How do you respond without sounding mad?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Other urls found in this thread:
gg ez
>I'm not mad
Abc, easy as 123
like your mom
You can't respond without sounding mad so you don't respond or you respond pathetically and try to shame the aggressor into behaving better at a later date.
play exclusively SP and have a gf
Fuuuuu ! ;(
gg wp
or nothing depending on the game never respond to ruskies in csgo
I don't even play games where you can write this anymore.
t. Switch player
report them to thought police and get their money stolen
sry was afk what happened is it over?
it works cause its a joke response which means you aren't butthurt only interested in the keks and you enjoying a game even though you lost badly saps their enjoyment. because people who write stuff like this need to take the happiness away from you, deny them that and its as though they didn't win
Lol me is totes mad me swear haha ;P
>mfw I pissed off a dude so much in dota he went to my profile and starting spamming the comment section with how I should die
It a thing of beauty when you managed to buttfluster someone so much
>Quitting the second the match stops to find a new one
Nothing personel, kid
Just don't respond
but if ya do, do it nicely and politely cause it tilts the fuck out of them
You don't respond. Responding to people in games online is like trying to argue with somebody on Yea Forums.
fuck you
I just give a chuckle and move on. But I probably still sound mad
you too
Say that you will rape him and broadcast it through AM radios
>well at least im not an incel
>leave before anyone can say anything
>Reddit buzzwords
Fuck off
I don't.
I am in the winning team so my response would be : ^ to point at that comment.
this, give them anything and they win
gg wp
>LOLOL u totally are LE EZ GET REKT
These are both horrible options.
>tfw have friend who ALWAYS has to respond to some 13 year old's shitty insult when we lose
Goddamn bro chill
ur mom gay
At least I have chicken
>playing multiplayer games
>much less playing games with all chat enabled
If you EVER talk to anyone you don't know irl/already in your personal only skype/discord, you're just asking for a bad time
>you spelled nigger wrong
i just say gg, since i dont get mad about fucking videogames.
>can't handle bantz
>being this mad at any interaction
Next time, gadget
Stop making this thread
>implying I want to talk to or hear or waste my energy on randos in an online game
Who's mad? Turn off all chat, easy, any game worth it's shit will have a well defined ping system to get down to the basics
Only time I coverse with randos is when playing fighting games in an arcade irl, or rhythm games because it's not online so it's worth some pleasant interaction and people
You don't. Because hey expect you to reply, why would you do them that favor?
Much like this thread, ggez is bait. The only way to win is to not reply
This. These threads have been obsolete for a couple years now.
By winning. I've told this story before in these threads, but I don't mind sharing again
>Rocket League, 1v1
>Asshat keeps spamming "ggez" "What a save!" and "kys", the normal stuff
>I'm losing badly, at 1-6 with only 2 minutes left
>Somehow make this giant comeback and with a second on the clock left 6th goal
>Overtime lasts like 20 seconds before I score, winning
>Say in chat "Yeah, gg, ez. Asshole."
>10 minutes late get this on PSN
"Hey look man, I'm really sorry for the shit I said in game. I had a bad day at work. I guess I was taking it out on the first person I was going against. Sorry."
>Say back
"You're not sorry. You're upset you lost, and expect pity points for me beating your ass. Fuck off."
>Says to me "Fuck yourself. I try to apologize, and you act like a goddamn 5 year old? Screw you. Blocked."
What a shithead
Haven't seen this pasta in a while
Not technically a pasta. I post it anytime one of these threads appears
So, pasta
Like this
Why would you need to respond to that? Why do you keep making this thread, you retarded prick? You don't even play games online. You don't reply to gg whenever a match is over at all, it simply doesn't happen.
Stop begging for attention with this dumb shit.
>triggered incel
gee willikers!
Rape them in the next game without saying anything
>Quitting like a little bitch
>Not mad
Pick one
step 1: don't be mad
step 2: say whatever the fuck you want
>lol so mad you targeted me, stay upset friend :^)
>get beaten by some scrub in the cancer bridge in Dark Souls 2
>he starts gesturing like he's hot shit
>get summoned to a fight club after a few more fights, he's there
>he immediately runs to me and starts gesturing and mocking
>ignore him and go straight to the side, waiting for my turn
>force myself into stage when he's next
>get serious and beat his shit
>he gets resummoned, kill his ass every single time
>don't even gesture, do nothing, just beat his shit and go back to idle
>he's getting noticeably mad and doing worse
>he eventually tries to suckerpunch backstab me and gets gangraped by the entire club
Good times
you can't, all you can do is beat them in the next game and then say it yourself
no u
Whether they're laughing at you or mad at you, just say "ty" and you win
Continue to not say anything and dominate them. Nothing makes them madder
You already sound mad tho, dead thread
Do people still say this? What games are you playing? Overwatch? R6 Chubby Tranny Fanny?
If you're seeing or saying gg ez then you play some fucking lame ass games.
brb gotta check my tendies
They're all in different forms
anything that allows text exchange -> ggez
smash -> tbags you after they kill you. taunt message after the game
hearthstone -> ropes you. emotes you before and after killing you
COD -> ggez in mic form like "get fucked"
just few examples
They want you to respond, you dumb motherfucker. Just fucking ignore and move on.
Why would I ever talk to someone in a videogame?
Shitters get squashed no matter what user. Good on you
Literally all you need to type to take away a bunch of that faggot's satisfaction.
How do you respond to your squad teammate for saying this after the 99.99% success rate PvE mission?
by not responding and reporting.
>reporting someone for being mean to you
weak skinned faggot. you'll never thrive in this world
i hope you gave him the point down at the very end
i really miss ds2 pvp
I'm protecting the beta faggots from the mentally weak. I'm literally batman.
Pic related is you
ignore them and don't lose next time
>reported for toxic behavior :^)
DaS2 doesn't have the point down sadly, but it has the infuriating "no no no"
Quitting early because the post-game lobby crashes the client
kys autist
>How do you respond without sounding mad?
Why not just get super mad and copy paste in a bunch of stuff talking about how they only got that good to make up for their tiny dicks and you just don't have time because of your amazing job and fucking your 10 girlfriends and such?
Could you give me some advice on how to improve myself? I'm really struggling.
Imagine someone did says this in real life. are you just going to ignore it like a bitch and call the cops? they would just laugh at you
What is with the sudden popularity in using this word? Its just like "cringe".
A) you just seethe and use it to power yourself improving or
B) >Could you give me some advice on how to improve myself? I'm really struggling.
something like that works, or even just asking for any serious sites with advice. A lot of really good players are used to 99% of players being scrubs who don't actually care about improving and just bitch, but if by chance they encounter someone who also wants to git gud and might someday offer a really fun game they'll be glad. And if they just respond with trash at that point you know they're manchildren anyway.
>flaming the whole game and verbally abusing everyone around you
>getting mad over "ez"
>getting mad over being muted
>the cops
more like their manager or HR or something. And IRL unfortunately that is in fact often a very nasty strategy and in the modern age they don't laugh at all but rather it's a huge pain for whomever you accuse. Of course if it's over something trivial everyone else in the office will hate you.
its simple, really, you let him know that it in fact was not easy and you are not mad, then he will learn the error of his ways. just politely correct him, like i did
Don’t respond
every answer comes out to i'm mad anyways not that any of you prove it and it makes me laugh LOL
Stop making this thread your a huge faggot cunt nigger whore who fucks dogs cats and kids.
why do you feel the need to respond
Underages taking their vocabulary from their favourite streamers.
You get butthurt because they're responding to you. What do you expect? They aren't horrible options, you're just a little bitch.
eGG sqeEZe
just make something stupid out of the letters and it will confuse them.
i fucked you rmother bloody
joke of a game
He wants to sound calm, not as mad as possible
whenever someone does the passive aggressive face :D, :3 :) etc you know theyre seething with rage
Just don't respond at all?
Whenever I cross people like this, I always think about how insecure they are, what could have caused this, maybe an abusive father? It puts things into perspective, it's empowering for you, makes you able to come up with a deescalating response if you're a little empathic.
A couple of months ago I was in a road rage with a taxi, the old guy jumped out and started to throw a tantrum. I literally felt sad for him, and told him he probably has a really miserable life that he responds for a little inconvenience like this. To my biggest surprise he stopped instantly, said yes a couple of seconds later, and we started to talk on a much calmer level.
Imagine the other player's life. He sucks at school, family has no money, he has anxiety over the lack of gf, his sister mocks him for being a virgin.
He did one thing right, he beat you in a game, he doesn't know what to do with all the happy hormones in his brain, ego+anxiety confuses him, he has to overpower you even more
>gg ez
turns out it's not enough
>I bet u mad
he's pretty sure the other player is full on mad, instead, he's sad for him
There is no right answer, his anxiety will either pass or he'll shoot up a school because he was taught he shouldn't get help and only crazy people go to psychiatrists.
people who do dis irl are always the insecure ones who are trying to compensate
>I was in a road rage with a taxi, the old guy jumped out and started to throw a tantrum. I literally felt sad for him, and told him he probably has a really miserable life that he responds for a little inconvenience like this. To my biggest surprise he stopped instantly, said yes a couple of seconds later, and we started to talk on a much calmer level.
I'll take shit that didn't happen alex for 500
>or he'll shoot up a school because he was taught he shouldn't get help and only crazy people go to psychiatrists.
Less zoomers around sounds like a party to me WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COME ON GUYS THIS IS A PARTY LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!
You don't.
But if you do, make sure to use every meme Yea Forums has taught you.
>to my biggest surprise, he stopped instantly, said yes a couple of seconds later
this either never happened or it was in some softy left-wing shithole like california or most of canada
Its fun to use quick chat to respond. Rocket League has a bunch of great ones. Sadly not many games seem to take the time to create quick chat menus anymore.
Muted i win i mean i would mute forever in real life but that's faggots would shut your nigger cunt mouths real fucking quick if i had it my way.
Hungary, the rightest wing you can get in europe.
>123 replies
fine mooooooooooooooommmmmmmm i'm going to bed.
Assert dominance by writing Ez after every kill/sentence.
That's how i do it.
Ez clap.
Highly doubt it.
>implying the "gg ez" guy isnt himself SEETHING from my mid-game bants
just ignore it and participate in the other post game banter/ patch commentary
"hahahahaha XD add me" then continue to build a friendship with them over the course of a few months under the guise of being a cute fem gaymer girl. Flirt and have personal talks until he falls for you. Eventually he will declare his love for you to which you'll respond that you feel the same. Organize a video chat and at the opportune time reveal your true identity and call him a faggot. Have done this 5000000 times it really works!
you say "reeeeeeeeee"
GG EZ doesn't bother me unless if the fucker that spouts it is on the losing team. I don't know why but it sends an ethereal rage throughout my entire body
>gg ez
>reported :^)
try tongue but hole
Lmao nigger
>reported :^)
>implying he wont know its a man