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cute desu
I can't breathe...
Don't cry Madeline...chapter 9 will be out soon
I wonder how many people on Yea Forums got triggered when it was revealed she was an adult because they thought she was a loli
I played through this crap a couple months ago and hated the protagonist, it reminded me of a lot of obnoxious people I've met, on the one hand it made me realize they probably were depressed but that doesn't excuse them from being obnoxious.
>I wonder how many people on Yea Forums got triggered when it was revealed she was an adult because they thought she was a loli
You mean the first second of the game?
She drives her car to the mountain.
You'd have to be an idiot to not realize she was a young adult.
What a shit thread.
You should feel bad for making it.
Badeline is cuter
Probably my GOTY for 2018 but obviously we are supposed to hate it because we have decided to categorize pretty much everything into a right/left spectrum and in this case things such as depression and anxiety are considered universally left-wing even though the game is not preachy about it at all and comes to a conclusion on it's own without pushing any agenda or demands of society as a whole... also no white males in the game, so 0/10 Build Wall!
there's no actual proof for the abortion theory anyway
this game is a shining example of Yea Forums hating things because theyre popular
been playing it for a bit and its just a really solid platformer, been having a lot of fun
god, I want to suck Lena's girl penis
The face I made when I realized I needed to beat C side Caves level with those fucking cat blocks.
Matt has already pretty much stated that the game is about a general journey above self-doubt. It's not referencing anything specific like abortion and Madeline's past is kept specifically vague for that reason.
Those mumbling noises were annoying as hell, and I say this as someone that enjoyed them in Okami, Banjo & Kazooie, and Klonoa's made up language.
>Game is really high-difficulty but forgiving
>Gives you as many chances as you like, but never hands you a win without making you actually do the platforming
>Every death feels like your fault and not the game's
This is how you do a platformer
Except Chapter 3, I really can't stand it for some reason
I take one look at Lena and I immidiately know "well here is someone I probably don't agree with anything on" but she gets a pass because she did a phenominal job here
It's weird, I was fine with 3A but I couldn't stand 3B for whatever reason. At least the chase section in 3B is pretty short.
I think it's mostly just that the timing jumps with the moving black fucks were really stupid
It was less about getting the right inputs at the right moment and felt more like it was all just "I hope you started what you're about to do at the exact right moment for things to line up in your favor, fuckwad"
It was less bad in 3A because I think you just had more room to wait in between jumps and didn't need to preserve climbing stamina as much
That's you being able to separate an artist's personal life and beliefs from the quality of their work, which is something we should all do, honestly.
>couldn't stand 3B
You're just not blasting the sick beat enough
Fuck I thought you were meming but then I checked the official twitter and saw this
This. Any consumer needs to accept the fact that they can like a work and not agree with the person/people behind it.
If you like Harry Potter in any capacity whatsoever, you probably already understand this principle, by the way.
You can even enjoy a story that vilifies an aspect of society you might normally be in favor of. Because at the end of the day there is a good and bad side of everything.
i want to fuck madeline so bad
The reason the Hotel levels give so many people trouble is because in many instances the anxiety dust bunnies move in matching rythem to the beat of the music rather then on a set timer from when you enter the room/spawn. This makes them harder to trial and error upon every respawn.
Are you for real nigga
Once you understand that it makes both 3A and 3B much easier.
Granted, not all of them follow this rule.
What sound does he make?
Are screens at least consistent with themselves on this?
Literally begging to be impregnated
>he isn't musically gifted and can subconsciously find the beat, time signature, and key in just a few measures
lmaoing at your life.
completing half of the C-sides took away several years worth of use from my hands.
plus, a fuckton of games to play this march
Nigga I got a full combo in this piece of shit from Mother 3
I can handle rhythm, I just didn't notice Chapter 3 made use of it
I like big eyebrows.
pretty damn good soundtrack too.
gameplay is solid as fuck but people forget to mention the OST a bit too often
>Suguri takes up mountain climbing
I am kind of unnerved that Madeline's eyebrows are a darker shade of red than her hair.
ok but explain why there's a nigger on it
It's just dark due to the bangs casting a shadow.
visual contrast and a recognizable color scheme
no big zipper tho
I think that puts it into words for me, yeah. A lot of the rooms (especially in 3B) felt like timing the cycle of those black fuckers right because if you did it wrong you either hit one or run out of stamina and then die.
That beat was pretty sick though. Probably the only thing that kept me sane in 3B.
Why isn't there any good r34 of her
when you realize Celeste does the same thing the Shantea games do only it doesn't hyper sexualize the characters because it's more interested on getting you back to the superior gameplay
there's already a lot more now that it won best indie, plus Dunky really liked it.
It hasn't all found it's way to the usual sites though, you have to dig a bit
It's nice to see the rare person on Yea Forums who isn't a walking, talking abortion.
Do you have a download for all the portraits?
How hairy is Madeline's snatch?
>Have to utilize even fast fall to clear
Ooooooh, I can't wait.
he stops with the memes, right?
No...I beat your C-sides. You said I was done. YOU SAID I WAS DONE. I WON'T GO BACK I WON'T AHHHHHHHHHH
hahaha fuck you
More or less. The game explains why Theo is the way he is, if you're willing to listen.
wish I could accept the compliment but I quit being a regular Yea Forumstard like 2 years ago. This is one of my rare stalks.
I don't but I think I will work to get them all
Best song
Juuuuust the right amount
redheads are feisty and short tempered
Which is hot
Link broken
Reminder that the Dev is a faggot who listens to this cunt.
This does not impact my enjoyment of the game.
He makes good games so it doesn't matter. That'd be like hating Edge of Tomorrow because Tom Cruise stars in it.
do they really serve no purpose, got 50 of these things and I'm at chapter 4
hey guess what
you can suck donkey dicks and scream about trannies on twitter, if you make a good game i don't fucking care because i'm not some autist who gives a shit about the social lives of developers
At the end of the game Madeline takes all the strawberries she collects and bakes them into a pie for everyone to eat. The quality of the pie and everyone's opinions on it depend on how many strawberries you collect. There's even an ending for collecting zero strawberries.
they impact the ending
Fuck flag 11
I am not very good at this game but also maybe I shouldn't play it after ten beers.
>when you realize theo has an actual instagram account
Blew my mind
No one cares m8. Let people enjoy the game.
They do something for the ending. Also for the fun of collecting them.
Fucking nice
what do her feet smell like after she's made it all the way to the top of the mountain without taking her boots off? haha
It's gonna be free btw
Doesnt make the game bad, just cuck the dev by pirating it if u feeling so strong about it.
Madeline is for ____
being my gf
Sweet. I wonder if it's going to be an actual chapter 9 or just bonus levels.
Fucking hard
user no
It’s fine to love what you love, and Celeste actually has decent gameplay, but the misanthropes you see are more in your mind than anything real.
an actual chapter, but just 1 level, no B or C side
they say it'll be harder than 8-C though. New music too
jesus my thumb hurts fuck all of this windy shit
Well cool.
>it'll be harder than 8-C
Gonna be honest, 8C was easy. Much easier than some of the earlier C-sides, and especially easier than the B-sides. I believe 8B may be the hardest level in the game due to the amount of cycles you have to manage.
6B is the hardest for me
badeline with all those long feather sequences is hell
>that part where you have to navigate a huge field of ice spike platforms with basically no way to control yourself
probably one of the least controllable screens in the game
Summit > Core > Reflection > Resort > City > Temple > Old Site > Golden Pass
>implying Yea Forums isn't full of them
Which Core stage was this?
sounds like 8-B
I still haven't gotten that one yet. I can do spikejumps, it's that damn wall corner jump that kills me.
comfy game
comfy thread
>abortion theme
why the FUCK is this considered even slightly okay in a video game
>haha yeah despite the kiddie looks this is definitively NO game for kids we're adults so only serious themes now :)
If you had to hate every piece of work where someone involved in it had stupid opinions or did something reprehensible, you couldn't enjoy in life.
maybe i'm just a scrub, but trying to do this level fast is hard.
watching the screen again after completing the C sides makes it look easier than i remember tho
God, I want to sniff her cotton panties.
Any chapter with cycles is hard for me cause I'm not musically talented. So Celestial Resort and the Core are my worst levels. I still got all the golden strawberries on all the C-sides, but that's because 3 screens is much easier to manage than 20+.
This is false info.
Only cycles that sync up to music are blue/pink alternating block screens. Everything else is a set cycle, synced the same every death
should I grabbag this game? I've heard nothing but praise for its gameplay but its clashing visuals/ui bugs me
You're a bigger shitposter than the ones you whine about, incel.
Holy shit these character designs are ass. Half of them look they came right out of Yiik, as well.
Guacamole Nigger Dick
Fuck off bitch nigga
>anyone i dont like is an incel
good to know you inbred fuck
Poor bitch nigga can't take opinions.
mad ass incel lmao
why're you so mean :(
do you like platformers?
physics feel good, game gets a lot of use out of a set of fairly basic mechanics, and has a ton of content with free DLC on the way. but if you don't like platformers you won't enjoy it
Yea Forums >I'm into loli
Madeline >but I'm 17
Yea Forums >that's loli enough for me
she's in her 20s according to the creator
She's between 22 and 28.
which makes the game even more amazing because its actually good
I'd give Madeline my D-side if you know what I mean.
what do you mean user
I confess
I had to turn on assist mode and drop game speed to 90% to finish it
>Yea Forums
>hating this game
Who is that?
>I drink, alot
>and get mad at people on the internet
anyone else relate
Post em. Assistfaggots need not apply.
I haven't seen a single lewd of this girl
>assist mode
The fuck is that
I liked the game. Collected all the strawberries and finished most of the B-sides, and then reached the ending. And then I just didn't want to continue. Not because the game was bad or boring, I just felt like I had no need to go complete final few B-sides and then the C-sides.
The UI only shows up on the pause screen and during cutscenes. Otherwise, there's literally no UI
oh fuck ok I need to get mine up
Read the thread
The help mode for people who get frustrated to the point of breaking their controllers, or people who aren't good at platformers. The game also has Variants mode, which is designed to make the game even harder.
the mode for game journos
>The game also has Variants mode, which is designed to make the game even harder.
what? I beat the C-sides and never saw that
PC only for now, unlocked upon beating 8C
Im excited for chapter 9, looks hard
>abortion theme
I must be a brainlet because I didnt really get that from anything Madeline said
It doesnt exist, its been a meme for literally a year
I keep hearing that the OST is really good so I checked it out. What else has the dude who made it worked on? Really like what he has done with Celeste's Soundtrack.
>the dude
I don't have the breakdown image on hand.
lena is cute and talented!!!!
>dyed hair
>problem glasses
approach with caution
Dropping this game after accidentally exiting the summit b stage a minute ago
If only u could prove u didnt use assist mode. A lot of fags here lie
just load from a checkpoint
Don't give up, user. Just as Madeline fell off the mountain only to return stronger, you too shall one day return and emerge triumphant