Xchads keep winning.
Another win for the Xbros
Honestly thought they got liquidated.
>Age of Empires 4
Going to be shit no doubt after they managed to ruin Company of Heroes and Dawn of War
>also on PC
Sega owns lelic, not gonna happen.
>Windows 10 Store
THQ owned Relic before Sega bought them. Means nothing.
Makes sense, they do need a replacement to Ensembles Studios.
>Also on Windows*
Console margins are thin, but they get that 30% cut on their marketplace which makes up for it. They still get the 30% cut if its on the windows store.
Better to sell games to a larger audience than try and get people to buy a system for a marketplace they already own.
and yet still no games
THQ was run by retards who went ant got themselves bankrupt
Xbox and PC are about to become one and the same, the games will no longer be different from one another when the Xbox Scarlett comes.
>the devs who made the trash heap that was DoW 3
wow they really out did themselves
wtf i love PS4 now?
wow one bad game in a sea of greatness. trash studio
To further elaborate.
not the same studio that made coh, dow 1&2.
Modern consoles are fancy DRM machines. It's mainly liscensing deals that stops good ports to PC.
speak for yourself
>Sunset Overdrive
>Sea of Thieves
>Crackdown 3
man!!!!! MS has been hitting it out of the park!!!!! dam!!!!!
ur just mad u cant play PC games on Sony OS i know i am
cope seethe