire reuses the tank top from her default costume, sherry uses the same outfit as her default with her classic look just replacing the textures, and adas is just a generic red dress.

The lack of enemies is another problem they could add the pale heads in a harder difficulty but I really want some more enemy variety like if you play on let’s say extreme mode you fight super tyrant not somewhat super tyrant.

Also a lot of the characters are worse like now irons just out right states he is evil they could have played more with the fact he was instead of going “everyone knows he is evil might as well not even be subtle”

Also the lack of a true b scenario shows it’s rushed their are notes in game hunting that second run would be a b scenario but it feels like they gave up on that idea. Re2 classic b scenario had issues but this game could have improved on it by having it in mind from the beginning but decided no.

And last the story there is barely any in the game it’s all just quick scenes that lead nowhere. Why can’t Leon and Claire meet up more like the original

Heck, given how much is repeated just between Leon and Claire's first run scenarios, it feels like they were slacking off in the story department. I'd rather they stuck to their guns and made just a Leon campaign and a Claire campaign, but made each campaign actually *different*, rather than this half-arsed hackjob we got.

No, it's better than I thought it was going to be. But the criticism about the lack of true A/B scenarios and how short the lab section was is valid.

To bad if you try to voice your fact that it feels lazy the fanboys will call you a fagot, I like the remake but it’s not good when it comes to the multiple scenarios or really the length it feels like I just keep going straight and I am done

It's a Resident Evil game. Who cares about the story?

biggest disappointment was how all the characters aside from ada and leon were ugly.
the dialogue also just become generic western trash.
it misses the soul
that unique Japanese take off a western setting.
also it was kinda disappointing how much they cut or changed
I would have much, much, much rather gotten another faithful remake like RE1 with fixed cameras and all

yes, this all new edition of resident evil 2 is the worst game in the series.

>I don't care about mechanics
>I care about story

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That's true, but it's not much of a puzzle. It's a "collect the key objects and put them into door to open it", and you find they keys in all the same locations, so it's basically the same damn puzzle.

Criticize the bosses if you want, because that's a legitimate flaw of the game. But don't give RE2make shit for doing the same thing that then original did, because at least RE2make has different solutions for the wire puzzle, the chess pieces puzzle, and the herbicide puzzle.

I don't mind that it's different story wise. Capcom being fucking stupid were going for a more western style cinematic crap. You don't give a fuck about any of the characters in the remake. Like when Ada gets hurt on the train. It is so much fucking better in the original. You actually give a fuck about Ada and Leon instead of the stupid forced way in the remake.

What does bother me is all these zoomer reset era fags who shit on the original and think the remake is better.

Good thing the gameplay of the original is better too.

They could barely remake a 5 hour game made over 20 years ago with twice the amount of staff on hand and they STILL had to cut corners.

It really isn't.


yeah but the zapping system is actually based on back to the future part 1 and 2 so its meant to be the same events of the first scenario but from a new perspective.

I'm at least taking comfort in the fact that there's only one scenario in RE3, so all the problems RE2make had with the A/B scenarios and all that shit won't be a problem again.

Now you just have to rely on modern capcom actually managing the city environments without cutting them down like 2 remake did (2nd run side just skipping to the station after intro). Also they'll probably cut the choice events.

>it misses the soul
>that unique Japanese take off a western setting.

I'm not sure what you're talking about, I didn't notice much of a difference. And the dialogue becoming "generic western trash" fits since it's, y'know, a western setting with western characters. Not like the original dialogue was five star material either.


It isn't. It has a timeless charm though.

I think it's great but it's not even close to GOTY

>I'm not sure what you're talking about
The umbrella lab was taken straight out of the shitty live action movies.

The original the dialog was much better. There wasn't stupid stuff like saying "oh fuck, oh shit, fuck you, shit shit shit shit" etc. It's just another generic western TPS with cringy wannabe movie style dialog.

don't /thread your own posts you fucking imbecile

I just don’t like Leon’s appearance
On that note is RE4 Leon best Leon???

>The original the dialog was much better.

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>The umbrella lab was taken straight out of the shitty live action movies.

I hated this in particular; Umbrella labs are supposed to be dingy, brutalist, OSHA nightmare industrial hellholes, not the shiny Apple-aesthetic "robot voice here to remind you put your pants on in the morning and eat a balanced breakfast in our gluten-free employee cafeteria" horseshit they went with.

you are a very sour grapes type, you know that right?

Attached: watermelon.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

Yeah, and? I'm not sure why you think that's a unique Japanese take on a western setting.

They're just trying to be more realistic. I mean, if you and I get off our asses and go to the kitchen for a snack and three zombies stumble around the corner, neither of us will say anything that can be aired on national TV.

>although I think the zombies are needlessly bullet spongy
Zoom! Zoom!

Nostalgiafags, I tell ya. I've played the old game for years too and prefer it in some ways to the remake, but the dialogue was never good in RE period.

I loved it, but after beating Leon A and Claire B I lost all motivation to play anymore. The A and B scenarios are too similar and other than speedrunning for infinite OP weapons I won't use there's nothing else the game can offer me.
At least that least playthrough was amazing.

>Faggots jumping to the "zoomer" thing post-haste

They really are though. The only time they took as many bullets to down in the original was the Dreamcast hard mode. I actually liked that they force you to manage your inventory so you can't just mow down everything, it was a lot better than the original in that regard, but it did get a bit ridiculous. I think part of it has to do with the "adaptive difficulty" since in the sewers it took 15-20+ bullets to the head from an SMG (carefully aimed, of course) to klill a zombie.

For some reason i was expecting an industrial lab. Don't know why they went with the clean sterile white faggy aesthetic, it looked horrible.

>but the dialogue was never good in RE period

This is how you identify a poser fuck who doesn't eve like the series. Dipshits like you think anything old is automatically is bad and outdated or downright useless. You think any retro game is shit and has no story like Mega Man or Casltevania games.

Yeah. They massively improved the scene where Leon gets shot, but other then that it's half-assed or worse than the original.

>Why the fuck didn't Irons just force Sherry to give him the pendant?
>Why didn't Marvin just shoot himself?
>Ada's relationship with John is completely gone from the game.
>Let's take this opportunity to do barely anything with Robert Kendo
>Let's make Ben even more irrelevant
>Ada being a manipulative cunt is more obvious now
>Annette is even more obnoxious than in the original
>Pointless flirting between Leon and Claire

I'm glad I just rented this shit. The Sherry SFM porn is the best thing to come out of this game.

I wish they don't make it a mere 12 (2) hour game with DLC bombarding. If they did an alternate route with Carlos would be a ballsy move to expand the content.
If I recall in the original Leon and Ada have a better connection as Ada gets completely fucked up in the way to the laboratory, so Leon was on the edge with getting out of there with her, she even gets a bit out of character so you'd guess she won't make it. In the RE2make it feels more like, "I like you, help me?"- "cool, I'll get the virus", but it's a bit offputting, felt like they could've added a few cutscenes between the way to the lab and their last interaction. I liked what they did with Claire and him though, but I still felt they could've done something more in that aspect.

They are. You can deny it all you want, but the acting is much better in the oringal.

OP Here. I cut my teeth on REmake 1 when it came out in 2002. RE0 was my second ever Resident Evil game and I loved it. I scoured Ebay for copies of the Gamecube versions of RE2 and RE3. I've played all the old-school REs, and I tell you what, even on RE3 on Hard, I never had to dump as much ammo into one zombie on average as I do in the RE2make.

I can't recall if the Adaptive Difficulty reduces your damage per shot to 65% of the original damage or to 35% of the original damage. But, yeah, it definitely punishes you for playing good by making your shots do much less damage than they were doing.

Don't you dare fucking tell me that the dialogue in the original Resident Evil was anywhere approaching good. Fans have made fun of it since 1996 for a fucking reason. It was a straight goddamn translation from the Japanese. It's not exactly riveting in RE2, 3, or CV either, it's typical corny 90s video game dialogue, and don't even try to defend RE4's dialogue.

>Dipshits like you think anything old is automatically is bad and outdated or downright useless.

Where did I ever say that? My favorite RE game is the original PSX version even though I realize that REmake is better in just about every regard. And I even played REmake years before I played the original version!

It's weird they went back to the whole goofy super science lab from the original because the devs kept jabbering about "muh realism" before the game came out.

>Leon taking charge telling Ben to get his useless ass up instead of being a pussy like in the remake

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>but the acting is much better in the oringal.

We're hitting nostalgiafag levels that I didn't think possible, and I say this as a massive 90s nostalgiafag.

>Why the fuck didn't Irons just force Sherry to give him the pendant?
To keep its significance hidden until later.
>Why didn't Marvin just shoot himself?
This is actually a good question.
>Ada's relationship with John is completely gone from the game.
And nothing changed.
>Let's take this opportunity to do barely anything with Robert Kendo
Kendo was never important.
>Let's make Ben even more irrelevant
He was just as relevant as he was in the original, he just didn't last as long.
>Ada being a manipulative cunt is more obvious now
Yeah. So?
>Annette is even more obnoxious than in the original
That's not true. In the original she was evil for no reason. At least she has a reason for acting the way she does now.
>Pointless flirting between Leon and Claire
Why is this a detriment? Did it really bother you that much?

I always felt like they changed Ben's lines or character personality in the original midway through development and couldn't be bothered to re-record Leon's lines, he's so fucking angry and short with Ben for no reason.

>Original Leon: Get your ass up, I'm the only cop left around here. I'll leave you to starve to death in there if you don't tell us the way out.

>Remake Leon: m-muh authority, I have to ask the chief first!

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It was taken out of the PS1 game you fucking idiot.

Tendies are still mad ReMake 2 is better in every way than ReMake.

>Why didn't Marvin just shoot himself?
To help Leon/Claire for as long as he could, and to help any other survivors who may show up? RE has a think for idealizing American stereotypes. Both Leon and Marvin are idealized versions of American cops. Strong sense of duty and all that.

So you're just a mad Nintendo fanboy who started with ReMake and don't know anything about the series. We get it.

He mans stylistically, Umbrella facilities in the early RE games all had a very grungy "I can barely believe you people do science here without getting tetanus or falling into a vat of acid" design to them, meanwhile the movies went for the ultra-sterile futuristic look which REmake 2 unfortunately takes after.

It's basically the line where Irons says, "If you just hadn't dropped that fucking thing, I could let you go..." that kneecaps the point of that sequence existing.

Annette feels like a weird mix of her original and DC versions in this. I'd rather she have some consistency than whatever the fuck this is.

The Leon x Claire bit is just so cringy. Doesn't help that Claire's face is painful to look at most of the time.

The other stuff are things they could have expanded on and made potentially more interesting but simply didn't give a shit.

Reminder that canonically no black person left Raccoon City alive

What about that fat negroid in outbreak?

ReMake 2 is better than ReMake 1.

A lot of you guys need to understand that you're not suppose to kill the zombies, you're suppose to stagger and move on.
Killing them isn't the reward for precise aiming. Staggering is the reward.

The game wouldn't have the tension it had if you could drop zombies willy nilly with zero effort or see a pool of blood to let you know that they're dead.

Sure but I was expecting a gunshot as soon as the door to the underground closed on the RPD. He refused to come with and basically did everything he could for you at that point. Might as well have ended himself then.

Racoon City is a white city.

Only disappointment is the 4th Malformation of Birkin.
>Original was this hound-like version of his 3rd Malformation with a giant gaping maw full of teeth.
>REmake version is simply a more malformed version of his 3rd Malformation with eyeballs spontaneously appearing in his mouth and behaving as if he was gargling on them.


I would have liked more story and lore, but the game itself is fucking amazing.

It's a great game.

Ada/John relationship was a nod to RE1, and offered a canon reason why the password was ADA in the first game.
Ben spilled the beans on Chief Irons in the first game, he didn't do anything this game.

Annette had character this time around, so I disagree with the previous user.
Claire x Leon was a bit cringe considering their priority was to escape the city alive.

Attached: thatsbait.gif (500x207, 3.06M)

This game feels like a "Hollywood remake".

It's like they went
>"everyone already knows Irons is a sadistic crazy fuck so let's make him cartoony sadistic!"
>"everyone already knows Ada is a spy, so let's make her comically shady as fuck!"

You seem like the type of person who thinks if something he expected to happen doesn't, then its bad/wrong. The game simply didn't want to evoke that sort of emotion at that time. He also could have done it at any point when we were in the sewer. Use your imagination.

>Jim escapes Raccoon city and watches his hometown get nuked
>"It's like a fucking horror movie ending complete with an explosive climax and edge of your seat ending."

Attached: Jim_portrait.jpg (449x623, 73K)

I do agree the inconsistencies between the playthroughs is as strange as RE1 but the REmake 2 story assuming we are going strictly by single playthroughs is much better than RE2, so is the character development aside from Ben and Irons.

If you're a normie, yes.
If you're a OG Resident Evil fan, no.

RE2 (2019) is a great game that is more of a retelling than a remake. It does it's own thing with familiar characters based loosely off a familiar story.

REmake is a faithful remake of an original game, expanding on the original with cut content and extra fluff to add context to an already existing story while simultaneously changing up the game in a way where veteran players have a unique experience over those playing REmake for the first time.

>Ben spilled the beans on Chief Irons in the first game, he didn't do anything this game.
"I was about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass." He didn't reveal the nature of his corruption, but still revealed that he was corrupt. Leon's line of "I can't do that, I gotta ask the chief first" doesn't make any sense considering that Ben had just accused the chief of putting him in a cell to keep him from exposing the chief in the first place.

No. It's that him killing himself would have made perfect sense at that point. He was at the point where he couldn't even stay awake due to blood loss and he knew full well what was going to happen. Why endanger the next person to come by because you'd rather let yourself zombify? It's just bad writing that could have been avoided.

I really enjoyed my time with the remake but I gotta admit they dropped the ball when it comes to the scenarios. And the soundtrack is clearly inferior to the original, good thing you can play with the original. Besides that, I think they nailed it. I’d call it more of a re-imagining than an actual remake. Even the tone seems different than in the original. Kinda miss the numerous interactions Claire and Leon had, it all seemed a bit more serious. Except for Kendo’s bit the whole game has this Marvel movie like banter.

Leon's even more of a naive idiot in this than he was in the original.

>lay down
>try not to gain virus meter
>gain a lot of virus meter

RE1make is one of the greatest games of all time. RE2make is a strong 9/10.

That doesn't change the fact that ReMake 2 is a better game than Remake 1.

Only gripes:
Sewer gator boss was lame
No expanded city sections
Factory and railyard section ommited
Original RE2 lab was much more atmospheric

This. You can circlejerk all you want about the remake. But don't ever shit on the classics that do it much better.

Nope, the REmake 2 is a pale imitation of the REmake. The REmake is 70% new content, according to its own developers, and it shows. The REmake 2 is a pale, watered down version of RE2.

No one is shitting on the classic. Seems like you're just mad that ReMake 2 is good.

Nah, REmake 2's additions were far better than REmakes additions. The Lisa Trevor sections amounted to nothing in terms of gameplay. The bosses are still just as terrible as they were before, and as are the caves. The best parts of REmake, are also in RE1. Where the best parts in RE2make (Mr. X actually being a threat, the improved enemy design, the improved combat, the sewers actually being more than just one small hallway with pointless enemies that cant hit you, and the game being actually somewhat challenging i.e. survival horror) are not in the original RE2.

It's all based on perspective user.
If you're a zoomer or a normie, you probably think RE2 2019 is better than REmake.
If you're a boomer or a OG fan, you probably prefer REMake.
Saying RE2 2019 is better than REmake is like saying Bloodborne is better than Metroid Prime

Both very different games, varying in both genre and audience.

It was a passion project for Mikami and his team. The second one was a rushed shit made by a B team.

> Be Jim
> Attract hunters
> Run hunters into allies
> Flop down, scream for help till they’re dead
> Repeat

ReMake wasn't even as good as the original. ReMake 2 is better than the original. There's a reason you're obsessed with ReMake 2 while no one cares about ReMake. Keep coping.

I figured they wanted to make the 4th form look more visibly like it's devolving into the seething morass of meat-moss that is the 5th form. Still a disappointment though, you're right.

Also, seriously bullet spongey. 400 minigun bullets and you're not even down the last 3rd of his health!

Even the original lab was quite industrial.

Now the remade lab entrance from RE0 was very industrial. It's expected underground lab would look industrial because they're pretty much mines converted into a lab workplace.

Attached: dwm0k2thbue01.jpg (1920x1080, 391K)

This. Even if you were to add in a fixed cam mode and the missing music to improve the atmosphere, the game itself has even more overlap than the original and even less replay value.

Feels like this is the sort of thing where if the game still had "Press X on things and inspect them/hear the characters thoughts", after killing him, Marvin's gun would be noted as empty, having put his remaining ammo out for you earlier.

Sounds hilarious as fuck, man I wish I played Outbreak in it's prime.

If you're an underage tendie you think ReMake is better for fanboy reasons. If you're an original RE fan you think ReMake 2 is better for objective reasons.

>ReMake wasn't even as good as the original.
Calm down with the bait user.

>ReMake wasn't even as good as the original.
This is the wrongest thing I've ever seen posted on this website. Explain yourself.

I like both REmake and REmake2. I don't want to see the first RE done in the REmake2 style though. The originals are still for people to play. I don't understand all the hate. Be happy that people outside the niche fans are enjoying Resident Evil again.

ITT: Coping tendies.

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Let’s hope not. But one of the interesting things RE3 had is how many different things you could do on each new play through depending your choices in the live events, or which room or zone you decided to go first. Let’s hope they keep that.

Bring 3 grenades and a knife, fucker goes down easy with those and the minigun

What are you talking about, the original's story was dog shit with some of the worst voice acting in gaming history. Also it's a story about stupid eye monsters from and underground lab for fucks sake.

Tendies will never be happy if other people can play things they can't.

People who prefer remake 2 over the original are most likely the same type of faggots who said Casltevania Lords of Shadow was the greatest Castlevania game ever.

>Seriously, I just found the 2019 version of Resident Evil 2 a huge let down.




Why are the spongey zombies okay in 2 and 3's hard modes and REmake but not in 2's remake?

He's right though. Keep coping.

That would have been fine. You find Ada's gun empty in Leon A in the original.

>I can't handle differing opinion: The Post

This just sounds like some fuckwad who enjoys modern TPS and sucks at playing any RE game with a fixed camera.

Attached: fc9.png (431x485, 390K)

no. it's just you (Yea Forums).

>People who prefer remake ReMake 1 over the original are most likely underage tendies who started RE on their toy console and never knew real RE.

Oh I for one didn't find just the story disappointing. The inferior scenario system was baffling to me.

You're expecting that spongefags actually played the original games.

Isn't the secret door closed on A scenario and you need to unlock it manually later if you want to go back to RPD through there?

I guarantee I have played more hours of classic RE than you have.

Because they're not as spongy in either the original 2 or 3 as they are in the RE2make.


Karma doesn't exist, but irony is very real.

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You can aim at their heads precisely now. You couldn't before unless it was a power weapon, retard.

Yeah. Is there anything influenced by the zapping system in the remake other than Marvin being dead? What a wasted opportunity.

Anons, I asked this in other thread, but I didn't get replies so I will try again.
Do you know the name of the track that plays in a room with item chest, typewriter and elevator just before Birkin 1 fight? I can't find it.
(Although, I played the game with old soundtrack, cos Deluxe edition and shit, so maybe that's why...)

>says the autist salty about the superior ReMake 2


It does shut itself after you enter it in A scenario, unless you use the secret lift in the employee break room and the crank handle to come back later... but still, that doesn't explain why the three medallions are all right back in their statues again and need to be unlocked again. If they were lying on the floor, that'd be one thing, but who reset them in their original hiding places - the zombies?

You first.

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Sorry 8-10 bullets is soo much worse than 8, RE3 zombies randomly shake off a shotgun shots, REmake's normal difficulty zombies are as bad, sometimes worse without a lighter.

Nope. Marvin is dead when your 2nd Run character meets them, and you find two notes from the 1st Run character saying that they were here, and you face off against Birkin's final form. Those are literally the only differences between a character's 1st run scenario and their 2nd run scenario.

Well that's the issue the original had as well. They really should have just made two distinct scenarios like they said they were going to. What the fuck happened?


That feel when DMC5 will outsell this shit remake. It'll probably be the last DMC game but it'll be worth it.

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>The inferior scenario system was baffling to me

The whole early B scenario" fade to black, and then your character made their way to the police station...somehow" thing is particularly galling. It all screams short dev cycle to me, I'm positive REmake 2 got shitcanned and reworked at least once between "WE DO IT" and release, I think the final result we're looking at is less than two years work.

Hell, on one of those infographics kicking around these threads, didn't a fairly prominent Capcom producer say REmake 2 was virtually finished in mid 2017?

Resident Evil 2 remake is the greatest game ever made, nothing will ever surpass it.

>samefag autistic op obsessed with the superior ReMake 2 while no one cares about the irrelevant Remake 1


That's what retard 7 morons were saying about 7. Only underage faggots think stupid shit like this.

Attached: i847NwS.gif (200x150, 3.55M)

>fuck up story
>turn gameplay into OTS garbage
>add some retarded flashlight simulator garbage
>third game will probably be a straight up FPS

Attached: when you see the RE2 remake.jpg (640x480, 90K)

Staggering is also so much easier in remake because the zombies are stunned for like days. 3-4 shots in RE2 and RE3 vs 1-5 in REmake.
Also flash bangs exist and grenades and defensives yet the zombies are more threatening than ever. I genuinely do not get why it's a problem.

>ReMake 1 fags are this insecure and obsessed

Just admit ReMake 2 is the better remake.

The 2nd run scenario was clearly rushed.

Making knives have a durability that required doing a stupid toy hunt to remove was a fucking retarded decision

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>losing the argument
lmao, suck my dick, retard

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I guess there's the extra gun for the second scenario, but it mostly replaces your default sidearm.

Nonsense. The Biko trilogy is the best set of games ever made.

Nah RE7 not hitting their ridiculous expectations pretty much guaranteed they'll never make another FP RE ever again. It'll be more OTS garbage.

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Did you nigger even pay for it? If not you don't have the right to complain about anything

ReMake 2 is great.

I have no idea why Yea Forums has such a massive boner for the zapping system of the old game. It was just a choice of who would get the smg. The scenario system was pretty good in the OG RE2 but it was a nightmare for establishing canon and the fact that Claire A Leon B was canon wasn't obvious given that Leon's disk was disk 1. They clearly tried to roll all the important points into a single scenario in the remake but folded under criticism of deviating from the A/B scenarios of old. Now we're in a neither here nor there situation, but it's hardly the worst thing that could have happened. Ultimately the game is good and distinct enough from the OG to allow that game to still be recommended for play today.

Did you not get that they were making a joke about the zombies eating people when talking about organic food?

I think the game is fantastic. You can criticize the zapping system being gone but i honestly prefer it going away. It kinda sucked in the original. I do wish the second run had more variations with the bosses but everything else is an improvement, save for maybe the soundtrack.

I am pretty sure if you don’t like the game you’re an idiot. A fucking idiot. Its better than the original, and my boomer ass bought RE2 day one.

>no original voice actors because MUH UNION
>paid dlc superior soundtrack and classic SFX sounds >inb4 b-but it's 3$
>completely butchered the scenario system, B scenario doesn't even exist anymore and both characters have a mish mash of A scenario events that happen at the same time but neither is even canon because both characters kill the same bosses and this fucks up the story with characters dying and reviving later or bosses getting killed multiple times in the same area whereas in the original each scenario had specific bosses
>no zapping system, shit you do in A run doesn't carry over to B run and you do the same puzzles again for no reason while the A run character is magically ahead
>reduced interactions between leon and claire, they don't even talk over the radio and don't logically divide and conquer objectives like the original, now they just stumble on things and get railroaded into them no matter what
>the entire ada section and the god awful batman scanner shit and the stupid """""boss"""" fight with it
>alligator boss fight got turned into a fucking on rails piece of shit
>moved city street section at the beginning to the middle of the game for petty reasons that don't showcase how dangerous the streets really are which makes you question why the characters go out of their way to go to the sewers to escape

fuck the remake

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Nah I rented it from my local Redbox for 4 days. Capcom didn't get a dime from me.

Pirated it. Kiss my ass you stupid shill.


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Shoot the zombies in the heads you fucking morons.

They go down when you shoot them in the head, it’s not fucking complicated.

Save your ammo and plan a route.

>>alligator boss fight got turned into a fucking on rails piece of shit
it was a nod to RE4's iconic boulder scene while also being a nod to RE2's original fight
fuck off

It lost its luster when it became more of a chore to play than anything else.
>sponge enemies
>magnet grab zombies
>no zapping system
>B scenario is a joke
>Mr. X is boring to bait and run around him to get stuff done

Attached: sb.jpg (750x750, 102K)

>first game's remake enhances the experience and stays true to the original
>second game's remake is a complete trainwreck worse in every way

>haha look at these fags expecting quality

Proof that OTS literally fries your brain cells

Attached: RE2 remake fanboys.jpg (960x955, 160K)

It influenced several things besides the SMGs. And at least there was some interaction between Leon and Claire instead of a bunch of notes.

So basically it was trying to appeal RE4 fags. Like the rest of the remake.

Attached: disgusted.gif (240x228, 858K)

>>sponge enemies
Zombies are suppose to be a threat. Killing them needs to be a commitment and a resource drain. Why do you want zombies to die in 4 shots like in OG RE2 again? It wouldn't work with the updated gameplay (Over the shoulder)
>>magnet grab zombies
Sounds like a you issue, space zombies better

>no zapping system
>B Scenario
>MR x
All legitimate complaints, but they don't matter because it would be financially irresponsible to invest in a proper zapping system and good B scenario. Only 10% of the playerbase would experience the unique scenarios. Why should Capcom spend resources on content a minority of players would experience. Game development costs a lot more money than it did in 1998 user, nor did it have the normie audience to cater to.

Also Mr.X you can run pass all the encounters in OG RE2. Sorry man. How Mr.X acts in this game is completely faithful to re2.

>CVX HD just ported to xbone.
>REmake and 0 coming to switch in May

Feels fucking good mang. I don't need another copy of 4 honestly.

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It's not so much that I thought the zapping system in the original was well-implemented, but that it seemed like a given for something to be improved upon in the remake, rather than stripped entirely alongside little effort being made to give the scenarios the appearance of occurring alongside each other. A system where your actions in A scenario could heavily impact the way B plays out would've made for a much richer experience. As is, the A/B thing seems barely justified because there's such little difference.

The game honestly should have been this half-assed with over 800 devs working on it. RE6 is shit, but that at least felt like the they threw a lot of manpower at it.


It would be pretty disappointing if I had bought it, but since I pirated it I honestly loved it for what it is (og re2 is one of my top 5 games)

800 devs tried to remake a 5 hour game made by around 60 people max over 20 years ago and they still had to cut corners.

Stop being two stupid fags, please.

Is the game perfect? Nope. Is it better than the original RE2? Nope. Was it disappointing? Fuck no. My expectations were very low after the E3 reveal. The game ended far better than I could have imagined from modern Capcom.

I like it but I honestly wish there were more cutscenes. All the story beats beyond the first third of the game are relegated to before and after boss fights.

I feel like they were terrified of not living up to the original and they were right to think that. It's very telling that we haven't heard anything about the sales aside from the initial shipping and less than a month after it comes out they're issuing an official survey that grades the OTS camera and faithfulness to the series.


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That's a reasonable response but depressing to think about.

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But the canon is even more fucked up now. How did Annete die for example?

You're wrong to dump on REmake at all but your assessment of RE2 is pretty spot-on. Though RE2 will forever have a special place for having such a tight and responsive feel for one of the PS1 games.

Making zombies sponges is the laziest way to make them threatening. A few more bullets would be fine, but this is ridiculous. Their grab can be stupidly far reaching at times too, but I'd tolerate it to add danger if they weren't also sponges.
>Why should Capcom spend resources on content a minority of players would experience.
Why did they spend resources making fucking arcade survivor scenarios and 2 A/Bs instead of one A and one B that made sense together?
>Also Mr.X you can run pass all the encounters in OG RE2. Sorry man. How Mr.X acts in this game is completely faithful to re2.
He chases you to almost every room and can't be killed. It's a change of pace and is innovative for the remake, but should have been relegated to the B scenario or something.

Yes. The story is a fucking mess

no, user doesn't like the game I like bouhouhou

nobody cares

The game sold 3 millions in 3 days, I think they're fine

>Claire A, Annette runs in
>"Stop it William! It's time to end this!"
>Get her shit kicked in, handed cure to give to Sherry while Claire fights G
>Self-destruct system activates after Leon takes G-sample, Claire and Sherry escape down the elevator. Annette gets up
>G heads up back to the ceiling and fixes it, reverts back to previous form and smashes down again for Leon
>"Stop it William! It's time to end this!"
>Gets her shit kicked in and dies for real this time.

What a masterpiece.

Well you see, user. Since the G-Virus container is open we can safely say that Claire was the first one to acquire the sample. Therefore we see Sherry get bitch slapped by G3 when assisting Claire, after the engagement she begins to hobble over to the North Hall to give Sherry the sample. But as she approaches, she catches Leon go into the same room. She knows there is a second sample, and they he will give it to Ada. So uses her last First Aid Spray and see's G3 got back up and decides to help Leon, only to get bitch slapped yet again. She decides, fuck it and forces Leon duke it out with a already weakened fight.

After the fight she, rests for a moment before remembering that Leon took the sample and busts a cap into the slanty eyed dog eating gook bitch. Before passing out. The catwalk asplodes, waking her and she remembers that still has the give the serum to sherry so she runs a full sprint and leaps across the chasm and limps the rest of the way to Sherry to give her the antidote while Claire is off fucking off getting the last RPD pouch. Then dies because Leon/Claire took all the healing items and wouldn't share.

It makes 100% sense and only a brainlet wouldn't understand

Well, no. It sold 3 million in 7 months after they started taking orders for it after the e3 reveal. And game sales tend to be their strongest in the period leading up to release and not after. Unless they have some amazing DLC planned, I see the honeymoon period for this game ending soon.

She also gets up again to shoot Ada after getting slammed into the wall by William a second time.

>Why did they spend resources making fucking arcade survivor scenarios and 2 A/Bs instead of one A and one B that made sense together?
Arcade Survivor scenario (4th survivor/tofu) are iconic to RE2 and didn't take a lot of time to implement. Both reuse Leon's animations but with a different skin in a small area.

Ghost Survivors is the same thing. Those don't require a lot of effort and were probably whipped up in a day at best.

Yeah I'm talking about her dying from those injuries for real that time.

At least William was nice enough to climb back up in all his boss arenas and fix the walkway and construction scaffolding in time for the B character.

>Only 10% of the playerbase would experience the unique scenarios
>Why should Capcom spend resources on content a minority of players would experience

I hate that this is correct. I'm reminded of all the mouth-breathing retards who hit the credits of Nier: Automata with 2B said "Welp, good game, a bit short though" and never touched it again.

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Doesn't matter. It will sell. It's no RDR 2. No FIFA. No GTA. It's a remake of a 20 yrs old horror game. Nobody expected this game to make outrageous numbers. It'll probably do around 6 millions like RE7.

Don't let Capcom's investors hear you say that. Also the fact that a remake of 2 might only do as well as 7 is depressing.

I mean do you honestly feel that the Lisa Trevor sections played well or added to the game mechanically? Do you think the bosses or the cave sections were significantly improved?

It's depressing for RE7 yes. For a remake that's impressive. The game is a success for what it is : a remake that only a few old fans wanted at the beginning.

It's a big success and there's nothing we can say that'll change that.

Why do the bonus modes have more enemy variety than the main game?
>poison zombies
>zombies bullet proof in some areas
>super durable faceless zombies

I could do without the poison zombies, but leaving riot geared or otherwise armored cop/security zombies out of the core game was a mistake.

I honestly wouldn't call this a big success. My cynical predictions for it at launch were 3-4 million and it hit the bare minimum of that.

Shit wasn't ready in time for launch I guess.

>Shit wasn't ready in time for launch I guess.
The assets were already in the game and they appear in Hunks mission. Hell theres 1 zombie in NEST where you can only shoot its head

No, there's many who think like you but you're all a very small minority.

Didn't know that since I never bothered with 4th survivor. I did Claire/Leon on Hardcore than Leon A on normal and gave up when I realized I'd just be playing the same game again for the fourth time.


I thought it was fantastic. I couldn't be happier with this remake. It felt like a classic video game with the appearance of a modern one.

I almost never get captivated by games anymore and this one did it for me.

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I burned out way faster than I thought I would, but I got a couple of runs out of it.
I'm actually enjoying other peoples speedruns over playing the game myself at this point.

>There's many of you that are few.

Attached: niggawhat.gif (200x250, 737K)

Not cynical, just contrarian

4 millions for a remake of a old horror game is huge... you guys are crazy I swear

>it was a nod to bad games

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but he's right though

Look at this pic, there's many people in it but they're still very few in comparison to the rest of the world. I can't believe you made me explain this to you retarded nigger.

>cynical predictions for it at launch were 3-4 million
Oh wow, so cynical, negative and pessimistic. I'm sure no devs would like to hit that number of sales on a couple of days.

Maybe if it was 10 years ago.

oh the original is better. He's still a faggot for posting that though.

Just stop before you make yourself look even more retarded.

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Forgot pic.

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I, huh, I, huh, let me, huh, just say it, let me just say it.

I never played Resident Evil for the story, as a kid, as a teenager, as an adult.
I like the lore of it, but for the STORY of the games per se? Nah, chief.

>Anyone else disappoint with the RE2make?
Had I had any hopes left for it after the 2018's reveals, I sure as hell would've been very disappointed.
It was indeed all around a downgrade from the original, made to appeal to the people who literally hate classic RE games.


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>muh outdated tank controls

I'm hoping they add some kind of re-arrange mode that includes those types of enemies or at least remixes enemy locations.

I like RE1, 2, 3, 0, Outbreaks, that guncon PS2 (or Dreamcast?) one that I forget the name it's in a boat, RE7, REmake.
And I like the RE2make.

What are you on about?

Oh plenty of them would for sure. You forget this is Capcom though, whose investors thought RE7 was disappointing despite selling just under 4 million by the end of their fiscal year.

Ffs, MHW is their best selling game ever and that still wasn't considered enough by whatever fucked up metric they're using.

Claire A/Leon B is canon on both versions.

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I was severely let down by it. Over 15 years of waiting just to be disappointed. KH3 was a letdown too. Nothing but disappointment with video games lately.

Not an argument.

What's wrong with KH3? I've never really played the series myself and was considering getting into it. It's hilarious to me that KH outsold a remake of an RE game again.

OP, I was soo fucking pumped for this but finding out that Mr. X basically chases you most of the game sounds annoying as fuck.

I'm also disappointed that they didn't make it a cross between Batman: Arkham Origins and GTA 5 with a Raccoon City map to explore and multiple characters to play, each with their own story and objectives but also allows you to looks around.

I really wanted them to open up RE2 and expand the stories and world but I'm not happy with what I've seen and heard.

Not in a rush to play this anymore!!!FACT!!!

The atmosphere bro. The problem with this game is that the atmosphere is completely gone. The cool thing about the RE1 and RE2 was the atmospheric feeling of exploring a place that's not really what it seems, a place filled with secrets and riddled with conspiracies. In this remake everything feels either cartoony or Hollywood-esque.
In the remake it doesn't feel like there's any conspiracy going on.

They screwed the B and A scenarios, how a game from 1998 got this right and modern Capcom is incapable of doing it?

>It's hilarious to me that KH outsold a remake of an RE game again.

That sucks.

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Yeah, Claire was fucking ugly doe

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All of their talent left years ago aside from Itsuno. He's the only reason I have any faith in DMC5.

It's cute how you samefags always come to those same conclusions without anyone even mentioning a word about anything.

You are an exception, and you know it.
Just go around checking other forums, YT comments... etc. All of them are filled with posts of literal newbies who dare to state out loud that they've never played any of the RE games, but this casual 3rd person shooter is familiar enough looking for them to preorder and try it out.

Also, anyone praising shit like RE7 can go jump in a volcano. You are one of the reasons why this series has gone to dogs.

The playing field was a lot more level this time too. The original REmake was directed by a retard who thought a violent horror gamecube exclusive could outsell a cartoony disney game on the PS2.

>that skybox in the background
>a freaking desert

Does Capcom even remembers that Raccoon city is supposed to be in the Midwest?

It's especially stupid now because Raccoon City in the remake is modeled after Montreal Quebec which is on a fucking island.

No they slapped random background #34925 so you can watch characters slowly walking towards beautiuful sunset and holding hands

Re7 is a good game for one playthrough though.

tbfh resident evil 7 was a great spinoff

Solid 8/10. It could've been a 9/10 but they made some odd choices and the game lacks the coherence of the original. It's kind of like a college student essay that has a great intro and body paragraphs but their closing paragraph feels like it's following a script to tie things up in a hurry.

RE7 is a good film for a single evening, at tops.

Fuck no. Go back to your Outlast games.

take it back

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Raccoon City simultaneously exists in northwest Pennsylvania, upstate New York, and central Colorado depending on when you ask and what you're looking at, Springfield doesn't have shit on it.

It's funny how much less I'd hate the game if it didn't have that 7 in the title.

So they have a rich people problems, no big deal

For other studios those numbers would've been huge, just be happy with the small but relevant success we have now


It's not Claire
It's a sin

The game is too easy. There should be no Mr X safe rooms on hardcore. Grab immunity should be removed.

Outside the first 45 minutes youre on rails and before each linear path you have to take to fight the 3 bakers, its fun.
Prefer over the horseshit that was 4-6

Claire is a cutie.

Attached: 1550421760275.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)


They probably think it's in Nevada now because of Area 51.

Wait until you see her ratched grill.

nostalgiafags are the worst


Because nobody fucking cares about A/B scenarios, but they still did it to please the old incels boomers

Thank god they didn't cave in choosing the fucking fixed camera angle bullshit. The game would have flopped so fucking hard.

You guys are irrelevant, you're just good at being contrarian. IRL you're worthless. Nobody cares about you.

I wish i was so devoid of taste i could eat anything up like you user

Then they should've stuck to their guns and kept 1 campaign for both Leon and Claire. Them changing it due to nostalgia-fags getting mad just tells me they had no unshakeable faith in their own direction.

Hey, I liked Classic RE2, and I liked Revelations 1 and 2, and I liked RE6. This is literally the only Resident Evil game I've played where I've gone "I'm bored with this now" and dropped it.

Literally the only reason I'm thinking of picking it up again is because I've got to try and write a recap of it.

No shit they didn't, look at this thread

they could have made a masterpiece, it still wouldn't have been enough

thank god you're just a noisy minority

Well, I mean it was obvious. No way on earth RE could've outsold KH.

But the two games aim at two different market. So I guess in the end they're both successful in a way.

Still can't believe they fucked that up. My only major gripe with the game.

>Prefer over the horseshit that was 4-6
The fact that you're even attempting to lump 4 with the rest of the trash shows that you're either b8 or a literal retard. Go neck yourself, asap.

In this case, that statement is true.

>although I think the zombies are needlessly bullet spongy
having fragile zombies will greatly change the dynamics of the game
fragile but janky and fast zombies incentive being killed because they represent an immediate threat that warrants using even a finite supply of ammo
slow tough zombies are more of an obstacle that make you weight which ones to stun and which ones to kill

zombies are intended to be difficult to keep down, because you are supposed to stun them then run past them
permakilling them is only really supposed to be done in hallways you travel through a lot or where you expect mr X to show up

>Because nobody fucking cares about A/B scenarios
Literally everyone but (You) do.

>Thank god they didn't cave in choosing the fucking fixed camera angle bullshit. The game would have flopped so fucking hard.
On the contrary. It would've proven seething shooter-fags like (You) wrong, once again.

It's always "in this case" with you losers

>defending 4 but shits on 5 and 6
How can someone like you even exist?

Ah a 4fag. Makes sense.

>although I think the zombies are needlessly bullet spongy
t. never played the original

>All these faggots butthurt about people not like worshipping the remake

The hivemind is real.

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In case you toddlers don't understand basic conversation and use of threads:
Yes, everyone else but (You) are only talking about one (1) single case ITT, that being the RE2 and its failed remake.

Making a pathetic strawman claim that ALL new games would automatically be somehow better than ALL the older games proves that either you're trolling, or way too underaged to even be on this site.

>How can someone like you even exist?
Yeah, how dare someone understand what makes one game good and another not, and that RE4 was not the downfall of the series, but the removal of Mikami.

Fuck off back to Ieddit, kiddo. I'm as pure-blood classic oldfag as they come across, but RE4 was fucking fun game.

What? Its clearly the opposite on these boards.

Most of these threads are people bitching because someone liked re2make

It's just one or two samefagging shills that have been going at it for weeks now. They always use the same non-arguments, usually succumbing to memes like:
>Shut up Michael!
>lol you've not even played the game!
>you just wanted 1:1 graphics remaster! This is a "remake"!
>The old games were never gud! RE was dying before RE4!!


Attached: 1547908550752.webm (1280x720, 901K)

4 took everything about resident evil and nosedived it into a mountain. Yes it had good gameplay, as did resident evil 5 but it was a god awful re game.

>4 took everything about resident evil and nosedived it into a mountain.

>as did RE5
RE5 had fucking awful gameplay already. It only got a semi free-pass because it can be kinda enjoyable in co-op, but otherwise? It's is an all around step backwards from RE4.

It was a all around improvement from re5.
The fact that you're saying 5 had bad gameplay but praising 4 shows how badly you're blinded by your own personal bias. Re5 took the same game play and inproved it tenfold.
At least re5 embraces it was an action game and didn't pretend it was something it wasn't (horror) like its predecessor.
Youre opinions are worthless since youre unable to distance your personal bias from objective truths.

just shut the fuck up and leave, you're embarrassing

I prefer 4 over 5, but you're retarded if you think 4's gameplay was better than 5'd

the original wasnt scary to me at all beyond rushing to the police station. Atmosphere’s much more tense here and there’s alot more sources of paranoia.

>The fact that you're saying 5 had bad gameplay but praising 4 shows how badly you're blinded by your own personal bias.
You can keep saying that all you want, but not only are you not bringing in any arguments and evidence why that would be the case, but you're also clearly showing your lack of understanding of good game design.
I challenge you to go to any RE board on the internet and find a majority of people who'd consider RE5's streamlined and clunky gameplay to be even remotely on-par with 4's super tight design, that includes everything from map-design to the inventory management details.

tl;dr: nu-fags gonna nu-fag, but you're just pants on head retarded.

I'm not going anywhere. You stepped into my realm, Ieddit scum.

Because you say so?
The entire gameplay of 5 is an astonishing downgrade from 4's. It's practically unplayable alone.

Mikami and Kamiya both liked Re2make, you contrarian fags should just admit you hate anything new and be done with it.

Nah, Demake 2 is just grey, black, and washed up. It's nothing but a shooter now, with some terribly out of place setpieces that belong in other games.

Anyone has the links for the pc versions and patches that some anons were sharing a few days ago?

Got it right here
>Source next RE2:!QNt1RYDb!aNtMZ4KSM8aovTfUf4jXhlrj4PvYpH41cMHT9Ve3ElM

1.0 Patch:

RE2 Classic Rebirth:

>RE3 Source Next:

Restoration Mod:

This and rushed AB scenario in general are perfectly valid, legitimate criticism that the majority have an issue with though.

>tetris inventory
>bag of near infinite space
>tight design
Stop posting anytime

You have a heart of gold, don't let them take if from you

>hating on the best inventory system ever made
As if we needed more proof that you're a plebeian tryhard nu-fag. Go back.

Attached: re4 PC modded hi-poly inventory.jpg (1920x1080, 816K)

Already got all of this, but you're a big dick G for posting it.

Attached: 1281675048096.jpg (434x438, 186K)

And its been revealed that ive been getting baited this whole time. Good show

Proof that Mikami liked it. Kamiya doesn't even like survival horror, he made RE2 purely action game, so no surprise he would like the actiony RE2 remake.

there’s alot of use of darkness sure. And the police starion no longer feels like the cozy little museum with it did back in the original, but its better this way. The original Police station just ended up feeling like a safe haven protecting you from the hell that was outside. The atmosphere is alot more tense now and, especially with the addition of Stalker Mr.X (who no longer appears so late in the game that he feels trivial after several G forms), you truly feel like you’re IN the zombie appolcalypse rather than being lucky enough seek cover from it like in the original game.

>you contrarian fags should just admit you hate anything new and be done with it.
Fuck off. The last couple years have brought us some of the best games ever created, but DEmake 2 is just another piece of shit butchering of a classic IP.

>but its better this way.
The hell it is.
It just blends everything into endless, washed out corridors with no character or style of their own. You cannot even examine the environments like you could in past games, further stating that the whole world's just a static prop you're not even supposed to pay any attention.
The game's idea of "zombie apocalypse" is also goddamn lazy.

>muh alligator

sorry but the museam like atmosphere did not aid the horror aspect of the game at all. God forbid there’s dark rooms and you feel like you’re in an actual police station. Your gripes sound like stuff present in Silent Hill 1 and that game’s definitly scarier than the original RE2.

Im dissapointed that the game did not have skimpy swimsuits for Sherry,claire and Ada.

alligator was the goofiest thing of all time in the original. Its just so blatantly visible in its “hiding” phase and inflates to large size like a balloon in what’s possibly the worst perspective trick ive ever seen. Despite the crash bandicoot gameplay the new actually mutated one is an infinitly more effective surprise and monster design.

are people actually upset that they didn't fully adapt the cheesy horror b-movie plot of the original game?
darn, what a disappointment

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I really like the remake but it feels like it takes place in 2019 for some reason, where the original RE2 really does feel like it's 1998 in-game.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt some floors in the original force you to deal with Lickers aka stepping on glass? Shit wouldve been crazy if they kept that in remake 2

Because it was released in 2019 dumbass.

>Because nobody fucking cares about A/B scenarios

Typical RE2R fanboy response. One of the things people were looking forward to with the remake was fully fleshed out A and B scenarios. You think nobody gave a fuck about those because you don't give a fuck about those, the fact there are regular complaints about how half arsed they are shows that many people wanted this feature back in a satisfying manner.

RE2 nostalgiafag here, when Capcom said they were only gonna make 2 campaigns I thought Oh cool, maybe that means there'll be more differences in general between them both then the original.

Instead we got less differences between them for the whole game, 2nd runs included.

The lab technology was too far advance for 1998.

Zoomers never played the originals

RE2R really needed another year for it to be fleshed out properly, I hope there's a directors cut in the future with the zapping system having depth to it, not just different puzzles but new forms for the bosses especially Birkin so you're repeating less objectives on scenario B.

they should have made the story different

How long was REmake 2 MIA after the announcement? 3 years?

This game isn't getting significantly changed in any way. Even then a scenario B like you gave would probably take this team another 2 years.