Well Apex Legends is fucked. The only good game left is about to be EA’d to fuck.
Well Apex Legends is fucked. The only good game left is about to be EA’d to fuck
Well Apex was a good game while it lasted.
>all the diversity hires go to respawn
>electric boogaloo 6
Apex is like a wasp who existed to sting fortnite to death and then die
thank you stingyboi
Thank you stingyboi
Retail sales aren't that big anymore.
It's probably sold more digitally or played with EA's subscription model
thank you stingyboi
Thank you stingyboi
its amazing how just making another battle royale game was enough to blow up the fortnite bubble of delusion. even when you see zoomers opinions it just boils down to 'theres.. another br game.. that is sorta good too?? HUHHHH???????'
thank you stingyboi
thank you stingyboi
I really hate his videos. All he does is bitch and moan about business acting like business.
If you don’t like him, don’t watch him.
Suffice it to say you’re an idiot.
How is apex fucked?
It was a throwaway project for Respawn since Titanfall didn't do well and it managed to be huge. Now EA are going to go full Jew mode on it since its the only worthwhile thing they have up their sleeve.
EA owns Apex Legends, you fucking goon.
user, that user is an idiot and you were right to wonder what the logical disconnect was all about.
thank mr stinyboi
Loot boxes out the ass for apex since anthem which was supposed to be the big love service cash cow flopped
rip in peaces lil stingyboi
Yah know, kike, business doesn't have to always be greedy.
Thank you, Stingyboi.
Don’t forget FIFA. FIFA will keep EA alive until the human race collapses.
>Don't criticize the megacorp
>But do make fun of the voice against them
it's not even available for retail on the only platform that matters.
yong the fuck out of here
If you don't like a game, don't play it then.
This is what nu/v/ actually believes.
Thank you, Stingyboi.
I gotta play all of the games
fortnite dying is a bad thing. now all the kids are going to return to real games
No, they won't. They'll all just gravitate to the next big stupid thing as usual.
I actually like his videos, but I do feel he gets a little hot-tempered passionate in his reporting.
But the alternative of being bland and just stating the facts is even worse so I'll take his temper.
What does Apex Legends have to do with Anthem, where are you making this connection
>thank you stingyboi
Sounds about right yeah. What's the problem?
>t. patrician insect analogy
the fear is that since anthem, which worked on EA's heavy monetization model, failed, EA will shutdown Bioware to save money (and out of spite) and then start pushing their marketing style onto Apex Legends, even though EA's clearly noticed Apex legends has been successful expressly because of their lack of meddling.
Wasps can sting people multiple times. Its bees that can only sting you once.
Even though everyone will strawman this as an EA drone thing, aren't the reports about physical sales or did I read something wrong? I thought it was pretty accepted that digital usually takes up the most of sales for a lot of games now
70% of that video is stuff he already said in previous videos.
the surge of general-consensus echo channels are pure cancer.
good thing the only worthwhile things in loot boxes are legendary skins and execution animations, anything else is easy peasy to craft
Took someone this long. Thank you, user.
what will happen to anthem now:
EA will move teams around, focus more on Apex and upcoming projects. Cut funding and resources to Anthem. Give Anthem a bare bones team for 'continued support' and then kill it in two years. MTX will also be ramped up for Anthem to gauge the idiots that stick around to try and make up for lost sales.
Apex will eventually also suffer, because although gameplay is fun, it lacks the incentive for monetisation that Fortnite has for a simple reason: it is first person. Without seeing what you buy in gameplay, there is no pressure to buy. Battle Royale is also undoubtedly flavour of the month.
EA will EVENTUALLY fuck respawn. It's in their nature.
I'm actually genuinely enjoying playing Anthem and it's the only biowank game i've ever liked.
So I can't tell if I'm retarded or if everyone else is.
Physical sales are still porportional tor digitlal. And andromeda was just last year. Even if it's lower, a 90 percent drop is still car crash levels.
>Can sting multiple times without dying
>Still managed to sting something so much that it killed itself
That is one fucking pissed off wasp.
I think after a year or two, IF they can unfuck anthem enough, which is a titanic fucking if, they go free to play.
the fuckers literally cant resist getting their greedy hands all over everything
even though they know it wont work long term they're still going to fuck the game
It's more action oriented than their other titles. Like what you like user. Personally I think it's not bad, just not a finished game.
>PUBG becomes the next big thing for the general audience
>"Haha! There is no stopping it! You're all mad!"
>Fortnite Battle Royale shows up, becomes next big thing for the general audience
>"Haha! There is no stopping it! You're all mad!"
>Apex Legends shows up, becomes the next big thing for the general audience
And so the cycle continues.
How is apex fucked because anthem sucks ass? or am i being memed
Apex is only as good as it is because EA ignored it.
I'm convinced that this guy's channel is an exercise put to him by his ESL teacher where he just reads comments he finds on reddit.
these titles are hyper flashes in the pan.
they are always just awaiting the next one, but then again, this is how most of the videogame market is.
only weebs care about specific titles over just genre-centric launches now.
fortnite had unprecedented success in the history of vidya
this is right now
based obese losers
It's going to get all the attention from EA's higher ups to maximize its profit margin.
Imagine EA being a pair of obnoxious, smothering helicopter parents to one of their kids who are only doing it because if that kid succeeds it'll make them a ton of money. Anthem was the kid they were pushing to no end that just snapped their back at cheerleader tryouts so now they're spinning around to the ignored kid: Apex Legends and wondering what skill, talent or hobby they can be exploitative with.
Both games made by studios bought out by the same company that is notorious for corporate meddling and killing their creative output.
It's one thing to be greedy, like Activision is greedy but at least they usually make money from their practices. EA is greedy to a fault, they will always aim for short term profits over long term gains
Fuck off, youtube shill.
Fortnite #s literally propped by 3 streamers right now to be fair
So Apex is the backup QB that came in and played well when Anthem got injured as the starter and EA is the dickhead coach. OK I got it now
Yong is a farmer for outrage clicks so I don't care about his videos, it's just irritating to see people here act like EA and blatantly predetory microtransactions are somehow defendable just because obnoxious youtubers make pateron bucks talking about why they're bad
YES! thank you wasp
Does ea
A. Leave apex ledgends alone and let chad respawn do what they do
B. Stick their corporate cocks in it and force ungodly amounts of loot boxes and microtransactions
Considering option A requires ea to be self aware I'd say it's option B
Just with the addition that Anthem was only set to be QB because his family has connections, not because he was any good.
Anthem was injured in the offseason but lied and said they were ok
>Varsity Blues: Vidya Edition
>Start releasing unfinished games for full price
>People stop buying them before they're finished
I'm glad the market is reacting reasonably to this bullshit.
Wasps don't die after they sting though. Are you some kind of retard?
Praise Mr stingyboi he lives to sting again!
>these followed channels
Including Anthem, the last 3 major EA releases have had price drops immediately following launch. (Andromeda, BF5, Anthem)
Why buy a game full price I it's on sale a week later? They're training consumers to not buy their products full price.
>Anthem has less views than Metro Exodus which is a solo game
Big oof
Who is that cute bug? I've seen art of her before but I don't know who she is.
>cosmetics look like garbage
>characters look like garbage
>autists are garbage
>they're selling the first for 18 bucks a pop
Is anyone actually surprised it failed almost immiedaly? The only reason it was given any attention was because f2p, that's it.
She's a fucking cockroach.
EA is going to do what EA do and that's B.
Yes, and?
While digital sales are definitely on the rise, retail sales still make the bulk of them for consoles, which is where games coincidentally sell the most. Yongyea made a good video talking about it here
Also, Anthem going on sale by ~30% just two days after the "official" launch indicates that the game is not doing well at all
thank you stingyboi
He is right, all of these things are bad.
This is shit also, as it is politically biased and helps betacucks give money to whores. Hatreon was great while it lasted.
>apex legends sudenly is dying
>0 sources
is this the MOAB(aits)?
>just chatting
I will never not be triggered by this.
Fucking twitch thots.
Bioware is a shambling corpse EA parades around because they know they Bioware fanboys will eat anything up Because "DUN KILL MUH BIOWARE PLEASE!!" Dear god they're pathetic.
In fairness it is a predominantly PC game, and PC doesn't do physical. I am sure, it is doing somewhat better when you factor in Origin Access Premium, whatever the fuck the console equivalent is called etc. They seemed to really want you to get their subscriptions rather than buy the game physically. Which makes sense.
The saddest part of this debacle, is it is actually really good mechanically, has an interesting world, and good art design. I can't help but think about how awesome this would be if it was a Mass Effect style single player campaign. Like the next big Bioware IP. ahh well hopefully they are forced to go low budget enough to make a good CRPG now.
>physical sales
this but unironically
this one not so much
EA = Company I am indifferent towards, as I judge all their games on a case to case basis and their value proposition, just as I would any game from any publisher
ACTIVISION Company I am indifferent towards, as I judge all their games on a case to case basis and their value proposition, just as I would any game from any publisher.
LOOTBOXES a system I am not too fond of, but if it is in a free or cheaper game, I think it is a fair monetization policy. As long as it is cosmetic I will never support it, but never run away from a game because of it either.
GAMBLING is a recreational activity that people are more than welcome to participate in if they enjoy, but should be cautious about addiction, it is also a great way to generate tax revenue.
PATREON is a company of which I am indifferent towards, but generally will not give money to because there is nothing in it for me. However if it allows jewtubers to be more edgy or niche than advertising based monetization would allow. I am grateful for.
What do I win?
Yong can do some interesting videos if he tries. The Death Stranding trailer analysis or the 40min video about the Unsong Stories development are interesting for example.
Now, he's making 10min long video repeating the exact same shit, and talking about bland stuffs that could be told in a single tweet.
He completely went full quantity over quality.
It doesn't help that all these "video game commentators" such as the quartering, upper echelon games, laymen gaming, reviewtechusa... are basically the exact same shit.
>fornite killed unreal tournament
it hurts
ReviewTechUSA is the ultimate manipulative piece of shit cuck on YT
He's a double dipper who wants both jewtube ad money and patron shekels so all his vids have padding to hit the 10 minute mark because algorithms like 10+ minute view. He'd make less if he just gave the 3 minute note take part.
Nobody played Titanfall so nobody complains about all the reused and formerly scrapped assets in Apex. It's genius what they did with the pieces of what obviously was a Titanfall 3 development originally.
This is false. I played Titanfall.
Nice "source" you have there.
>EA = Company I am indifferent towards
>What do I win?
I do not own any shares in, nor work for EA. So I have no reason to have an opinion towards them one way or another. I liked DA:O, liked titanfall 2, dislike Anthem, think Apex Legends is okay. I fail to see why the logo of the publisher should have any sway on my opinion.
Less viewers than Sea of Thieves. Anthem is a failure.
Sea of Thieves is good though. I just need to convince my friends to play it...
sleep tight stingyboi
>release a full priced game as a service
>broken as fuck / invasive micro transactions
>make a decent chunk of money
>game goes F2P
>makes more money from micro transactions and newly inflated playerbase
pretty smart business plan, making people pay full price to beta test a f2p game
>make a decent chunk of money
The game isn't selling though. It's a flop.
Why would anyone watch anthem streams though, its all PvE.
Shroud does the same for Apex.
>physical sales
also those sales are still more than they would have gotten just releasing the game free to begin with
>Good mechanically
I’d say more like passable. It works on a basic level, but is super repetitive and has brain dead enemies clearly designed for multiple players only.
>Interesting world
False the world is boring as shit. The premise was decent, but never amounts to anything.
>Art design
The suits look cool but a lot of the designs are just recycled over and over and the city is only okay looking. The Citidel from ME1 was way more interesting.
I mean they clearly shouldn’t do another shooter anytime soon, but I honestly wonder if they have the talent to really deliver a good CRPG experience, especially since Divinity 2 set a high standard just recently. With destiny’s quality of plot and worldbuilding I doubt it. Also implying the EA suits would greenlight a CRPG in 2019.
WE need a bingo Yong Yea edition
*anthem’s level.
oh yes
Kinda, but there’s a lot of competition. Fortnite is way up there, especially midday, because school kids tune in when they get back home to a few famous names.
Doesn't he hate on consoles while simultaneously make tons of videos on consoles?
>It works on a basic level, but is super repetitive and has brain dead enemies clearly designed for multiple players only.
That is why I said mechanically. The flying, shooting, physics are fine, just applied to a stale online grindfest rather than tailored campaign.
>The premise was decent, but never amounts to anything.
Because of the online shit focus instead of narrative or campaign focus.
>since Divinity 2 set a high standard just recently
Divinity 2 is shit, and I would rather play the worst dragon age entries.
"Selling well" doesn't mean shit to investors
After 20 times of "not interested", fucking jewtube still pushes this shit to me. Saw one video, 10 seconds of it. I hate this chink.
It was constantly recommending Will Smith until youtube rewind
>This nigga just said he'd rather play DA2 than Divinity 2
thank you stingyboi
How do you count the people getting it through Origin subscription though? There is a chunk of people who are playing anthem because they are Origin subscribers, not because they bought the game. Is there a way to find that number? Just sales alone might be slightly warped by the subscription thing they have going on.
>Zoomer alert
Those people effectively made a single $15 payment, one quarter of MSRP, and when they unsubscribe the game is revoked from their account meaning they won't be paying into microtransactions. The likelihood of sticking around more than two months is extremely slim given how little content there is.
I'm aware of how the subscription works, and that does not answer the question.
>Shake the Joy-Con to doubt faster
Good shit
I doubt many people will renew their subscription to finish the game
This was a weird Mr. Mosquito sequel.
Yeah its just the logo of the publisher that people are judging them for, not because they have a massive impact on how these games are made and sold. Let's go over EA on a series-by-series basis:
Mass Effect:
>Developed before EA acquired Bioware. Developed with help of MS. EA ruined the franchise
>Consistently inferior to its competitors. Improved only to become Western Gacha
>Inferior to competitors, EA bought the exclusive license to kill competitors
>Acquired by DICE from another dev then acquired by EA. Now basically gacha as well after failing to compete with CoD
Need for Speed:
>Hit or Miss. EA developed this and had some good entries. But the current one is gacha and the last decent one was like....5 or 6 years ago
Black and White:
>A good series because EA wanted to dick measure with Activision. Driven to the ground by EAs incompetence
Wow what a great company
thank you stingyboi
>have a shitty "beta"/timed demo that is a buggy mess
>very little variety
>clear as day setup for microtransactions for a shit ton of cosmetics
gee I wonder why
My point was that the subscription is effectively irrelevant because it brings in much less money over the long term, which is the entire point of live service games.
>make a derivative ripoff of the looter shooter Destiny
>take SO LONG that not only is Destiny dead, Destiny 2 is ALSO dead
>developers fail to account for why Destiny flopped so badly and just copy it but with less content and more technical issues
Either corporate incompetence and inability to agilely pivot their business paradigm, or maybe EA managers were just embezzling the money.
EA not being involved in Apex is a marketing line.
The only reason Respawn made a battle royale is because it was mandated by EA.