Shit Yea Forums I'm finding this game pretty fun...

Shit Yea Forums I'm finding this game pretty fun, though with no white males I'm struggling to identify with any of these characters forced into a battle royal arena in a Sci Fi future.
Unironically though I do think this is the only battle royal format I've enjoyed so far.

Can we ignore race politics (which are an obvious element of the game's promo and aesthetic style but I really do want to ignore it) and discuss mechanics? What does Yea Forums think of Alex Legends on a mechanical and gameplay level?

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Isn't Caustic a white male?

>I'm struggling to identify with any of these characters

But there's already a faggot in the game

>though with no white males I'm struggling to identify with any of these characters

get used to it, mayo

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if you didn't go looking for junk lore written by community managers you'd never know the characters were anything but some ugly mugged mutts forced to fight to the death for the white people watching at home

And he gases people so theres that

>multiplayer shooter
>wanting to identify with the cannon fodder

What the fuck? I didn't give it a second thought playing as arabs or asians in battlefield 2. Get a grip.

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Holocaustic and Bloodhound are white males. Besides, why do you need to identify with characters in a video game? Are you autism?


>OP is such a delicate snowflake that he can't play a game without pretending to RP as the character

Worse then SJW

I wish that I could test out the attachments in the practice room. I feel like the combinations I'm running in every game are different enough that every time I shoot a gun I'm not sure what I'm going to get, and you can't really find out until you find someone to shoot.

Wow okay faggotsOP here, I didn't follow this game before or after release besides it being a Fortnite killer, but I figured Yea Forums would hate it for the multiple nonwhite women and make some political statement about the one white guy having to wear a mask or something. It was bait to spark discussion / avoid shitposting ITT. I play as the gas grenade jheri curl girl if I can

>bait to avoid shitposting

300 IQ 3D chess master here lads.

I tried, fuck. Have you played this damn game? What do you think?

Now that I think about it I've tried the whole "address the Yea Forums attitude and move on" tactic before and I always get called out on it. I'd say is a lesson learned but I am autismo and can't break my behaviour with this board

Caustic is white and Bloodhound is non-binary or some shit.

Apex Legends is the biggest example for why battle royales are an anti-skill genre. It's meant to be in the titan fall universe but they took out the one aspect of that game that had any semblance of depth which was the movement system. This is because BR games are meant to be a lottery with enough random elements to allow even the most casual player a chance at winning. They must maintain this status quo and thus take out anything skillful that would allow players to secure a win. BR is just a cancer genre and apex legends is no different.

I cant fucking stand this game and I've enjoyed every br so far (fortnite only until the start of season 4) why do people like this game so much? Gun variety is shit with only a few worth even touching. Dropping is basically rng hell with finding a reasonable weapon before the opponent and forced 3 player squads is a real piss off for everyone who has played br with friends before because everyone is now used to squads of 4. Now 1 player gets left out and guess what hes fucked to because there is no solo play and playing with randoms is worse in this game than any other because the gun play is so shit they will die to some fag with 700 kills.

I really like it. Adds several features to the BR arena that really outclass the rest of them. Having a ping system is pretty much a requirement to all new BRs. Also inventory management is way smoother, the rez feature. Also it's just It has a certain unexplainable quality about it that makes it accessible to all, while remaining fun to high/low tier players without being too "tryhard". I see myself playing it quite a while if the continue to support it, which it looks like they will. Also anything that kills Fortnite is fine in my book. Tired of seeing my little nephew floss and beg my sister for Vbux.

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Hitboxes are fucked, guns are unbalanced, and I personally do not enjoy the BR genre. Check out Titanfall 2 if you like Apex though.

dudes why don't we give clear hitbox advantages to certain characters so that they have a permanent advantage and punish characters who don't get to pick them first

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I too like killing minorities.

No shit I just placed second when the other two of my squad wiped in minutes. I camped but it does add another dynamic having those lone wolves out there and I did think about how I'd like to test and try new moves and configs without impacting team play. A few new modes, even just with dummies on cliffs and in buildings with random weapon drops, would be great

I do think that supporting / carrying / participating in a squad is a whole new dynamic that makes players behave more adaptively. I don't know if Fortnite actually had squad mode but I know I'm better at picking / placing squad mates than I am at straight out shooting so it adds a great dynamic to make the calls / be carried or sacrificed in a Firefight / decide if I want to run away and camp or pick someone up and hope they carry me. I've seen top 100 players on PUBG and they have a method that barely changes, I feel like A:P is at least more dynamic cause sometime you get a good sniper on your team and sometimes you get a fucking retard

there is no "politics" in the game. the only mention of fags is on the character bio where its mentioned that gibraltar had a boyfriend, and the poltards and the quarter pounder cult started being autistic about it. if the "boyfriend" was replaced with "girlfriend", would you retards even give a shit

I haven't really played much of BR games before, but I'm starting to enjoy Apex Legends a little more than the one's I've tried.
I'm liking the slightly longer TTK and the ability to respawn a teammate if you get the chance. Inventory is quick to manage. Ping and team chat is really nice, I only get to play late at night so it's rare I ever get to use my mic.

The things that suck are the wildly different sizes of hitboxes for characters. I enjoy playing Gibraltar because of his bubble shield and airstrike, but I'm just so much bigger compared to others that I feel like I just die instantly from eating a spray that would otherwise not hit me too hard if I were a small girl.
There's also the fact that his ADS arm shield is a trap, you're dead meat if you slow down in close quarters instead of jumping around hipfiring.

>hard limit on free in-game currency (level-up crates stop eventually)
>plan to release several new characters

They need to address this pretty fucking quick or shit's going to blow up in their faces.

why do you need to identify with a character, you fucking retarded teenagers
we need a plague

their battle pass will release at the beginning of march, though if they price it any higher than fortnites battle pass they'll shoot themselves in the foot

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this lmao
it's a good game desu

>45 full body hit damage
>3 round mag, non-expandable
>Wide shotgun spread, can't hit anything beyond close range

>45 full body hit damage (increased headshot damage with a mod)
>6 round mag, expandable to 12
>Pinpoint accuracy, minimal damage falloff, basically a sniper in everything but the available scopes

What the fuck were they thinking?

mozambique is designed to be a bad weapon, notice how it only spawns in low-tier areas


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I barely played two games with randoms and couldn't test weapons

what weapons are supposed to be good? I only remember the longbow and loved it

>tfw got the legendary warrior skin from a crate and bought the winter reskin instead of a new legend

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Top tier: Peacekeeper, Wingman

High tier: R301, R99, Scout, maybe Spitfire

Mid tier: Everything else. Some become high tier with proper mods.

Low tier: Pistols other than Wingman, Mozambique

Get good faghot

pretty shit gun balance, games from 2001 had more balance gun wise. Merc balance also kinda shit. Characters like wraith have a tiny hitbox and most her animations she's crouched pretty low. Meanwhile gibraltor fatass gets shot by anything.

Having only sliding for movement tech is kinda a let down. At least wall running and or jumping would make it better. Still the fastest of most BRs but they're all slow as fuck.

thanks user, will try them

To add the gold supply drop weapons to that, the shotgun is top, sniper is high.

The game already has this dumbass they're working on a fix

>hurr durr just get better at using the broken mechanics durrrr

Bloodhound is definitely female, just listen to that voice.

also the parts you can pick for your guns, are they different or can I just grab everything if they're from a higher colour?

I've been carried to victory 5 of 5 times I've played it.
Manage to get one kill, most of the time you get bamboozeled, it's fun but way more fun with frens.

>can't identify with a character just because it's not literally (You)
You some kinda progressive snowflake, son?

Colors are just tiers, yeah.
White < Blue < Purple < Gold.

Gold ones also have special properties, ranging from halved health item use time (backpack) to self-revive (knockdown shield).

It's a BR shooter where killing people to get better loot is the name of the game. Of course some guns are going to be flat out worse than others, and there has to be a bottom to that particular barrel. It'd lose a lot of the appeal if you just nabbed the first random gun you found and were basically all set for endgame every match.

Yes, and he gases "them" while spouting quips about how it's funny to him that they thought of themselves as equals.

I hope they halve Wraith's hp.
I'm so tired of seeing her everywhere and then seeing people try to defend her dogshit-tier abilities like they're the reason she gets picked so much.

The Mastiff is top tier. It does over 100 damage in a single good hit at a respectable range.

Apex Legends is far too random and down to chance to be enjoyable for me.

You can end up spending hours being a sweaty tryhard without accomplishing anything at all due to factors outside of your own control
>squadmates are retards who have never used a computer before joining your game
>jumpmasters keep jumping you into hotzones so you get eliminated within seconds of touching down
>squadmates picking 1v3 fights and then disconnect the moment they get knocked down
>crashing to desktop after you somehow managed to make it alone to two squads left
>the weapons and items you find is almost entirely down to luck
>same goes for the hitreg, the netcode has been analyzed and is objectively garbage
>poorly optimized, need some serious horsepower to utilize those high refresh rate monitors

On top of all this there's just not much in terms of FUN in the game.
It's serious business and unless you WIN all you get is frustration, compared to a title like Team Fortress 2, bursting at the seams with humor everywhere you look: ragdoll physics, explosive gibbing, freezecams, character dialogue, taunts, hats. Feels like half an hour of my time is spent infinitely better playing the latter, getting stuff done almost immediately after joining a server, and having fun the whole way through.

negative, respawn confirmed bloodhound is neither male nor female which has led people to guess that it is some sort of spirit of blood/the hunt inside of a suit of armor.

Plus Bloodhound is a worshiper of the Allfather(Odin) which mean that it is probably an Einherjar returned from Valhalla to continue to fight in battle.

>struggling to identify with
Call me old fashioned but I remember back in the days where video game characters were Mexican looking plumbers from Italy that had to battle giant turtle dragons to save a princess. We didn't have problems identifying with shit.
I get this is a shitpost but the whole "I NEED TO IDENTIFY WITH SO AND SO" is so god damn pathetic and needy. Why do you have to identify with a character to enjoy a game? Why can't you just PLAY the motherfucker?
Don't get me wrong, if a game pushes an agenda, and I mean it's in your face with the bullshit (Overwatch) it's dumb as hell and takes away from the game play. I get that this game has a bunch of niggers and mudslimes in it but the fact that when I first looked at this game and went "cool, first person battle royale. I might like it" instead of "Holy shit they are pushing an agenda" is the reason why I liked this game in the first place.
Identity politics is cancer and we need to start chemotherapy.

No, they said hes probably non binary purely because hes hidden and they could. Theres nothing that proves hes a made up gender or lends itself to that. So hes male. Kys

Idk, I find the idea that Bloodhound is some sort of supernatural spirit in a suit of armor that is a worshiper of Odin much more interesting than being a generic male so why don't you go kys for your bland and boring as fuck taste.

Considering the voice actor for BH is female I'd have to say the spirit angle is a much better theory than it being some transfaggot.

But why does that make BH male? The VA is clearly female.

Jesus fucking christ you illiterate.
LOOT BOXES stop dropping,the actual currency to buy legends remains as usually

>It's serious business and unless you WIN all you get is frustration
That might just be a (You) problem. I always figured part of the reason this genre caught on as hard as it did was because you're gunning against dozens of other people competing for random loot so if you get shit on you're less likely to get salty because the lower likelyhood of winning in the first place makes it easy to let it go and get on to the next match.

shit like this
>jumpmasters keep jumping you into hotzones so you get eliminated within seconds of touching down
isn't frustrating to me, it just makes me think "okay we'll probably get our asses kicked within a minute of touching down, but whatever, I can just jump into another game right after this ends"

>jump down somewhere with another squad
>within 5 femtoseconds of landing someone on the other squad shoots you with a peacekeeper
every time

Bloodhound is a ten thousand year old skeleton confirmed.

>Only won 1 match so far
Still, I'll get into it.
Prefer Titanfall 2 tho