What should be done about this webm?
What should be done about this webm?
what an hero
Why is Kratos sad?
Max Payne 4 looking good
I just use it when people shit-talk a game or character I like and harvest (you)s as vengeance.
Post the original.
Who had it worse, him or the Dr. Phil dad?
Boy is no longer boy
I guess it doesn't matter. Both died on the inside a long time ago. Must be worse than seeing your relative die.
The dr phil dad could not even try and pretend his "son" was a human being
The 40%er on Dr. Phil looked a lot worse so I'd say his dad.
it doesn't matter
everything is fucked
What an incredibly autistic image
do you even know what that means? Christ, everybody is a fucking retard too.
I dont get it its just a reaction image webm
found the retarded nigger
Thank you for proving my point you massive autists
Based and redpilled reply.
Why is Yea Forums absolutely obsessed with trannies?
>gaypill thread goes down
>tranny thread comes up
>post yfw the mods are having a debate on whether to delete this or not
dumb tranny mods
Gaypill is best pill.
Deal with it, whitey, I'm gonna impregnate your women and they're gonna love it. Got a sister? I hope you're ready for a couple of brown nieces and nephews. Got a daughter? I'll give you sooo many brown grandchildren to yell at when you get old and decrepit. America's future is a rich, chocolatey brown, cracker, deal with it
Imagine believing this.
good riddence all the boomers who hated trannys will die off based
Based, white women need some melanin
>when white incels LARP as niggers on a chinese washing board
In case you haven't noticed Yea Forums is really really unhappy.
Since trans people occupy the same spaces as them and are kinda weird they have become the new Yea Forums boogeyman fueled by /pol/.
They think that trans people are trying to brainwash the masses or some bullshit.
Don't think about it too much, it's Yea Forums being retarded.
is there a yt video of this
whether it's trannies or not, we do have a problem with faggots constantly posting traps
it's the new mlp syndrome
t. tranny
>Don't think about it too much
meanwhile let your kid subscribe to desmond is uhmazing for proper brain dmg
Basically this, there's a fucking board for your faggot trannies /lgbt/ or whatever. Get the fuck off our heterosexual boards. Yea Forums never was and never will be a board for faggot trannies.
People have posted traps on Yea Forums since before MLP became a big thing.
>if you think the trans propaganda is fucked up then you're a /pol/tard
wow, the lies we tell ourselves I guess
>Yea Forums
kys and fuck off faggot
I'm not a tranny
I only cross dress, stay mad
>kinda weird
Pic related was an adolescent boy
it used to be ironically
it's not funny anymore and i'm fucking tired of threads devolving into tranny discussion
The real reason is that most people find them repulsive on a very fundamental level and Yea Forums in general is one of the only places where you can actually express that sentiment. As their presence is shoved further into the public eye so does frustration and it gets vented here.
dumb /pol/tard newfag
>I'm not a tranny
>I only act like one, stay mad
>Yea Forums
Discord tranny pls go
i bet he visits /pol/ more often than most of people in this thread. only triggered trannies and libtards use the /pol/ meme.
there's still 40% chance i end up happy.
>trans people exist
>some people might be trans
>you shouldn't be an asshole to them for no reason
I bet you think that talking about how gay people exist in sex ed is part of the gay agenda too.
This is the state of you retards. The acknowledgement that something which exists exists and that it isn't evil is "propaganda."
>muh 40%
You'd kill yourself too if the entire world was shitting on you all day every day.
>cross dressing = trans
based retard
Why do gays hate trannies? I hate both of them.
>Yea Forums
This faggot is worse than every other faggot and /pol/tard on 4chanz
>You'd kill yourself too if the entire world was shitting on you all day every day.
>pretends to be a girl
>not a tranny
>iphone poster
nothing to see here
Trannies took over /lgbt/
>complain about trannies making off-topic threads
>proceed to make off-topic threads
hello newfag
stop posting your disgusting fetish on a video game board and maybe people will hate you less
Not this time, faggot.
What's wrong with abortion?
I love 4chanx
imagine spammin redditwith pol memes and complain when you get banned. this is how retarded you sound. fuck off.
>every single poster on Yea Forums has always loved traps
Go to steamcommunity.com
Find the ugliest tranny from the profile pics.
I miss cboyardee...
>make an off topic thread
>gets mad it’s off topic.
It's not fair, nobody ever gets banned for being a creepy girl fetishist
Deuteronomy 22:5
>implying the party won't win in the end
3 and i masturbate to star butterfly
it's really easy to set up a strawman so you can knock it down, isn't it
>the acknowledgement that something which exists and that it isn't evil is "propaganda"
who are you quoting here? of course trans people exist, it's the attempt to legitimize them as "NORMAL" that is the propaganda element. straight people make up the vast majority of the population, and that is what's considered normal, full stop. everything outside of this is an aberration whether you like it or not. gay, trans, and whatever other denomination you've got up your sleeve are all abnormal variants. campaigning to brainwash the populace into believing something that is in conflict with objective reality is the definition of propaganda.
no, but they knew the difference
>follow my magical sky wizard book!!!!!
Masturbate to Midna instead
Imagine being depressed because you feel oppressed by fake strawmen you created in your head.
Wew lad, I feel sorry for you.
I just really hate trannies and take every opportunity I can to let them know.
you already had it filtered fucktard
the truth is trannies have completely ruined traps and futa, its impossible to separate them at this point
how do you make images like this?
That level of hate isn’t healthy.
Loki changed sex again.
>when their strongest supporter turn against them since they realize that it hurts them more then anyone elset
Only retards can't seperate them
Based and jesuspilled
this thread, the current state of the site and the internet at large, and your post proves its not a strawman
Since when do we have actual faggots defending this shit on here?
Telling /pol/fags to shut the fuck up and getting called a communist for doing so is one thing, but this is just repulsive.
Crawl back to your savespaces you subhumans, both of you.
Thank god. This shit doesnt get called out enough. Guess the zoomers really do outnumber us here
Yes it is. Trannies are enemies of mankind.
> even male to females are better than females
i'm glad that "trannies" do this kind of shit
this is the world you wanted
Trannies are based and pinkpilled
How old is this image now
its all the same to anyone who isnt gay
>t. 40%er
all of these waifus are trash
Except it isn't
We don't have dubs on here you nigger.
Seems accurate.
If I see one, I might.
Just dropped in to say that the pathetic people who enable and thirst over traps ironically create more trannies, the very people they shitpost.
Almost all traps turn to trannies, they get older, they hit gay death and become desperate so they turn to hormones to vainly save their looks, and no matter what they get support from the sad Yea Forumsirgins thus reaffirming their attitude and they spread it like a cancer
people like chris chan are not based at all
What does that mean?
I can confirm, the only thing worse than seeing someone you love and care for die is someone you love and care for being ruined.
The Dr.Phil dad was probably an actor
Who the fuck would bring such a delicate family issue to national TV? (Unless they get paid several thousands for their participation)
There's a 40% chance of suicide in your future.
the image suggests that the author's nation is being overrun by foreigners. so from his perspective abortions are bad because they cause the native population's birth rate to decline below sustainable levels
At least gay people have an excuse not to reproduce.
What is yours?
At this point I'm desperate enough to roll anyway
How bad can it get?
>according to a 1980, report.
Finished it for you.
>androgynous monster men
>androgynous monster men who think they are girls
not a big difference to an outside observer
Imma fuck the guitarist
This board loves traps but hates trannies when they are both just as bad, you all deserve the rope to be quite honest with you lads.
Honestly there is no fucking difference. Both are mentally ill and trying to appear as women.
Well I am not trans...
stay mad straight fags
t.cross dresser
I only like 2D traps
sure faggot, whatever helps you sleep at night
tl;dr 2014
Based and redpilled
what an awful list
What. The fuck does this mean? WHAT DOES HAVE ME?!
>transition being this accepted by anyone outside of upper class LA
/pol/tards really do live in an echo chamber
I don't blame people for being paranoid after what happened in /r9k/ with Reiko's tranny cult.
>Attempted suicide
>Female - 44%
>MTF - 42%
>Male - 38 %
>Cross dresser (male) - 21%
>tranny cult
I would 100% rather have a gay kid then a trans kid.
The technology/medicine isnt there yet for these people transitioning. Maybe in 50-100 years
48 get
50 is also acceptable
I barely remember this fiasco, I know it fucked off a lot of people over there - but I don't browse /r9k/ - can I get a quick rundown?
tl;dr Tranny Discord server that plots to make endless trap/tranny love/acceptance threads on r9k
Open r9k's catalog at any given time and there will be a trap/tranny thread somewhere on there, guaranteed
>part-time one gender/part-time another
Ok now this is getting ridicoulous
this is where discord tranny originated cause it was a real thing
>Trap ERP discord server
>hundreds of people there
>admin (Reiko) decided to dox random underages into going into HRT
>one of the doxxed kid kills himself live on /r9k/
>whole site froze for almost a day
they still exist but Reiko is under investigation. the server is still alive
oh no, the horror!
I want the best one
The date is in the picture you worthless retard
come here let me show you
It's American TV so they obviously love any chance to BTFO white men with lefty degeneracy. A perfect opportunity to show an example of how white men are in the wrong but can be taught to accept trannies. They obviously didn't expect so much sympathy for the suffering father though. They might even wish they hadn't aired that episode.
See They're the original tranny discord. Rumors say that the guy who killed himself with a shotgun was one of their victims. Because of them the tranny discord boogeyman exist.
There are lots who have to be one gender around one social group and the other around a different social group. Like trans people who act like their birth gender around family/coworkers.
>cross-dressing males are the master race
It's been ridiculous for so long we can't turn back anymore.
yikes waifus (rolling)
Pretty much. Cute boys are what we all want.
>oh no, the horror!
tranny pls kys
>something is happening on another board
>bring it here
One thing trannies and trapfags have in common is that they are both delusional and insist that everyone can be turned gay and be feminized if they try hard enough
The idea that masculine men who don't hate themselves exist is alien to them
That kid that was doxxed - was he the one that killed himself with a KSG whilst wearing that mask?
Maybe you should kill yourself then.
>Being a tranny isn't a ment-
start by not posting the wrong version
yeah. Poor kid, especially the mother that witnessed it
newfags usually think this is just /pol/ invasion but this tranny discord thing is real and there's a reason why everyone hates them
>wearing cute dresses is the key for happiness
What video game is this guy from?
No need, I like my dick a lot.
Yeah, I'm drawing a blank on this one.
Hi, what's going on in this thread :3
Of course! What is this, the videogame board?
just imagine the horror
lmao Dr. Phil is just a shit show that loves drama because it gets views
not everything fits your mental illness induced political agenda.
Fuck off, Alex/Damiyo.
Go lose more Siege games.
>tfw lowest suicide rate
>look at me everyone! I'm so special because I don't care at all about this thread! g-guys?! I don't care about you!! WHY WON'T YOU PAY ATTENTION TO ME
be my gf
It really annoys the fuck out of me that a place like Yea Forums sometimes want so desperately to be seen as independent thinkers and thoughtfull people, but it takes such low effirt bait like saying "I'm a girl(male)" to generate mass, brainless, NPC like outrage and billions of replies.
Case in point: This thread. It takes one webm of a man nobody here knows personally to create a self-made narrative of misery that a bunch of anonymous videogames enthusiast use to make themselves more depressed and, then, proceed to reply hundreds of times to express outrage and disgust. Even funnier, it couldn't have anything less to do with the fucking subject of the board, yet, threads like these, if left untouched by mods, are those that survive the longest.
Outrage culture ruined the internet and everything fun in it. Every single place on the web is plagued by this bullshit brought forth by clickbait tactics and propaganda spreading. We used to make fun of faggots taking internet drama seriously, now you can't go anywhere to avoid it. Everyone ACTIVELY make themselves mad on purpose by looking for drama that upsets them. Whether it's facebook grandma who's mad about scary dog breed or autistic Yea Forumsirgins mad at trannies, it makes no difference anymore. Everyone drinks the koolaid and ask for more.
>having to falseflag as the people you hate
Degenerate reporting in
RIP Cosmo fuck this timeline.
Don’t worry you have a 38% chance of killing yourself.
media is controlled by jews and follows the left wing narrative, do you believe otherwise?
forget your HRT today tranny boi?
or maybe your daily dose of onions at the ANTIFA meeting?
how does it feel knowing you're responsible for the death of a child?
Trannies can do everything but DON'T TOUCH MY FUCKING FUTA HENTAI
The world is disgusting, but thankfully I don't need to pay attention to it. All I need are my shotas.
This is like the 3rd gay/tranny thread that reaches 200+ replies today. The fuck is happening here?
I'm actually a tranny though!
I have a 0% chance as long as there are still trannies in this world.
Wait until U.N. will ban them
It is incredibly unlikely that this roll will get me what I want, and this will have no tangible effect on my life, but fuck it, rolling.
Pepe was right
>t. Future Kurt Cobain
You do realize that the suicide attempt rate is still massively higher than that of a mentally healthy person?
the autisticly dedicated trolling efforts to false flag as discord trannies and shouting /pol/ at everything has created a strong rift between this board
>Having an suicide rate egregiously higher than the general population is winning because it's less than the trannies
Lord of the flies I guess
I just want to beat up trannies for fun and so they are reminded they are failures
50 get
Based shotabro. Have two cats.
>implying the U.N. can do shit
nothing stopping you
Then I will take revenge
Worked on you lmao
>female 44%
>male 38%
>cross dresser 21%
You wut mate.
Take it away
Yang a best
We're rising up
>Male/Man - 42%
>Female/Woman - 43%
>Cross-Dresser (male-assigned) - 21%
>actual evidence that there are discord servers that dox children into HRT
>Yea Forums doesn't care because it would associate them with /pol/ and /r9k/
>proceeds to GAMERS RISE UP everything and make it sound like its ironic and non-existent
I really don't know what's genuine anymore
and thats a good thing
All those stats are about trannies or something similar.
You really think that almost half of the general population tries to kill themselves?
>his face
>his soul
>I know two of the people in this picture.
user here's the first paragraph of the report
the people on the survey are part of / close to the national gays and tranny taskforce
people in the normie gender barely represents the overall population and the ones actually interested in responding to the survey are into the whole pro-tranny thing. If anything it means that the normie allies are also mentally fucked.
if you wanna put your tinfoil hat on we can also think that they increased the numbers on the normies to make trannies not feel bad
also check table 22 "quality of life" for a giggle
Lol no. Read the chart buddy
Can someone redpill me on what is a tranny exactly?
i really fucking hate this board but theres no where else on the world wide web to discuss video games anonymously with a sustained userbase
>drawing nipples with holes in them
all 3 girls have the same shape body and same shaped tits. lazy garbage western art lol
>high rate of parental amendment
>high rate of workplace discrimination
>high rate of housing discrimination
>”why are trannies unhappy?!?!”
trannies are fucking disgusting, try to co-opt everything gay, and insist they're men and should be respected as gay men when they're fucking masculine women who still have vaginas
they muddy the waters and try and force themselves into anything and on top of it all they're incredibly unstable and dramatic
I'm a faggot but I want these freaks dead
>those stats are about trannies
>Being a man who identifies as a man makes you a tranny now
The tranny agenda is real.
I'm enjoying KH3. Happy Gear is my favorite Keyblade.
I don't push anti-natalism (abstaining from sex that gets someone pregnant) anymore but I wish everyone would follow it, none of your children would have to suffer this mess the Jews and everyone else made.
It's funny too, people used to call me a Jew for having the belief but they're the ones keeping the breeding machine going the hardest, they unironically want Jewish babies to take over the planet and they're using the population growth of brown people to eliminate any possible competition. It's all so tiresome, mortality and the eventual extinction of the species are the only things keeping me optimistic about the future. Not enough people care to make life worth living for everyone's children, not enough people care to make life's replication stop so that no one would suffer this imperfect reality.
nah nigga we obsessing about trannies in the current year, 2019.
Me and the apathetic guy are on the same page.
go back
This is Meowie isn't it
Uninstall discord user
It's a platform run by an alliance between furries and the Chinese used almost exclusively by degenerates
If you have the urge to talk to people, take the IRCpill
Somehow I doubt that
Someone who feels their life is so bland and meaningless that they desperately look for a way to feel special, and so they use any fleeting thought of being girly to convince themselves they are "transgender", someone in the body of the opposite sex they are meant to be. This is largely encouraged by LGBT and leftist cults that love to drag in fresh blood and poison their minds to become just like them. It appeals to young people's need to be part of a social group and yet still be unique and outrageous. Transgender people ultimately destroy their own body with chemicals and surgery to try as much as possible to appear as the opposite gender, a process that will leave them permanently scarred and deformed, but they will not regret it until much later in life after they have gotten over their rebellious attention seeking phase.
the game
its pretty good to be quite honest desu lad