ITT: Characters who made you buy their game

ITT: Characters who made you buy their game.

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I want to sexually fuck Felicia

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I remembered Flynn from the base game, but why this weird bitch was playable is beyond me.

Her and Lloyd junior are the top reasons not to replay Vesperia.

I ended up liking Laharl more

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I thought the character models for this game were amazing back then.

>being this much of a contrarian

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What did he mean by this?

Bought the Orange Box back in ‘10 so its a technical but

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I was fourteen and he looked cool

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came for the robutts, stayed for the depression.

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came for the robutts, came to the robutts

>this ugly bastard is your protagonist
stayed for the world and plot

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I will play every game Fuuka is in!

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that dog looks like the spawn of satan

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what if i make a shitty porn game with ms paint drawings?

He's still cool, though.

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The cutscenes were nice, but game was ass.

That dog has definitely knotted in her before

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I thought it was fun and cute

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All those hours are always worth for that one moment with him.

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please answer me

I would not for multiple reasons

I never said he wasn't

But only if she's getting the countless anal creampies she so desperately wants.

patrician taste

i guess you don't really love Fuuka then

Fuuka is not for lewd

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not yet but soon

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I buy every game featuring my wife

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The new Mortal Kombat
Because I'd like to support Ronda's voiceacting

I wanted the super mario game so i got the game with super mario in it

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Genuinely got it on a whim because of Ricky here, got me into the rest of the series and even played Persona Q, mapping is addicting.

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Played it for Totori. Stayed for Mimi.

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I'm not huge on RPGs and this was no different, didn't finish it (stopped playing around the time the redhead joined the party I think) but I did like what I played.

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You just know

this all the way

Bought and played a bit of X-2 before X

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I'm gonna fap to this image and you can't stop me