it's coming.
It's coming
It's just going to be a battle royale. Calling it now.
It'd probably be closer to Escape From Tarkov if they went that route.
What a liar. People have modded in up to 8.
isn't randy in trouble for cp
No proof, therefore fake and gay
when is he going to jail?
isn't the bord3rlands budget gone after randy blew it on hookers?
No Kreig no buy.Maya is best girl Gaige is runner up and Lilith a SHIT!
I wanna replay BL2. How good is Gaige solo in ultimate vault hunter mode?
This is just a straight up lie lol
>in ultimate vault hunter mode?
Go anarchy but you're still gonna get flustered. Solo is fun up until UVHM save for Maya,Krieg and Salvador who can still have fun.
Maybe I'll do Krieg then, I didn't try him either. How good is Krieg solo?
really good. Berserker is too op in early-mid game
The meele build with the 0 sheild is busted af
The best. Go mania (middle) tree. After level 12 his melee attack is actually REDUCED when using a 50+ bladed weapon so keep that in mind. Law is still good though.
i remember dueling my teammates in the first game
>Another grind shooter
Fuck off retards
>Destiny DLC
>Destiny 2
>Destiny 2 DLC
>The Division
>The Division DLC
>The Division 2 (in a couple of weeks)
have all released since Borderlands 2 launched. What the fuck took so long, it's hardly like Gearbox games are well polished.
i don't want it
Battleborn happened. It fucked them up. Either the losses caused them to lose resources for BL3 or they're actually trying to polish it because they NEED this to be successful else they are fucked.
What actually stalled it was fourfold.
>Spending time as a publisher for shit like the Bulletstorm remaster
>Borderlands 1 Remaster
>Lawsuits in relation to not compensating acquainted parties and child porn
>Borderlands 1 Remaster
It's been "coming" for about a month since it leaked via PS4 trophies.
for what fucking purpose
Don't forget 2k Australia shutting down so they had to put everything on hold to make Claptastic Voyage.
To be fair, that was a while ago and before Battleburp. If they did any work on BL3 prior to Stillborn, it was mostly concept work.
Pretty sure co-op is dead in original for something related to it shutting down.
Ten year anniversary.
Shits going to be full of microtransactions ruining the whole point of looting.
Release the Kraken at PAX east already..
2 days.
Oh boy I can't wait for borderlands 2 expansion #2.
>it's coming.
You mean Randy, while looking at underaged girls?
Who gives a shit?
>PAX East
>Randy goes on stage
>Yes, yes, you've waited so long for it to be released and now it's literally any day coming
>Some leaks came up a couple of days ago and man we went as nuts as you did
>Here is your long awaited trailer
>Music starts playing and it's battleborn 2
don't remind me
>Bought the handsome collection
>played assualt on dragon keep in UVHM
>reach "that" part
Wtf were they thinking???
get off your ass and exercise
you fucking chonk
Bring me more tuna!
How old is this image?
too old for randy
Yes, but is Randy cumming (to kiddie porn)?
They're not even using the same engine in the next one.
So what's this about Pitchford being a pedo?
is it? they didn't even do the Game Awards thing they teased.
How the fuck did he forget about the deathmatch arena from 1?
Never seen someone more based than you
>Maya is best girl
correct opinion
About time. I've been patiently waiting.
>MULTIPLE VS arenas in 1
>unique dialogue for each character in 2 for when theu DUEL
Retard Randy at it again.
Money. It was inevitable since the Handsome collection suspiciously didn't contained BL1 for some reason.
>bitch ass dragon fight on the open platform
Im glad i could cheese it with gaiges shield bug
He's not, his some dude was just talking shit about him having barely-legal porn on a USB stick he lost.