Worth owning in 2019

worth owning in 2019

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Get the phatboii ps2 and add a hdd. Install freehdboot on hdd and enjoy all the games your heart desires running better than disc.

Good for those games that simply do not exist or emulate well such as ace combat holy trinity/trilogy

>not the fat version
it's trash

Not a slim, get a fat

is ps2 emulation on the ps3 good? If so why not just get a ps3 they're only like 60 dollars now

How do you guys hook up your PS2's?

I use the Retrotink. I know its controversial pick but I think the subtle "glow" on the soft edges really look nice, almost like a CRT.

Obviously if you have component inputs on your tele you can just raw dog it in for the best picture.

I don't think it emulates the PS2. Games from the PS2 era were ported over, rather than emulated.

oh shit thats probably what i mean't. Arent most ps2 games able to be played on ps3?

PS2 emulation is only available on the early 60GB models. Good luck finding one, they're getting rarer and pricier since old PS3s are slowly dying.

Anyway to add HDD to Slim 9000s version?

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not 80 gb?

is that version better i have 79001 version

No. Only the first two production runs of fat PS3s can. Which isnt very many.

Any PS3 can play PS1 games, but the emulation isnt perfect. Using the handgun on the final boss in Silent Hill causing the sound to drop out and Fear Effect 2 looking like blurry ass (worse than the original PS1 hardware) are two notables.

How difficult is iadding a hdd and nstalling freehdboot and all that? I'm a complete retard when it comes to that shit, the only reason I was able to hack my wii was because there was a step by step guide that a baby could understand. I have a list as long as my arm of PS2 games that I've wanted to play but couldn't because I didn't want to purchase them + a console and my PC has always been too shit to emulate them.

>not 80 gb?
Only if you never updated it.

not if u live in the uk baby

That's false. Emulation is available on 80gbs too and it's also available on later PS3s but compatibility isn't as good as the first two models and you generally have to use hacks.

yep, that's a good DVD player

It's the only Sony product worth owning, period

Just take it to the flea market, I'm sure there's a gypsy out there who can do it for you for cheap while thinking they took advantage of you.

That's backwards compatibility, those ps3s had ps2 hardware inside. Emulation is more like the download versions of spyro and smt 3 which are absolute hot shit.

ps3 with cfw is a better purchase

Attached: ps3.jpg (1426x1080, 153K)

I'm waiting for a chinky aftermarket sata hdd block to arrive. hope this shit works and aligns with the hard drive.

Like others have said get a fatty. You can roast marshmallows on the slim.

Slim can use FTP to stream games, but I think phat + network adapter + HDD is the best of everything.

The hardest part will be hooking up the hard drive to your computer. You need an IDE adapter if you use the official hard drive, but I hear there is a method to use SATA drives now.

Dont be afraid, the only thing you can break is the hard drive if your chinkshit cables short it.

The original PS3s had PS2s inside them. It's not emulation at all. They work great but those PS3s are incredibly expensive because sony used really cheap thermal paste and the motherboards are now failing due to intense heat from the dry thermal paste. If you have a working original fat ps3 get it delidded ASAP and get fresh thermal paste in there too.

The later ps3s don't fail as much but don't have full PS2s on the motherboard anymore, it's partial software emulation and has a lot of issues. Then they dropped ps2 compatibility all together.


My PC has a ps2 inside it

enjoy those inaccuracies.

why couldn't sony just realise something like this instead of ripping off nintendo? youtube.com/watch?v=oHn4LJlR1qA

How do I mod my PS2 to play PS4 games?

Why isn't this /vr/ yet, rrreee

I've heard there's compatibility issues with PS1 games in one of them, and few PS2 games, otherwise they are identical.

If you have the old phat ps3 cant you play ps2 roms on it and not worry about it overheating ? Since youre not using the disc or laser ? Someone post a link to this hack.

Hopefully it'll never be on /vr/.

considering that emulation for PS2 is still so fucking shit I think is still worth it. Although the Slim versions have compatibility issue with lots of games and peripherals tho.

if I want to autistically go about something with like 3 people on a board slower than molasses I already have /m/ for that

also issues with non-official controllers and memory cards too. The Slims are trash.

not trash, just not as good

The Aliexpress one? I've had it hooked up for two years and had no problems, it's great. Only notable difference is you have to set the reading speed to the slowest option on games that 'stream' data like GTA, racing games, etc, since SATA reads too fast. You just change a setting in OPL, it's easy.

I have 2 slims and 2 fats and the only difference is the fats read my scratched up Ridge Racer V disc better. Otherwise they are identical.

Fuck yeah it is
I still get more mileage from my PS2 playing it's own games and PSX games than I do with my 700$ pc

>all those fat fags that need a hdd and cant into smb nas on raspberry pi

I get better performance and compatibility with a HDD.


The only thing you get with a HDD is retarded annoying noise through the roof

>TFW cant find any phat ps2's and had to buy a freemcboot card off ebay

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PS2 > component > Trinitron CRT

It scales every game to 480i is what I heard, and many ps1 games are supposed to be 240p

How did it have so many good games?
Is any console ever going to surpass?

I got one of these at Goodwill last week, the system itself seems like it's in fine shape but the disc reader is fucked. Dynasty Warriors 4 has all music cut out after 3 seconds and can't load a stage 50% of the time, Armored Core 2 doesn't load past the PS2 logo, MGS3's video freezes at the title screen while audio keeps playing. Meanwhile my launch phat PS2 which looks beat up as hell still runs flawlessly.


yeah that one. thats reassuring though it was just 15 bucks so i wasnt really expecting much.

>slowass ide port from 2000s
>small hdd cache
>old technology
Lol no the full duplex ethernet to smb solution with modern sata is much better, and allows bigger and cheaper hdds

I have an OSSC but since my display doesn't support 1440 x 960p, I use a CRT

>one hundred dollars for that shit

Component cable to lcd with 1:1 pixel scaling setting (older 720p hd ready tv so it looks pretty good)

Yes. Since I discovered SMB I'm playing PS2 games exclusively, currently juggling Haunting Ground, Yakuza, King's Field IV and Metal Gear.

still have my first generation fat and it runs like a champ. no broken pieces, no laser replacement. bone stock. love that little thing, and plan to keep it until it finally dies

>that feel when you configure the in game reset button combo and you dont have to get up to reset the console like a pleb anymore

quality of life significantly improved

I also went through the hassle of organizing POPStarter games to run off SMB as well

Attached: 5gAyIyX.gif (479x270, 1.41M)

The PS2's ethernet hardware is bottlenecked by the IOP, when using a HDD the console can just DMA which easily exceeds the bandwidth of SMB.

How? I know the classic L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start, and it works for reseting the console, but I think at least one game reseted in-game. It's not a big deal since I have my PS2 one meter away from me.

Go into the open ps2 loader's network config settings in the menu. There is an IGR line, and you need to type in the location of the app on your memory card.

Also yes you are correct, L1 L2 R1 R2 select start combo will then take you back to the app, but you need to hold it for a second or two.

Pic related. I learned not to dump 200 games because then I end up playing nothing.

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For the games that support 480p, like God of War and Shadow of the Colossus, do I have to enable it every time I play the game or does the setting save after one time? Also, can I display the menu in 480p instead of 480i? Wondering because I'm going to run a PS2 through a transcoder and into a VGA CRT monitor that doesn't support interlaced signals.

>2usb ports
That's not the ps2 compatible one retard

All games implicitly boot up in 480i. Some prompt you with a menu in 480i before the main menu, others will automatically boot up in 480p if you hold a button combo (x + triangle typically) while the game starts.
GS Mode Selector can force 480p video moods if that's important to you. Doesn't work for all games, though. Also causes aspect ratio issues if the game uses a reduced width framebuffer but if you're using a CRT you can adjust your set to compensate.
I dunno if GS Mode Selector can be used to operate the system menu in 480p, but it definitely doesn't do it without homebrew.