>sniper rifle kills in one hit
>even when it's not a headshot
what are your least favorite mechanics, Yea Forums?
Sniper rifle kills in one hit
>bullets spray in a pattern because the devs were too pussy to go either full RNG or no RNG so they instead made you spend months muscle memorizing a stupid useless skill
>Games that allow niggers to be in the main cast
>devs announce a character's sexuality and/or identified gender for literally no reason even though such a fact makes no difference to the game at all
Ways that people can damage you by being at the other side of the map with ten meters of concrete between you.
>sticky grenades
This shit is seriously annoying.
Manual stat point allocation
The shopkeeper can run out of money
>Limited amount of consumable item
wouldn't a pattern be no RNG, user?
Dark Souls 2 doing this with the effigies made me want to die
It's not necessarily RNG, but some games add RNG on top of the pattern anyway.
Really, it's just needlessly withholding information from the player, and isn't something you would ever notice without being told about it in the first place.
you can always just bonfire ascetic an area and reset the loot
>game removes a party member for a section which makes them fall behind your team in exp
Air combos.
Mandatory stealth sections in a game not designed for stealth. Bonus points if there isn't even a hostage involved, or your character is strong enough that they would easily be able to overpower anyone spotting them before the alarm gets raised.
Would you play an Arthur RPG where D.W was the antagonist?
>you've kept your party perfectly even in xp up to that point
Being told you need to do something quickly with no way of knowing if you're actually on a clock and how much time you have if you are.
>huge inventory space
>no purse or backpack
>obvious gamebreaking bug that refuses to be fixed instead needs to be handled the same as an intended mechanic
>Not looking down the scope when firing does less/no damage
You would know because you'd check. And I'm not sure what you mean by 'no RNG' in your initial post, you mean no bullet deviation at all when spraying?
Any type of control where you can not counter play in a FPS
>where massive damage fall off is a thing but doesn't apply to sniper rifles
>get out of jail free cards that require no skill to pull off
Bonus round
>ground traps
>Sniper rifle doesn't kill in one hit, unless you headshot
>obvious game breaking mechanic that the devs refuse to fix cause the 132 pro players in a e-sports game don't see a problem with it
tiered armor/tiered guns
>Sniper rifle kills in two hits but its a semi-automatic without much kickback
>sniper rifle and machine gun are the same caliber
>they do a different amount of damage each shot
>Gold cameo on guns
>shotguns are glorified melee weapons
>game has different kinds of elemental weapons
>they're tiered, so you're forced to use a certain element just because it has better stats (like fire? too bad, lightning does 5 more damage)
>final weapon is always some gay shit like light
>weapons that break (adds nothing into the game like dark souls or is annoying like breath of the wild)
>snipers that take more than 2 or 3 shots to kill
>shotguns that suck unless you are barrel length to them
>shotguns that are snipers and outclass assault rifles and smgs at mid range
>obvious intended feature gets treated as a game breaking bug and gets """fixed"""
>devs design class to be good at X but have Y weakness
>they get afraid of making them too good at X, so they nerf it without making them better at Y to compensate
>class ends up being mediocre at X and shit at everything else while other classes have actual strengths and weaknesses
>shotguns lose all effectiveness past 25 yards
>exploit gets patched
>in a single player game
>limited inventoryspace
If I can't hoard hundreds of apples and bandages the game isn't for me.
>human boss
>survives multiple headshots and rockets
>Color coded enemy can only be damaged by matching element
>100% resistance against x, y or z damage type
>Unblockable attacks
>Undodgeable attacks
>Enemy has no openings unless you counter/parry
>Success window Weapon physically passes through enemy. Game rolls dice check to hit anyways.
>Weapon passes through multiple enemies but there's a cleave limit so one or two are hit at the most.
>Non-stacking buffs
>Light armor can reach max damage reduction
>Headshot isn't ohk
>Vancian magic
>No passive mana regen
>Boss can run away
>Dash/double jump/[insert other core ability] attached to specific item instead of being a general upgrade
>"Use fire mc, it does the most damage!" Mission 12: Defeat the flaming fire demon of demon fire in demon fire world
>Water, earth and wind count as """""""""""""""""""""""""elements""""""""""""""""""""""""" instead of doing physical damage but with special interactions
>Male/Female characters have better frame data for some reason
>Male/Female characters get unique armor with effects the other gender can't access
>If you fail an upgrade after +x, the item breaks
>Upgrades can fail in the first place
>Brightness/Gamma settings can invalidate the challenge of darkly lit areas
>Dual-wield has less dps than 2-hander
>Projectile has to ricochet to do max dps, doesn't have tracking on ricochet
>"Use this element to make other elements do more damage!"
>Applies damage buff, doesn't show true attack on the stats screen
>Superweapon can only be used in the final boss fight, no NG+
>No NG+
I might come back with more in a few minutes.
Fucking hate this shit when it shows up.
>headshots insta-kill
>with any gun
>in a multiplayer game
when I finished my first playthrough I had in the vicinity of 50 effniggies, what the fuck are you even doing?
>Rifle is wildly inaccurate
>Unless you're looking through the scope, which magically eliminates bullet spread
What game?
>limited inventory space, but only for kinds of items
>you can have 30 bear asses and 30 cyclops eyes but not 30 different instances of individual bones
sad part is the revert never fixed the bison
Binding of Isaac flash eternal update. Worse part is all the good exploits were fixed but all the negative ones were left alone
Rainbow Six Siege
>If you fail an upgrade after +x, the item breaks
I've never seen this outside korean MMOs that try to make you buy item saving consumables
>>"Use this element to make other elements do more damage!"
this shit ruins Borderlands 2 at high level
fuck slag
Not true.
>playing a game that has the universal symbol for homos in the title.
>Design class to be good at X and weak at Y
>Y class sucks and can be destroyed by classes A, B ,C and D
>Dev team thinks this is balanced
I dropped it when I learned that mechanic existed
>sniper rifles
there, no need to add anything to it
You mean recoil?
Oh, I guess that's why every fucker in that game seems to have a shield then? I've never played it because learning the maps seemed like too much of a time investment.
Explain? I dont follow esports
have you ever played csgo, because thats not the case at all you retard
rainbow six was around before gays took the rainbow you retard
I don't think irl recoil works like CS recoil
I really like this mechanic though. It raises the skill ceiling and makes for more competitive pro gaming.
This, csgo is gay
>sniper rifle shot in the heart doesn't kill you
>a knife in the arm is instant death
one word: Overwatch. I only play it cause its the only multiplayer game my friends play.
Exploiting bugs raises the skill ceiling and makes for pro gaming.
I really hope you relied to that post on purpose cuz that was mad funny
is there any shooter that actually has a special hitbox for the heart?
buy head armour dumb bitch
I don't get this, the CS patterns are no RNG. What recoil system are you talking about?
If it weren't for that mechanic, I would still be playing Vindictus.
Rising Storm 2 has heart and spine hitboxes alongside headshots.
Hmm. Do you count hunting games?
>fun item is completely ruined because of a highly advanced tech that less than 10 people in the world can pull off
Some have heart/lungs area. I can't think of one that has a separate heart only hitbox though other than hunting games.
What item user?
>Mandatory stealth sections in non-stealth games
>snipers in multiplayer vidya
ITT: People who are literally too bad for objectively good mechanics that existed pre csgo in the cs series also
I never cared about spray patterns. But then again, I rush with a shotgun so even if there is rng or no, it would work in my favor.
>The sniper main who refuses to switch
>The sniper main that thinks he is hot shit but can't play anything else or use tactics
>fall damage
>bosses that summon a bunch of normal enemies to attack you
>taking damage from something you didn't see
>taking a while to get to the main mechanic of the game because "muh story"
>games that focus on "muh story"
>horror game relies on jumpscares to be spooky
>game has lives mechanic
>game inserts views on real life politics for no reason
It's an odd thing to complain about. Isn't it always better that a game has mechanics which reward time spent practicing?
Fishbunjin suicide grab
the spray are retarded yes, recoil should simply be random, but the crosshair should also follow it, that way compensation isn't about memory
there's nothing worse than spending a shit ton of time playing games without fall damage, then booting up a game that does and forgetting/not knowing
sniper elite
Fucking touch of death combos in Marvel. Sick of that shit.
I'm sorry user
Nothing wrong with fall damage unless its in a 2D platformer.
>No NG+
this shit should be illegal for long as fuck games honestly
In CSGO, a rifle has to fire two shots to headshot someone.
A Five Seven can do it in one.
Let that sink in.
You think Spelunky would be better without fall damage?
Not just the crosshair, but the animation. A problem with most FPS games that use heavy recoil and spread is that your gun has one or two fire animations and no indication whatsoever of the spread. It's all blooming crosshair shit.
>mechanic X works perfect for months
>devs change mechanic X so it fucking sucks
>the new patch also adds a gamebreaking bug to mechanic X
Fuck you Friday the 13th Devs.
Terraria would be a bit worst without fall damage
at exteemely close range
>enemies only have to touch you to damage you
>they're aware of this and all charge at once with no concern for their own lives cuz lol programming is hard
>if you touch enemies they don't take damage
I understand if it's a weak suicide enemy, or they charge up to light themselves on fire or electrify themselves, but when they're just a normal guy that hurts you with touchies, it's dumb.
>Can't bipod LMGs
Fucking old BFs
>Collect special weapons throughout game
>Beating superboss powers them up and unlocks their true ability
>Every enemy slain with them powers them up
>They're still weaker than endgame weapons
>Well, it'll be fun to use on NG+
>Their unlocked form doesn't carry over
>aiming down sights on a shotgun reduces spread
Red Orchestra/Rising Storm
And at said range the rifle still doesn't out damage it.
>weapons deals less damage than another weapon firing the same ammunition
Metal Gear Online, all versions of it.
MGO2 eventually transformed into assholes tapping in and out of cardboard boxes to make their hitboxes instantly change while still remaining mobile, while tap-firing the M4 entirely off of crosshair and reaction reflex so that if a single bullet grazed your head, you instantly died.
>Glitch becomes a feature because players exploit it like crazy and the dev doesn't have the balls to fix it due to that
>Weapons and equipment breaks and requires maintenance
>Consumable items (health potions especially) don't stack
>dodge done by pressing 3+ buttons simultaneously
>sprint activated by pressing sprint button once instead of holding it
stickys are alright so long as it relies on gamesense for when to detonate them
At least Vesperia fixed that one
"Dancing" in SW Jedi Academy and Chivalry
what mechanic?
worse when you go from a game without fall damage, to a game where your protagonist might as well have glass knees and dies from dropping off a one-story roof.
>shotguns do anything at all to anyone wearing body armor that can offer even the slightest resistance to the weakest rifle rounds
>strategy game
>other factions don't try to win themselves, they just try to make you lose
What are we letting sink in?
>glitch/exploit gets patched
>people call it a nerf
I dropped Chivalry because of that retarded shit where looking at the floor made you hit sooner and faster
fuck that nonsense, 100 good hours out of that game, but fuck the devs for not fixing that.
>dev nerfs an archetype but calls it a bug fix
>guns are hitscans
>except sniper rifles with a beyond reasonable bullet drop
So glad they are limiting turn rate and making it so that a swing is not damaging at all parts of its animation so you can't hit behind yourself with an attack that winds up behind your back in Mordhau.
>racing game doesn’t have collision damage online
>just playing bumper cars
I don't know which game he's talking about, but that's how the AI in Total War games works now.
>Color coded enemy can only be damaged by matching element
Bonus points if there is a big, strong enemy type that can be damaged only by a weapon designed specifically to fight big groups of weak enemies
Yes, DmC, I am talking about you
Probably means that if the game continued after you were wiped out the remaining forces would not be fit to fight each other and everyone would just lose (I'm assuming he means AI opponents).
pretty much every Total War game works like that. The AI factions don't make rational decisions. if they border you, they'll always eventually attack you no matter what, even if it hurts them more than you
Total War AI
>enemy faction has 30 enemies besieging their last settlement
>send all their stacks to burn down your one border province with them
In the first Dishonored, I rather enjoyed all the mechanics except one
>if you choose to do a no power playthrough for the challenge, there's close to 4-5 instances where you HAVE to use blink
>your character is a supreme badass with some of the best gear, which is mostly lived up to on easy/normal difficulty
>on hard difficulty you're instead literally the weakest thing in the game, breaking verisimilitude
>there is no option to have both verisimilitude and challenge
>the playerbase is a literal cult so they're okay with that and shout down anyone who calls the devs out
basically imagine if instead of strategically gathering resources, spreading out to conquer the lands and following the same objectives and rules you do for game completion, the enemies focus entirely on building their armies however implausible or non-tactical they are and trying to fuck you in the ass solely and truly. it's not about winning, it's about surviving everyone else's bullshit.
strategy games are filled with that kind of shortcut shit. there's at least one WH40k game where the enemy focuses entirely on specific nodes under their control, and don't really fight worth a damn for any other nodes from there. if you were to sweep in and try to contest the main node they control suddenly they flip the fuck out, pour every single thing they have at you, and then go back to passive-aggressive play.
>missions in open world games don't have a 'retry' option when you fail them, forcing you to drive back to the mission start point for another go
>unskippable cutscenes that replay before a boss fight every time you die
>boss fights that have a long-ass preamble where you fight your way to the boss and there isn't a checkpoint just before you actually fight the boss
basically anything that wastes my time just to pad the game out
>On hard the enemy's only shoot you ignoring your team mates
>You would have an easier time on the hardest difficulty if your ally's and team mates wouldn't exist cause they body block you
>you are overencumbered and cannot move
>dying doesn't send you back at the start of the boss fight but back a full level
that was part of the game, it was part of the drag system, you could do it with every other direction too
the ACTUAL bullshit that killed that shit game was all the obese mutant freaks that sat in their chairs all day wasting away spinning the game like fairies exploiting hitboxes to get kills. the only reason the devs didn't fix it is because the fucking game was dying and they wanted to set up esports cringe for it and keep people playing, so they just let people keep exploiting with the spin bullshit and it became a """"""feature"""""". in doing so they alienated new players and people who actually like to play the normal game and now the game is mostly dead aside from remaining turbovirgins and the new players who play it then realize its shit and leave.
Halo was really bad about this. On Legendary every single Grunt has more hit points and better aim than the Master Chief and can absorb multiple punches to the face from him like it's no big deal.
>boss goes immune or leaves the arena to monologue
fuck leveling bosses in PoE
>only one save slot and game has multiple endings
>fall damage from tiny-ass falls
I'm looking at you Dark Souls 2, you fuck
>You can't have the entire party with you
>only active party members get XP
>if you try to level them evenly you'll be massively underlevelled halfway through the game
Frig off
>the ACTUAL bullshit that killed that shit game was all the obese mutant freaks that sat in their chairs all day wasting away spinning the game like fairies exploiting hitboxes to get kills.
That's because of the bullshit mentioned already, they should have fucking fixed it, it's fucking retarded that you can start a swing looking at the sky, then immediately look at the ground to get a literal instant hit, it was fucking broken and only made the spinning bullshit worse.
>carry limit that is much larger than the heaviest weapons/armour in the game and solely exists to stop you from taking all the loot you find to sell
>>only active party members get XP
Fuck any game that does this
>play through the game by fighting every enemy once on the map for EXP except if it's for a side quest, ignoring most of them on repeat visits
>you're severely underlevelled regardless
>lmao you should've been reloading a single map and grinding like a cuck
Loling @ u zoomy
Not hi, but the drag system was mechanically crucial to the game. Did you just want to spam LMB?
>enemy is meant to be fought with 5 other teammates
>op gets mad cuz you cant one shot it in the face
Thirst mechanic in Elona
Why should you get something for nothing?
It wasn't just the drag system, it's how easily this shit was to abuse and break the game because of it. Regardless of the devs intent, there was no excuse to allow instant hits, at any point, looking up at the sky, then down at the ground while swinging should not result in an instant hit. They could have fixed that shit but they never did like this user said
>the developer of a multiplayer pve only game can't decide if he wants players to be gods or have challenge
>game has no middle ground, the thing is either complete garbage or overpowered to the point of deflating any challenge, any middle ground is overshadowed by op shit
>unjustified nerfs of perfectly normal things while broken bullshit remains intact for years
Take a guess.
slugs bro.
yeah the drag system was a great system but they never actually fine-tuned it like they should've, they just left it as-is when they finished the game and people discovered the cracks
>Take a guess.
Oh god where the fuck do I start?
I'm glad I got a good 2 years out of the game before the cancer became terminal
>bunny hopping
>rocket jumping
>crouch jumping
>knife making you go faster
>invincibility frames
am i missing some important ones?
Fits both Realm of the Mad God and Path of Exile.
I'm imagining you're talking about killing floor or something
I liked how Titanfall 2 did it because the sniper rifle isn't hitscan, having both an arc and travel time, a very long time between shots, a need to ADS, and an absurdly long reload sequence.
And in a game where everyone can move at near-Quake speed.
You work for that 1HKO.
invincibility frames never belong in an MP game
prove me wrong
also fuck quickscoping, Snipers are broken in FPS games enough as is.
>Game has shotguns
>doesn't let you use slugs
>enemy/boss that gives a shitton of XP, like a metal slime or some shit
>party member is KO'd due to bad RNG
>they don't get SHIT for XP despite just getting KO'd at the very last turn
>they're permanently behind by a level
why the fuck do games do this
I agree with this to an extent, but with some context in that if you take a round to the foot, or hand it shouldn't even do 20% of your health, yes taking a bullet to the body part will make using that limb very difficult if not impossible, but still it's not going to kill you. If you take one anywhere else, yes you should take a lot of damage if not outright die. There are veins in your leg that if punctured will mean death in a very short time from blood loss. The closest game I've seen that's actually gotten this right was Red Orchestra 1943-1945.
>shotgun is useless at any range except melee range
>you have to switch to melee that has 2 second animation to take out
>you cock your gun every time you switch weapon
>reload animation takes ,3-,5 of a second after magazine is in and it's cocked
and lastly
>cars accelerating to max speed in 3 seconds
I just use the DMR. It's not a one-shot in the body, but the follow up comes so quickly that it's enough most of the time. Not useful for a quickscoping memelord though.
What are Ballerinas in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Alex. Seriously, fuck that shit. You faggots ruined the god damn game.
>sniper rifle does not kill in one hit because enemy is wearing a helmet
whens it coming round
>Have a blast on the forced low-level servers
>Can't play on them anymore
>Game is now shit
I was talking about warframe but really this bullshit extends to a lot of games which have conflicted vision. Or completely incompetent devs who are clueless and have never balanced, for instance, a competitive game, like For Honor.
Melee in a nutshell
>Harder difficulty just increases enemy health and damage, while lessening your health and damage
fuck off with this shit
I rather prefer that they do this than make the characters scream that they are gay themselves.
nothing personal kid
>the loading screen adds onto your playtime, especially when it has a "press button to continue" prompt where you go away for a while to come back later and you dont have a realistic assessment of time spent playing on the save file screen
Jiggly puff would qualify in smash.
>harder difficulty increases the damage of all weapons
>including yours
>actually makes it easier
But that was fixed in subsequent releases.
>Harder difficulty makes the enemies tougher, lowers your health, reduces pick ups, changes items around, and changes the save function
I love Resi 2 remake for this, this is how you do it, you still do the same damage as before, you just have less resources to work with and are encouraged to play differently.
They made his suicide grab not usable before 50% since you could waveshine into it at 0% as a true combo
>harder difficulty is actually easier because the you get significantly better gear drops earlier on
>Game difficulty just changes where checkpoints are located
Dragon's Dogma?
>Halo 2 Legendary
I did it once, I never want to do that absolute bullshit ever again in my life. Holy fuck, can we get a list of games with flat out broken and unfair harder difficulties?
When fighting your way through the game (or the most satisfing method) gets you the bad ending
>character is near perfectly balanced
>devs nerf it because "people are playing him wrong"
>becomes trash tier forever
>long range high burst damage character
>invisible assassin, usually also with instakill burst damage
just fuck off this shit its never fun in any genre or any setting ever
If there really are multiple endings then the more challenging gud boi ending should be the good ending.
The best thing would be if one ending isn't objectively good and other(s) bad.
Fuck off, I like playing artillery/sniper.
>character is near perfectly balanced
>devs nerf it because lower skilled players are having trouble dealing with it
>Crutch characters keep getting buffs
>pvp is a literal minigame and has zero impact on pve
>good gear for pvp and pve is drastically different
>yet devs still nerf shit across the board for all activities because it is overpowered in pvp
>devs have class favoritism
>one class can literally do everything solo while other classes must be carried by this class
You can't hide from me you sub 1.0 shitter. Go back to /dg/ where your trash ilk belong.
Even kirby games had this figured out.
Both you and the enemy take touch damage.
>>devs have class favoritism
>>one class can literally do everything solo while other classes must be carried by this class
It hurt reading this
>Love interest can lose you a game
Fucking Cultist simulator
What games you specificly talk about?
>one class has almost every utility ability in the game
>still cry when they aren't in the top 5 ranking for damage
god I hate mage players so fucking much
Kinda weird but when a game has a shit indicator of you being hit. Fucking overwatch for some reason its like your being attacked by a damn misquito
>weapon is overpowered in PVP
>devs nerf it for PVE as well as PVP
holy fuck, stop.
It was more tedious than anything else, any combo that wasn't Plasma pistol and BR won't work and you constantly have to find the pistols from previous fights when you run out of shots
>stealth game punishing lethal/action playthrough
>99% of unlocks are lethal weapons and explosive
>stealth mission in non stealth game
I'm not that guy, but his post made me immediately think of Rogue Legacy
Is this another destiny post? Are you talking about the ikelos nerf?
Go play battlefield or something, retard. Or CSGO. Or fucking Halo. Literally any other competitive multiplayer shooter.
They do this shit all the time in Total War as well
>MP played by literally 2% of the community
>nerf units and abilities game-wide based on that 2%
>99% of unlocks are lethal weapons and explosive
This bothers me about MGS games starting with 3 onwards. All the cool shit besides Boktai's Solar Gun are typically either super impractical joke non-lethals, or death and destruction or infinite ammo lethals. This isn't even considering how many lethal guns you can acquire in comparison to how many non-lethal in a normal playthrough. MGS5 is the worst about it because you get a handful of non-lethal weapons and tools, but they're all shit compared to the basic 3-punch CQC combo and 90% of the arsenal is death, death, and mordeth - in a game all around kidnapping people for recruitment and a mission structure that punishes you for kills.
None of those games play like destiny and you know it you fucker.
That's rough man. Personally I don't see the point in nerfing single player stuff unless it's trivializing the game.
Almost a year now and still no fix
Why the fuck Cav Story couldn't at least give a bit more recovery items?
If you are so good at pvp, you are better off playing any other better designed competitive game. Or are you playing it because it is the only pvp game you are good at?
League of legends comes to mind.
Really MOBA in general tend to have this problem but league is my biggest experience with the genre.
Master yi tanking with self heal and dps
Assasins with so much vamp they can tank turrets while 1v5ing or eating minions.
>forced motion controls making repetitive mundane tasks a challenge/minigame
I quit skyward sword for this.
>Boss can't be beaten reasonably without multiplayer
Dark souls dlc comes to mind
>area or content can't be reached without more players
PSO did this.
>attacks that look dodge able but aren't
>bugs/exploits left in game because """"competitive"""" players like them
Siege’s crouching/lean spamming?
Or is it Ash’s hitbox?
>enemy has an attack that looks dodgeable but if you walk out of the telegraphed area before the end of the windup the enemy snaps to your direction and hits you anyway
>Literally anything that removes player agency, ESPECIALLY in fucking multiplayer games
I play video games because I want to play video games, not look at my character unable to look or act for 20+ seconds at a time. Looking real hard at you most DOTA-likes, Battlerite, etc.
>hard mode doesn't let you save at will
>in an open world game
wtf Metro devs
Point me in the direction of a game that has pvp like destiny's with fast movement, double jumps, skating and strong primaries and secondaries with vertical maps and isn't a twitch shooter.
Shit, I don't think I ever realized that was the case. I played through most of the STALKER games with "realism" mods, I found the legitimate challenge of using an accurate and powerful gun to kill enemies quickly while having to avoid getting hit at all much more fun than the vanilla bullshit setup of trying to kill enemies with my pathetic gun while trying to avoid getting hit too many times by theirs.
>special difficulty mode has good ideas which turn out to be completely retarded in actual game because the challenge mode was an afterthought
Titanfall 2.
>implying destiny isn't a twitch shooter and has fast movement
>game has a "challenge mode"
>none of the challenges are actually hard, they just require you to run a character build/party comp that trivializes the difficult part, or they're completely impossible
>titanfall 2
I love tf2. But tf2 takes 5 minutes for me to get a match and still has lightning quick .3 seconds time to kill with spray and pray smgs.
Ok whatever. Have fun. It is not like Bungo will change their approach to balancing shit if you quit pvp.
I'm more disappointed that titans in D2 became crucible apes with roaming supers up the ass instead of great pve class they used to be. Now all great utility skills belong to warlocks to retarded degree.
Shotguns have it the worst. It's like they never heard of a slug.
Oblivion with a cap on potion intake, I guess understandable given it's predecessor
>sequel removes content people liked in the original and then adds it back as DLC months later
Seriously, go try Apex if you haven't already. The movement isn't as crazy as you're asking for but it's really solid and it's otherwise a very good multiplayer shooter, probably the best of this era. It's not like other BRs either, it's basically a team deathmatch with constant action if you go looking for it.
automated drones and turrets are the shit, i always play characters that have them
fucking shills
>Point me in the direction of [game]
>Gets pointed in the direction of [game]
i think they actually fixed most of the broken bullshit in chivalry in the deadliest warrior DLC. dragging was nerfed and tanked your damage, and most weapons no longer had broken attacks to abuse. the only broken shit was something like the viking shield bash and longsword 1h stab. still, it was the much better one of the two games, but it's basically dead now.
imagine thinking you get stunlocked for 20+ seconds in any moba
>Finally implementing fixes, but it is too late
Reminds me of Skype.
Mordhau when?
You obviously haven't been shot with a high calibre sniper rifle before.
There is a difference between gettin a tiny bullet that stops in the middle of your meat or one that literally tears your arm off, or mills your guts.
Nice response, just like the directors told you.
something being realistic doesn't make it a good mechanic autist
To be fair if I were to jump 1 story I'd probably at least break a few bones. I'm rather hefty.
>make the game shallower because I cannot grasp this mechanic
never change Yea Forums.
Do a roll after the fall.
literally metro exodus, Artyom's knees shatter after falling like 40 cm or something and camera smears strawberry jam on top of the screen begging you to use a medkit for something so pathetic
That's why they made it so invading spirits dropped effigies.
>no slug ammuntions for shotguns.
The worst.
When games with leveling or skill unlocks don't have the ability to repec characters.
When you realise a skill is useless or that it would be better to specialise in something else, being locked into something is seriously annoying. The recent Prey is a good example.
don't you enjoy spamming X/A/F/E whatever else button the devs put in for you to mash 50 times before you break loose of a hold/kill a QTE enemy/turn a random wheel and so forth?
And going through the exact same shit multiple times too during the game?
When the community starts reveling in bugs as if they are intended mechanics and they never get fixed
The reasoning is usually that it makes the game harder, so if you dont do the faggot rain dance you're at a disadvantage
Bullet patterns. I understand why people want it but at the top the supposed skill is irrelevant. Muscle memory renders the concept of recoil meaningless eventually
>melee is way stronger than shooting
>in a shooting game
This is because people regret guns, just like how people regret spears. Humans instinctively like melee combat, guns made everything easy, quick and pussified.
The Fire Emblem games are like this. The AI doesn't care about keeping it's units alive. Their goal is to kill at least one of your units (waifus). They will use 7 of their units to obliterate one of yours, even if it means all 7 of their units will die next turn.
unavoidable damage
Unavoidable death in game and not a cutscene
sometimes its just the primary attack without a cooldown other then reloading!
Even worse
>waste all your ammo shooting at monster
>realize its supposed to kill you and now you're out all your ammo
>death in a game with a drawn out cut scene you can't skip
>monster instantly kills you unless you have a specific weapon already out when it attacks you
>the weapon you have to use is significantly worse than most others so you have no reason to use it beyond trial and error
literally half of the games core mechanics
>that sniper main who is too try hard and goes into pub matches just to make sure nobody has any fun
This has to be warframe
>The sniper main who fucks around with his internet connection to land shots easier/ harder to hit