Everyday is a good day when you play this game.
Which happy little game Yea Forums?
Everyday is a good day when you play this game
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misadventures of tron bonne
The game of looking at 2D waifus.
Mario Paint.
Every day I had with Ragnarok Online was great.
Just paint a little bush and some titanium white with the edge of the knife then beat the devil out of them.
Best way to spend a lazy weekend
No such game exists.
It's alright user, gotta have the bad games so you know when the good games come around.
Yakuza is the comfiest series ever
Teuton Strong
Animal Crossing
SS13, but since im banned, there are no more good days.
I find myself happiest when I'm playing Hunger Games.
Post 48.
Play a different serb
I like Fallout-esque RPGs. FO1&2, Underrail, Wasteland 2. Scratches an itch for me.
Stardew Valley, any pokemon game from gen 1-4
Kirby on game boy
Banned from everything that's not colonial marines or a server with 5 people on it and I barely was able to not get banned for accidentally breaching the ships hull a couple times as a xeno.
try atom rpg
I had a pet deer once. There were a lot of floods in my area, and my dog found it without a mother. It got sick while we kept nursing it inside, so my family left it outside to die. To me, it looked healthier outside, but still needed the milk. I kept feeding it without my parents' knowledge. Over time, it got bigger and bigger, and after a few weeks, it was clearly going to survive. It basically became my second dog, and I loved him very much. We lived in the middle of the woods so we wouldn't have to worry about it getting seen, and it never went far from the house. Eventually if it tried, I was going to put an orange vest on him that I had prepared.
One night, I thought I heard a child scream. I come outside, and I find him bleeding to death. The neighbors' dog attacked him, and he couldn't fight back. He died shortly after I found him, and I buried him in our yard.
I miss him very much.
is in
I fucking hate dogs and the smelly people that keep them. hope you poisoned the dumb mutt
There is no better feeling than climbing up the map difficulties little by little, seeing a little bit of improvement evey day.
>inb4 ironic weeb
sh-shut up
Unless you know someone who knows their shit, domesticating deer is a challenge. My sympathies for learning that lesson the hard way.
I would have murdered the dog with my bare hands. I hope you did too.
Can you imagine this man yelling around profanities and commanding a whole squad of soldiers.
any old gen pokemon games. anything before pokemon x/y, i remember more about my rom hack pokemon red than i do my x/y/sun/moon/omegaruby game files. sad. but playin the old ones make me rejoice. that and any 3D mario. ;0
I'm waiting on the good games right now.
Based. Too bad I didn't brought my vita to the beach to play it here
bob ross was a drill seargent and his afro was an accident that was permanent
It's on my list, thanks m8
You're probably not going to get 48 but I'll contribute anyways.
For me, it's stepmania.
Once, I got to talk with the creator of a pack I like a lot here on the 4chans, and he was very surprised that I perfected a stepmap he did in 3 tries. I suggested he added a song I love to his next pack. I stopped playing for a couple of years, and recently download the old packs I liked plus new ones. Lo and behold, the song I suggested was there. It's my favorite moment in my life, even if it's pretty insignificant and silly.
Please don't write children books.
I just thought of something.
Now that we can build ceilings and shiet we can actually start domesticating these things.
You can't jump over a fence if there is a fucking ceiling at the top!
Isn't there a general for that in /trash/?