Apparently, our guy /Schreier/ is teasing it
Apparently, our guy /Schreier/ is teasing it
i really hope this happens so i can get rid of my ps3
>our guy
Kill yourself human trash.
woah buddy, did you just...unironically posted a link to resetera?
if dubs it happens
you thought i would take u seriously?
O-on Switch as well?
I can trust reddit more then literally a mentally ill trannie fourm
I really want it because it's the only thing keeping me attached to my ps3,but fuck off with the teases, this is like the 5th year some retard says we are gonna get a remaster
absolute state of nu-Yea Forums
Dubs and it never happens
Go start console wars on your own thread faggot
Demon's Souls is a Sony-owned IP, it will literally never be on anything other than PlayStation.
fuck off
>keep seeing people direct link Kotaku, ResetEra, OneAngryGamer, and other garbage sites
fuck off
>our guy /Schreier/
>linking resetera
Not sure if ironic or unironic posting, but proof enough for me this board has completely gone to shit
Is that senator armstrong?
I'm not even sure I'd want this. It seems like the trend these days is to make everything as balanced and "fair" as possible, when a lot of the fun from Demon's Souls was making completely broken builds (keep in mind Demon's Souls never received any balance patches). I'd hope they'd leave the game completely untouched outside of visuals/framerate, but you can never be too sure these days. I really hope they don't try to cater to whiny pvp babies that want to turn Souls into an esport.
You faggots will just complain about it
Being able to play online again would be the only reason to buy a remaster of this game.
Literally who?
Also, it's never going to happen even though I'd love a Demon's Souls remaster / remake.
F-folklore remaster next
right guys?
so its NIOH
Resetera its a comfy and reliable site gramps.
never ever
Yeah and Half Life 3 confirmed for 2020.
Damn I just started playing it on PS3
Fucking retard.
I have detected the tranny
Sony never owned Nioh, retard. They only published it in the west. KT owns Nioh 100% and always has.
Demon Souls, not Tranny Souls
Reminder that Demon's Souls is cringe
people complained about REmake 2, not like it matters.
not as cringe as rehash souls 3. At least Demon's is its own thing.
Can someone copy paste or screenshot what it says here? Im not clicking a link to that faggot site.
its dead user
Fag asks if there'll ever be a Demon's Souls remaster, and then a "trusted" insider just replies saying "Yes."
>actually going to resetera
>linking to resetera
How about you fuck off back there faggot?
Imagine demon souls with shadow of the colossus visual fidelity
oh boy
not that graphics are king...but but
want it
makes a lot of sense as a ps5 launch title, probably more given that fromsoft wont have their next sony exclusive ready by then
and to those seething over nother exclusive
yes we'll get 1(one) more sony gaem
hope it fixes the world tendency weirdness, it's never explained in-game
having stuff like a bridge not appear because you're not black or white tendency with no visible indication of that is bad game design; a bridge that faintly glows black or white but isn't solid makes more sense, and from there you just need a solid way to increase/decrease tendency
Shut up and fuck off
Imagine if Bloodborne 2 + Demon's Souls Remake are the launch titles for PS5.
Miyazaki is an overrated hack who accidentally made one good game
i mean the one souls game that doesn't have him behind it, is a major piece of shit.
as far as I know Bluepoint were hiring for devs that could release a AAA game on both modern and next-gen consoles, according to their listings
Dark souls 3 is miles better than your shitty N64 game, take off the nostalgia goggles and stop parroting retard opinions
DS3 is also shit, and he worked on it
Dark Souls 3 is fucking shit. Kill yourself.
It's confirmed for current gen, it's not PS5 exclusive
enjoy your steve in smash then, retard.
leddit isn't gamefags
Yea Forums told me this was not worth playing.
>resetera isn't invading Yea Forums
Kill yourself first to prove how much you hate dark souls 3 then I'll do it
no kill yourself first for liking dark souls 3, then i'll do it.
>unironically linking resetera
lol, no it’s not
>DaS1, DeS, BB
all great
>DaS2 and 3
Knowing how popular Souls games are these days, I wouldn't be surprised if Demon's Souls gets remastered for a quick buck
DeS and BB are pure kino
"playable Steve" is a reddit rumor by Hitagi
"Minecraft content/boss" is a FAQ rumor
virginben is also on reddit, so you gonna have to pass off that Reddit koolaid right there.
>paying 60 dollars for another upscale like DS Remastered was
Good thing consoles are always going to act towards backwards compatibility like a posessed person acts towards a silver crucifix, eh?
DeS aesthetic is the coolest in the series for sure
Give emulation another year tops.
You can already emulate DeS just fine, but having no servers fucking sucks, so a remake is preferable.
nigger bloodborne 2 isnt in developement
>refer to pic related
Same thing they said last year and same thing they said the year before and so on.
Fuck off.
and if god is good we'll never ever get a bloodborne sequel unless miyazaki is willing to make it in his deathbed
let great titles stand on their own, no need for another uninspired sequel
wrong, look at SotC PS4 compared to the PS2/PS3 versions and tell me it's a HD upscale
>straight up links to resetera
Holy fucking shit
>our guy
>this faggot again
Hasn’t he been wrong with most of the shit he says? why should anyone give a shit about some faggot on Resetera
I enjoyed Folklore, but I don't think it sold well enough to warrant a remake
Fuck off
It would have been better as one.
getting black tendency is easy enough, you can get as many stones of ephemeral eyes as you want and reincarnate to kill yourself over and over
the problem is having white tendency REGIONALLY tied to killing bosses and absolutely nothing else, this is stupid. how can you have a game that’s based entirely around going blind and gradualky finding out how stuff works only to reach a point halfway in and find out you’re permanently screwed out of potentially half of the game’s entire list of sidequests and optional areas due to shit that happened right at the beginning.
I'm talking specifically about From. Their "remasters" are just shitty ENBs.
First day on Yea Forums? Resetera always get the new leaks/stories and the snippets slowly trickle down to Yea Forums.
>if you don't like resetera you are /pol/
>if you're not an insane tranny you're /pol/
Funny this thread is posted. I seriously wonder if they'll patch out Thomas' dupes since I made my Saber Alter build retardedly early with them. I find it hard to go back without abusing it at least once.
Here's your (You)
Can you fuck off back to resetera now?
I really hope they fix that if you help somebody kill a boss you get white character and world tendency
that is one hideous looking character
It better be a remake. I don't wanna see the ds1 remaster shitshow repeated.
It's literally fully playable in 4K right now you nigger
>another remaster
Videogames were a mistake.
Even DaS2 is more fun than 3. What a bland, lazy unimaginitive game 3 was.
I bet they won't do the sixth shrine anyway.
Is it even possible to make good looking characters in DeS? I've never managed it.
oh boy i can't wait for shittier lighting
This is a big thing because servers were shutdown last year.
It's easier than Dark Souls' creator, but it's not necessarily easy.
not as shit as 2 tho
>Even DaS2 is more fun than 3.
For all the wrong reasons.
I would rather have a port for demon souls,puppeteer or folklore. A remaster will fuck with the atmosphere.
if they do a bunch of purist fanboys will ree
The fuck? What NPC is that?
I've replayed DaS2 a ton of times and never even ran across him.
White can also be gained by helping people online can’t it? I played it recently after online was shutdown though so for me that wasn’t an option.
Best thing about a remaster would be servers coming back.
>never even been on /pol/ but everything is /pol/ boogeyman
How about you fuck off yourself you miserable piece of shit
It's going to be a PS5 launch title
It's 2's crestfallen, he's sitting by the obelisk.
That's the crestfallen warrior by the monument.
The depressed Souls character? He's sitting near that leaderboard stone in majula.
Oh, right. I completely forgot about him mostly because I never had the need for the Way of Blue covenant. Thanks.
Literally just upres it and run at 60p. That's all I want.bibfony want bluepoint to fuck with it like they did SOTC
BB = DaS1 > DeS >>>>>> DaS2 > DaS3
>DS2 last
epic reddit simply epic
He has a gesture too. He also gives you a minor HP boost ring when you join the shitter covenant, which with the other HP ring helps pulling that forest jump with the twinkling titanite and fragrant branch.
I don't agree but anyone who doesn't fall for the "dark souls 2 is good now" meme is a patrician in my book. hbomberguy was a mistske
lol no
really, the order of the first 3 doesn't matter, as long as the last two are dead last
Just like dmc2 right?
What's the point of remaking DeS when you can already play DaS? DeS is pretty much a prototype DaS, if they don't include the 6th archstone then they can go fuck themselves with their shitty "remake".
Yes, and it will be a Switch exclusive.
ds2 is shit
DaS2 being such a broken piece of shit is what made it so fun, then FROM had to patch everything like the cucks they are.
>DeS is pretty much a prototype DaS
It's entirely it's own game and it doesn't even share a single asset with DaS
Can emulation get on the private server?
DaS > DeS >>>>> DaS3 >>> DaS2
BB is not Souls, fuck off.
Wanting a Demon's Souls Remaster after how half assed Dark Souls Remastered was
Sony actually put effort into their remasters unlike Bamco.
I want a remaster just so that online becomes active again because servers are currently shutdown, but if they make any gameplay changes like the estus changes to DaS:R then I won't be buying it.
Fuck you, faggot.
Dark Souls remasters were outsourced to a shitty company
Demon Souls is being remaster by based Bluepoint, it's gonna be kino
I’d rather have things left unchanged, including the visuals.
Demon souls belongs at the bottom of that list dumb nostalgiafag
It'll surely be 60fps r-right guys?
Yes but now that it died an ignoble death it's based af.
nothing could be worse than Dark Souls 2, and 3 is just a linear clusterfuck of rollspam.
Haha, don't be silly. It's gonna dip under 30 and look like shit with pajeetastic outsourced assets.
And of course leave the infinite stunlocks in, right?
Fromsoft should have just taken all the good PvP concepts from DS2 and stuck with them.
fuck off
user wake up from your daydreaming
B-but it'll surely come to PC! Just like Dark Souls: Remastered!
>Fromsoft should have just taken all the good PvP concepts from DS2
Which ones, limited orbs and soul memory?
Bug fixes aren't gameplay changes, but fixing dead angles in the last remaster definitely made the game worse.
>good PvP concepts from DS2
game would be instant financial success if they add the giants to the game.
You mean the land of the giant furries?
>our guy
Schreier can go hump a Cactus.
More like daynightmaring. Jesus.
>linking directly
>refusing to listen to Resetera
>despite the fact that it is full of industry insiders and developers just like Neogaf
the real yikes is in the comments
BB>DeS>DS1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>rock candy>DS2≈DS3
What's with all the greentexting retards?
Yeah sure trannyera whatever, seethe all you want but it's chock full of industry related people; also, has there even been a single instance of Schreier leaking something incorrect?
ResetEra is worth completely ignoring based on how shitty it's community and users are. It's literally one of the worst boards on the internet. The amount of banning for wrongthink and general hypocritical garbage that goes on there is absurd.
Anybody remember when ResetEra staff endorsed and supported Doxxing a guy and getting him fired?
>You can already emulate DeS just fine
no, it's decent but it's far from perfect
people got banned for saying pewdiepie is in fact not a nazi
>>refusing to listen to insane trannies
I wouldn't know, I don't follow subhumans on the internet.
that's what I said
you can emulate it fine, why are you disagreeing with me and agreeing with me at the same time?
You don't have to "follow" him, dummy, because each of his leaks end up in the news and subsequently wind up being true.
yes, if mechanics is all that matters to you. Solid "no" if you actually enjoy the core of the series, that is exploring the world and encountering cone snail-tier weird shit (also, levitating manta ray leviathans) - in that regard DeS is right there with DaS1.
Sorry no. DeS is inferior to it's predecessors in ALL respects.
That's incredible if true but I'm sceptical. I would buy it just for the rejuvenated online. I already have it emulating at stable 4k30fps on an i7 9700k so graphically I doubt they can make it as good as I have it on PC but the online alone would sell me. Unlike DaS: buy the game again you western pigs edition the online would actually stay alive past week 1 and hopefully would bring my love of vidya back after it was dumpster raped by ten shittt years of vidya
>yfw it ends up dodging PS4 for no reason and becomes a PS5 launch title
>people got banned from resetera for disagreeing with literal witch hunting mobs and ultra-orthodox insane liberal hegemony
water is wet
>because each of his leaks end up in the news
I said I don't follow subhumans on the internet.
DeS is superior mechanically to both DaS2 and DaS3 more often than not.
>emulating at stable 4k30fps
How? I literally cannot find a single video with smooth DeS rpcs3 gameplay, there's always a bunch of sound bugs, insane dips to single digit fps when breaking shit and constant microstutters and slowdowns.
Tried doing it myself on my i7 8700k too, got the same result.
>Worst stats
>Worst magic mechanics
>Worst online mechanics
>Worst combat mechanics
Schreier still making other people's work about himself, I see.
you know it’s definitely going to happen this way since the souls meme is guaranteed money and they need an easily marketable system seller
DeS has some of the best weapon movesets in the series and the most interesting upgrade paths by a landslide, as a result it has some ridiculiously fun builds.
2%+14 hp/s regen Blessed Greataxe builds will never be topped
240% damage hyper mages with fire spray will never be topped
int/fai hybrids with ToB will never be topped
only millennial faggots that came into the series late hate DeS
He's talking about DeS, dude, not DaS2
You don't have to hate DeS to see that none of the shit you listed qualifies for a "fun build"
everything you said is factually wrong, but you think dark souls 2 is better than des, so you may as well just kill yourself at that point
you are beyond hope
what's wrong with you disrespectful fucking zoomer scumbags and your sour grapes
>DeS has some of the best weapon movesets in the series
No. It absolutely fucking does not. Not even close. DeS has the worst overall weapon variety and movesets in the series history.
>the most interesting upgrade paths by a landslide
No. It doesn't. Most of the same options exist in DaS3.
>only millennial faggots that came into the series late hate DeS
You fucking overdefensive fuckwit. I don't hate DeS. I just know for a fucking FACT that it's inferior to EVERY Soulsborne game.
>>Worst stats
>compared to AGI and the retarded END split
>>Worst magic mechanics
>compared to limited casts and casting costing stamina (??????????????????)
>>Worst online mechanics
>Soul fucking Memory and limited matchmaking items
>>Worst combat mechanics
>lacks worthless tiers of rolling nobody in their right mind uses, infinite iframes and blazing fast recovery from rolling that costs next to no stamina
>and constant microstutters and slowdowns.
those have immensely reduced their presence eversince the introduction of async shader cooking.
The fps dip during the havok physics calculation is still present, then again - i'm sitting with my 6600 and having solid 30fps at native 720p resolution the whole time (count out the aforementioned things).
Wonder if upgrading to 4cores-8threads of 6700 or 6700k will make any noticeable difference.
OneAngryGamer is based tho, he's right wing and calls out SJW and Femanazis
With the right amount of QoG fixes this could be the best souls game.
I found a guide to set it up on the reddit for rpcs3. Id link it but that was like in December so idk where to find it, search the subreddit. Other than that, I dunno. There are glitches and audio problems but I have yet to actually crash, have had hang ups in certain places. PC specs are the i7 9700k overclocked to 5.1ghz, rtx 2080, 3200mhz DDR4 16gb. I will admit I lost interest after getting about halfway into the game since I've already beat it on ps3 thrice but what I played was a stable, playable experience. I legitimately had a more stable framerate than on my ps3 slim.
Fuck yes, I've only played through Demon's Souls once and that was when the game came out. Wanted to play it again but found out the servers went offline.
gotta love 2019 Yea Forums with links to resettranny in the open
>compared to AGI and the retarded END split
If you disagree with ADP/Agility, you're playing the wrong kind of game. Same with the Endurance/Vitality/Vigor split. Both are centrally important to the goal of creating a balanced set of stats.
>compared to limited casts and casting costing stamina
Limited casts is fine and magic SHOULD cost stamina. You think you could throw a fireball without exerting yourself even a little?
>Soul fucking Memory and limited matchmaking items
SM is literally not relevant unless you plan on autistically playing one character for 200 hours and matchmaking items were never limited.
>lacks worthless tiers of rolling nobody in their right mind uses, infinite iframes and blazing fast recovery from rolling that costs next to no stamina
Yeah. Having one two kinds of roll is inferior. Every other game has better dodge mechanics but combat comes down to more than just rolls. DeS has the worst parries and ripostes, the worst backstabs and the worst guardbreaks
Go chew on a cactus you literal retard.
Literally who
>>compared to limited casts and casting costing stamina (??????????????????)
>using attacks shouldn't take stamina
>Soul fucking Memory and limited matchmaking items
better than no anti-twinking measures at all.
>>lacks worthless tiers of rolling nobody in their right mind uses, infinite iframes and blazing fast recovery from rolling that costs next to no stamina
des actually has ds3 tier rolls. when's the last time you played it?
you don't have an argument
I've poured a collective amount of thousands of hours across all souls game and those build still haven't been topped.
It has less variety because weapon types don't have different flavors of R2, but the movesets themselves are incredibly good.
>Most of the same options exist in DaS3.
hp/mp regen is complete trash in all souls games it appears in except DeS. DeS is the only game where mana replenishment builds are a thing between philosopher's pole, geri's stiletto and crescent weapons. The same is true of HP regen with adjudicator's shield, regenerator's ring, regeneration miracle and blessed weapons, topping out at a max regen rate of 52 hp/s out of a pool of 1900 hp, which is insanely good, while still not being "overpowered" compared to other options. It also has unique paths for everything, including stacking bleed, poison and baby's nail for plague, as well as paths dedicated to critical damage, paths specifically for each corresponding physical stat or just higher base damage with lower scaling with +10. The ONLY thing DaS3 has on DeS here is more satisfying bleed, all of its other options are inferior, but none of that even matters when DaS3 is a shallow rollspam fest.
Kotaku editor
>hp/mp regen is complete trash in all souls games it appears in except DeS.
Wrong. HP regen is strong as fuck in 3 and was OP as hell in DeS. Same for MP regen. Regen is WAY too strong.
>The ONLY thing DaS3 has on DeS here is more satisfying bleed
Fuck off user, you're just shifting goalposts. ll the same options exist across the various games. DeS has cool upgrade paths but it's nothing other games didn't do the same or better [Don't think I forgot how grindy getting upgrade ore in DeS is]
I get it user. You love DeS. To bits apparently. But don't delude yourself or misinform strangers. It's the weakest Soulsborne title in every quantifiable respect.
You should be banned for 999 years for this disgusting post.
and this shitty thread got so many replies. Fuck.
>it will literally never be on anything other than PlayStation
>tfw PS Now
grow up
Good things:
Best healing system, best summoning system (in terms of resummoning, not matchmaking), best covenants, best invading system (play offline if you disagree)
Shit things: Soul Memory, limited use orbs, parries, Seed of Giants, Adaptability
No reason to not use the good things.
you could try not to make it obvious you're a zoomer and biased
>but it's nothing other games didn't do the same or better
You could take regen out of 1 and 3 and it won't make a fucking difference. Regen is completely boring trash in those games. Its the same with hyper mage builds with morion with clever rats for 240% damage versus like 50% in DaS1 (which is still good) but it's so trash in 3 it might as well not exist.
They should have removed all the meta glitch abuse from DS1, plus instant backstabs.
If you defend this shit you're as pathetic as melee autists.
>If you disagree with ADP/Agility, you're playing the wrong kind of game
Yeah, they should always make rolling absolutely useless if you don't dump a bunch of points into a stat that does nothing else worthwhile
>The same is true of HP regen with adjudicator's shield, regenerator's ring, regeneration miracle and blessed weapons, topping out at a max regen rate of 52 hp/s out of a pool of 1900 hp, which is insanely good, while still not being "overpowered"
That's insanely overpowered. DS3 has a max of 6 hp/s from rings and infusions and another 14/s from miracles and weapon arts, and it's considered cancerous to the point that it's often banned in tourneys.
I played DeS before DaS was even released. I'm a wave 1 Soulsfag. The only people more legit than me are Hong Kong importfags.
>You could take regen out of 1 and 3 and it won't make a fucking difference.
All it would do to DeS is make the game less imbalanced and easy as hell. The other games did regen right. DeS was a mistake.
It's also weird how fixated you are on regen builds. Its almost like you feel DeS's value is based on one kind of build you have a fetish for.
>Best healing system
Life Gems were shit because they delete any of the tension of limited healing. Not to mention the slow heal actually made it safer to heal directly in something's face, since as long as you could tank one more hit, you'd heal straight through whatever damage you took from them hitting you while you healed.
Rolling at base Agility is plenty useful. Not only that but you seem to be forgetting that Dark Souls is an RPG. Action RPG, but RPG nonetheless. Everything comes down to stats. Rolling needed it's own stat. It was too powerful in previous games. You could get the best defensive tool in the game without paying a stat related investment cost.
>SM is literally not relevant
>and matchmaking items were never limited.
I was going to address each point individually, but then you showed how you completely missed the point of these games, you moronic duel chamber mouthbreather. And yeah, I'm playing the wrong kind of game alright, 2 is a bunch of unfinished assets hastily glued together and shipped in a hurry under a hack (second) director as proven by the DLC not being any different in its game design. If not for From's contractual obligation with Bamco, it would have been rightfully cancelled as the burning trash heap it is.
>>using attacks shouldn't take stamina
>it is justified to spend points on stamina to fling a tiny fireball and not run out of stamina on early game
>it is justified to spend stamina at all lifting a wooden staff
>>better than no anti-twinking measures at all.
You fucking retard, anti-twinking was never, is not and never will be a thing. Twinking cannot be stopped. All Soul Memory, limited orbs on merchants and no full orbs did was kill multiplayer, activity died the fast by far with the bulk of invaders and white phantoms gone, while few dedicated autists had to literally cheat in order to play online as intended and the remaining faggots kept to themselves jerking off in the retard containment chambers.
that is one ugly chick.
>des actually has ds3 tier rolls.
You cannot pull any of that gay shit in DeS, and boy, does DeS have some gay shit. When was the last time YOU played it?
I don't believe every ps4 game has to be released for ps now as well.
You goddamn retard, healing in PVP.
Meaning that phantoms and invading spirits can't heal except spells (which are slow). And the estus chugging host could always be easily backstabbed.
What is it with people not being able to go back TWO posts.
>Rolling at base Agility is plenty useful.
Rolling at base AGL is broken because your character leaves their hitbox at the origin point of the roll for several frames that aren't covered by base AGL. So you can see that you're visually not being touched by any part of an attack and still get hit because there's an invisible voodoo doll of you loafing around. It's shit even if you say "well just dodge better lmao" because it's a poorly programmed interaction that doesn't communicate the actual gameplay mechanics to the player and looks like some glitchy bullshit happened.
Yet DS2 still, to this day, has far more active MP than DS1 or Bloodborne.
I'm playing it right now, sweetie. Rolling is fast as fuck and costs almost no stamina. It's like I'm playing Proto-DS3.
DeS had the best invading system
>Rolling at base AGL is broken because your character leaves their hitbox at the origin point of the roll for several frames that aren't covered by base AGL.
Not an argument. It's weak because of that, not broken.
>it's a poorly programmed interaction that doesn't communicate the actual gameplay mechanics to the player and looks like some glitchy bullshit happened.
Nah, you're just a retard and blame the game instead of yourself. Rolling is weaker in DaS2. If you don't like that, you can spend points on ADP. Everything else is just autistic screeching. Getting hit because of your hitbox being slow to change positions just means "Roll sooner next time" or "you can't roll this at low ADP" [very few attacks are in this category btw]. Only a whiny child would start getting upset at the game instead of just taking the communication they're being given and working with it.
The only things missing are Gravity Rush 2 and Persona 5, add Demon's Souls Remastered to that if it happens and everything else can fuck off
>It's shit even if you say "well just dodge better lmao"
Wow, how did I know this would happen. I've SL1'd the damn game, I know how it works. You have to be an idiot to think the only reason someone could possibly negatively critique something is because they were too much of a scrub to handle it. It's shit well after you adapt to it because it's just an exceptionally poor mechanic to begin with.
>it's considered cancerous to the point that it's often banned in tourneys.
no it isn't, because you have to sacrifice second chance for the extra 1% of regen
it still loses to meta NR gouge builds anyway
Man it feels good to just own this on PS3 and play it when I want instead of begging for ports like Sony Ponies.
PvP arenas and PvP balancing mentality ruined these games. MP shoud have stayed an afterthought gimmick.
DaS2's DLC shit all over the linear, derivative turd that is 3.
>Yet DS2 still, to this day, has far more active MP than DS1 or Bloodborne.
Not true for PC or PS4.
>Rolling is fast as fuck and costs almost no stamina. It's like I'm playing Proto-DS3.
You are, DaS3 apes DeS almost as bad as DaS. It's not just the rolling being fast and costing too little, DaS3 would be tolerable if that was it, it's the obscenely quick recovery from a roll to cancel into another roll.
You can be a scrub and still succeed user. That's why you're a salty bitch woh gets mad over taking a hit while rolling instead of learning from his mistake. Act within the rules you've been given to work with. Stop being a whiny bitch. You'll have more fun.
No, the Black Eye stone sucked.
The rules he's been given to work with don't match what the game displays, videogames are an interactive visual medium. Being a drone is not fun, otherwise this board wouldn't be so damn miserable.
>begging for ports
Aren't those Switchlets fans? Also most people here already own a Demon's Souls physical copies
wat, it was always a cool game, the least tedious use of sixaxis functionality too, and the comfy piano soundtrack in the village is absolute kino
>Not true for PC or PS4.
>Yet DS2 still, to this day, has far more active MP than DS1 or Bloodborne.
How can you even tell, "I get lots of people to fight" is subjective as hell and player numbers don't differentiate between MP players and normal playthroughs.
I don't know what that fag is talking about, I've seen this board shill that game relentlessly for years.
>The rules he's been given to work with don't match what the game displays
This happens. Games are a visualizations of abstracted rules and goals.
DaS2 is the third time they made the same game user. Did you not expect janky elements? Fromsoft aren't masters of game development.
>you can't roll this at low ADP no matter what because the attack frames last longer than your invinciblity frames
>when rolling is supposed to be your primary means of mitigating damage
that's horrendous design and complete cancer
everything about AGI is fucking trash, leveling it feels disjointed as fuck because you slowly amass more iframes as you level it with absolutely no visual indicator so it just fucks your muscle memory to the point that you never know when you're supposed to start your roll for an attack animation
Just bring it to pc and switch
It's wasted on Sony's braindead normie/fifa fanbase
>the communication
The communication of the fact that rolling is demonstrably bullshit? Do you REALLY think the developers sat down and said "let's make sure the player will get hit by this even if they were clearly out of range of the attack because ADP lmao?" It makes zero sense in-game or out. I've never seen such blatant fanboyism and twisted logic. Are you gonna defend phantom hits too?
>instead of learning from his mistake.
It's certainly someone's mistake, but I'm betting you'll find that person somewhere in the Programmers section of the game's credits.
>Stop being a whiny bitch.
Do you think everyone that mentions anything negative in a review is just being a whiny bitch? No matter how much you attempt to excuse it from a gameplay perspective, it's just a straight up bad mechanic for how it fails to communicate anything to the player. People were calling ADP a placebo stat for months because of how poorly anything about AGL was indicated by the game, and a big part of that was the fact you could still get hit by attacks that you visibly avoided.
You're plugging your ears and pretending a blatant flaw in the game is fine because you can just get used to it. "Just drive around the potholes in the road. They're always in the same place, so you should be used to them."
PC has hard data as the Steam numbers are public. PS4 can be estimated by activity in communities and streams.
>DaS2 is the third time they made the same game user.
Ha, I wish. I could tolerate bad bosses and mediocre level design if the fundamentals stayed the same, but they didn't.
>Not true for PC or PS4.
True for PC according to steamcharts.
I always have to wait forever to get invasions in Bloodborne. It's always instant in DS2.
>You are, DaS3 apes DeS almost as bad as DaS. It's not just the rolling being fast and costing too little, DaS3 would be tolerable if that was it, it's the obscenely quick recovery from a roll to cancel into another roll.
DeS has that too.
you suck
>when rolling is supposed to be your primary means of mitigating damage
You can block or outspace. Don't give me this shit.
If I get hit and stagger near the end of my roll, I know I rolled too late. It's pretty simple. Again, only a whiny child would piss himself and hate the game for it.
Then why do they want a port?
>Then why do they want a port?
Because online servers are off and a new release will get brand new servers, because the game most likely will run at 60fps/4k upscaled and most likely will have improved textures, sound, etc
never ever
Barely. He worked on DS3 to the extent of designing 3 areas for it. While in DeS, DS1 and BB he was the only director and a huge design influence, and the games were masterpieces.
Pretty dumb to call him a hack.
DeS is 100% far better than DS3. I haven't replayed DS3 even once after my first playthrough it was that boring.
>True for PC according to steamcharts.
Ledditors are doing an event, the current numbers are inflated. Give it 5 days, maybe 6.
>DeS has that too.
Nowhere near to the same extent, quit playing dumb.
How do you feel about Tanimura, user?
>PC has hard data as the Steam numbers are public. PS4 can be estimated by activity in communities and streams.
How can you even tell, "activity in communities and streams" is subjective as hell and player numbers on Steam don't differentiate between MP players and normal playthroughs.
You literally answered nothing. How can anyone factually say how big the multiplayer base of a Souls game currently is?
Good. I hope From never makes another sequel to anything ever again. Their games are always godlike when they are
1) New IPs
2) Directed by Miyazaki
When they make sequels, Miyazaki has zero interest and lets someone else do it, and it ends up being boring.
SOTFS unironically has the best gameplay. Inputs seemed to happen faster making it more responsive allowing you to 180 backstep backstabs
>It's pretty simple.
Of course it's fucking simple, much like yourself. Most people that dislike AGL still beat the game, nobody is saying it's too difficult to overcome. People are saying it's shit because it's conceptually shit. The idea of it is shit. The way it is (not) communicated to the player is shit. The overall implementation of AGL is a detriment to the game, well after the point you get used to it.
>You can block or outspace.
Or I could just not play such a poorly designed mess and instead play literally any other souls game. Even DaS3's fucking garbage rollspam is preferable to a game that locks souls' hallmark of damage mitigation behind a stat wall. Rolling is the most reactionary and interactive part of the game, and if you strip that away then you're left with some really terrible combat. Endurance with tiered rolling is infinitely superior in every way.
Same goes for you
Huh? That always worked. That's how I would level my World Tendency towards white usually, by helping other players kill bosses.
Maybe they're saying they don't want White Tendency for some reason.
The name alone is all the communication you need. Only an absolute retard would think "Agility has nothing to do with rolling". It was especially easy to figure out how useful ADP/Agility were if you dueled at an arena. The more investment in ADP I made, the more reliable my rolls become. It was easy to notice and itmatched up with basic common sense. Agility makes you more agile. Dodging is about agility.
how is it far from perfect? You could play it in 4k 60fps if you want to
The major bulk of people still playing these games are obsessive PvPfaggots, you know this if you spent even a few months playing these games. First timers must account for roughly 1/5 of the population, maybe 1/4 if a sale/Plus game of the month just happened. Must everyone play dumb in this thread?
>The name alone is all the communication you need.
Yes, because "Agility" also clues you in to the fact you have an imaginary friend that stands still every time you roll and if you let your imaginary friend get hit, you'll still take damage.
>directly linking r*setera
>is relatable fellow ((white guy)) /ourguy/?
People like you should be rounded up and shot in the back of the head
totally legit
old games......
Old games are the future of gaming because no one wants to play the forced tranny nigger shit coming out anymore
>The more investment in ADP I made, the more reliable my rolls become
With absolutely no visual indicators either. You might as well just put fucking evasion dice rolls at that point, because you have no idea of knowing how long you dodge for by having a linear increase in frames tied to a stat. Smart design would be making sure you always have the option to roll through an attack even with minimal possible AGL. Smarter design would be to just use a few breakpoints instead and tie it to something more flexible than a stat that you can alter on the fly, like equip load %, you know, like literally every other game in the series.
Maybe people wouldn't be obsessing about old games if Sony didn't go out of its way to turn their platform into a westernshit movie station.
>it's okay if nintendo does it
Would you prefer some more political moviegames then?
What kind of fag complains about a Demon's Souls remaster, not only will that mean it will have better graphics, the multiplayer will come back.
what did he design in ds3
Jason Schreier. That game journalist who defends microtransactions and says unlocking characters are bad. He occasionally leaks stuff.
No, Yui Tanimura spearheaded ds2's and ds3's development. Miyazaki was there for ds3 but was more akin to overseeing the process than directing (I could be a bit wrong though). Miya was there for the lore and storytelling that's for sure.
>Yui Tanimura spearheaded ds2
That's not exactly true. Shibuya (mis)handled 2 and Tanimura had to salvage it.
>completely different world
>different lore
>better aesthetic
>better weapons and armor
>"prototype" DkS
lol cope
i cry user
>world tendency bullshit
hopefully they improve on the system
hopefully they don't
world tendency might be flawed, but if they touch the game mechanically then I'm sure as fuck not going to buy it
i hope they keep it the same but make more tendency events
neck yourself you FUCKING CUNT
If they touch that, I will burn down Bluepoint.
High Wall of Lothric, Cathedral of the Deep and Irithyll. That was Miyazakis portion of DS3. Rest was Tanimura.
Bullshit? World Tendency was awesome. I hope they keep it the same and just add more to it. But this is a remaster, not a remake, so they won't.
I don't know why so many fucking people don't seem to understand what remaster or remake means, they are two completely different words.
Remaster is literally just the same game released again with higher textures and maybe some other improvements to graphics, nothing else.
I do not understand how stupid someone has to be to complain about DS1 remaster, when it is exactly what the word remaster promises to sell you.
but who said this was definitely going to be a "remaster" when we don't even know if it will exist
Well, the name of that thread is "will we ever get a DeS remaster" and Schreier said yes.
But on the other hand if Bluepoint is making one, then they would probably be making a remake, not a remaster, right.
feels like even if schreier knows it's a remake he would still say yes to the question "is it getting a remaster?"
Sony fucked the definition of remaster and remake, blame them
SotC by Bluepoint was a remake since it had entirely new assets and content (weird shrine thing and those collectables)
Demon's Souls will be the same, a "remaster" aka remake
Can't wait a for a new Jason right up on it on how gender specific armor is problematic in 2019
Yeah I thought of that too, he's a dumb journo kike that doesn't even play games, what does he know.
>Sony fucked the definition of remaster and remake, blame them
When did they ever do that?
>SotC by Bluepoint was a remake since it had entirely new assets and content (weird shrine thing and those collectables)
Yes, I know. And it was called a remake, as it is. Not a remaster. The PS3 HD version of SotC is called the remaster.
>ctrl + F "lolicon fantasy"
>No results
So disappointed, Yea Forums
Just emulate it.
>I do not understand how stupid someone has to be to complain about DS1 remaster
Because it makes the game worse. It's called a DEmaster.
Remake and Remaster are both the exact same thing, because too many remakes have been titled remaster. No one cares about your arbitrary definitions, deal with it.
but no servers bro
and I have a shit pc
You guys are doing something wrong. Works perfectly for me.
Maybe it'll get servers someday but I think it would be pretty dead.
Unironically my favorite moment in all of 'Soulsborne'.
I remember liking Yuria a lot but I haven't refreshed my memory of her quest.
I tried. :(
Get good.
Yurt was kino.
Miyazaki really does love his fair share of bare feet. Truly patrician, if you ask me.
and what get left in the dark, fomo is too strong
>there will never be a game like demon's souls
It hurts, I remember playing it on launch, i miss it
Would this include Xbone?
Really comfy.
Lmao, it's a sony IP bro.
i haven't played an RPG with that much soul, heart and love since.
pvpfags are all about broken builds, dunce
Literally everyone in this thread has disagreed with you.
>Nowhere near to the same extent, quit playing dumb.
DeS has the fastest protag in the franchise.