Howcome Mexicans love xbox?

Howcome Mexicans love xbox?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw i am amicable with a big-tittied gym instructor
>live in a border city
>could make her american
I think she's just been nice to me and we haven't really like flirted or anything, besides I am out of shape for someone to meet her standards, probably. Should I press on or just move on?

They're made there?

Have some sex first

sauce faggot
> besides I am out of shape for someone to meet her standards, probably.
If you have a green card you're out of her league m8, go on.
Are you at least skinny fat?

The original Xbox and the X360 were easy as fuck to pirate. That's why the PS2 and the Wii sold like hotcakes here too.
t. Spic

>skinny fat is better than regular fat

Microsoft doesn't have a history of anti-trust lawsuits for nothing. They used their existing software distribution connections to avoid high tariffs on Xbox console, while Sony and Nintendo were barely profiting from sales.

How is it that they look like that when they are young but turn into a massive rotting potato in 5 years?


Their food. It's calorie-dense and they have no sense of portion control. Plus their stupid culture prides itself on being fat.

Why Mexicans love soccer while all countries heavily afflicted by USE love football and baseball?
South Korea, Japan and Canada for example.

No one likes american football more than soccer. Besides us americans

Japs and Koreans totally do like football more than soccer.
I know it because i lived 2 years in Seul.

>hispanics have no sense of portion control
Can confirm. Those fucking rice and beans man.

No they dont. They pride themselves in soccer cuz they actually cheer for their country in the world cup.

Mexicans also love baseball and American Football, m8.
NorthWest Mexico is literally Baseball Land
And on every Mexican College, American Football is the #1 sport.
Sadly they stopped promoting the College and Professional Football because of the riots in every match

You are brain damaged dude.

Not even close.

Based christianfag

Easy as fuck to mod and pirate. (PSX, PSP and xbox hueg were also massive hits because of this)
X360 was the cheapest console in the market with a surplus of shootan and sports games which people here eat up like high-calorie food.

Pic related is what a real Mexican woman looks like.

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>riots in every match
Bring back Aztec-style ritual sacrifice of team captains after ball matches. That should keep everyone calm

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because they're low iq gremlin tier mongoloids

name anons pls,google shows random shit forums showing same pic

all mexican have this weird smell, like menstruation but even outside of their period week

read the thread you fucking ape

>tfw español
>tfw no mexican girl to use as a cumdumpster
feels bad

Considering "Mexican" is nationality, there is no "real" way Mexicans look, you fucking dunce.

Maria Ramos Cosplay aka Mariedoll

>only indigenous people are real mexicans
Fuck off, plebbitor.
We are mestizos

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Sarina Valentina, now fuck off.

>could make her american
holy shit this is the most american thing I've read in a year
do you guys really have these fantasies lmaoo

>tfw colombian
>dated a colombian, pure trash gf, tried to manipulate all the fucking time, cheated on me
>dated cuban, loud mouth, rude, entitled cunt
>dating a bolivian, sweet, caring, cooks, looks damn good, speaks spanglish and has hilarious bolivian accent
goddamn bolivia makes them good

>Plus their stupid culture prides itself on being fat.
This has got to be the stupidest shit I've ever read.

all spic women eventually turn into refrigerator shaped aztecs like this one unless they are some kind of northern castizo spic with at least 75% white DNA, stop pushing the meme of shitskin women

Would still smash

She looks like shit

serious question, what do good looking girls 8+/10 do in Mexico if some cartel member hits on them? are they afraid they get beheaded? bing a cartel member means you can aproach any good looking girl and they let you fuck them out of fear?

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Dont call yourself a spic you faggot

>bing a cartel member means you can aproach any good looking girl and they let you fuck them out of fear?
Yes, happens a lot

her face looks like a rat and in 5 years that ass will start to sag as she continues to pop out little welfare leeches

Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones

Reminder that Mexico is the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames

Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51

We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies

The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK

We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever

Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too

This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and looks comfy too

Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world

The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:

Also, Mexico is the biggest vidya market in Latin America.
Mexico, sudacas

Why not? Is not like I find it offensive.

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Wait microssoft an nintendo are going to make future projects together so

They are going to pander to Mexico even more due the xbox/switch popularaty?

Mexicans jump at the possibility of being legally American.


America is superior to your nation, that's indisputable. But you can always join us, that's what makes us so superior.

she's brazilian

Watched shawshank redemption and i dont get why the mc retired to mexico of all places

What I don't understand is how the large majority of Yea Forums is under the impression you can only get laid or have a gf if you are at least over 5'10 and this bulk fuck.
>but the bitches on dating sites are shallow
No shit, those rules are different considering they can dick at a much faster rate.

If you are not a hideous slob of a mess, you can get a gf with confidence and dressing well enough to not be deemed cringeworthy. Pic related, as long as you're big enough where somebody would be like "well, he's got some weight to him, better not let my guard down" in a fight, you got that 1+ in protection in her eyes, making you seem useful. I know plenty of women who are with out of shape dudes. The difference is they can hold a conversation. It's really that easy to get laid for the average person.

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Keep pressing on, Mexican chicks are crazy and will fuck you until they get pregnant 7 or 8 times.


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Lmao amerilard, read
And cope :)

>your nation
I'm not mexitrash, not even from south america
I'd kill myself if I was from that shithole

I really doubt your incel ass has any right calling anyone ugly.

Some bits may be. But you have niggers and are the playpets of Israel, bro. Everything you do and think is designed and controlled.
Here since it's all chaos, the one in control either has money, weapons or both.

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Just make a move, don't second guess yourself if you think she's out of your league. Guys are the gender allowed to date out of their league.
You know what they say, you miss every shot you don't take. Better to try and fail then to live on wondering "what if"

yes. but in my case with a russian girl

>Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones
Not anymore, they're becoming pretty expensive now unlike previous years.
range goes from 1,299 to 1,499 pesos now (64.99 to 75.99 dollars)

Imagine eating Mexican woman ass tho, it'll burn your tongue.

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>tfw skinny and still have a gf

In regards to weight, what if you have the opposite issue? What if you’re skelly mode?

When did Mexicans switch over to Xbox? I grew up in a border town filled with Mexicans and every single one of them had Sony consoles, all of them were basically Chad Warden clones.

>Better to try and fail then to live on wondering "what if"
This is the most spic and autistic thing I have read today. Useless as fuck advice

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that's sad, I guess I'll stay away from mexican girls from now on since they are all damaged goods

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Mostly for physical retail. Places like Steam adjust for inflation and you're paying less than half what you would in USD for most games.

You sound like a coward.
Let me guess, you're a virgin?

Nice source

failure is easier to accept than regret

Decent post, but jesus fucking christ, dude. work on your formatting. it's okay to write paragraphs.

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Underatted and based

What you say of others is what you mean about yourself.
Feelings of regret are far worse than feelings of failure

Somos dos, a la chingada los maricas que se ofenden
And fuck sjws

Keep replying autistic spic lmao

I'll spit on you, you dirty fucking spic

>Those Meximilkers

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At least soccer isn't a total sham that's only decided by bullshit ref calls.

but its fucking true. literally no girl will ever have a chance to say yes unless you ask, you fucking moron.

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Because it's a shitty console for a shitty culture.

Who let you out of you cage, /pol/?

El Diablo Puede Llorar

I'm going to marry an illegal cuban one day. South Florida is a magical place.

Fuck insecure resetranny.

>pussy foes back to stuffing his fat ass with trash food and fucking his waifu pillow, wallowing in self-loathing, more at 7

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Stay mad gringo

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What's the worst that could happen? She says she's not interested? Who cares dude.

>From Monterrey, Mexico
Mi negra. Life in Monterrey is literally the best. Sucks that our country decided that we should send the most amount of money to the capital city so they can give it to brown-skinned Pedros from south, center and other norther beheader shithole they call for democratic state.

Don't eat sugar.

>America only likes sports where they get pounded
Got it, mate.

mexicans love american products.

is this post ironic or are spics this braindead

Spic here. Can confirm. After our coin was devalued (again) the prices increased. New games cost around MX$1400

We never left, pissant. Yea Forums is and has always been a WN imageboard.

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I am 6'2" and 200 lbs, which is roughly like 20 pounds overweight. With clothes I look fine, hell with little muscle on my arms, but with no shirt i look skinny fat. And my gut is noticeable.
I do think I have nice taste in clothes, as even my normalfag friends often ask me what they should wear, and I can carry a conversation and make people laugh easily enough.

Those heels should have locks on them.

>one is a sport where you are expected to get hurt
>the other isn't
Gee, it's like feigning injury allowed you to gain an advantage in soccer and thus it is encouraged.

No racial, bro, but why is everyone south of the border annoying as fuck?

I don't mean just Mexicans, I mean Latinos as a whole. Every race gives me a reason to despise them, even the Americanized ones.

t. central american born in the USA

Dont even bother lmao

CuArta TrANSforMacióN wEy


I'd stick my penis in her Xbox if you know what I mean

post shirtless pic

>Yea Forums is and has always been a WN imageboard.
t. came here five years ago.


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>no racial bro
ok dumbass kike. You don’t even know what you say.

Haha imagine eating her ass after she ate a lot of refried beans

Do some cardio in the morning when you just woke up and don't eat until midday. No meals after 6pm either
You'll burn all that excess flab in no time.


dude calling yourself is a spic is telling the world you're a weak bitch with no respect for yourself and your culture.

dangerous levels of cope

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>Aztec Genes + All Mighty Conquistador Genes
This is what peak Mexican beauty would look like if you savages just accepted European dominance like the rest of this God forsaken hemisphere

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It sucks. All the drinking and late night meals caught up to me at 22.


>It's really that easy to get laid for the average person.

Sure you can wife/gf up a retired whore if you’re average, but if you want to hit it and quit it you need to be beyond exceptional.

t. 6 foot 6 figure incel. AMA

Keep crying, you puke. Blessed DOTR draws near.

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>Boasting about a girl
Normalfag begone.

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Are you white? Mexican girls love güeros. Bonus point if you are blonde. Extra bonus if you have blue or green eyes.

When will the sjw terror take over mexico?

>mexican girls aren't cut-

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Any game with robot girls ?

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Hot, yes, cute, no.

Do I really gotta be that guy and ask who this is?

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I NEED a girl like Marina de Tavira

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OBVIOUSLY she wants your green card.

no you don't want to raise her anchor babies.

lmao I know those school girls

>Races that think being part of their own race is comedy gold

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You'd have to leave your basement first.

>mexicans are cute!
>fan art of a fictional character
Interesting that you don't post the real thing. Could it be because the real thing is as beautiful as a pile of rancid refried beans (and smells just as bad)?

>A-user doesn't think I'm c-cute...

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Daily Reminder that indigenous people of America have NO NIGGER GENES
you're safe


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Video games ?

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Nah. That would be true in Bolivia, Paraguay or Peru. Mexico is quite mixed except for some southern areas.

Don't you think they have enough terror as it is? Every fucking time I watch gore it's either Mexicans or flipflop wearing Brazillians. Not even ISIS is as brutal as those psychopaths. Not that its any of my business.

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You really just have to be there. Unironically most of the times I have sex it's because a dude struck out trying too hard and she came over to me so he'd go away. I'm not an attractive man.

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>big nipples on sombra
no please
cute nipples pls

I legit look like joji and ezra miller, I get looks but still a virgin lmao

She really gave me some strange thoughts when I was 11

the sheer insecurity of this post

Suda pretends to like luchador wrestling because it's such a silly, quirky Japanese thing to do. Obviously Mexico is the best Latin American country because it's the one closest to America.

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>flipflop wearing Brazillians.
Why do I find this funny

Because fuck SNOY

>mexican girls aren't cut-

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Each one of those people besides the bottom right look hispanic. True white people can sense even the slightest bit of spic

Holy fucking coping man. No no, YOURS IS AN INSECURE POST.

what happened to her face? she has no pores

Can I emulate Virtual On on PC ?

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Snapchat filter to hide imperfections even though it looks worse 100% of the time

Piss off libtard. Don’t you have some chinks to annoy?

Bruh I’ve been “there” more often than not. I’m missing something essential and I can’t fucking find it

loads of makeup

>That SJW in the background

Do people still play UT2K4 ?

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I've seen her tits and they suck. My wife is mexican and she has bigger tits

Touch of the tar brush

Spek's Unreal group on steam

do you even know what makeup and photoshop is lmao this dumb kid I swear to god

to be honest not every dyed hair woman is sjw
probably in america is, but in the rest of the world it's not a sjw mark

She's chicana
at least the imgur link

>not noticing Jeff Gerstmann in the background

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whats photoshop?

it's a type of cactus that u put up ur ass

no proofs

>whiteknighting for a whore on the internet you dont know anything about other than it made ur peepee hard
based retard

games ?

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lmao why do old women do this, it’s even aiming to them

what does a cactus on the ass have to do with her not having pores, user? are you ok? you sound sicky

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Why don't you try it before asking?

You realize spics are the majority of posters on /pol/ right?

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It’s NOT*

Delicious tits.
You lucky fuck.

I was talking about Torrinextdoor but thanks, keep posting them

the needles are absorbed through your anus and come out of your pores
so you become a hedgehog
this pictures have their needles removed with special programs

Not sure if youre still with us, /fit/user, but how long should I do cardio for? Anything specific I should be doing in general/on top of that?

amazing body user
any chance to see more pics?

Literally 90% of Mexico accepted being raped by Spaniards though.

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30-45 minutes a day

Lift weights

they dont know any better

Move on. A relationship built on this foundation only leads to heart break.

if you're an incel, latinas are your best shot
there are a lot of shy, virginal latinas

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It's not rape if you want it.

Shes literally perfect bros....

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Not really. It used to refer to when Mexicans started emigrating to the state's and since most of them don't speak English, they were referred to as spics (Spanish person in custody) or wetbacks when we'd swim over.

>Blob face

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>there are a lot of shy, virginal latinas
is this true please answer

You where born in there, it's already a lost cause for muh pol so just enjoy it and ask her

US has control of over 50% of the world's resources and dictates the policy of government to other nations.

Join us, it's the best thing you can do with your life.

I forgive you for your ignorance, you can't help where you're from. But you can choose to forge for yourself a great destiny within the chosen land of the future.

if your other option is to just move on and ignore her from now on there's literally no reason not to try user.
Worst case is she rejects you and then you go on as normal.
If you're already amicable with her and talking then the hard part is done, just ask her out for coffee some time or say something flirty and see how she responds

Does she have nudes?

I would destroy her ass

Its an average female user, don't get your hopes up.

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>(((US))) has control of over 50% of the world's resources and dictates the policy of government to other nations
You say that as if it's a good thing.

Gears of War

>implying Yea Forumsincels can do average or above average

>if you're an incel, latinas are your best shot
I live in Mexico and I've been rejected all my life. I can only imagine what kind of hell awaits me now that I've lost my job.

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Don't know

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Hockey is more hardcore

>Make up
>Shit eyebrows

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>b-b-b-but usa!...
Huh jealous?

I've never understood why people are so into football (American) or football (everywhere else.) They're both boring sports where nothing happens 90% of the time. I like hockey, basketball is pretty decent too.

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Just be good looking ;)

chasing godesses are for retards
average females tend to be more fun and cute, that's what I'm looking for

>US has control of over 50% of the world's resources

There's more to world resources than just McDonalds and Coca-Cola you amerifat

>assblasted nonwhite

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Neat. What game is that?

I'm not.

>tfw all these spics (and women, in general) going to the gym to get better asses
Repulsive. Not only do those asses look terrible, but guys need to call out how vain and stupid that shit is. Fuck leg-day only bitches.

it's neither your job nor your face
you are autistic

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what game is this?

Average females still have shit personalities.

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>Ireland has entered the thread

Why don't you just tell them you're a cartel member and you'll kill their families if they don't give sex?

>tfw my name is sebastian irl

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Sure thing incel

If you want to fuck a doll, you can easily buy one, they have better bodies compared to humans.

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cavewomen, average women or godesses can have decent personalities or be fucking stupid
but averages tend to be better
are you a virgin or what

>Why don't you just tell them you're a cartel member and you'll kill their families if they don't give sex?
Because I don't wanna be associated in any way with that? Goddamn retard

>I live in Mexico and I've been rejected all my life
oh sorry, you have to be a white dude

Yet all faggots like you do is lust over 2D pictures and porn while putting women on pedestals which just validates everything they're doing. Why don't you try to improve yourself rather than being so bitter over stupid shit

If you're just starting, go for 25+ minute jogs at the highest speed that will allow you to finish the whole workout. You'll get faster and lighter, because you're also going to lose weight. In a month, your ab fat might be completely gone, depending on how much flab. (rest 2 days a week the first two weeks, 3 if your joints/soles are really killing you, then try do it daily, resting at most 1 day)

I was a fat fuck, didn't want to be one, stuck to the routine, kept increasing intensity, was surprised when suddenly I could see my obliques/abs outlines. It's a big motivational boost and chicks dig that shit.

This burns fat easier: high-intensity, short duration strength training. But you risk doing it terribly wrong without a coach/trainer/buddy.

Nigger can you not read her name on the watermark

Gina Valentina

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>wn icon
>uses communist weapon
lol k


All spics are whores.

God tier sports:
Rugby, hurley, australian football, ice hockey, tennis (for non-team)
Best Aesthetics:
Honorable mention:
Shit tier:
Everything else

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/poltards/ ruining the thread with blacked shit I see

I live in California. If you're within the healthy range for body fat percentage, it isn't uncommon for them to say shit like "you look sucked in bro"

>He thinks the Jewnited Slaves of America having political influence is in any shape or form related to the common populace. The (((groups))) in control owe you nothing. You just benefit from their crumbs.

wow dude, you really btfod him! im a shill for hilldawg now!!

I only know one Latina and she’s a huge whore

Demands athlete tier muscle definition even though she’s fat as fuck. And still get it because men are thirsty as fuck. Still has gotten laid about 5x as more than me

Leaf in Mexico for a month, ama here are some quick facts
>I went to a walmart, all the Xbones were sold out and they only had PS4s which were priced at $425 cad (not pro)
>xbone controllers were $100 cad
>I found a brothel and the girls charge $70 for full fuck. Will check it out later
>viagra and steroids are openly sold without prescriptions
>I went to a strip club, you can fuck any girl of your choice in some room in the back of the clubs for a stupid amount (125-250 cad depending on girl)
>food is top tier

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You are on Yea Forums

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The truth is, most pornstars hate niggers and will either refuse to do sex scenes with them or ask for money

Mejinacos are the lowest tier, most insecure people.
Really embarrassing.
You just have to point out anything related to mejico and they chimp out like the cavemen they are like in this post.
What a fucking shithole of a country.

Only dropped once.

Fuck anyone that says otherwise. This guy is secretly the smartest motherfucker.

A failure is a failure, end up with more questions and 'what-ifs' than before. Sitting there wondering why she said no, maybe it was my breath or im just butt fucking ugly. Atleast if I dont say anything I can pretend that I definitely had a chance if I did it anyway.

I'd rather hang on to the fantasy that I COULD do whatever if I actually applied myself than to fail and realize I never had a chance in the first place and never would in millions of years. Hella easier to accept being a coward and justifying it than realizing just how shit tier you factually are.

BR Gundam when ?

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Wear protection leaf and make sure to be wary of cartel

based degenerate leafbro

Nice favela country lmao
Ah so you are retarded

>at least the imgur link
I-is it normal for people to have an Imgur profile with lewds of their wife? You asked him to post it like you were 100% certain - and the mad lad did

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lol you dumbass. i got out of my comfort zone and asked a chick out for drinks. she said no thanks. couple of days later asked again to dinner, she said yes and we've been together for 2 years now. dumbass. just because you're a fucking pussy doesnt mean everyone else is

I'm going to Vancouver tomorrow. What bar is gud? Do you tip in Leafland?

>I'd rather hang on to the fantasy
All I needed to read.
Faggots trying to live comfortable lives.
>m-muh wasted effort
Grow up, faggot

what game nigger

>being a frogposter
Kill yourself but check this 5 before you leave Earth

>fucking disgusting prostitutes
>in mexico

You are one fucking dumbass retard.

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It's because you have the wrong skin on, Sombra. pick the cute one and he'll change his mind.

A good post?
On my Yea Forums???

The beginning of the game is damn slow, and the lack of a chat history made give up on the game.

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>sex before marriage


I referred to torrinextdoor but he posted her wife's, which is good

> $70 for full fuck
Jesus it’s 60 burgers for a blowjob here. Brb getting my passport

>Wasting time trying to get laid with random girls
You could be playing video games.

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Where in Vancouver and what type of bar are you looking for

Even Jesus spoke against vows.

I don't idolize women for shit. I can jerk it to porn and shit without it warping my reality. Doesn't excuse women being lazy vain cunts and trying to compensate for what they don't have. Meanwhile, yes, men can be vain, but they generally exercise for their betterment.


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I will also add that overall Mexicans are realy chill and friendly. I am aware that I'm in a touristic town (Puerto Vallarta) and not some random shit slum, but the people are still much nicer than other places I've been (Jamaica and Dominican Republic). I feel safe walking around at night here, implying I'm smart enough not to wear flashy jewelry or carry a lot of money.
Something funny also is there are no black people or niggers here, absolutely none

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There can be cute Latinos but not Mexicans. Real Mexican women are shaped like a fucking box, no hips and flat ass. Cubans and Puerto Rican's on the other hand...

I still get laid and i still play video games, ya dumbass.

Pffft, where the fuck else do you go? The first world is keen on not letting men fuck no strings attached.

gf rides my dick while I game

So chubby is better than being lard ass

Remember that ex-NFL player that picked his own teeth out of his mouth and superglued the back on? Webster I believe, he went completely apeshit crazy after all those hard checks on his head.

Post her nudes

I was kidding but what do you mean by that? Humor me

Nice try obvious falseflagger.

Who is OP and does she have nudes?

Mexico spends a lot in tourism, except in Acapulco.

Not enough I guess.

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Shut up, goyim. Swallow the propaganda. Open your border, die for Israel and hate Iran for no reason.

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be careful around strip clubs user, cartel presence is very high in most cases

>mfw I am prettier than most girls

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a decent amount, about 2-3 hours a day

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How do I get a Mexican gf?

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I want to kill him.

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sauce me

At least you can laught at manlets

Trying far too hard to be moot

Don't be black and at least 5'6 and taller.

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Sure it is

But only the kinds of men that women actually want to fuck

>actually shilling misery
Stop posting you poor motherfucker.

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Can confirm my stepbrothers were like this.

I miss the old days when women didn't have any choice in what man they wanted to fuck

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>Yea Forumsincel who posts 4-5 hours a day and plays 10-11 hours a day tries to act superior to someone else


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6’2” whitefag here. All the latinas I tried to fug rejected me. What am I doing wrong?

Moot is a faggot and Hiroshima is nearly 50 years old by now.

He is kind right, females aren't worth the time.

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Literal sow.

This is the girl you've been posting. 10/10 in my book

Where did you try?

It might even put in a few generations but the real problem is men are thirsty as hell and a 9/10 chad will dumpster dive for a 6/10 fatty on a bad night. Every woman thinks she’s an 8

>Says the one posting on Yea Forums

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While there's some truth to that, you can't really blame them when the majority of men so easily throw themselves at women for having such features. It's like the twitch chat bullshit, I don't blame the women, I blame the men constantly donating to that shit. It's entirely a product of our own weakness as men and despite some of us not partaking, the majority still does


Near the transit center/marpole. Only there two days before going to Squamish for a wedding so it's not like I'm really going to Vancouver. I prefer dive bars. In every country I go to I always accidentally end up in an Irish bar.

Here's the gif

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Leaf here
I'd say half of the women have the "small fridge" frame. A quarter look "normal" and the final quarter is absolute top tier with fantastic asses.
I see "average/ok" mexican men walking around with stunning 9/10 babes all the time

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God, imagine cumming all over her

You're already too far gone might as well end it.

>spooky forest

Not today, Satan

I do.

You a saint user

NSFW there are nudes


because mexicans are subhuman animals


Based Robot Chicken poster!!!

I'm Mexican and I think xbox fucking sucks, dude.

I’m in Texas so there’s tons of Hispanic events. Lots of salsa dancing clubs and Mexican themed bars. I even tried at the local Catholic Church

This is true femininity. Also Latinas have the highest sex drive and drain your cum daily. Asians pretty much stop having sex once they used you for children and will never express their love ever again

Lose some fucking weight

Fuck all your shits. Maybe you're happy living a life full of failure, but some of us aint.
See, if you have a girl you like, naturally you have something to work for, right? Get /fit/, get a job, whatever the fuck you want. That and you're just genuinely happy to have someone you like. But then you ask her out, realize she didnt give any shits about you and now you're just a sad piece of shit again with nothing to work for.

Atleast in my way you will always have something to work for, and if by chance you meet someone before you ask out your first girl, then fanfuckingtastic.

Each and every American has been granted the power to bypass the immigration process and turn a third worlder into an American citizen via marriage if we want to. They know it, we know it, not a lot of us do it, but it does happen. I worked at a summer camp that hired international staff from places like europe and australia and a few of them married to get into the country after liking it so much.

Holy shit.

This is the typical Mexican twitch thot

Say something nice to her

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Well do you have some success with girls in general or...?

i want to suck on her titties

You can just tell some girls are going to age into fat hags. Would bone the slampig in the meantime though.

Dumb filter 0/10

You're a retard then and probably suck at gears of war.

You must be a mutt then

Post the /trv/ screenshot about this.

holy shit, this is pure r/inceltears material. what a pathetic fucking person. Also, how can you say "dont bother asking anyone out so you can be happy when the person you ask out says yes"? that makes no fucking sense.

You can't just not tell us the game you double faggot

Bitch probably can't even play an e chord.

>Mexico is a desert

When is this meme gonna end? You can find places like this

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>ESL shitstain
Learn English, you puke.

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Why aren't your walls insulated?....why aren't your walls drywalled?

I want to squeeze her bobs.
Xbox a shit, only halo and gears of war, literally no games.

kys yourself not video games

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Not a lot no. I’ve boned a few girls but only 2 out of 6 were above 5/10

He's obviously not from here

Oh fuck what game is this? Looks crazy comfy

Who are you quoting autistic attention seeker?
This is why I fucking hate mexshitcans

>Don't be black

>tfw black

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Very pretty, is this further south?

Come home latin man.

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Niggers out

someone's mad
That's not at my house, I guess her dad added the closet himself

i come every day but not for very long, got work, vidya, exercise, cooking and hanging out with friends or gf to do. i also dont phonepost

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t. fucking 2/10s and trying to brag on a chinese basketweaving image forum

What bloodline counts as non-mutt, because I’m definitely not the typical “50% Irish 50% German 50% Russian 1/1024th Indian”

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Reminder that Mexico City is the richest country in Latin America

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Did you guys know Pokimane is Latina? Shes Morrocan

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A life of success in spite of those failures is worth it in my opinion. Not trying at all is a failure in and of itself. Living a life like yours isn't worth living.


Most have kids at a young age and work themselves to death.

>shiniest turd

No, that’s Argentina

im more of a 5-6/10

Her tits are nice!

reddit com/r/VictoriaRose/comments/aahxyr/another_one/

Get raped and disemboweled, whore.



The fact you are in Texas changes everything though... you are not "exotic" to them, unlike if you were travelling to latin countries.

Anyway you know what to do; maximize your looks through gym/cardio, better clothing and better haircut. Spend less time doing solitary hobbies such as vidya and talk to random attractive women until you get good at talking to women


You are smart enough to find the solution based on the image.

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> digital whiteface

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Even Brazil has richer cities.

Its a degrading term and calling yourself it is self deprecation.


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Seethe harder


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And Transformers. I've worked at a theater and mexicans are the only ones who watch that shit. They also love Big Red.

You're best bet is puerto ricans or black brazillians with aids.

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Nope, Mexico City has an economy bigger than Peru and other countries, it's also the most populated and largest city in the world

doing gods work user

>t. White supremacist SEETHING that his race will be extinct by 2100


Morroco is in nothern africa though...



Women are women they each have a certain taste in men just like some men have a certain taste in women. The biggest thing is to try.

I like ass but that just looks deformed.

>video game board
>no one posts mexican chicks

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Reverse search gives nothing useful you fucking queer, just tell us.

Nice try but Brazil brings a lot of tourists with Rio, tons of movie directors and huge economy thanks to Japan

>haha laugh at those incels who don't get to fuck literal goddesses like this

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It's not about the destination, you idiot.
its the journey to keep you in high spirits so you can actually get to where you want to go. It's like you put off the main quest (the girl you like) because you're enjoying the side content far more at the moment, and rest assured, you can actually ask her out at any time.

I just want an Aztec setting game developed by Platinum and Sony Japan Studio

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>I like ass but
Okay homo

>moving goalposts
Yeah i won

>This is the ideal metropolis. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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Bro I go out literally 5 days a week. Vidya is secondary at this point. I make over 6 figures and have a personal stylist so that’s not the problem. I’m not even a fat fuck. I guess I’m not body builder tier but that’s not necessary is it?

How the fuck do I find out what I’m missing?

Just say it fucking christ man

literally who? are you gonna give me some sauce or nudes nigger because otherwise why did you even post this info

That's just like, your opinion man.

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Wtf so shes a nigger? Howcome morroco sounds so latin like puerto rico. Sorry im a brainlet


>tfw Apocalypto game never ever

Literally never seen a single negroid with a mexican woman in my life and I live in the Little Village area side of chicago.

yes, because while youre waiting for your balls to drop and finally have the fucking guts to ask her out, she's gonna be there waiting on the chance you might like her.
what literal retarded mentality do you have?

I think both games are from same dev

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Nobody besides yourself give a shit about your shitstained country

Reminder that you are a subhuman, poor and the laughing stock of all races

F, unless you are the extremely stereotypic kind of black guy, that plays basketball, talks weird, eat fried chicken and watermelon and likes rap.

If you are stereotypic like that then you have a fair chance, because Mexicans like stereotypes.

>that urban sprawl

And we wonder why exactly the planet is dying.

Ignore r9k posters user

>strawmanning like a faggot
nothing else could I ever expect

im not defending any women. im calling the guy an incel because he's acting as if women are shit because they ignore his doughy ass

>her face looks like a rat

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>You will never hold hands with your dream girl

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>tons of movie directors

The last 5 out of 6 Oscar winning directors were born in Mexico

Keep posting your wife

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Mexicans are by far the worst latinos, just a bunch of attention seeking whores. Threads like this are just proof of it.

Oh for fucks sake user, Sorath's only game is devil daggers. Just tell me the fucking name of the first one before 404.

i dont want these feels this shitpost thread is bad enough

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I forgive you.

For you only hurt yourselves.