You have watched ALITA BATTLE ANGEL right Yea Forums?

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Nah I'm waiting until Captain Marvel. Not made of money lol.

jews at holliwood ruined another manga

crossposting was a mistake
You should be locked to one board of your choice when you start up the Yea Forums app

The dialogue in this movie was fucking cringe and the protagonist is completely unlikable past the 40 minute mark.

it's a good movie outside of the jew capeshit cartel. they're purposely blackballing it. seeing alita is a middle finger to hollywood. go see it.

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Are you white? The movie is not for you if you are.

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I am from Yea Forums, went to Yea Forums for a while just because of this movie.

Pretty good folks out there.

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Dialogue was bad, story was meh, characters were pretty meh, but the effect and fight choreography were really good.
>that tear drop cut scene at the end

I am going to watch it again. I was iffy about the movie at first but after watching it I am firmly on team Alita.

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Back to gulag, ivan.

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It's called gunm, nigger. Read the manga and fuck off with your hollywood trash.

Was going to but friend was being too Jewish and didn't want to pay for his own ticket. Guess I'll wait for the Netflix release.

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Whies she stuck in the wall tho?

>30 minutes into family reunion and auntie gives you this look

You know you can watch a movie alone, right?

Reminder the Nazis lost and the Russians won. USA and UK did nothing.

who goes to the movies alone?

I already spent the money on take out food. Now I'm broke.

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not him but
>going to a movie theater alone under any circumstances
the average theater going experience is so terrible that unless you're with a friend it's better just to wait for DVD or digital release. They don't even take that long to come out these days, shit's cash.

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You're saying Yea Forums has a good community?
Are you fucking stupid?

>usa did nothing
>simply showed up and the axis started collectively shitting their pants
>tide completely turned when the US and UK entered the war

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churchill was the most evil man in all of ww2

I'm thinking of seeing it with my wife but she says she'd rather see the new Spiderman LOL 1st world problems ammirite?

A fuck ton of people? Worked at one for a few months.
How does going with someone improve the experience? You're not going to talk to each other during the movie, at best you'll talk a bit afterwards. The only reason to go to the movies for entertainment is the bigger screen and sound system or gold class if you want to go on a date (but then it's not about the movie).

I have a friend who recently moved back to Japan. ALL of her Facebook pictures are edited like this, with the big eyes. Is this a chink meme?

Is that the lady from The Office?

actress herself was cute, didnt need cgi to make those ugly as fuck huge eyes. its so fucking uncanny valley i couldnt watch this movie


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creepy as fuck

Dunno what Japs use, but Chinese girls all run their photos through an app called Meitu before posting them

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My old gf used to go to movies alone all the time before she met me. Even would take the train to NYC and watch Broadway shows alone on a regular basis

>You're not going to talk to each other during the movie,
Do you not shit talk scenes with friends as they happen for laughs? Also I find being there with other people just makes it more comfortable when stuck in a crowded ass room and can enjoy movies better


Making her look weird and inhuman was the whole point of CGI'ing her
"Uncanny valley" is a term for trying too hard to look human, not deliberately trying to look inhuman
Fucking plebs

movies by yourself is god tier. especially early afternoon shows during the week. having started working from home, when i finish a project early Ill sometimes go to the early afternoon shows. completely empty quiet theater