Dad gravity shifts in

>dad gravity shifts in

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toblerone is pretty fucking good though

It hurts my hands.



>Yandex can't find it
come on user,gimme the original

do they sell them in walmart?

No lie, my dad actually did see me playing this once. He asked if it was actually a game, since he walked in on one of the comic style cut scenes. i said yea, and he didn't stick around to confirm it.

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>it's just a vidya character licking a chocolate bar, you silly!

Up your game my dude.

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Artist is Daga

fuck i forgot about that one


Did he saw more of the game?

nope, he went out for a pack of cigarettes.
h-he'll be back soon, i know it...

>black dick
Gay. Can someone make a white edit?

can someone make an up to date gravity rush exhentai gallery?
the old one is missing a few

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Yikes, i thought /pol/ didn't like racemixing

>Still near to no art with kat and her dog breeder talismant
Why did Gravity Rush had to fail bros ?

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Have you ever had a girl lick the tip of your cock like that user? It's fucking awesome, she pushes her weight on it and trips it tight. Fuck man, being an incel fucking sucks I don't now how you guys do it.


My dad was on the home computer behind where I set my shit up when I was home for Christmas break and played this. He thought the gravity mechanics were kinda cool.
Granted I’ve never been a weeb and the closest thing to anime he knows was watching speed racer when I was younger, so it wasn’t one of those moments where he regretted what he raised.

I sure as shit didn’t play FFX-2 at home though, that was in my apartment behind a locked door with headphones in