Attached: 1538584360119.jpg (1276x1438, 499K)
Sebastian Nelson
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Brayden Foster
draw distance on the bottom is horrible. who would play that?
Parker Fisher
Henry Hill
Discuss what? The fact that they’re both unfinished games?
Jason Flores
Both of these games are mediocre. They had such potential, if only they were allowed more development time.
Brody James
Jacob Johnson
Are you asking why does breath of the wild have such muddy, muted colors? Because I don't know.
Evan Martinez
Wind Waker objectively has the most soul out of all Zelda games. BoTW was trash, trash dungeons and trash mechanics.
Juan Butler
Where does botw take place in the timeline?
Dominic Jones
the time where the textures and trees hadn't loaded yet
Ethan Davis
>muh bloodbourne
death to all niggers and women, fuck the janitors too
Ryder James
A unique art style is timeless.
Cooper Reed
>using WWHD as a visual comparison when its overuse of bloom was a recurring criticism
At least use the original to make your point.
Michael Price
Why they chose to make BotW so washed out looking is beyond me
Even reshade doesn't fix it in every case, since dark scenes will end up with crushed blacks. Really pisses me off
Samuel Kelly
BoTW was way more fun than WW. All those pointless little islands purely had irrelevant shit like heart containers
Rent free
Alexander Fisher
Wind Waker actually has absurdly good draw distance, at least with models and animations if not with textures.
Jeremiah Hall
Yeah, the tech demo is fun for a few hours
Owen Torres
Nathan Taylor
Brayden Hall
hurr durr
quadruple based
Luis Thomas
>trash dungeons
It didn't have any dungeons
Dominic Jones
>All those pointless little islands purely had irrelevant shit like heart containers
Kinda like shrines, huh
Colton Nguyen
OP is a mongofag
Connor Nelson
Liam Green
Enjoyed both of them.
Michael Ortiz
Liam Mitchell
The original Wind Waker had soul, the HD "remake" snuffed it out. BotW also had soul.
Jordan Smith
Justin Martinez
At least compare similar looking scenes.
Benjamin Rogers
Top: Soulless
Bottom: Maximum Soul
Evan Jackson
Why does BotW have such washed-out colors?
Noah Edwards
WW is still the better of the two. Hell even SS is the superior version that was the trash that was overstrench tech demo of BoTW
Hudson Wood
Because it's a different art style and the screenshot is during midday. Also because of atmospheric perspective
Daniel Wilson
Lucas Clark
Kayden Martin
Both games look nice. I don’t understand the weird insecurities WW fans have.
Kayden Mitchell
they both look terrible.
botw overdid it on the cel-shading and has the washed-out color pallette of a gba game.
wind waker has an atrocious artstyle. i'll never understand what possessed them to make a zelda game that looks like animal crossing, but it doesn't work at all.
Kayden Cooper
You can’t debate this
Angel Murphy
Does anyone actually enjoy the dungeons in Zelda? I think that's why they got rid of them in BOTW. Games should be enjoyable.
Joshua Taylor
>wind waker has an atrocious artstyle. i'll never understand what possessed them to make a zelda game that looks like animal crossing, but it doesn't work at all.
you really need to work on your taste
Juan Edwards
The WERE enjoyable, but the last few games focused way too much on them to the detriment of everything outside of them. BOTW leans in the opposit direction, but it’s forgiven since it’s a nice change of pace. The next game will hopefully find the right balance.
Ayden Ortiz
>I haven't played the game BTW
Connor Flores
>zelda spinoff
>zelda game
James Watson
They thought the fog would better hide how low poly everything is in the distance. Also presumably trying to emulate the pastels in most Studio Ghibli movies
Colton Phillips
It hides the short draw distance/pop-in
Jason Martinez
>why they got rid of them in BOTW
They didn't get rid of them, they broke them down into bite sized segments that no longer need to be cohesive with each other and don't put off ADHD kids who can't concentrate on more than a 5 minute task
Dungeons are the staple of Zelda. If this is where Zelda is going then it's not Zelda anymore. They should call the series BotW at this point and drop Zelda from the name
Isaiah Ortiz
In the secret 4th timeline in which Ganon and Link team up and gangbang Zelda.
Austin Watson
I guess, though it doesn't visually 'read' to my eyes as fog, not like what you see in old N64 games. Though I see the Ghibli inspiration
Jace Brooks
Reminder that BOTW will always be GOTY 2017 and none of your shitposting will ever diminish from that.
Stay mad, faggots
Thomas Bailey
>Be Windwaker
>Only have 8 Islands out of 49 that have stuff do on them
The absolute state of Wind Waker, and Wind Waker babbys.
Matthew Cruz
The “fog” is weather and climate dependent.
Elijah Sanders
It intensifies in some conditions but it's always there, even in the clearest weather. It's how they hide LoD
Blake Jackson
Jordan Kelly
It's such a shame that Yea Forums will forever shitpost and downplay the best game in the Zelda series just because it's popular and consolewarrior spam.
Adam Robinson
Recognizing faults isn't necessarily shitposting
Samuel Gonzalez
>WW even remotely as good as BOTW
wew lad
Charles Barnes
But OP’s post is a shitpost, which is probably what he’s responding to.
Zachary Torres
The console war meme doesn't really hold when I played a superior version for free on my PC and still thought it was a 6/10 at best.
Christopher Garcia
shouldn't you be eating glue or something
Colton Edwards
>best game in the Zelda series
Fuck off zoomer. People like you are the reason why people shitpost about it
Liam Morris
>naboris just running in circles
Ian Perez
Jayden Ward
I don't get it.
John Smith
I know you are doing the contrarian thing, but SS doesn’t look as good as you probably think it did.
Tyler Rivera
You've gotten so desperate you resorted to comparing BoTW to fucking Wind Waker? The game that's 90 percent ocean?
Daniel Thompson
Still waiting for another zelda game where sword-wielding enemies are an actual challenge and not just "wait for them to drop their guard and then swing"
Nicholas Flores
>Vast open area with tons of variety and stuff to do.
>Tiny island that looks like all the other islands with barely anything to do on most in a vast ocean of nothing.
Kayden Collins
It doesn't. BotW follows the literal legend theory
Blake Lee
botw doesn't have a great soundt-
Adrian Gonzalez
Isn’t this literally how sword fighting works?
Nathaniel Wilson
play Adventure of Link
Brody Flores
>but it's always there, even in the clearest weather
The video you quoted literally shows otherwise, watch the whole thing.
The problem is that it's more uncommon than it should be.
Jackson Rivera
>low res youtube video
>cherry picked gameplay
Gabriel Ross
Oliver Reed
Im not understanding your point here, WW was unfinished and had absolute dogshit dungeons
Carson Hill
>pre-release shot from an E3 stream at 480p
>final product with the smallest island in game and huge empty ocean behing
These are two bad images to compare
Noah Roberts
>a massive, content filled open world with loads to do and countless things to explore in a single screenshot alone
>absolutely fucking nothing but water
yeah botw is tonnes better than shitty ww. we already knew this.
Sebastian Jenkins
if you don't like dungeon crawling, why on earth are you playing a zelda game in the first place?
botw is the classic example of a series getting ruined by catering to people who like the brand because it's trendy but don't actually like the games.
Chase Bailey
Adventure sucks dick and nobody can convince me otherwise
Isaac Peterson
>empty world without water
>empty world with water
at least WW had multiple actual dungeons though
Matthew Rogers
huh? i haven't seen anyone shitposting or downplaying link to the past.
Brody Jones
Damn, you got me. Only WW was unfinished.
Chase Young
Shut up zoomer.
Hudson Sullivan
LOL that's putting those two retards in their place. Both made retarded as fuck comments.
Brandon Ross
>being this ass pained because you were called out on a dumb as fuck post
And you're still doing it retard!
Jonathan Parker
Dark Souls is better than every Zelda combined.
Asher Phillips
Okay, okay, I got you. Both of these games are 10/10 masterpieces and any criticisms should be ignored.
Alexander Wright
yikes! stay tuned
Parker Turner
yet somehow you posted the worst version of it
Julian Ward
Runs better than the ps3 version I have
Levi Diaz
BOTW has no level design or soundtrack in the overworld- typical of an open-world game.
But while hiking through a barren empty desert that kills you unless you eat the anti-hot fruit you have to wonder who would choose this over any other formula of game design.
At least in MGSV you started with a horse and could quickly get a jeep
Hunter Hernandez
Bruh just run nekkid
Jayden Clark
Top image is an incredible game where you make your own journey
Bottom image is an incredible game where the journey is made for you and you follow along its path
Was that supposed to be difficult?
David Flores
Leo Stewart
a long ass time after the other games, at least a long ass time after OoT
Gavin Jenkins
Better is subjective and meaningless, but it's clearly this generation's Zelda.
It really preserves the sense of adventure people speak about OOT or LTTP having.
Meanwhile mainline Zelda has been shitting itself for like 13 years
Asher Baker
Sea traveling is absolutely amazing. For like half an hour. After that it becomes tedious as fuck.
Colton Moore
WW town actually felt full of life.
Jacob Young
>you can choose which guardian beast to go after, but can really go anywhere you want
>you have a set path of temples to visit, but can really go anywhere you want
Dunno, they both had a pretty huge degree of freedom. WW was the first Zelda game that had that sense of adventure for me, without killing the progression mechanics of the game. BotW basically shit all over that by giving you all progression items at the beginning (not to say it was bad, just that it deviated largely from the series)
Liam Jackson
>WW was the first Zelda game that had that sense of adventure for me
What was your first Zelda?
Cameron Foster
The Legend of Zelda
Noah Reed
I doubt that if you think WW was the first Zelda that gave any sense of adventure
Christian Lopez
can't i like both
Landon Wright
Breath of the Wild and MGSV suffer from a lot of the same shit.
>Reach Ganon's Castle/OKB Zero
>Think "yeah open world is neat but holy shit remember level design?"
>Feel despair knowing the whole game could have been like those last sections but they fell for open world jewery
Jack Harris
It's been a bit since i played ww so forgive me but besides all the extra content (which there is lots of) it all seemed rather linear to me
BOTW yes the items are all received in the beginning but the game isn't about that to me, in fact it only supports my point that anything can be done in any order (instead of having to wait to open an item-gate). I spent like 30 hours just fucking around and exploring and cooking and finding new parts of the map before even deciding to go and do a Divine Beast. You can do anything in any order, unlock all the divine beasts first and then go to do them 1 at a time, just doing 1 region at a time, or any kind of mish mash. I had so much fun just going back and forth between parts of the world and treating it like it was real life rather than being on a track. Don't get me wrong, WW was great and the freedom felt very real, but it was still just an illusion at the end of the day
John Cruz
And Hateno Village was also full of life, but that would require you playing the game to actually know.
Nolan Thomas
I was in grade school, what to do and where to go was very much what kids talked about back then. There didn't seem to be any point to the game besides to proceed through the ordered dungeon list. NES games didn't inspire me. I didn't feel like I was in a grand world, I always knew I was playing a video game.
LTTP is still my favorite but WW was the first game that really felt like a grand adventure. There was a huge ocean and tons of islands to explore. Not tiles of pixels, actual islands, things looked like what they were supposed to be. I loved it. I explored each one without really caring about the game's story making a note of which ones I was missing things to proceed
Xavier Stewart do botw towns? Every individual villager has their own daily schedule, many of them also have sidequests.
They feel full of life in pretty much the exact same way WW did, so I don't understand where your contrarian pissing and moaning comes from.
Jaxon Reed
I'd like to see what a high end Botw looks like with better rendering and less washed out.
Jose Fisher
I'd rather travel across a landscape that sail across the color blue to be quite honest
While BoTW has things to discover, Wind Waker has one island per square with over half having literally one point of interest with no need to ever return
Dylan Gutierrez
>if you don't like dungeon crawling, why on earth are you playing a zelda game in the first place?
Because Zelda does adventure really well whenever you're engaging with all the overworld stuff. All the dungeons do is obfuscate that feeling, and very few of them are any good.
Brayden Anderson
>not tiles of pixels
So I assume you missed out on what's known as the greatest Zelda/game ever made? You should go back and play it now, it's on 3DS
Cameron Rogers
The two Zelda games that value quantity over quality and freedom over focused level design. What else is there to say? It's a shame botw doesn't run at 1080p or stable 30fps.
Aaron Harris
top = soul
Benjamin Sanchez
Pretty sure you're not using the term dungeon crawling in the correct context. That shit is for RPG's with large sprawling dungeons where you have to basically grind or "crawl" through it, or spend lots of time to accomplish various goals. Zelda dungeons are just more puzzles like in the overworld, just in a more contained form.
Dylan Peterson
Anyone calling TWW HD soulful is a blind underage retard.
They completely butchered the artstyle of the orignal in the remake.
Michael Gutierrez
I sure hope you're not referring to ALBW
I've played most of them, when they were new
Michael Martinez
Both excellent games, easily some of the best in the history of the media
Zachary Phillips
BotW seems to be some sort of reconciled/converged timeline of the child and adult eras, but I think it's just its own thing and they didn't bother with it this time around. If it fits anywhere I think it would have to be really far into the future of the child era.
Alexander Thompson
the sad thing to me is that Skyward Sword kind of did a lot of dungeons fairy well, with the concept of opening a central shortcut as you progress in case you need to leave to resupply. Earlier Zelda dungeons were designed to be taken on all at once, and could be very aggravating to leave midway through to pick up supplies or do something else for a while and come back.
Unfortunately, Skyward Sword's overworld is the worst part, so getting to the dungeons is always a unique, special shitshow of dowsing, collecting or simply navigating bad overworld design/mechanics. It also doesn't help that there's maybe two good bosses in the whole game, and no great ones.
BotW nailed the overworld so hard it basically had no room left for dungeons, so my hope is their next original Zelda game to come out has a bit more dungeon focus. The ingredients are all there, Shrines are fantastic little bite-sized snack dungeons, and Hyrule Castle is super fun to explore and tackle at any point in your journey, be it a stealthy early-game run to snag some end-game equipment or charging in from the front and taking on the whole castle at the end of your playthrough.
I just really wish there were like 3 locations of that level of quality, instead of 1 real dungeon at the end, 4 fidget cubes for cheat abilities, and a 120 boxes of 10-piece puzzles for fun-sized snickers.
Anthony Thomas
I obviously meant OoT, released before WW and has no tiled sprites - gave many a sense of adventure
Camden Thompson
I like his hat
Xavier Johnson
lol, it's not even the best Zelda game on the N64.
Isaiah Jackson
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Oracle of Ages
Oracle of Seasons
The Wind Waker
The Minish Cap
Four Swords Adventures
A Link Between Worlds
Twilight Princess
Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
Skyward Sword
Joseph Price
I said what's KNOWN as the greatest Zelda/game ever made, did I say anything that is incorrect, you utter faggot?
Ethan White
Swap WW and BotW
Carter White
>soul doesn't exis-
Connor Sanders
I'm not fond of OoT at all. I could write pages about what I disliked about it but mostly it boils down to feeling like a premature shift to 3D without the sense of verticality that later games developed, especially in dungeon design, and ultimately it only really tried to emulate LTTP. I'm not a fan of 5th gen low poly 3D either, it was primitive and entirely a generation too soon. Regardless I've played both of the 3D remakes of the N64 games and I like MM much better
Alexander Howard
Not a bad list but I'd argue that no Zelda game is actually BAD.
Landon Cooper
I don't even like SS at all, it's a bad zelda game, but at least it's a fully finished game. BoTW was literally an extended tech demo.
Brayden Stewart
Can I say OoT has aged badly without being accused of being a zoomer?
Lincoln Wright
You can say whatever you want. The list is just my opinion.
Jeremiah Adams
top soul
bottom soulless
simple as
Thomas Garcia
Kill yourself nigger
Luke Davis
>Be Ocarina of time
>1/2 of the game is backtracking through old areas
>Be Majora's mask
>Only have 4 temples
>Be Twilight Princess
>Tutorial is 2 hours long, and bug hunting is aids
>Be Skyward Sword
>Never played it desu
>Be Breath of the wild
>lol no dungeons.
Jaxon Sullivan
A Link to the Past
Majora's Mask
Wind Waker
Breath of the Wild
Minish Cap
Oracle games
Twilight Princess
Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda
A Link Between Worlds
The rest of the canon games
CD-I shit.
Thomas Cruz
BOTW is unironically the best zelda game
Joseph Richardson
There's no need for hostility my friend. Its just my opinion.
Brody Collins
Sounds like someone who played it in 2012
Back in 1998 there was plenty of verticality with Death Mountain, Water Temple, Spirit Temple, etc. - Plenty of it, and more.
>tried to emulate LTTP
You mean it used the formula every Zelda ever uses until BOTW finally broke it? Oh, wow.
Samuel Young
The Legend of Zelda
Ocarina of Time
Breath of the Wild
Link's Awakening
A Link to the Past
Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess
Wind Waker
Zelda 2
A Link between Worlds
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
didn't the rest
Sebastian Murphy
Its audio is also compressed to oblivion.
Xavier Diaz
>liking games
up yours nigger
Tyler Lewis
Oot, MM, Botw
>Really Good
WW, ALBW, Oracles, ALTTP, LA
>Obviously outdated but classics for a reason
>LoZ, Zelda 2
>Meh but redeeming qualities
TP, SS, Minish Cap
Phantom Hourglass,
Julian Sanchez
>Sounds like someone who played it in 2012
No. I played it in 1997 or whenever it was. Didn't finish it but got adult Link and kinda lost interest. I was pretty addicted to playing Quake (or was it Quake 2 already) online back then and Nintendo's poor attempt at 3D just didn't at all interest me.
I really despise the 5th generation. It felt like a complete downgrade to the 4th. We were getting high quality pixel art and suddenly we were getting low quality mostly untextured polygons.
Owen Collins
What the hell are you talking about? You make yourself sound stupid by calling Nintendo's release of OoT a "poor attempt at 3D" when the world besides you praises them for the same exact game.
Step outside of yourself. You sound fucking delusional.
Tyler Jenkins
But it wasn’t. It had the most content of any Zelda before it.
Nathan Martinez
I'm really sorry my opinion bothers you this much
Brandon Smith
It's not your opinion that bothers me, it's your ignorance. You're allowed to feel like Zelda's 3D was subpar to Quake but you should recognize that the majority of the gaming community praised it very largely, and still reference it as a major influence.
Sadly, you won't recognize this simple fact.
Juan Fisher
I have proof that Adventure doesn't suck dick.
Cameron Hernandez
>You mean it used the formula every Zelda ever uses until BOTW finally broke it? Oh, wow.
I also really disagree with this. MM was completely different. WW was completely different. TP was *maybe* close but SS was again different.
LTTP and OOT are the most similar games in the franchise, structurally. It really felt like they were trying to make LTTP in 3D. I preferred it in 2D, and I didn't feel like they did anything to warrant the addition of a whole other dimension. I mean, dungeons in LTTP already had multiple floors in the same room thanks to depth perception, and OOT really didn't do anything that couldn't have been accomplished in 2D, which is what I mean by lack of verticality. It wasn't until MM that dungeons became impossible in the 2D engine, as you started having switches on the ceiling and shit
David Adams
>you should recognize that the majority of the gaming community praised it very largely
I'm well aware, but how do you want me to work my opinion around this framework? It doesn't change how I feel.
I hate the 5th generation with a passion dude, I don't think you understand. This looks awful to me
Christian Walker
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, sorry.
I'm not sure how one climbs all the way up the Deku tree in a 2d space, or how they navigate through the Water Temple and it's multiple water levels.
Sure, anything can be translated into a 2D/3D space, but in that case so can fucking ceiling-levers. Is that really your golden goose of an example? A ceiling lever is what makes MM stand apart from ALTTP while OoT is just a literal clone?
Na, you're just nonsensical. Sorry.
Mason Taylor
Hey that's fair for sure. To me the graphics wouldn't hinder my sense of adventure in a game, but to each their own
Elijah Barnes
Well your opinion is pretty good overall
Isaiah King
far adult timeline, canonically
cant be fucked to cite myself but im sure its just a google away
Zachary Lewis
The timeline is a stupid idea overall and they should just ignore and make games do whatever.
James Butler
The timeline is fucking retarded and makes zero sense. The existence of BotW being 10,000 years ahead of it is proof of that.
"Hey let's release a timeline before our brand new game that isn't a rerelease (WW/TP) or a direct sequel (ALBW) and then say the game is WAAAAAY after every branch of the timeline! Genius!
Josiah Cox
The deku tree was mostly semented into floors. Nothing happened between floors, so you could have written it all out like floors just like you had the tower of hera. And falling through the floor and ending up on a bottom floor is something LTTP did first. They basically did most of the things the 3D games did already with the limitation of 2D representation.
The ice tower and the rotating dungeon in MM (I can't remember what they were called) were fundamentally impossible in 2D. And yeah, it's subtle changes, but to me it shows they were actually thinking about what you could do in 3D as opposed to just trying to copy LTTP. But anyway I didn't actually play MM until the 3DS because I had already given up on the N64 at that point, so I didn't experience that until later
My original point was about WW and how it had the first sense of grand adventure, and I still maintain that. Even if the world was mostly ocean, it still felt enormous, and the art (while some didn't like it) didn't felt technologically constrained by primitive hardware. By comparison, the largest area in OoT was the main field and that was mostly just grass. It felt like little more than a hub to the game's other areas
Dylan Gonzalez
get it now ?
Daniel Thomas
The only enjoyable 3d zeldas.
Michael Smith
Logan Walker
Official sources are conflicting.
It was once said that it took place at the end of all three branches (not the same as convergence).
But more recently, one of the directors or something said that they'll never reveal its placement.
So it's not really clear.
Don't have the sources on me as I heard this like a year ago but look it up.
Michael Reed
Yea I mean for sure I understand if you found WW was the first to have a grand sense of adventure
Just still not sure what you mean by MM not being able to translate to 2D while OoT could. I mean, what about things like angling the mirrors in the Spirit Temple? Things like shooting an arrow to hit an eye at just the right spot. That can 'technically' be done in some kind of converted, bastardized version in 2D, sure, but it wouldn't at all be the same as how it works in a 3D space.
Oliver Fisher
Top: Soul
Bottom: Soulless
Brandon Gutierrez
No, post more.
Owen Long
Cameron Nguyen
A Link to the Past is so fucking boring though.
Ethan Morris
Sorry I’m late
Jason Ramirez
Skipping the WiiU would be a GREAT idea for the Zelda, given how tiny the WiiU available memory is.
It's 1GB of memory on the WiiU vs 3.5GB of memory on the switch.
And i'm pretty sure that the blurry textures from BoTW come from that.
Alexander Cruz
Stonetoss isn't welcome here, keep that shit in /pol/
Luke Barnes
tfw I won't receive a response to this, as I never do when I make an objectively correct point that can not be refuted.
Ah well. As long as I know I'm right. I do feel second-hand embarrassment for the person who had to stop replying to me though.
William Price
you triggered snowflake?
Christopher Flores
botw proves the opposite. the dungeons you zoomers complained about were replaced with far more tedious copy-pasted shrines or more korok seeds to put towards the golden turd at the end of the game as "rewards" for exploring. i'd much rather have dungeons than that crap.
Kayden Rogers
BOTW is bound to get its eventual amped up rerelease one day.But I still won't play it
Mason Sanchez
Well, imagine ALBW could have been exactly the same game with a rotating camera instead of a fixed overhead camera, you could even convince people it was meant to be a 3D Zelda game. I have the same impression of OoT, that if we fixed the camera over head, we could easily make a top down Zelda out of it with little difficulty. I'm probably wrong, and there's obviously parts that were inspired use of 3D, it just wasn't my initial impression of the game when I played it long ago
Jackson Rogers
Top: Soul
Bottom: Soulless remake
Camden Martin
Anyone know what this fucking faggot was trying to say?
Apparently OoT is a LTTP clone because it could be converted into a 2D space, but MM can not because "ceiling levers" won't allow it to be converted to a 2D space. I pointed out things like arrow targets that are placed in various vertical levels of a room, and got no response from this absolutely wrong dumb stupid faggot.
So, he's wrong and I'm right, anyone wanna disagree?
Chase Sanchez
takes place after Skyward
Nathaniel Ross
>Still living rent free in the average Yea Forumsirgins mind to this day.
Really says a lot.
Thomas Long
Hmm, okay, fair enough, you saying you're probably wrong put me out of my miserable rage, thank you for recognizing that fact
Justin Cruz
>Three plus years Yea Forums has been crying about BOTW
Eli Nguyen
this is getting sad
John Nguyen
also please feel free to ignore my rageposts here and here
Parker Miller
I was born in the 80's and LoZ was my first Zelda game. I'm probably older than you.
Dungeon crawling is the worst aspect of the Zelda series. I can count the number of actual well-designed dungeons in the entire franchise on one hand. They're not good. Maybe if you 90's born millenials understood what makes Zelda stand out (i.e. its overworlds), you wouldn't perpetually have those OoT brand rose tinted goggles glued to your faces.
Parker Watson
Found a comic you might like, discord tranny
Colton Fisher
Botw has shitty dialogue. No sense in talking to most NPC's, and you always get repeated dialogue with essential NPC's. There's nothing interesting happening in the towns are night, and hardly a purpose of visiting towns outside of progressing the story and buying gear.
Sebastian Hernandez
As someone who had many problems with BOTW, graphics imo wasn't even one that even bothered me. I would've not given a shit about the graphics had it fulfilled in other things I personally thought it lacked. The graphics are gonna age well anyway.
Luis Sanders
Michael Davis
Fucking how?
Tyler Williams
LTTP was a 3 dimensional perspective. So if you had arrow targets on higher or lower ground it could still be accomplished. OOT certainly allowed for more intricacy, but how often did it actually take advantage of it?
Jonathan Perry
There was a rotating dungeon in Ocarina of Time as well you dumb fuck.
>pic related in 2D
>Water Temple in 2D
>desert waypoints in 2D
>horseback archery in 2D
Even the first boss fight requires you to go into first-person and look at the ceiling. Stop posting anytime.
Benjamin Morris
This is really sad
Aiden Gutierrez
Eh i dunno, i hear your point though and maybe OoT only has a minor number of examples where 3d is really taken advantage of, but it's for sure not '0', as long as we can agree with that i'm good
Benjamin Barnes
You sound buttset (butthurt+upset).
Lucas Perry
>auto aims your way through
Thomas Morales
So why is it that everytime someone makes a thread like this they exclusively use screenshots from the worst hours of the day/night cycle? I mean I fully agree that that the blown out lighting during that period looks like fucking garbage, but the rest of time it looks fine. I think the only thing that the overall visuals need is lower gamma.
Asher Jackson
>Your own mind is your worst enemy
How do you draw and write something like this and not immediately connect the dots as you finish?
Luis Russell
i prefer 2d zeldas to 3d and i think lttp is the best zelda game, not oot, so i don't have oot brand rose tinted goggles at all.
zelda used to be known for great dungeons like ganon's tower (lttp), snowpeak ruins, city in the sky, temple of droplets, etc. even skyward shit had memorable dungeons. now zelda is known for a bland, generic, empty open world like countless other aaa games from this decade because zoomers don't have the attention span for real dungeons.
William Ramirez
Did the dungeon itself actually rotate? Wasn't it just this hallway?
It's been a long time since I played OoT since it's not a favorite
Owen Green
Parker Butler
Jonathan Robinson
>Only the opposition is angry, not me.
It's cute how this place still acts like their on an elementary school playground right down to "Da Kool Kidz" mentality, makes sense that people still covet Nintendo as a Do-No-Wrong company.
Angel Nelson
You can start with an argument ;)
Camden Torres
Ryder Brown
Leo Anderson
>Circumcision is wrong and unnatural
This isn't a real Sophie comic, is it?
Daniel James
MH got fucked even more
Landon Diaz
Lincoln Torres
WindWaker is my second favourite Zelda. It was just fucking amazing. I liked sailing for hours. I hate that people didn't like the sailing. I hate that shit. It was so relaxing.
Jackson Brooks
a bunch of rooms at the end of the hall way
Water Temple is a better example. You are constantly moving along the Z axis using the iron boots, swimming, and the hook shot, along with changing the water level. And if you know what you're doing, using some sick acrobatics.
Asher Hughes
I hate that people consider the sailing acceptable, but here we are
Ethan King
And I hate that you suck dicks, so here we are indeed.
Michael Powell
>Water Temple is a better example. You are constantly moving along the Z axis using the iron boots, swimming, and the hook shot, along with changing the water level. And if you know what you're doing, using some sick acrobatics.
Because we've never done any of that before
All I remember about the boot mechanic is it being annoying as fuck to switch in and out
Brandon Martinez
sounds like some latent projecting desu