Can we get a fucking Sekiro thread going?

Can we get a fucking Sekiro thread going?

What's your hope for game length?

Attached: Sek.jpg (620x300, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread: Game Plus

first run probably 20-30 hours

If they made massive improvements to ng+ like new enemy positions or enemies getting different abilities, it might make consequent play throughs better.

Attached: benoit-godde-the-last-ronin.jpg (1920x1701, 965K)

Usual 8+ hours and some optional side areas.

25-35 hours unless there is an end game arena thingy

At least 40 hours

Anything less than +60 hours will be a disappointment.

Day 1 pirate ?

easy game

Think we'll get monster esqu bosses or will they all be humanoid

When are they gonna patch in PvP?

They already showed a fuckhuge snake, user.

You don't actually fight the snake though? It's just in the environment.

The game seems to be faster so I expected about 20 hours

It's not on the roadmap. May as well pirate.

Man, I see no hype or marketing for this fucking game, I hope From knows what they're doing this thing is going to flop at this rate.

like all fromsoft games the length is up to you, but i might be underestimating just how much harder the combat might be. with all the deflecting and perfect parrying or whatever.

Hoping it's long or at least put in some effort in ng+. Higher hp enemies won't cut it.

bizarre post tbqh. not implying anything but hype? really? since when has that mattered for a title like this from a company like fromsoft?

But you fight the giant sandworm in Dark souls 3, which drops and undead bone shard when you kill it

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Since Dark Souls? Did you forget everything that happened before the release of DS2?

>acting like DaS 2-3 didn't have a lot of hype threads on Yea Forums
Nice joke.

Attached: Finalstand.webm (888x500, 2.41M)

i reaaaaaaaaaally hope there's something similar to the chalice dungeon after the game is done, i love that shit

wow...nioh looks pretty rough now days and i thought it had really good graphics at the time

considering there is no pvp ;im sure they diverted their resources to something similar to the chalice dungeons
maybe they dont want to show too much of the game?

lore autists =/= hype. also das2 graphics threads can suck my balls. das3 threads just had contrarians going on about how the whole game is just nostalgia pandering.

what fucking hype, people played the shit out of it and a lot of those people never come to Yea Forums.

i thought it always looked like shit

I'd be content with 15 hour playthrough, 25 hours completionist. Same length as Dark Souls 2 but good.

>retarded newfag confusing later threads with the shill/hype threads
Based idiot.

They showed a big monkey guy too. Don't know if it an actual boss.
Anyone, I really dislike beast fights in From's games, if they are including them, they should at least fix the camera issues.

>hurr this kind of hype isn't my definition of hype
Get lost

epic simply epic.

sekiro needs no hype. all you niggers wanting to post some form of PRAISE THE SUN can go back to r*ddit.

Sekiro is going to flop, so no wonder it doesn't needs any hype, can't wait for it to flop so we can get BB 2 instead.

>sekiro needs no hype
Well that's just sad man

>bloodborne autist

of course. how could I forget about you. In all my years of souls posting I think you type are the absolute worst. I can smell the decayed felt of your fedora.

The perfect game length.

>I measure game's worth by how long it is, and need at least an hour per dollar spent

They already showed some tentacle porn stuff.

at least 30 hours
kinda tired of recent 8 hour $59.99 jap games (RE2, AC7)

5 - 15 hours

I just beast this game. The longer you play it the easier it gets. I got to the point I couldn't die unless I actually just fucked up a button press. The bosses are so simple, i really hope Nioh 2 does more with the combat. The only reason it is hard is because you die in a handful of hits.

what midgame twist are you guys hoping for? (similar to bloodborne with lovecraft)

Attached: thumb-1920-588042.jpg (1813x1118, 387K)

dark souls 4 will happen before bloodborne 2, friend

You weren't here for DS2 release, you trying to fit in faggot.

Isn't it pretty much confirmed that it has something to do with a death cult?

This game is coming out in a month and they've shown nothing except that one area from the demo.

AC7 is nearly twice as long in a single playthrough as the PS2 games, though.

Junji ito horror

Attached: 162_365_bloodborne_4_by_snatti89-d9mv2qy.jpg (1135x704, 78K)

>but muh previous irrelevant installments
Ebin. You understand I used two the most recent big Japaneses releases as an indicator of a shitty trend, do you?

If the game is too long, I won't replay it.
15-20 hours would be good for me.

Like any other FromSoftware game, newfag.

How is this bad?

>Second half of the game takes place in Yharnham

Attached: SUDDENLY.gif (268x215, 728K)

I don't get how people can look at Dark Souls 2 and 3, direct sequels to their games, and Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne, new IPs with their own setting, and then want a sequel to one of their games instead of more new IPs.
Those games are all one-shots. They were never planned to be continued upon and it showed.

Lol if that were true I'd only play zero hour games.

I want occult bone fetishes and anatomic aesthetics.

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>Second half of the game takes place in Yharnham

i wish but sony owns bloodporne IP so i doubt they can make any reference to that game

I don't give a shit how long it is to be quite frank. I've played memorable 2 hour games and 100 hour games that I've forgotten

Good. I hate getting any content spoiled.

Dark Souls was contracted by Namco Bandai as a trilogy from day 1.

>no hype

It's the most wishliated game on Steam. People are not talking about it 24/7 because From is witholding most info for release like they did with BB

i want, more than anything, a fucking meaningful ng+, not the abortions that das3 and bloodborne gave (although bb has plenty of side content)

There are no Chalice Dungeons as far as I know either (thank God).

Sekiro will be a single-player experience.

well hopefully they add something to the end game or ng+ . Im glad there is no pvp though

I hope they do add in a single player mode separate from the main story though. Like, to really test yourself. Just pure combat. Like bloody palace, or The abyss from Nioh

I’m more hyped for this than I’ve been for any of the Souls games to be honest

Why are you glad that there are no invasions?

They're not doing a public demo because their pre-order numbers are above their expectation. So it seems to be doing alright.

pvp is cancer. Balancing the multiplayer portion can make the single player experience worse.

>~25-30 hours
>~16 bosses
>a dozen sub-weapons
>~20 areas

>~35-45 hours with all optional content
>20+ bosses
>Chalice Dungeon equivalent for extra replayability (I liked them fuck you)

What if it were more like Demon's Souls? PVP was obviously never intended to be its own thing in that game. The idea of invasions originally was to screw up someone else's game, not have a fair duel with them.

Only with the arrival of autistic homosexuals did it become muh honarabu fighting club shit.

I much prefer when developers keep things mostly under wraps and just release the game. Getting hyped for games is dumb, honestly.

Would be cool if you could invade as some random monster with unique skills

this, if someone ever saluted me in DS I made sure to use the most dirty tricks available

20 hours or so

Japanese demons to start inhabiting the world and changing the aesthetic, even in old areas

I hope you can fight the snake but have the option not to kill it and use it for fast travel. Maybe there'll even be a tool to summon it in battle.

>man I hate when gay people play games differently than me

With no RPG pad it hopefully 30 hours, and tons of repeatability of course.

the young lord actually gets sacrificed and shit hits the fan

or you know not putting in pvp so that they can focus on better single player content

I don't hate it, I merely think it's pathetic to get mad at vidder games like these types tend to do. They also expect the developers to pander to their stupid meta game.

5 hours MAX! anything longer just makes it shit

>What's your hope for game length?

Can I wish that they go back in time and unmake the game and spend the resources on something een slightly interesting

Hopefully not longer than 12 hours.

Like I already said, it wouldn't be much of a hassle to integrate these online elements if they aren't the focus. Personally I think they've gotten stale, but that's another debate.

Turning people into half-youkai monstrosities.

GUYS! What if Level Editor like in Tenchu 2, but better!?

How will patches make an appearance in this game?

>where's my create a character RPG FROM!

Attached: bigger balls than Naruto.gif (480x270, 3.69M)

Why would want them to go back in time just to remake Sekiro?

>level editor
>singleplayer only
he won't

>yfw he's the immortal soldier

yeah basically.

my girlfriend plays all these games too. imagine how excited she was that the next one is locked into a middle aged eyepatch guy

hmmm i think he's lying

30-40 hours first time if you fuck around like the other games
Expect less time on ng+ unless they do some massive improvements like new bosses, new enemies and different enemy placement/attack patterns

Sekiro is the first Sekiro game.

I'm not hoping for any twist. That way if and when a twist does happen I can enjoy it as one fully.

Why does it matter? Does you girlfriend only consume media with female leads?

Not even then it'd matter to anyone but her. From is under no moral obligation to make games that guy's girlfriend likes.

and she's under no moral obligation to like it, people play vidya for lots of different reasons


That's fine, but it's pretty retarded to not play a game because there's no character customisation. They're telling a more focussed story this time around.

Fuck you cunt.

>Tenchu 2 was single player
>Sekiro is single player
Do you perhaps suck dicks?

This is probably the most appropriate reply yet to that guy's post and what it implies.

>Why does it matter?

Why does it matter that black people never had a big budget movie with black leads until black panther?

These things matter to how people feel and how they engage with might like playing as a girl to stare at sexy outfits, but women don't feel anything similar when playing as men, just a disconnect.

I think the concept that "representation is important" is true as long as it doesn't go overboard on pushing an agenda

kys if its not 30+ who has the time.

I hope it keeps me entertained for a good while since there ain’t shit else to play these days. I hope they go back to making soulsbourne games or I may have to go back to playing old games as usual. I haven’t had a good RPG game to play in a while, most developers are on this multiplayer only bullshit stint with battle royale being the in thing to make. Shit’s cancerous and I’m so bored of it. Take me back god dammit

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>Why does it matter that black people never had a big budget movie with black leads until black panther?
It doesn't.

These Japanese guys can make whatever game they want.

Sure, but Miyazaki clearly didn't make the game with a continuation in mind. It had a cleanly finished story with not much, if any, room for a sequel .

Fuck off and kill yourself fat kike

>Why does it matter that black people never had a big budget movie with black leads until black panther?
It doesn't. Representation is a meme

>you might like playing as a girl to stare at sexy outfits
I literally don't give a shit. I let the game give me the reasons to invest with the characters, because making pre-conceptions or writing characters off at a glance is retarded

If you have a PS4 , the new God of war might keep you entertained for a bit

of course they can, did i ever say they couldn't or shouldn't?

just saying it's not exciting in the least and super generic

you guys realize this game is going to fail badly right? like 2.3m lifetime sales all platforms?

You think it's not exciting and you think it's generic. I, on the other hand, don't think you're qualified to make that claim for everyone.

I don't care about the sales of some game I may or may not play, and I don't see why anyone would.

>you guys realize this game is going to fail badly right? like 2.3m lifetime sales all platforms
would it be that bad? Doesn't seem like an expensive production.

Ideally 40 hrs long, realistically it will be 20-25. Ain't bad, considering DLC gonna be way harder

>like 2.3m lifetime sales all platforms?
That's par the course for soulsborne.

co op or invades in this?

lmao Souls and BB are clearly connected.
DeS talks about the coming of the Old Ones, all demons are tree-like beings that burn and are the fuel for the events on DaS1, which then only continues in DaS2 and gets a closure in DaS3, leading to the painted world of blood, which is Bloodborne.
There are connections with Irithyll and the Ptumerians (Ithyll), the things Pontiff Sullyvhan grows from his back are the tree-like blood vessels, not unlike the ascention of people to become great ones.

Just dig in a little deeper and you'll find all the franchise just connects neatly in a timeline of major events and each game explores them individually. The overlying theme of cycles and shit also helps most theories exist together since things can go differently from cycle to cycle.

I'm just hoping Sekiro follows the continuation and somehow links up to BB.

>Doesn't seem like an expensive production.

this is an AAA game, getting AAA marketing, AAA shows, etc. budget is probably 25-35 million on production imo, just ballparking

>just saying it's not exciting in the least and super generic
How is having a character with a defined background, purposes, and identity generic? Making a game about a character that can be anything is the definition of generic. Not saying that it is bad or that I don't like, but it literally is the fucking definition of generic.

I’ve considered buying a PS4 for the single player exclusives but I just never made the plunge. I was pretty strictly PC only until I picked up a switch for the few games on that platform as well. Fuck gaming atm

I really hope Patches is not in Sekiro
He completely breaks immersion.
Like, at first it was fine but now it's like
"Oh.. it's this game's Patches..." *yawns*
It's become too predictable and his presence in all games
as a sort of joke character means that any time i encounter him my immersion is broken.

>things are connected because an art lead used similar motifs in various products

gamers are so incredibly bad about falling for this one

Ah yes the game will fail because your nasty hog gf can’t play a tranny character

What makes Sekiro a AAA game? What precisely defines a "AAA game"?

This is Steam alone, from last year's leak.

DARK SOULS III 3,294,533
DARK SOULS: Prepare To Die Edition 3,289,250
DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin 1,453,157
DARK SOULS II 1,266,678

The greatest trick Miyazaki pulled with this game? A difficulty setting

Both games take place in kind of a dream fantasy world. Anything can happen and things connect more by concepts than by causality. It is not like LoTR, where the fantasy elements are well defined. The references to Bloodborne in DSIII may be literal and poetic at the same time, it doesn't lend itself well to autistic frameworks because of the nature of both games and the tendency of From Software to reference itself. There are no 'clear connections" in these games, just references.

budget and marketing. Sekiro is getting heavy marketing. that means the game's budget is much higher than souls which received no marketing.

>Sekiro is getting heavy marketing
where the fuck?

Why people want this to fail so bad? Just because they can't summon on hard bosses and play as a cute girl?
It looks way better than any Souls game to me and I don't even like the setting.

>Sekiro is getting heavy marketing.
Is it though?

Yea Forums has a problem with everything. Don't worry about it

>Sekiro is getting heavy marketing.

I haven’t seen anyone who genuinely wants it to fail

are you guys oblivious? it's getting more marketing than every previous from software game combined. its in magazines, there are banners, big booths at shows etc etc

I want it to fail.

proceed to do the exact same thing except in a reduced way with less features. exciting

I tbhonestly can't believe there are people that just don't get this is the DIRECT sequel or prequel to Bloodborne just with another name.

Attached: its so obvious.png (1393x736, 1.82M)

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Did you miss the Dark Souls 3 marketing or something?

Attached: 1461656282203.jpg (726x807, 138K)

No you don’t, you just want (you)s like a pathetic manchild

sorry that one was a mistake

Attached: beastplague leg.png (1087x677, 1.05M)

It's just From being lazy fucks and reusing assets.

Attached: prequel bloodborne.png (762x672, 904K)

>reusing assets.
You mean the moon?

>try to sniff it
>only smells like ghost

put tongue in or not?

The only thing they share is the moon, and it's still a big hint that the first quote of the trailer is "so you're awake"

>main character is woke



so were all the souls games since dark souls 1

I don't often think different entries are always connected, it's a complete different aspect to, say, Final Fantasy approach. The theme of Blood is used increasingly more often from DeS to DaS3, while it's core in BB, as if along the ages people were learning. They could certainly fit a game with 1500~1600 aesthetics in between DaS3 and BB to tie in more stuff but it's certain there is connection between stuff there. The labyrinths in BB wouldn't be filled with plate-wearing knight corpses without any intention of making a loose connection, as well as the deeper you go the more DaS3-like enemies you find, unlike the surface.
The Dungeons are also the source of the Beast Scourge while there are clearly enemies transforming into beasts in the exact area that looks the most like BB in DaS3 (Irithyll).
It's only stupid to not think there's a connection because it's not obvious, the entire lore isn't obvious in the first place.

Sekiro isn't even being written by Miyazaki.

niohfag mass suicide in 25 days

Attached: dab.gif (554x400, 120K)

You're an idiot to not be able to see the connections

None of the assets in BB and DaS3 were reused though, just made from scratch with a very similar thing going on.
They were legally required to not use any PS4 exclusive assets and shit on DaS3.

Some of these replies convince me that you people rush through games. My guess is at least 50-60 hours. They've already said that the map is about the same size as previous games like DaS3 and BB. From is extremely good at making worlds that are rewarding to fully explore.

You are a fucking retard for thinking there is a connection

yikes baddie

With activision as a publisher, this is the LAST thung any of you want. Beleive me.

Reminder to preorder before Activision makes it exclusive

Absolute retard. The point is to enjoy the game, not rush it just to beat it as if it's some kind of trophy. Their games have always had lots of content so yeah, at least 50 is a reasonable estimate.

*acknowledging the connections and no I'm not especially since ALL of the games directly reference each other in one way or another you dumbshit so why would sekiro be any different especially when the only 2 characters from the east wear almost the EXACT same set and there are human beast hybrids running around

Actually, it won't sell like crazy.

80%+ of all Souls sales are in Japan. From is abandoning the Japanese audience, by making it PS4-only there. Especially when you look at how badly the PS4 is selling in Japan.

In the west the game is still more niche than Souls games like Bloodborne.
Bloodborne only sold about 2.7m worldwide. Sekiro will therefore do less than thay on the PS4.

So we're looking at maybe~ 2m on the PS4, a few hundred k on the Xbox (lol xbox) and a few hundred k on the PC.

Now we also need to keep in mind two more things:
1. This game cost From a LOT more than any Souls, not only is it a huge leap in graphical capabilities but they also have to put it on multiple platforms and support it on all of them.
2. Activision won't make a lot of money from PC sales. Many will be grey market / key reseller sites and others will have been bought during some Steam sale for like 30 bucks, if which Valve takes another 30%

This game will fail to meet the many, many millions that it would have to have as a sales target for Activision to be happy with its performance. It won't do that, because despite their efforts at westernizing and casualizing the game it will remain niche compared to games like GTA, Fifa, Skyrim.


half way through the game, suddenly turns out to be xianxia with immortal cultivators tropes , but with a fromsoft twist

Attached: sol-31-6.jpg (1575x1575, 480K)

>80%+ of all Souls sales are in Japan. From is abandoning the Japanese audience, by making it PS4-only there
that doesn't make any sense. Japanese play on Xbone and PC now?
>also have to put it on multiple platforms and support it on all of them
you mean like every Souls game?

>From is abandoning the Japanese audience, by making it PS4-only there.
But it's not. Why would you lie about something like that?

>Not lying about insignificant things on a Filipino card printing board.

Great comeback

I'm content with at least a 25 hour game.

Japanese culture game

Will we ever be able to have a Sekiro thread that does not devolve into a shitpost fest?

Not before launch

Why people like long games? I can't play more than 10 hours in single player. There is literally nothing fun anymore after 10 hours in ANY game. The only ever exception I had is 30 hours in Dark souls and even that was way too much. I didn't even bothered to play DS2 and DS3 after that. Holy fucking shit.

Attached: 1549791100551.jpg (798x774, 71K)

I like games that compel me to keep playing on and on without needing to treat me with contempt like a lot of multiplayer games do.

>None of the assets in BB and DaS3 were reused though,


There is one way.
So what kinds of arm tools is everyone hoping to see in the game. I know they said the Moonlight Greatsword wouldn't be in, but they didn't say anything about the Tsukuyomi Armblade or something. It just seems too perfect an opportunity not to miss. Also I just want to say that when they reveal the "personal" new penalty for death to be that the enemy takes your arm, I fucking called it.

You're an idiot then.
DS games have 1000 hours worth of content just because if the build variety and amazing DLCs, especially compared to how bad DS1's last half is.


I want tools for crowd control. Like something to trap enemies or slow down crowds.

Confirmed same length as past souls games

I bet there'll be caltrops, even as an item.

>>Chalice Dungeon equivalent for extra replayability I liked them
caramel please stop it!

200 __hours

Reminder that in that recent demo some people found a freaky looking headless demon boss to the right of the bridge (where the snake appears), which can only be hit when you have a certain item effect on. It's gonna go Japanese horror eventually in the main game

What satisfaction do you gain from these two games being connected? Why would you not want a new universe?

We play as a white dude in a european setting.

We already know the twist and it has something do to with the Immortal Blade

They do but it's often spread across multiple characters for me.
I've made 18 characters in DaS3 but never beat the game with any of them. It only gets to a point where it's more fun to start over than to keep going if the game is too long.
I much prefer a 10h campaign with tons of replayability than 90h single player with the same shit going on.

Prove me wrong motherfucker I dare you.

length doesn't matter as long as the game is on par with DS1 or BB's level design and attention to detail

>auto-aim grappling

No thanks.

Attached: grappling-hook-2118588.jpg (800x800, 68K)

i feel like moonlight greatsword will be in another form like an arm tool

it runs at 60 sweatie

prove it.


Attached: 1550816887652.jpg (206x200, 12K)

> ps4
> 60fps

60 is console tier. DS3 on is capped to 60 and hex edits break the game. No Ultrawide support.

All the AC Moonlights were silly arm blades

If there's nothing sharp referred to as moonlight I will cri

All's good my nigga, From 100% own the IP, after all they wouldn't be able to publish it themselves in Asia.

It's your fault if you buy the PS4 version.

20 hours tops

but branching paths ala DaS1

Why do y'all like short games so much? Gimme 60+ hours motherfucker. If a game feels too long, take a break. I want my money's worth.

Attached: 1546919693972.jpg (627x480, 75K)

>improvements to ng+
Miyazaki doesn't know what this means.
I really think he should be kept away from these kinds of gameplay decisions.
Nearly everything DS2 did in this department was better than DS3 and even Bloodborne.

some maya/aztec mythologie shit with humain sacrifice.

Fuck off back to fortnite, 12 year old.

Long is good if they don't resort to filler shit, recolored enemies, and lessened quality.
So basically im a vacuum

Around 10 hours I guess. I'm more interested in replayability than length desu.

No major twists please.
I actually like far east mythology settings and wouldn't want any ayy lmaos or whatever muddying it.

But replayability is more valuable than raw length. At least when it comes to action games. I'd rather replay Bayonetta ten times than replay TLoU or similar moviegames that relay on boring scripted events and walking sections twice.

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This game is going to be awful. When does Nioh 2 come out?

Shitposters are not people

I'm pretty certain Nioh isn't coming out this year, no info has been shown at all.

Miyazaki already said it'll be about as long as Souls games. So first playthrough like 40-50 hours maybe.

Considering all attention has been diverted to the single player, I'd think 40+ hours. They should theoretically be able to pull that off, considering they've made it a pure, single player action game.

Attached: 1482899895234.png (719x737, 695K)

People act like DS2 NG+ was something amazing but it really wasn't. Yeah it had changed enemy positions or new enemies, in like a FEW AREAS IN THE WHOLE GAME. Big fucking deal.
Would have been impressive if it was for the entire game.

You're saying this looks humanoid to you? It's like 10 meters tall and looks like a wild yeti

Attached: Sekiro boss.jpg (1786x1115, 143K)

That's a wukong bro

>10 meters tall
That's much bigger than 10 meters, son.
Also shit it's scare on it's face looks identical to the bloodletting beast's and laurence's skull. Deepest lore?

Attached: THE COSMOS.jpg (632x548, 43K)

still waiting.

>and i thought it had really good graphics at the time

Its only 2 years old you underaged pleb and it looked poor even back thenn

Attached: 1524355937867.png (400x400, 165K)

The demo was 60FPS

It was on the PC only though so dunno about consoles


Attached: 1535279226147.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Don't use the word "kino" when describing good gameplay. "Kino" should be used for absolute shit cinematic games as a mark of shittiness.

But Sekiro clearly has more features than Souls games

>that hitbox porn

Attached: 1497944930320.jpg (645x773, 87K)

here's your grappling mechanic

Attached: green-circle-clipart-1.png (600x581, 19K)


>reusing assets
Don't you mean asset, not assets (plural)? Because the only copied asset in that image is the moon. Which probably has the accurate crater patterns of the real moon, so makes sense to use the same one in both games.

That's just a png file of a green circle, turboautismoid.

Yes it is, he literally came up with the lore. Just watch any of the interview videos and the other devs talk about how Miyazaki came to them with this idea and explained his vision.

I'm just saying you're being cringy.

cringe and fagpilled

>decide to watch some gameplay
>it's just dark souls with a different skin
Can't these hacks do anything different?

I don't think you understood what he said.

Character on the right looks like ENB

doesn't play or look like dark souls though

What are you on about? Sekiro will easily be their best selling game on the grounds alone that a Japanese setting game will sell far more in Japan.
>From is abandoning the Japanese audience, by making it PS4-only there.
It is for every platform on every continent.

Attached: grayons.png (558x614, 45K)

zoomer with autism
Most people are normal and sane and thus do not have an attention spam problem like you

ebin post friend xD

You mean nearly all. Can't tell if you're pushing a narrative or are just stupid. Game Plus

It's the best NG+ in a Souls game to date. At least they tried to do something fans wanted.

>30 fps
Why lie? Of course it's 60fps or probably not even capped.

Do you know what humanoid means?

Yes... yes... like a whistle...

Jesus, you really are retarded. Makes sense you're a DaS fan.

Aren't there any screenshots for the skill tree?

I did play through it on NG+ and I'm quite sure enemies were in their normal positions in most areas.
And even then, the whole actual game itself is shit so a different NG+ isn't all that interesting.

Haven't seen anything besides the initial reveal.
Pre ordered in full during Steam Sale.
Saw nothing, expect nothing, leaving my trust with From Software.
Won't be on the internet until it's over

Do you? The boss in the image of course falls into monster category, not humanoid. Even if it's a monkey, it is a monster monkey.

Not really but from what I hazily remember there are three skill trees.

Why are you so stupid that you can't point out the differences and also refined detail? Dumb brainlet, don't post again in this thread.

It's on PC.
Was hoping for 144 1440p but whatever

How does it feel to be a crayon eating retard? Sekiro does indeed not play like any Souls game

It'll probably have 4K

guess what retard
monkeys are humanoids

Next time just say you don't know and get educated

Learn to read, fucking retard. I already said the only difference is a new coat of paint. I suppose you could include the grappling too but all it amounts to is scripted points you can use it.

t. tiny pea brain douche

Attached: soyboy tries to meme.jpg (900x760, 95K)

To be honest there is a good reason why it will be locked at 60fps and why all their games are locked at a specific framerate. Because the combat systems always have aspects related to very specific amounts of frames.
Like a parry is "x amount of frames" frame window, or a dodge has "y amount of invincibility frames". Letting people uncap the framerate would make the gameplay very inconsistent, the effectiveness of your parries and dodges would vary depending on your framerate of the moment.

Nice rebuttal. Go back to kindergarten kid.

is this a meme? it's clearly a souls game...

DMC4 did it and it was smooth as eggs.

so much denial from the samefag in this thread

It's not really a good reason it's the epitome of bad programming for games. It's like tying the game to resolution that's something amateurs do.

Nothing I can do about it I'm still buying the game. Just hope they do a better a job at some point.

>no stat levelling, replaced with skill trees
>no weapon variety but there's different unlockable attacks and weapon arts
>stamina is replaced with posture system
>no online functionality
S-sure buddy.

You can run your collision/hit detection systems at an equivalent for 60 times per second while not forcing your animations to do the same, I don't see the problem.

Yes, why not? It is FROM. Do snakes have ears?

>abloo bloo something something denial samefag

I hope it's anime as fuck.

This is demonstrably untrue even within the Souls series, otherwise the 360 version of Dark Souls 2 would've had half the iframes of the PC version. Any programmer worth their salt would use elapsed time instead, which can still be measured in frames (six frame parry window = 0.1 seconds active)

No, but they still can detect sound and vibrations, I think some of them do through their jaws.

Attached: 1e1d5e737a28b3d308492287181000ef.png (680x680, 99K)


Dumb gorillas. It's clearly not a monkey as in the animal, but a mythological creature. Therefore it belongs to the monster category, not humanoids.
Don't get retarded, the guy definitely did not mean gigantic ape monsters with elongated skulls and jagged teeth when he wondered if the game will only have humanoid bosses.

Attached: 1512554579751.png (1048x597, 988K)

Jesus, you're pathetic.
>I have a bad memory or am just too dumb to notice things

The IDEA of a different NG+ is a good thing, whatever the quality of DS2 is overall.

Or do you disagree because you're some kind of miyazaki-fag who thinks he can do now wrong?

Only retards today.

Hopefully the pspro and xbone x will have options to either have 4k/1440p 30fps or 1080p 60fps

What terrible arguments. None of you are game developers, obviously there is a reason for it. Look at literally any fighting game and they do the same. Fighting games are all locked at 60 fps and do not allow uncapping it higher, because if you did you would fuck up the whole combat system.

im hoping since there was no pvp in the game , they could divert the resources to a more meaningful ng+

How? It's clearly nothing like a Souls game, are you blind?
I didn't move any goalposts, you're just a delusional DS2fag in denial. Its NG+ wasn't really all that impressive at all.
Styling on youkai niggas. Saw one where the guy took her down in like a minute.

Fingers crossed they do that at least, game needs some replayability since there's no online functionality.

Yeah but DMC4 bro. That game also has frame perfect parrying and it pulls off the uncapped 200FPS smoothly.
Fuck, it actually has two modes. A normal and a turbo. Which speeds the game up on its own. These two modes have different input timings but FPS does not influence it.

It's just that FROM are incompetent with their engine in comparison.

seething brainlet

>that stupid move that translation fucked up and you had to double tap block to activate

Im not talking about the quality of NG+ but the mere FACT that it's different than NG.

This is my point and nothing more.

But since you didn't get it the first time you're probably stupid.

>93 poster
>287 posts

Hey samefag, your casual souls game is going to fail, just let it go.

Attached: 1544820595178.jpg (465x512, 51K)

Rarely do I pre-order games but Sekiro has me hyped as fuck. I'm hoping for at least 30-40 hours.

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Attached: 154291023289.gif (554x400, 104K)

Monsters can be humanoid. It's a basic shape. You need to stop posting because you're making yourself look worse.

>casual souls game
Name me a more hharrrrdkoar action vidya gaming experience coming out this year user.

Where did you pre-order?

That's what QUALITY is for, newscum.

>willingly biting the pole

>3 post per person average

>hurr why aren't you people driveby posting like my jadedass self

That's for anime, newfaggot.

The game has 35 achievements, it should be around that.


I'm all for From's strategy of keeping their cards close to their chests when it comes to their games, but this is getting a little silly. Don't they want people to buy this fucking game?

Them being connected is just cool. And you’re asking me like it’s my call, Miyazaki is the one that made it like this.

Those loyal to the brand will anyway.

No, otherwise they would have put effort into making a decently optimized game for once.

100+ hour on first playthrough, less than that game is garbage. I want my money worth

I never understand >muh immersion! Retards like you. Do you honestly get so engrossed into something that you literally forget you’re playing a game?

Can't think of many single player games outside of RPGs being that long. Would you be fine with the game being Zelda-esque?

I was in the right, you were wrong. Why would I stop posting, with every post this discussion continues, you look more and more pathetic. You're completely ignoring the original context of the post I was even replying to, how desperate can you be for attention?

Not him, and I don't care if patches is in or not, but if the game is good and alive you should get lost in it, that teh world drops away. Happened to me with Witcher 3.
>stopping to look at the landscape
>getting lost in forests and caves
>sound so good I git up to look outside to see if there was a storm going while sailing the waters of skellige

What are you trying to say? Since Sekiro has completely new and unique gameplay that has nothing in common with any of their previous games? Or literally completely different from any game made by anyone?

Hoh, wonder if the plat will come easy.

It extended to everything a long time ago. Where have you been?

You said a humanoid-looking monster wasn't a humanoid because it's a monster. You're fucking retarded.

Tenchu on ps1 had more freedom than this piece of rehashed souls shit.

100+ hours for first playthrough
>realistic hope
30-50 depending on how completionist you are

>Enjoy game
>Want more of it
>This is a bad thing
The problem is that quality would suffer over quantity. I don't want that.
However, if it was possible, I'd like my games to be 60-100 hours for their first playthrough without any quality losses. I know this is unrealistic, but that's still what I hope for.

Maybe say something about blood, or a decease coming from blood. Really I just want it to have a weapon system like BB, two mode weapons and no shield, since it would be too slow for the kind of game it tries to be. I know BB has shields but they fucking suck so they don't count, also one of those shields was DLC.


The wait is fucking gnawing at me.

Just a few more weeks bro and we're there...
We are gonna play it very soon bro...

15 hours, but will take me 20 first time because i will suck

Can't wait to pirate this piece of shit!

the guy samefagging Is shitposting though, that's always the case. You dirty cuck

sure thing, fatass

At least pirate it because it'll be a good game, nigger.

seething fat bitch

i hope there is a kusarigama

>boring katana instead of a cool stick

Attached: Bo(weapon).png (1024x768, 64K)

No I didn't. You're retarded.

Go get MONKED faggot