Games that make you FEEL

What games have had the biggest impact on you? Emotionally? What scene or gameplay element?

For me, The Metal Gear Solid games have impacted my life in a huge way; They make me feel like nothing else despite being just games. The Boss in MGS 3, Snake coming to cope with his mortality in MGS 4; Some of my absolute favorite scenes in particular

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Some STALKER and Rain World had this feeling to me. The feeling also didn't come from cutscenes, just the combination of gameplay with everything else going on in the game. I can't pinpoint the exact emotional moment on Stalker because it's been so long but in Rain World is was the way to Five Pebbles, it's just a feeling of ascension towards something truly great and mysterious. It climaxes very beautifully.

STALKER absolutely nails the atmosphere. Did you have any mods installed or was this base game?

I have done both. I think that STALKER really excels at its quiet moments between the shootouts, when you're just hanging out with fellow stalkers or exploring some unknown area waiting for things to go south.

Ive never played Rain World but from the quick search I did, it looks beautiful. Is there anything about STALKER you would change if you were able to?

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>The Boss in MGS 3
Imagine having this much shit taste in media

What's this?

What would you consider high quality?

Some short VN written by a clinically depressed British girl that I found eerily relatable.

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I think that the vanilla is too headshot-heavy and too buggy overall, but the core experience is so solid that most changes would just be polish and refinements instead of anything major. Stalker is a great game with lots of personality, like Rain World actually.

Btw in MGS2 I really like the scene where Raiden throws away his dog tag with the player name, it's so meta and fits with the game's themes too.


Was it a feeling of "This game rationalizes things the same way I do" orsomething else that made it stand out?

I thought the same thing about MGS 2, it was a meta experience and blew my mind. I would also have to agree with what you said about STALKER; are there any other games that have gotten this type of atmosphere for you? Ive heard the new Metro game was pretty good as far as story driven FPS's go but I have not played it yet.

First come first serve.
I have a Steam key spare for MGSV: TPP that I want to give away. I already own this game and it was given to me via Humble Bundle. Since this is an extant MGS thread (kinda) I thought I might as well share it here. Have fun!

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Rance series. Taught me how to be a better man.

Fuck, man. That would have been a punch to the gut a couple of years ago. Though I almost fell back into that habit this year, because I found myself with a few months of "free time".


Ever since MGS3 white grass lilies have unironically been one of my favorite flowers. Even if they don't magically change colors.

More like it explained a lot of my own behavior to me. Made me feel like shit.

Asphyxia, it's on Steam

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The original Nier, the version with dad nier. I didn't know there was another version at the time (on xbox), and i grabbed the game randomly off a shelf because of the box art. What a ride. A middle-aged protagonist father who merely wanted to save his daughter's life and was humble and above no work. It was a refreshing thing, and the slow comprehension of the shades' language and story bits exposed through the various endings until Nier literally deletes himself from existence in the hopes of saving others, really struck a chord with me emotionally. It was a great piece of art, fuck you if you think otherwise.

Nier:A could have been good too, but the end was a cop-out; it's like sugary candy... it was fun at the time, and hard to put down and engaging, but ultimately because it's so 4th-wall oriented, it fails the in-game narrative and ultimately betrays the storyline and cohesion. It wraps you up for a short time, but the 4th wall "Silly little games" etcetc does nothing for the actual plot and is a jarringly disconnected set of events, in the aftermath. Still a good game, but i think the segway into 4th-wall-break was a huge error.

All 3 of Ueda's games. TLG especially. That games ending is the most I've ever cried at any sort of media.

I know this game gets memed a lot here but Gothic has really comfy music.

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the Maiden Astrea & Garl Vinland encounter from Demon's Souls

Appreciate it very much user; its the only MGS Ive never played to date

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Hey, that's fair. Made me rethink what I was doing and what my concept of a demon really was

I haven't played Metro and haven't found any proper comparisons to STALKER, in video games at least. There's that distinct slav melancholy in the game and most studios don't seem to want to make this sort of atmosphere.

White flower fields make for a great setting, both Gehrman and The Boss were amazing fights.

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>tfw fucking crying to a PSP game
What kind of man am I?!

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Unfortunately, Ive only played Automata and loved it. I plan to go back through the originals of Neir and Drakengard because of it. Maybe its because I played and loved Automata, I will love the original even more

Probably gonna get flak for it, but the ending of Portal 2 gave me a weird feeling when the roof opened up. Mixture of disbelief and wonder at the possibilities.

Really disappointed we never got a Portal DM game.

Someone who is able to appreciate a game even with the constraints and limitations of how it is presented. I am the kind of guy that really liked 358/2 Days despite the mess that is the overarching plot

DeS had many good ones
>You fool. Don’t you understand? No one wishes to go on…
>You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you.

If it is what touched you, who am I to judge you. Maybe I was the one who did not have the ability to appreciate the scene when I played it

DeS deserves a proper remaster;and by remaster I mean HD re-release. I appreciate it so much more after putting a lot of time into DS3, which was where my love for the souls series bloomed

MGS2 ending always fucks me up. From The AI, to Solidus's speech about wanting to triumph over the Patriots in the name of freedom, Snake's speech about carving your own path and legacy, and Raiden talking to rose at the end with those shots in New York followed by Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday. Pure fucking kino.

Rain World: reaching the top of the wall and seeing all the buildings in the distance. I didn't even understand the story at that point but it was just really emotional to see all those other worlds in the distance and to see how big the world really was, especially after the very exhausting climb to the top of the world.

You should at least play the original Nier. I highly suggest father nier version; brother nier version loses a lot of the impact if you ask me; I'm a father though so maybe that's why. I have a daughter and i feel like father nier is really relatable and written well... he's just a simple dad trying to fix his incurable daughter.

Drakengard are good too but wildly different from nier and a lot more 'anime' and over the top/bizzaro.