Anthem is FLOPPING

Price cuts already begun.

Where's that one guy that kept on saying that we were going to buy the game anyways and that it was going to be huge hit? I wan't to laugh at his stupid face.

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Imagine buying games on release day for full price, when you could just wait a week and get it for half the price.

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Not even a week if you go by their "official"-full release day which was just 3 days ago if I remember correctly.

Fuck I just paid 60 on the Microsoft store. Oh well it'll look great on my xbox one.

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is that guy shitting himself?

>buying anthem

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EA should just slam all of their games in cereal boxes like the old days.

I hope you mean One X.

It's the only mech like game out

Maybe on xbox, on ps4 there's a whole host of gundam games and there's the armored core games from last gen. Plus there's daemon x machina coming out on switch. All these games offer infinitely superior customisation and gameplay compared to anthem.

>buying anthem
>buying anthem on a console

Hope you have fun you brainlet. Enjoy the 2 minute load screen just to change your gear

who doesnt want a loading screen simulator.

>that part of longguys video where it shoved that loading screens took longer than the mission.

What system are you playing on? My ps4 pro loads the forge screen in under 30 seconds and match making takes less than 2 mins

Shallow western garbage flopped. Everyone knew this would happen.

>Anthem gets raped by Andromeda

Oh no no no no..
Dude look at his game!

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Most people went digital over the last couple years so physical sale numbers aren't the best way to tell how the game is doing. I personally enjoy the game more than Destiny and the free dlc is a bonus. I'm hoping the game does well despite EA being in the picture

I imagine One X with an SSD is the best way to play it if you're not running a thousand+ dollar PC.

Don't be delusional. It's ok to personally enjoy this horrid trash, but it's dead. Better get out of it what you can, while you can.

Game runs fast on my ps4 pro but is slow as fuck on my base ps4

yes but the physical sales are still good indicator since they are proportional to whole sales and thus can be compared, so if one tittle has more/less than other tittle then that tittle almost certainly sold more/less overall copies also.

They have been good indicator thus far, I don't see that changing until they outright stop the physical sales all together.

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Digital game sales were still a big thing 2 years ago when Andromeda came out. Not only that but review scores and general reception seem poor. Price cuts already don't paint a good picture either.

You have a good point. I can't wait for the day digital sales put Game stop out of business lmao

The japs are back to fucking western shits in the ass again. What a time to be alive. See you next month for round 2: electric boogaloo

>Some of the best mechwarrior games are all out on PC right now, including MWO for free (which is not anywhere near being the best, but is a decent mech simulator and entry into the series.)
Come on console pleb, save your money from not buying a console and five new "AAA" games and build your own budget gaming PC. Join the master race and save the industry.

Meh, consoleniggers will buy this turd regardless, they have dogshit taste.

Shut up and go back to WOW

You mean that game that's currently dying?
Like I said, consoleniggers have dogshit taste.

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> buying anthem
> giving EA money

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> consoleniggers have shit taste
translates to
> I like hentai games

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Imagine buying these games at all

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It’s almosr sad

Yes that's why modern releases like Andromeda and Destiny 2, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Resident Evil 2 were used to highlight Anthem's poor sales.

Earth Defence Force shits on this game's grave so hard.

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>under 30 seconds

I've not seen a load screen longer than 10 seconds in a very long time

I seriously hope Bioware gets killed off by EA at this point. I hate watching them pump out all these shitty games.