>Tactical, turn based or grand strategy also welcomed.
I've been playing lots of this lately, specially AoE2, Cossacks 1 and Brood War. Mostly comp stomps, but a few online games too. What have you been playing, user?
RTS thread
>still no news about AoE4
Discovered about them few days back. Are these highly detailed autism simulations good to play today?
forgot the pic
Which is your favorite AoE II HD expansion?
There's only one favorite of mine.
Yeah, it's basically a platoon level WW2 miniatures wargame on PC. If you are autistic enough to be into this sort of thing you'll love it. Otherwise it might be better to play something like Blitzkrieg or Panzers. Also check Combat Mission, it's similar but in 3D.
Dunno, I only have Conquerors. Are the expansions worth it?
This expansion comes out in a few days and should finally make the sea war interesting.
This kind of game, without autistic bean-counting micromanaging ends up being a lame map painting simulator.
Have you played pic related? I think it's the best Star Wars strategy game by far, if the UI didn't suck it would be the perfect sci fi grand strategy game.
Any Close Combat or Combat Mission games that go a little easy that you'd suggest starting off from?
And if that doesn't go well, should I go with Blitzkrieg 1 or 2, or go with CodeName Panzer series?
Clone Wars cartoon got me interested in SW at the time, and being an AoE II fan, this game was perfect for me.
Galactic Battlegrounds was the only star wars rts i've ever played, but i loved it. great eu and variety of units, also age of empires 2 except star wars and hence superior.
My favorite is CC3, the one on the USSR. I just checked and Panzers is on sale, so perhaps pick that. Blitzkrieg is like 1 or 2€ on sale anyways.
Relic died with their own mistakes anyways.
>"We want e-Sports market"
I haven't played Dawn of War 3. It's really that bad or it's just the internet getting triggered again because it wants Dawn of War 1 with better graphics?
Daily reminder that Yea Forums doesnt play RTS games and it's a very casual board
>Cossacks 1
OP tell me more. I've heard about these games as a kid but never played them
This game was so fucking good, I need to reinstall it right now
dh > hoi3
oob gives me a brain aneurysm, i dont understand why anyone would willing subject themselves to that.
Been playing through the Greeks campaign of the AoE remaster. Can only think how much I miss the formation feature of AoE II any time my units start autistically bumping into each other and die one by one during a zerg.
Essentially it's like Age of Empires but in the XVIII century, with more resources (iron, coal, food, wood, gold and stone) and you can make thousands of troops, organize them into formations and fight tactically. Imagine isometric 2d Empire Total War mixed with Age of Empires 2. The sequel is a real-time tactics game about the Napoleonic Wars, and it's also very good. There is also American Conquest, it's like Cossacks 1 but based on the colonization of the Americas, the Seven Years War and the American Revolution, I played the shit out of it when I was a kid.
Wait what? No.
The campaign is barebones, feels like tutorial for the multiplayer with """""story""""" in between.
And the multiplayer went for 3 lane MOBA-like matches, because Relic though it would become a eSports cash cow.
It tried to do too many things and ended up becoming nothing.
daily reminder that the rts genre is dead because it was stale as fuck. nothing interesting about playing the same rock paper scissor strategies against nobodies for literal decades,
t. brainlet
>going to be on win10 only
Doesn't matter, everyone will just play AoEII on steam and voobly.
name one rts that came out in the past 8 years that doesnt suck complete shit
AoE2 is still the pinnacle of the genre. That's why these are not made anymore, there is no point, they tried to but couldn't outcompete AoE2 at any point. Every time I get bored of it I play something else and return within a month.
Save Scum, the game
Battlefleet Gothic, Halo Wars 2, Cossacks 3, Legacy of the Void, Ardennes Assault, SoaSE Rebellion, Planetary Annihilation...
>check it out of curiosity because it being grandfather of RTS
>1 hour went by without notice
Westwood was the most based PC developer of all time.
How is AoE III compared to 2? Does this series transition to 3D okay?
Dune Legacy adds modern interface features; box select etc. And opengl graphics engine
It's a good game, but not as memorable or well designed as AoE2.
it's more micro-intensive because of smaller armies
This shit was so good.
t. brainlet
>always got bored by the slowpaced world building and used the cheat codes to speed it up
maybe this is why i'm such a low iq retard today
>Dune Legacy
Thanks user!
does anyone know of any other RTS that is like Warcraft 3 with their heroes and abilities?
pls no moba posting
Dawn of War 2.
Kohan, Heroes of Annihilated Empires, Armies of Exigo IIRC
have you tried out dawn of war 2? you basically micro 4 heroes/squads, but there's no base building. there is a lot of items for customization.
Dude if you're not archer rushing by 4 minutes what are you even doing
having fun with my friends
>One of the two good RTS amde by Petroglyph
>OST by Frank Klepacki
>Not Available digitally
Fucking SEGA...
>Battlefleet Gothic
rtt not an rts, pretty good but the sound design was lacking and campaign is a slog
>Halo Wars 2
microsoft store only
>Cossacks 3
we never got stalker 2 because of this
>Legacy of the Void
competitive gaming bait
>Ardennes Assault
90% of factions are behind a paywall
>SoaSE Rebellion
base game is 11 years old, can probably finish two matches in that time. pretty good though ill give you this one
>Planetary Annihilation
dead after 20 matches
>windows live
Can you even play it anymore?
I loved this game but it was unbalanced as all shit.
What's the point of a non-competitive RTS?
No conventional AI can ever take a human in a fair fight.
Lord of the Rings War of the Ring, Battle for Middle Earth, Dawn of War 1.
>game is too slow it's boring
>no I don't want to play faster
you anons are good men
>nobody even mentions warlords' battlecry 3
>Try to make an RTS with cinematic feel, trying to show the sides of both sides
>Actually nailed it
RIP Massive, now they are grinding away with Division series.
I'm not the guy who said its slow and boring tho
Grey Goo, Homeworld Deserts of Kharak.
I'm sad that we'll never see a Ground Control 3
Still the king of SciFi strategy games
That ending when 2 soldiers sit in the ruins of Seattle while managed to call the nuke off
And of course
RIP Bannon
One of the best games I'v ever played.
He said DOESN'T suck complete shit
Close Combat 3 and 5 are the best in the series. Avoid Panthers in the Fog and Cross of Iron like the plague. Bridge Too Far is probably the hardest in the series. I'd start with CC5, then play CC3, then maybe Gateway to Caen to round it off. That way you'll get a good variety of nations to play as, otherwise you'll be stuck with Shermans for most of the series - and that, is shit.
My bro! Der Ost Front?
>Ground Control 3
just imagine it with current tech
They were trying to make RTS into a legitimate genre to compete in mainstream. Ground Control II back in the day was the most techincally marvelous strategy game in the market.
But no one notices the good stuff.
Lame setting, looks pretty though and the cannonball physics are fun.
>A plane is about to hit Twin Towers
Those voxely units and buildings in Red Alert and Age of Empires is what I love about the old RTS games. I hate new RTS games, wish they'd go back to that style.
>Avoid Panthers in the Fog and Cross of Iron like the plague
Why so?
>Gateway to Caen
Isn't this also part of the modern CC games?
there have been some awesome singleplayer story & campaigns. a few good examples are aoe 2, aom, company of heroes 1, dawn of war. not everything has to be balanced to be interesting.
>No conventional AI can ever take a human in a fair fight.
true for most games in any genre. this is why scenario design is important in rts.
>That fucking strange intro with crashing spaceship
Vinci was fucking cool
>story-only RTS
That's just a SHITLOAD of design work for an absolutely miniscule payoff, a tiny market who'll only buy your game once.
Applies less to simpler games like coh/dow2, those games are just easier to make.
great game but my only problem is that building super-weapons like the death star was useless because they made the chance of a single fighter destroying it wayyy too high.
the commandos games are still hard as fuck even with save scumming.
dad get the manual GET THE MANUAL NOW!
If you rush, you are one of the reasons the genre is dead
too bad the gameplay sucked
if you count eu4 and hoi4 as an rts, that's a lot of people who spend 100% of their time in singleplayer
This is an amazing game
is CoH2 worth playing for single player? i've had it in my backlog for a while
Ahh... those were the days...
giga based
>EA owns the Star Wars license now
>they've made 2 (2) games with it
>one of them is so bad governments were looking into it
try it out and tell me. i couldnt get past the fact the dlc came with its own dlc.
>just spent $40 to play the new dlc? please spend an extra $5 to actually play the faction outside the campaign
Is aurora allowed in this thread?
cuz it sucks dick
the real tragedy of swbf2 was how gutted the community was. no after match chat, no server browser, no clans, no dedicated squads, no squad respawn. the main thing i remember that in australia there was only ever 1 or 2 servers full of players at any given time, and if you didnt manage to find a slot in that server it would place you in a new empty server that would never ever fill up with enough people to start a match.
HD remaster when?
the AAR's were way more interesting than the game itself.
Cross of Iron is a subpar remake of Close Combat 3, they changed the soldier behaviour so they'd crawl around and get killed rather than run to cover or fight back.
Panthers in the Fog has awful platoon compositions, too many boring maps that end up being choke points and questionable performance of weapons and armour - it's just not very good.
Gateway to Caen has some nice updated effects and features - does still have the shit pre-set platoons, but they're not as bad as Panthers in the Fog.
>Want to play some dead RTS MP
>Get kicked by some nostalgiafags for not following the meta or for having low elo/rank
>want to play some dead RTS MP
>Powered by GameSpy
I like Stronghold
Crusader wasn't really to my liking, I like the campaign of the first game more.
They opened a position for a writer lead speficially aimed at wrting stories for AoE.
They also confirmed there will be an AoE segment during the next Xbox livestream in March.
RTS is not like fighting games. The super powerful guy can't show you how to play, or give advice on how to beat him.
You'll get smeared like a bug hitting a windshield. He will have wasted 10-15 minutes of his time with no fun, you'll be crying in the corner from your expanded anal opening and no one will be better off for it.
I am sure you do ;^)
Is that carving a path or kill the pig mission? Either way both of them suck
>be me in 2013
>playing aoe3 every friday with the boys
>everyone is terrible at the game
>no one builds an army till at least 30 minutes in
>read a build order guide on the internet
>it's perfect
>100 strelets in 11 minutes flat
>steamroll my bros using this strategy many times
>it can be countered literally by just building cavalry but they dont know that
>they dont like it, theyve never been rushed in an rts before
>they grow to fear me and my power
>the joke was on me though
>the matches were becoming more and more unbalanced against me
>until one fateful day, they had enough
>my bros come storming my base using the free cavalry units the germans get from their shipments
>12 uhlans attack 4 minutes into the game
>i literally have nothing to counteract it
>not even the minutemen will save me this time
>utterly defeated
fast forward to now
>still have a rep for being the best at the game
>we decide to play another match because its been years
>expecting a nice, lazy boom game
>do the usual harassment with a handful of units trying to pick off my mates villagers
>boy was i wrong
>didnt scout the enemy enough
>he comes knocking with 30 turkish muskets 10 minutes in
>my hubris is my downfall
rushing is fun. the real lesson is to not crush your friends too much otherwise they'll stop playing.
How so?
I've rarely heard about the first Stronghold game.
End of the pig.
I agree.
Fucking god tier game, MoO2 and Civ IV BtS are literally the perfect 4x games.
Little off topic, but have you played any other Slitherine or Battlefront.com games?
Never played this but the graphics alone sucker punch me in the nostalgic aesthetics spot.
Does someone managed to run Armies of Exigo on WIN7?
>The super powerful guy can't show you how to play, or give advice on how to beat him.
sure you can. ive done it for many newcomers. you just need to break the game down into simple concepts that they can understand and expand upon it from there.
i usually get newcomers to focus on building their economy to start with. managing continuous villager production and preventing idle time. from there you get them to spam out one type of unit continuously for use in the team fight. once they can quickly and reliable pump out that unit. then you can start focusing on counter play. then after that, establishing a build order.
How's Modern Tactics?
glad I'm not the only one hating this mission
how do I beat it?
I have no idea...
Literally better than AoE2.
>the real lesson is to not crush your friends too much otherwise they'll stop playing.
yep, the realest
This is the only game to ever get steampunk setting right.
RoL was amazing and better than RoN.
>i usually get newcomers to focus on building their economy to start with. managing continuous villager production and preventing idle time. from there you get them to spam out one type of unit continuously for use in the team fight. once they can quickly and reliable pump out that unit. then you can start focusing on counter play. then after that, establishing a build order.
Yeah, and they'll get their driving license done before you're through. You can't show the guy how to defend against every single rush in the game without you two spending a large amount of time together.
And fending off rushes is really 90% of what newbie games consist of.
Then you have to teach him what his economics class and parents apparently failed at and explain how economics work (producing workers, not floating resources, value trading).
Et cetera, et cetera.
You could do it. I mean, I could take my cousin, spend an afternoon with him/her and get them on a solid footing in RTS games.
That's possible in every single game ever made. But it's not really a viable model for anything other than desperate fandoms with endless heaps of time on their hands.
A fighting game can be sufficiently explained in 5 minutes. And it's fully interactive. You're not giving the guy a lecture, you're showing him how to block, tell him which moves to use, reveal to him the magic of a magic-series if the game has one.
And both sides can have fun (you simply pick a character you can't play much, or which is fun, but shit-tier) while doing it.
There’s so many diff addons and shit, what is worth getting?
>They're still fucking making Close Combat games
>They still look exactly the fucking same
>They're still $60 on release and don't go down in price ever because Slithirine
What the fuck
They said they'll improve in the next iteration
Original game is good enough. You can get the 2 expansions if you want more units and campaigns.
Cossacks 2 is a completely different game in every sense of the word. It's 2D Total War where you actually make the units during a match.
Cossacks 3 has a ton of faction DLC. The game is original Cossacks, just with 3D graphics, new OST, modern balance and more (DLC) factions.
Get the original and if you like it, Cossacks 3 or American Conquest (which expanded the game in some aspects, but shrunk it in others).
I never gave a fuck about strategy on these games. I just loved sending armies out to kill people.
Sometimes I would just fantasize about being one of those soldiers out in the middle of the fray and wonder if I'd survive the battle or if my entire unit would be crippled and destroyed by enemy fire.
Im really casual because my more "obscure" RTS that I used to play was Warlords Battlecry series.
>teaching new people in rts isnt fun
my 3v3 teams usually consisted of: (me, someone who has played twice, someone with five hours) VS (3 bros with 200 hours). you gotta find the fun somewhere hahaha
still in fighting games, the new player has to practice combos and such for hours by himself. only then can he even hope to win a single match against an experienced, good player in a fair, no holding back fight.
I noticed that as a kiddo after 9-11... :O
>are expansions worth it
In terms of campaign, AoC = RotR > AK > AoC > FE
Otherwise, its more of the same kind of Age gameplay, with some minot tweaks and new upgrades to freshen the experience
Get this mod as well. It's like an unofficial expansion pack.
>Halo Wars 2
>microsoft store only
There's a rumor its coming to Steam and Epic Launcher during GDC whenever Microsoft rolls out it's new "GameCore" executable. Fun game anyway. Plays a lot like Red Alert 2.
if rol was so good then why did ron get the hd re-release?
>he played two hours to die like this
For 1, there’s back to war, art of war, European wars and a handful of others. Are they all different campaigns? Which is the base game
>Battle for Middle Earth
throwbacks to bfme2 where you could design your own custom heroes. nothing was more satisfying than pumping all the stats into damage and then two shotting the enemy base.
There is something inherently morally wrong with these kinds of games. They teach you to see the world from the perspective of a seat of power and view other people as pawns. The only "characters" besides rival leaders are disposable conscripts you can throw away the lives of at will for your own benefit. This is what your grandparents protested against, you little shit. Against a world of crooked and corrupt politicians who send 18 year old children off to die. And here you are indoctrinating yourself into the mindset that it's okay. These games are a moral disgrace that devalue the lives of the millions of soldiers and innocents killed in war at the whims of elected and appointed crooks.
>mfw my friend said that unironically
It's not like anything has changed,huh bruh? :^)
>still in fighting games, the new player has to practice combos and such for hours by himself.
That depends largely on the game. Some games are combo-centric, some are neutral-centric.
Most popular ones are the latter and the difference between a combo/simple magic series is minimal.
You can look at the newest Street Fighter, for instance. As inaccessible as any other fighting game to a newbie, a lot of people actually complain the game gives new players far too great of a chance against even the most skilled veterans simply because the advantage from aditional grind as opposed to pure sense for the game's flow is really small there.
You'll still lose, but you can win a set or two if you take the advice to heart.
i just pressed delete on my entire army, what now faggot?
>RTS is not like fighting games.
Yea RTS is fucking DEAD
Who here /zero-k/
War is beautiful
maybe classical war but in the nuclear age its disgusting
Me, a little bit. I don't like how alpha-centric its balance is.
Nah, the prices are ridiculous and they look dull as dishwater. I started with Close Combat back in '98.
Syrian warfare
It's one of the few Close Combat games I haven't played. I'm not fond of having to play as US forces so CC Modern Tactics would be digital aids to me.
There are two AoCs in your tier list.
I am confuse
There is something inherently beautiful about these kinds of games. They teach you to see the world from the perspective of a seat of power and view other people as pawns. The only "characters" besides rival leaders are disposable conscripts you can throw away the lives of at will for your own benefit. This gives you a huge leg up in the modern world where everyone in the west is in a hugbox. Against a world of crooked and corrupt politicians who send 18 year old children off to die we need more leaders like this. Here you are indoctrinating yourself into the mindset that it's okay. These games are a moral godsend that devalue the lives of the millions of soldiers and innocents killed in war at the whims of elected and appointed crooks. Only by playing and winning at RTS will our leaders learn to survive in the Hobbesian wasteland that is appearing after the withdraw of US global power.
That’s because the ubiquity of democracy has transformed limited war into total war, blurring the lines between combatants and civilians
What do you mean by alpha centric?
You are right with FE.
It felt like Command and Conquer 4 all over again.
How the fuck can you mit base building in a base building game?
>this will never happen in your lifetime
The greatest series that never was.
Based and battlepilled
Everything except striders are huge guns on a flimsy base. Whoever attacks first in an engagement wipes out 40%+ of the other person's units before they can even return fire.
Anyone played this? Ant RTS
Adding quicksaves, resources and unit production into the sequel was a huge mistake.
Ground Control 1 is super tense because resources are precious and you have to commit to your decisions. 2 has more stalemates and mindless attrition than a traditional base building RTS.
eh, while eu4 and hoi4 do contain RTS elements, i wouldnt classify it as a RTS. games take way too long and are thus thrown in the Grand Strategy category
Ensemble folk were already sick of AoE games by the time they got working on Halo Wars and ended up getting the boot by Microsoft.
You can only make so many of the same game before you start hating it. AoE3 had massive issues getting a team together because everyone at the company wanted to work on the other projects. Eventually, they arranged a deal internally that no matter what, they are going to make the single most graphically gorgeous game on PC up to this point. With that motivation in mind, enough people agreed to work on the game.
You can see it in just how ridiculously great the thing looks even today, and it's as old as Civ 4 or Call of Duty 2.
Needless to say, AoE4, let alone 5 were not in their plans.
great post, fren
does that mean sins of a solar empire and empire earth get thrown out of the rts category as well?
What are some alive games I should be playing right now?
>turns graphics to lowest to increase visibility like a boss
>try to play game
>sorry buddy your rank isn't high enough to play with us
>only way to gain rank is to play games
This is why your stupid genre is dead you idiots. Even dead fighting games encourage new players.
AoE2, Starcraft 2, Wargame: Airland Battle.
Makes me sad that /vg/ can't support a /sc2/ anymore, or even an /rt/s general.
Putin and whatever heir he chooses are more than ready to fill the void left by America's retreat from global power. This is why Russia benefits from American hard right and hard left politicians who draw everyone's attention to domestic issues.
Does BFGA:2 count, bros??
>He DID play two hours to die like this
Wtf why is nobody here talking about the greatest RTS of all time??? This thread fucking REEKS of larping fortnite zoomers.
vg is cancer anyway
Hey I need some help. Me and my friend enjoy an older rts called ruse, it was developed under ubisoft. If any of you guys know of it, are there any other rts games that are similar that you know of?
Hence the vital importance of leaders who have played and understand strategy and view their countrymen as pawns.
idk, never played em.
but there is a reason the grand time strategy genre exists. there are enough features withing games like CKII and HoI IV that are distinctive enough to warrant its own genre. They do share a lot of similarities though. I am just saying the reason most people play grand strategy games 100% offline is due to the amount of time it takes to play a game. you will have to get a band of neets together with perfect coordination and no emergencies (or things that alter ones schedule) to pull off a full lobby of a grand strategy game. since you know, its so grand.
this is why you play superior RTT games like men of war where every unit has a name and even in meatgrinder missions you feel the loss of a single rifleman
Zero k is unbalanced trash.
do you really want to discuss wc3 MORE?
Of course it does, I hope they push out the patch asap, there's so few people playing on the beta and it's much better balanced and fun than the current retail version.
I got obsessed with SC2 back in 2012 and 2013. How's the WC3 community these days? Do you think Reforged will bring big numbers? How does it compare to early SC2?
People didn't accept it as an RTS game back in the day, you millenial shit.
Dude yes i just got in this thread, came off a 4 game win streak on battlenet rn. Im sooo ready for this reforged shit
I wish I had pre-ordered when I had the chance, missed out on the Beta and now I'm fucking broke.
If any user wants to be a total bro and gift me the game so we can play I'd be ecstatic, my birthday is just a couple days away anyways.
The wargame series was good, steel division, while contentious was also a lot of fun.
My nigga that game was the tits.
There arent any games quite like it, sadly, with the Ruses themselves. That said, if you want something with similar levels of autism you should check out Wargame Red Dragon by the same devs.
Huge scale cold war shenanigans.
If Ruse's ww2 stuff was what appealed, check out Steel Division, also by Eugen.
Community is still quite large and growing l and rger by the day. Lot of new/returning players already flooding in.
What are you talking about?? Get the fuck out of here you little faggot, never reply to me again.
he probably means African KANGdoms with the second AoC
Larger* fucking phone
Hey thanks. Appreciate the reply.
There is AK in the middle
base aoe2 didnt have spain? what the fuck?
who the fuck made this map?
All good my guy, its always nice to see someone else who liked Ruse.
I fucking loved that game.
>tfw cant even get it anymore
oh i thought he meant the vanilla game with AK then he either mixed it up with Age of Kings (vanilla AoE) or he has a split opinion on the Conquerors
it came with the conquerors
good thread bros
There was concept art for at least 3 additional factions.
The one based on Fingol mythology was all but included in the map editor.
the lack of variety in the campaign is driving me nutty. i'm 40 hours into the imperium campaign and i dont even feel like im remotely close to finished. all i do is fight out these massive slug fights, carried along by mediocre voice acting and sound effects. literally it's gotten to the point now all i do is buy imperium ships and ram the enemy to death for fun.
does it get any better?
2 was okay, the first game - now that was a trouble.
>Windows 10 store exclusive (will be released on Steam after a while)
>Less factions than in original AoE (excuse: balance issues)
>At least one faction will be pre-order bonus
>More factions will be sold at later date as DLC
>first campaign was the most varied
>third campaign was mostly standard map with conquering the enemy in 90 minutes
You could tell they were on an impossible deadline here.
I wish Brain Reynolds wouldn't waste his talents on mobile games.
I never had problems with the mission as a kid.
Only as an adult.
Why was kid me so much smarter at video games?
so they'll turn it pretty much into a shitty mix between DoW III and Civ VI
all I'm hoping is that MS somehow manages to not fuck up AoE2 DE like HD and add some modding tools to help map scripting/complex scenario making. Aoe4 is a lost cause with Relic in charge
> Are the expansions worth it?
they are pretty neat civ/new techs wise, meh campaign wise
you know, there is something inherently morally wrong with the game of chess. the pawns are literally just pawns oh the humanity!
buddy its a game. there isnt anything inherently morally wrong with playing a shooter where you play a soldier numb to the idea of killing because its fucking fiction.
go back to r*****/tumblr if you want to start fighting for social justice
>first mission of first campaign
>have to just sit back and poke the enemy with the hero ability for 15 minutes because they dont give you enough units to beat the enemy in a 1v1
cool game