Smile for me, Yea Forums!

Smile for me, Yea Forums!

Attached: 1392501240428 daisy.png (1012x1024, 375K)



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Attached: Yui wink.gif (500x310, 1003K)

Not from you!

Attached: 1392000487604acs.png (154x150, 17K)

>calarts: the image

Attached: help.jpg (1410x793, 156K)

Sure thing

Attached: tuAuGth.png (512x384, 194K)

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Attached: Daisy's chinese cowboy impression is so offensive that Mario's stomach ulcer practically e (730x564, 82K)

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Isn’t this guy in jail

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Wait, am I being added to the cringe collection?

Attached: mfw.jpg (600x600, 43K)

Cringe compilations are so 2018

Attached: 1438819623658.jpg (220x293, 22K)