Why am i addicted to this game?! its my first DQ game ever

why am i addicted to this game?! its my first DQ game ever.

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Probably because you're used to shitty western games so play an actual good game is a new sensation for you.

superior japanese game design folded a million times

Should I get it right now or wait for the Switch version?

i dont know. im enjoying it just fine on the ps4.

Get now and just buy the switch version later, it's good enough that you'll want to play it again anyways.

Id wait

i've played every mainline DQ and this one rules.

really feels like a DQ, which is good considering how trash 8 was, I don't have to recommend this game anymore.

Because it's comfy, charming and doesn't take itself seriously unlike every western RPG.

if you need it now get the PC version, but the switch will be the better version.

Will Switch have orchestrated soundtrack?


enjoy doing 100hours + the same shit over and over again.

Considering how gorgeous the game was, the switch will have inferior graphics and that's a shame

Yes. And Japanese voices, and some extra content.

rofl insecure fucks

it is very charming. true. world of final tantasy doesn't compare. but that game has its pros as well.

i dont the art is ugly as fuck, dragon ball z faces are trash

Really wanted to enjoy this game , but battle music and music overall was so shit , couldn't force myself to play more than 3 hours.

Has a downgrade actually been officially confirmed?

Kek based

You can tell from the direct footage.

Switch of course
Orchestrated music, 2d mode, new character stories, japanese dub and likely more new features to come

back up your save files manually if you're playing on PC, steam cloud fucked mine up around act 3 and I gotta start from scratch. Apparently this happened to other people around the same time

thanks to that it's going right back into the backlog

because it's masterfully crafted. you don't need to re-invent the wheel every time and Enix understands this with their DQ series. they know what they do and do it well.

DQXI is one of the most gorgeous games this generation. It would be a disservice to play a graphically downgraded version. And SE hasn't denied the new content will be coming to PC and PS4 Pro, and knowing how much they love money you can bet on the fact that it will (either via a re-release or DLC).

I really don't know what it is about DQ games but I 100%'d this one and started a fresh file a few days after.
What the fuck is it, bros. No other JRPG does this for me.

Well, supposedly DQXIS will be Switch exclusive. As in, the physical game with everything on it. I imagine that the other stuff will get a DLC release, like in World of FF Maxima. It would be dumb not to, and this IS SE, who loves to milk as much money as their fans are willing to throw at them. I imagine I can buy DQXI for PS4 for 30 bucks, and get the DLC for 20.

Square sent me a copyright warning for downloading the Orchestra soundtrack mod

I'm taking the risk and double dipping just for 16 bit glory

Does it have Jap audio?

I dont understand the appeal of the 16 bit mode when the game looks amazing as it is.

I would definitely pay $20 for the DLC. 1 1/2-2 years after original launch is just about long enough to warrant a replay too.

yup. cast was announced too. Ami Koshimizu is playing Martina

They've already denied it

Dragon Quest is more about the adventure than about the story, I think that helps.

I am just waiting for confirmation that the extra content is coming to other platforms. If it is, and even if it takes longer to get them than in Switch, I can wait

No they haven't, they've done the opposite. When asked point blank in an interview the producer said he would not comment (i.e. he would not deny it). This is marketing spin for 'yes it is coming but we can't say that just yet'.

It is but it won't be announced until after XIS is released for obvious reasons. You can probably expect it Q1 2020.

>nostalgia for older games in series
>change of pace for a second or third play through
Gee I wonder


Welcome to the most consistent and solid franchise of all time OP, even all the spin-offs are great.

Make absolutely sure you play Dragon Quest V and VIII.


Isnt the new content published by Nintendo though?

>how trash 8 was

only the switch platform. the IP and the content belongs to SE

You nailed exactly what I love so much about the Dragon Quest games. It really is more about the adventure itself rather than the story.

Why are you telling lies?
They said they were undecided.
If anything at all, it might be paid dlc in a couple of years

too bad you have to turn off vo and music to not want to kys

I'll take the orchestrated ost, extra content and portability for a little hit graphics wise. I'll probably buy the PC version anyway for HQ gfx and mods.

>hurr they denied
>hurr it's undecided
>hurr but at least you don't get the 16-bit version hue hue

if it was really "exclusive" they would be obligated to flat out deny it. not denying it is marketing 101 tactic which can implicitly mean it's on the table. add that to the fact square enix loves money. 1+1=???. this isn't rocket science.

They've already stated it's exclusive content in the direct.
Why are you so upset anyways?

If you're addicted to this, just wait until you play a good DQ game.

how do I do well at this forging stuff? I usually start with sizzly puff and kind of just wing it from there, is there anything special I need to know?

like which one? 5 and 8 as recommended above?

5 and 8 are both good calls. 9 if you can do co op