Last time I was able to enjoy gaming was when I was 17 a decade ago. Now games feel like busy work.
How do you unironically start enjoying video games again?
Do you have a job?
get a job, change routine, play 1-2 hours a day instead of 8-9 hours a day
No. Why do you ask?
As someone who has been a NEET for most of a decade I can confirm that entertainment will become a chore if you don't have worse things to do.
Why do you think meaningless entertainment gives you no fulfillment?
can also confirm, very accurate
So basically video games are only good if they can function as an escape?
Hit up the arcade. New House of the Dead just dropped like preteen girlballs.
How do you unironicly still post Redditmemes in 2019 without being ashamed off yourself OP?
Stop using Yea Forums for a while and unplug.
Get working, pursue other interests.
Same situation, and i totally get what you mean. thankfully i still get excited when i'm playing fighting games. especially when it's a match that might affect my color rank.
by not playing western "games." most of the "tired gamers" who bitch about the quality of gaming these days are westaboos who reject anything with an anime aesthetic and force themselves to play western aaa trash and indie shit instead. if all you play is trash, then of course you're not going to enjoy this hobby anymore.
It's called hedonic adaptation
Weeb get out of my thread
Recommend me games on PC.
That's what they're meant for. They're entertainment, not a lifestyle
I have so much time to play video games other things become an escape from video games.
Part of gaming was always escapism for me. Now I am older and realize it, and i cant enjoy the games as much. Or maybe its because i enjoy playing for 9 hours straight with total focus then not at all for 4 or 5 days. When i play for one hour i can never decide what to play, as i only have an hour to play, and then end up on pokemon showdown raging about stone edge missing
yakuza 0 and yakuza kiwami are on steam, so is dqxi, so is the trails in the sky series, you can emulate persona 5 on rpcs3 if you have a good enough pc, and that's just entry-level as far as weeb games are concerned.
>Play different genres
>Play old games
>Play new games
>Play weird games
>Play bad games
>Play games that you are interested
And mostly important
>Do not play games because you want to feel part of a community or social group
>Play games because you enjoy them
Go away.
How have you not figured this out after 10 years? Being a NEET makes everything less enjoyable since you aren’t doing anything that requires real effort. If you get a job that actual requires effort you’ll at least start to enjoy video games again since you’ll feel like you’ve earned it.
Being a lazy piece of shit is only going to destroy your own mental health.
i picked up dota 2 again because of autochess. on my profile it says right up front 'first match - 2011.'
i used to be really active in d2g up until TI3 or 4.
the game is so fucking weird now but it still plays the same. I think the biggest change that irks me is the skill tree that modifies your skills. That shit is crazy.
also it felt pretty good when i jumped in and i can still outlane people. you'd think they'd get better at timing or mindgames but nah. same old shit. not to mention your own carries missing easy last hits.
the only games i can enjoy playing nowadays are MP like apex legends with friends or rocket league. ill drop a single player game after an hour.
i tried getting into dota as a league player but i couldn't. it's way too convoluted.
I have a 40+ hour a week job, only play vidya I like.
Ie RE2Make
no social interaction is the biggest one
the other day i had a full on conversation with another person, i was really invested in it. and i realized i was using a part of my brain that i had not in a long ass time.
Porn was second one for me. It gave me false sense of helping with the dopamine rush but soon after that my mood hit rock bottom. Watch it like once a week now and mostly feel neutral, slightly positive msot of the time.
Get a job and change your approach to the hobby, be it how you structure your sessions to the genres you play. I've been looking into RPGmaker games and VNs lately, and on top of that managed to play just over two hours of the DMC5 demo today just dicking around despite not having played that kind of game for over a decade. I wasn't able to do this when I was NEETing it up, I would be sick of a session by around 40 minutes. Hell, at work during down time I'm mostly just day dreaming about what I'm playing or what might be worth looking into when I get back home - feels like being a teenager again. Been chowing through the backlog at high speeds, although fittingly new titles and replays are building up just as fast now that my mind is on games all the time again.
Current approach is a one hour session every night before bed during work days of simpler games and VNs since I'm too tired to do anything technical, and three hour sessions of bigger and more complicated titles during the weekend. Feels good.
hotseat with friends, anything other than that feels like chore. hotseat too, but we use beer to stimulate ourselfes
sometimes I think that we would have more fun just meeting, and dropping vidya altogether
>Why do you ask hurr durr I'm so uWu :3
Kill yourself you retarded leech
As I grow older, I like simplier games
My favorite recent games have been Little Nightmares, Onrush and shoot-em-ups
>Play bad games
>Do not play games because you want to feel part of a community or social group
>Play games because you enjoy them
All very high on the list, playing mediocre games makes you learn humility and respect titles for what they are. If you force yourself to play "masterpieces" all the time you'll just become elitist and look down on everything, the odd generic title can really balance your diet and can even lead to you finding a personal hidden gem. What matters in the end is your own individual experiences.
> Hit 22 years old.
> Jerking off really tires me out now, end up with a headache afterwards usually.
> My ten year old porn collection sits on an external harddrive collecting dust, filled with some pretty depraved and cringeworthy shit collected from whenI was 12 and onwards.
Thankfully sex isn't on my mind anywhere near as much as it used to be. I think I replaced the porn collecting mentality with reaction images and pictures I find cool, I've come full circle.
Seconding this. I’ve enjoyed vidya so much more when I got a steady job.
play games that don't feel like busy work. RPGs, open world, anything with a checklist mission structure - throw them out of the fucking window. Get into platformers and fighters.
I can either enjoy games when I got a lot of shit to do in my free time, as a form of procrastination. Then I really enjoy it.
Or when I am in a relationship. Sadly that happens very rarely and inbetween.
Vidya needs to be a reward, not a pro-active hobby.
>Aren't you tired of video games?
>Why are video gaems bad now, bros?
>Why aren't video games like they used to be, bros? Hold me pls.
>When did you grow out of games? Any games for this feel?
Hahahaha, FUCK YOU, FAGGOT. Games are great, they're as much fun as they always were. You're not bringing anyone down with your bullshit.
Reminder that these threads are a psyop to depress people and shame them from engaging in enjoyable activities.
Don't fall for it, these goons want you to become even more depressed and kill yourself. Fuck this bullshit and anyone falling for it.
Video games are the only worthwhile entertainment nowadays. Movies are all superhero crap and remakes, music is the worst it has ever been, bookstores are filled to the brim with dogshit and self help wankery.
Don't let these stupid organized cockslappers get to you.
Eat shit and die, OP, you botfarm piece of shit.
delete that porn collection. all of it. thank me later.
Still a NEET technically but I'm doing a lot more for my dad's company
The thing that still eats me up inside day and night, is that I'm still not figuring out anything for myself - something that I want to do. That is really important and I'm ignoring it. When my dad has nothing to do for me, I am here on Yea Forums, instead of being proactive for my life.
Shit, I could even learn from my dad yet I don't. When his old business went under he called up everyone he knew to do whatever work at any time, and now he started up another company.
How can you enjoy anything at all when you're eaten up by guilt from not applying yourself? Doesn't work like that.
busywork games are for people who don't want to think at all. But if you accepted your life is never going to go anywhere then you wouldn't be complaining.
>play games that don't feel like busy work
I keep bouncing back and forth between the mentality here, although to be fair I've only been working for six months and I'm still trying to piece together a new approach to games. Would shorter games with plenty of intricate mechanics and replayability be better than checklists for overall longevity? Something you could feasibly drop in and out of for short and long sessions at any time? My job in itself is a humdrum checklist, so would the deeper mechanics of say a Platinum game engage a different part of the brain than say MGS5 which I've been replaying lately where everything comes down to routine and numbers? I've been working off the assumption that RPG style games would be a chiller experience where I'd turn my brain off and play on autopilot, but in retrospect isn't that what work is for?
Don't listen to this. You will always regret it.
i have been waking up these mornings pretty lucid, wondering about my recent angry, sad past. I asked myself why I was so hard on myself and assumed everyone was treating me like the blight, while ignoring their shows of love.
trying to balance out all that negativity now that I'm 25. If I keep living so negatively I doubt I will live past 60.
>Still a NEET technically but I'm doing a lot more for my dad's company
Explain to me how this works so I can lol
I went for the middleground and stored it all in a harddrive buried away. It's also all compressed and zipped on there to make it a bitch to extract and access.
To me it's just something you grow out of, repeatedly. Running down checklists is fun only up until you lose interest. You could be cynical and boil down every activity in the world to 'checklists.' When it starts to feel like a routine, you have to change something up, not settle in and get even more comfortable.
Seems like you're actively ignoring the fact that you're a NEET, it's cool. Most NEETs do this.
If you're an adult, yes. Only kids can truly enjoy playing because it's beneficial for their brain development. Your brain is fully developed so you're playing just to kill time and not stare at the ceiling or something.
I run everything accounting related, am the translator, review construction companies bid packages and break down the information into bite size components for my dad so he can give me a ballpark estimate for prices. i then put it all into a proposal package with details of the work that will be done and send it back and forth to the companies. it's pretty easy work. when I'm not doing this I'm working on our yard.
I'm not anyone in the quote thread, was just jumping in and replying to the yin yang picture.
If you're employed then you're not a NEET user, that's the point of the word
i don't get paid. i just quickpay myself from his business account for when I need food.
I've started to draw the line at games that expect you to do arbitrary bullshit that is not part of the core gameplay loop. Take for example Elite: Dangerous. It's a cool space combat/flight sim but that's not what you'll be doing most of the time if you want to progress. Oh no, you'll be wasting dozens and hundreds of hours doing mind numbing tasks like scanning randomly generated star systems or looping around on a planet to collect materials.