Sacrefice yourself for her

>sacrefice yourself for her
>get only a little kiss in cheek

Yeah make sense

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Is this fucking real?

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I would have asked her to let me sniff her ass and vag real quick

>sacrifice yourself at all

Put yourself in her shoes. Would you really want to actually kiss that incel nerd virgin?

Actuallly he is pretty handsome and he look like really nice guy

>sacrificing yourself for a woman
unironically, the deserved end of every white knight

He's a beta faggot. Look at that fucking shirt.

lmao who the fuck is that
>ironic nerd shirt and big dumb glasses in a lara croft game
is this a fucking self insert

oh no no

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Based and redpilled.

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Every. Fucking. Time.

Why do people do this? If you were writing this for yourself and JUST YOURSELF it would be fine. Why parade it for the world to see it?

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Based Lara not giving in to thirsty nerds


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Weebs BTFO, can't even become 2D for their waifu

>developers make Lara reject a symbolized version of the gamer
>salty gamers make SFM of her getting fucked by dogs and horses
Like pottery

well now that he claimed her you cant do it anymore. Ultimate waifufaggotry

guaranteed pedo

Bruh look at the top of his head

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Would you rather they fuck right then and there you moron?

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because now it's canon that his waifu loves him

She would've done more if he was a horse

Based jealous old Lara poster

>he thinks women want "nice guys"

>Not a horse

He never stood a chance

>canon a little girl falls in love with a significantly older man
That doesn't set off a few red flags?

not him but what are you talking about? girls like nice guys

this is how sad waifufags look to normal people

>haha i know we're in a life and death situation, but I think Lara is hot and I wanna do something to impress her
>proceeds to get himself killed for a girl who was neither interested, but was more mostly concerned about getting off the goddamn island
Yeah naw he's lucky he got a kiss on the cheek.

This, he was a fucking retard

Well, there arent Blossoms in real life, so no.

>sacrifing anything for a women
Most stupid thing one can do.

hi incel virgin

is that epic name bro

>all those buttmad virgins that they will never be able to put their self insert into the show and have blossom literally fawn over them officially

lmao this guy is based, almost as much as that guy that made his waifu's trilogy in final fantasy 13

>girls like nice guys

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t. ugly fag

So I can kill myself without making my mom feel bad.
I eagerly await the day some kid is about to get hit by a car and I can push them out of the way and get killed instead.

>people have forgot the value and meaning of virtues
No wonder the world has gone to shit this much.

Would you not sacrefice yourself for that ass?

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Grow up guys, srs.

You're lucky to even get that

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you just proved his point

>she's supposed to be 22 in Rise
Bull fucking shit, she looks like a 30 year old

I want to kiss her asshole