Your Zodiac

>Your Zodiac
>Your favorite game
I'll start

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Other urls found in this thread:

>not water

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>Ghost trick

>Silent Hill


What would be the best game for me? And which zodiac is the most likely to fuck libras?

>Dark Souls 3
tfw both my zodiac signs are cats.


Minecraft with mods

>Devil May Cry 1

>Dark souls

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Rune Factory

Can't decide. I don't get how other people can so easily pick favorites. There are plenty of games that I consider great, but many of them are fundamentally different. No single one can be the "best".

you have bad taste

Zone of the Enders 2: The Second Runner

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Ocarina of Time


Wind Waker

Deus Ex

>Shadow of the Colossus

Fits, I like playing heavy so I can stay at the front of my team and lead pushes

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>Dragon Warrior Monsters (1 & 2)

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>Lego Racers

>Metal Gear Solid 3

Victoria 2

>cusp on aquarius and capricorn
>Shin Megami Tensei 1


Didn't know that this many girls visit Yea Forums.

>Can't decide.
Are you sure you weren't adopted?


>Cusp on Aries and Taurus.
>Vagrant Story.

>Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together

>Super Metroid

No, but I was raised in a broken household.


Libro here, recently fucked a Leo. Try looking for one of them.

>Aquarius isn't Water

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don't forget the new 13th zodiac sign ;^)

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Virgo, Elite Dangerous or ksp, can't decide.

Apparently I'm the only
on here, which is weird.
> bloodborne or majoras mask.


The Greek zodiac is so stupid.

speedy jogbelow, please


Either Pikmin or the Wonderful 101

>breaking the balance

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>Paper Mario: TTYD

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Star Citizen and No Mans Sky

CS 1.6


He carries water retard
He's a cloud


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has identified a 13th sign of the zodiac between Sagittarius and Scorpius: Ophiuchus, also known as the “serpent bearer” because it appears in the middle of the Serpens constellation.

But NASA was quick to point out that “we didn’t change any zodiac signs… we just did the math.”

The ancient Babylonians invented the 12 signs of the zodiac to match their 12-month lunar calendar, NASA pointed out in a recent Tumblr post.

But they “ignored the fact that the sun actually moves through 13 constellations, not 12” during Earth’s year-long orbit around the sun.

“Even then, some of the chosen 12 didn’t fit neatly into their assigned slice of the [celestial] pie and crossed over into the next one,” NASA pointed out. For example, “the line from Earth through the sun points to Virgo for 45 days, but it points to Scorpius for only 7 days.”

The addition of Ophiuchus throws off astrologers’ daily horoscope predictions, which are based on birth dates in a 12-constellation zodiac.

“I woke up this morning firmly believing that I was an outgoing, courageous, independent, generous Leo. However, now I have to come to grips with the fact that I am in fact a stupid, sulky, inconsiderate, pessimistic Cancer,” Ars Technica writer Lee Hutchinson groused.

So some astrologers are refusing to accept Ophiuchus, which Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy listed as one of his 48 named constellations around 150 AD.

“Ophiuchus has nothing to do with Astrology,” astrologer Rick Levine sniffed. “It has to do with the stars – it’s not a sign, it’s a constellation.”

“Astrology is NOT astronomy,” NASA stated. “Astronomy is the scientific study of everything in outer space. …Astrology is something else. It’s not science. No one has shown that astrology can be used to predict the future or describe what people are like based on their birth dates.”

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Leos sound fun, but a bit intimidating. Are they easy to seduce and bed?

Planetside 2

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>Starcraft: Brood War

Debate me

Type O+ blood
My favorite game is Demon's Souls.

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Halo 3

Well she's super sarcastic and a very aggressive flirt. We got a hotel together after the third date.

No, fuck you NASA. I'm not changing my sign from based Scorpio to a fucking Libra. It's common knowledge that Scorpio's are quick to anger and quick to lewdness. I'm not smart enough to be a Libra and I'm not nearly pure enough.

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The mythos has more themes to do with air. He's also the cup bearer of the gods, and pours water from the sky. Essentially hes the greek explanation for clouds.

Keked hard but I still posted


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Libras are sluts and the most bisexual sign.

of fucking course. granted tumblr's dead now so this shit doesn't count.

Fuck, you guys gotta stop meming

>starfox 64

Where do you get that from?

>every gemini so far is shit taste
Well I guess it's up to me.
Jagged Alliance 2

>Dragon's Dogma

>Metroid Prime

paper mario

I'm ashamed to be associated with you


Super Mario RPG


Modded freespace

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Sprinter cell: chaos theory.

was it stablished the birth dates that would be appropriate for this?



my birthday is 5th may. What's my sign?

>Games that let me create a character and feel powerful. Or GSGs.


Sounds based, happy.

>Yume Nikki

woah apparently I'm fucking cancer now.

I walked along the avenue.

>Armored Core 3 Silent Line

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Pikmin 2
why are women and asians so autistic about this kind of stuff?

You were always cancer to me, user.

The same reason neets are autistic about the myers-brigg bullshit

>Master of Orion 2

Paper Mario

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>Doom II
>believing in pseudoscientific bullshit



Yes, he

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>Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

FFVIII tie with MGS

Shut up

Are you high? Libras are always pure as fuck


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>not being Aries
>not both the sun and mars in Aries

>it's another 'Zeus fucks something against their will as an animal' episode

you have good taste fren

>Pokemon Platinum

How does anyone believe this shit?

>SMT 3 featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

by not being a massive stuck-up faggot

You don't, it's just dumb fun


I'm also working on a vidya about Zodiacs here's a steam page

>Danganronpa 2

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Business as usual then.

Maybe. It's just that all of the descriptions of the zodiac signs just tell people what they want to hear. Oh, you like being in command! You are thoughtful! Once you trust someone you are their true friend! You like to have fun! Oh my, that is so ME.

According to the new zodiac i'm a virgo now, not a libra then. ok

>Super Metroid

>Titanfall 1

>Sonic Adventure 2
I know astrology is fake but I've never in my life felt like what Taurus describes someone as and I've always hated it, what the fuck do I do

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Cusp of Libra/Scorpio, but from what I understand am a Libra based on the time I was born.

Favorite game is Warcraft 3

>Conker's BFD

>people still take this shit seriously

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>Super meat boy

Capricorn Sun/Leo Asc
Majora's mask
Fitting or not?

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medieval 2 total war

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>Yoshi's Island

MBTI > Zodiac

ive got big dickitis and theres no cure!

>Final Fantasy Tactics

Mass Effect 1

Garry's Mod


Aries DkS1

>Dragon's Dogma
I'm not ashamed

Lmao, are you autistic or something? Cant you tell that this is all dumb fun? Nobody honestly gives a shit about this

Parasite Eve 2

>Metroid Prime


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Keep saying that while I use people's natal charts to deeply manipulate them into doing what I want because their entire personality is 100% defined by the positions of the fucking planets when they were born.
There was literally not a single person I met who didn't act according to their natal charts. Not a single one. Keep being lied to, user.

Gothic 2

>A bloody half goat, half fish
>Fire, not water
Nani the fuck

Pisces, Heroes 3

Yeap, definitely autistic. Maybe sociopathic too. Anyways tell me how you manage to manipulate people based on their signs, user. Im geniunely curious

Half-Life series

>Final Fantasy Tactics

you're just more of a ferdinand

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crikey, literally entire family is Leos now (I was odd one out)

Sagittarius is archer in latin.

strength in unity


Sonic Adventure
Obvious, I know.

Gemini (or according to the 13 meme a taurus)
symphony of the night or new vegas

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>Tfw don't have a favorite game
I like games from almost all genres. Can't say what objectively stands above the rest or has captivated me in a way that another game or three has not.

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cancers suck. fragile little snowflakes

Persona 5


That is all

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The problem with astrology is that it attracts the wettest kinds of people. That doesn't mean its wrong.

>A bloody half goat, half fish
>Fire, not water
That's capricorn, sagittarius is the half man half horse.

yep it checksout


Heroes of Might & Magic 3

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There are people in 2019 who unironically believe that there are only 12 types of people, dictated by what month you're born in

>Ocarina Of Time

>there are people in 2019 who don't understand fun

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>Nier: Automata

Do you also get mad at people reading fortune cookies?

Do you assume anyone leveling criticism is angry?

>Halo 3


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Who is this girl and why is she so confused?

Then you shouldn't care either way.

Shit, looks like I’m checking out Vagrant Story
Do you get 420 jokes on your birthday, too?

STALKER or Warframe

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>Fucking hate DMC, love stalker.
Zodiacs don't mean shit.

Certainly not enough to make a thread about it, no, but this thread is already here so I thought I'd comment

You don't even seem to have a unique insight into the matter either, so why reply to me? It seems all you wanted to say was "U MAD?" in which case I wouldn't have bothered replying to you either


Gemeni Metroid Prime.
>tfw bipolar gemeni fitting the stupid stereotype

Dark Messiah

>wouldn't bother replying
>still replies

I'm so angry >:(

>Also DMC3 or killer7
I don’t act like a Leo supposedly would at all because star signs are bullshit.

>Half-Life 2

Virgo, I don't have a single favorite game.

Thanks for answering my question :^)

>everyone with the same zodiac must have the same taste
Are you okay there user? cause that's not how zodiacs work

this is the same reason I don't have a favorite.

>Do you get 420 jokes on your birthday, too?
That and Hitler's birthday.


When talking about Zodiac, anything less than your full natal chart is pretty useless.

>All the MM sub-series

Attached: chart.png (670x473, 68K)

figuratively me




Loved Nioh.

Then how do zodiacs work?
Wasn't it the idea that people with the same sign are similar?
I don't really care regardless, just wanted to say i hate DMC.

Sheep Dog n Wolf

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Columbine, too. If it weren’t for the two of us, user, that day would suck

>april 13th
>most hours in minecraft and gmod
what's it mean bros....


Fuck idk


>banjo kazooie

Zodiacs are pseudo spiritual/witchcraft that some believe affect a person in their day-to-day or form their personality via a "destiny" etc.
There are so many zodiacs out there that they have no meaning overall.

They work by you being porn between certain dates, those dates determine your personality.
Some believe that you Solar and Lunar signs are affected by your Chinese zodiac animal.

The year is the determining factor, really.
Otherwise, like mos Aries you like to express your creative muscles in a way that you can marvel at and be satisfied with.

>They work by you being porn between certain dates, those dates determine your personality.
Freudian slip lol.

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>Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix

Are you me

Freud was a fag, but I've been going for nearly 62 hours now.
Never accept consecutive shifts when you live more than an hour away from were you work.

And why do you hate DMC?

>Dota 2

>62 hours
Why are you even posting? Get some fucking sleep, dude.

It looks fun but a little uninspired

You are the cancer that is killing Yea Forums.

Three more hours until my shift ends and I can go home.


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what does this shit even mean? do ares and leo have a connection? are they similar? what does this even try to convey?


Remember to shill it when it drops, I'll gladly buy it.

>all the gemini posts have shit taste
not surprised

I like the aesthetics and it looks fun, now put some pixel porn and tiddies in it and I'll buy it.

>Spyro 1

Zodiacs, both western and chinese, are fucking gay. They both have stupid 'rosters'.

A guy bearing water (Aquarius)
A woman (Virgo)
Literal cancer
A creature that makes people mistake you for an evil person (Scorpio)
2 goats (Aries and Capricorn)
An inanimate fucking object (Libra)
Twins (Gemini)
Fish (Pisces)
The only ones that aren't complete crap are Leo, Saggitarius and Taurus

Chinese zodiac is half disgusting animals (Pig, Snake, Goat, Rat etc.)

>im not good enough at any game to have a favorite


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Fucking use ctrl+s
Unless you're phoneposting, then you're just retarded.


The connection is that both signs tend to have a similar dynamic in relation to each other but interact differently with other signs.
All elements get along with the same type but a different sign in the same element will react differently with another element altogether.
t. Know some "psychics" that talk about this shit every other day.

Tie between TF2, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Vampire Savior

Like me, but no you're about what would be expected.
A creative person that enjoys seeing his own work even if you don't actively seek the validation of others for your creative work.
Self-sufficient and a natural loner, though a competent people-person when you need or want to be. it's basically like pokemon types? I guess I should look for some Libras and Aquariuses...Aquariis...the water bitches


Probably Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Halo 3 with my old friends.

Thief 2 The Metal Age

When ever I do, it doesnt work. What do I change in my 4chanx settings?

Pic related

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Not entirely unlike that.
Libra here btw, look for a library or quiet places. Libras are quite and elusive, but most are happy to talk should you find one in its natural habitat.


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>Motherfucking LEO
>Warcraft III + Frozen Throne

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probably not a good idea where I live. Most people at my local library are like 7 years old or 70 years old. Thanks for the tip though.

Final Fantasy XII

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I'm a Libra boy and I'll top you, user.

>No More Heroes

I enjoyed playing thru DOOM (2016) finished it yesterday

Also played wolfenstein, it's rare for me to find an fps i enjoy


Sorry, user. I appreciate the offer but there's just something about those girls I like.

Persona 5


But boipussy feels good too. How would you know if you never tried it?


I'd shit on you for shilling your garbage here, but it looks pretty ok i guess, i'll check it once it comes out.

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Did you just start playing video games like 3 years ago user?

>pac man world 2

not surprising, homo

Yes, Scorpios have the elements of a water sign, besides the retarded naming it fits

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hmm. good point good point. the guy would have to look pretty feminine to get me up though. I like my girls dainty and all that.

Whoa i'm a leo now

>Super Mario World

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>downgraded from aries to pisces


You're on Yea Forums, if you weren't aware of that i'm not sure what to tell you.

Nights into Dreams

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You just have to find a qt trap, small dick if that makes it more feminine for you. That wouldn't be me tho, I'm not cute enough to be a trap and my dick is at least average. I wish you luck in your search for a qt Libra or Aquarian, male or female.

> Killer7

So I'm a taurus now...guess me stealing that guy's girl makes sense now..

In modern times, people calling themselves astrological signs has been mostly phased out and replaced with terms like "millennials" and "zoomers".

Don't mind the autistic op and the faggots.

>dating some random girl
>she starts talking about this shit
>tell her it's ok but I really don't believe these things
>get's mad and starts chimping out
>sends me an apologie later
She's aries in case it matters

this is just gonna lead to people mixing the terms...
ex: cancer zoomer, boomer leo


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Literally fucking me
Western woman are all about the "current" zodiac wich is that daily fortune telling bullshit
asians like the old(i.e the actual one) zodiac since each different one has different "traits" if you will. Lots of jap games take this word for word. Most characters from Persona 2 were made in mind personality wise from that. The only one that can really differ being Tatsuya since he's the MC.

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>mfw Leo
>Fire has to deal with bravery

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leos are pure zoomer though
>can't handle if you look away for one second
>can't deal with argumments
>only think about themselves
it's like an annoying little brat you have to take care of.

>wits and playfulness
idk about playfulness, but wit sure seems to not apply to me.

Aries reporting, nice to know fire signs have some damn good taste.

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>red orchestra

>Xenoblade 1
Who /Saint Seiya/ here?

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>also DMC3

Spotted the based Brazilian?

>Wind Waker


planescape torment

Chilean*, but everyone who watches/reads Saint Seiya is based in my book.

Right here my fellow horned saint

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Silent Hill

not a hue but living in BR got me hooked on it,that gold armor was tight.

Uruguay here, we live for this shit too

>not posting best aries

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>from Virgo to Leo

leo is pretty fucking shit m8

Close enough. Was Saint Seiya big there? For a while it was huge in here. They even got one of the big brazillian metal bands to rewrite the OP song to portuguese, it was fucking amazing.


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>haven't looked into zodiac at all before
>ok I'll give it a try
>tfw Gemini
>tfw Schizophrenic
Okami btw

Super Metroid

Either final fantasy crystal chronicles echoes of time, or rune factory 3. The latter didn't leave me feeling as sad by the end, so that's a mark in its favor.

Marry me

ITT uneducated fags
it's not the day of birth, but the fucking location with the EXACT fucking time, down to the minute minute of birth that matters

Alright smartfag, gimme mine then, October 3rd 1994, 02:27 am, Buenos Aires.

Dota 2

Not on your sweetroll

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>Planetside 2

>taking any of this seriously
shiggy diggy

Majora's Mask

fallout new vegas

Metroid Prime

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>Dark Souls/Transistor

In Chile it was, not that much anymore but on a few more days they are gonna bring it back so it may become popular again.

>company of heroes 2

fallout new vegas

>God of war or Resident evil 2
They both the coolest games.

This is you from the future telling you that was indeed you from the past

Breath of the Wild

Timesplitters 2

>unironically MapleStory

>October 3rd 1994, 02:27 am
You're in the shade, a solid Libra. It's only if you're born near a cusp (the transitions dates, basically) that location matters, or if you want the detailed stuff like planet signs.

To get that info, or to figure it out for someone else, just plug the info into an ephemeris website, like this one:

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>SMT Strange Journey

rami malek

dont preach
lift if you dont
leave those women alone
buy the horse though
the anxiety wont go away, it's natural

Fucking what?

>Chrono Trigger

>shin megami tensei: nocturne

>Scorpion(Scales with new system)
>Dragon Quest