Comfy Yea Forums thread

Talk about vidya, ask for recommendations, talk about games you like and what you’re playing. Keep it vidya and keep it comfy.

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What sort of video game should I make?

Make an old school style survival horror game with limited ammo and puzzles

What Resident Evil game should I play?

Emulating Ys 1 right now after a thread on Falcom got me interested. It's cool, the bump system is unique and intuitive. I'm kinda interested in fightan games but not sure I'd be patient enough to transcend being a scrub.
This but a point and click with a spooky atmosphere

If you have a group to play fightan with it’s better.

I hang out with some friends on a semi-regular basis and they like some fightan games but it's mostly MK

Try to get them to try KoF

Which one?

Come join our comfy discord, no we are a tranny spamming discord, we just like being comfy with other anons and discussing and playing games

98 is probably the best one overall but if you want a newer one 14 is good

I've played through 4 recently on my old gamecube. It's pretty fun.

Is 4 a good starting point?

I'm in need of games to get into desperately

>6 inches of snow outside
>-15 degrees
>wake up at noon
>about to make some delicious coffee and start up hollow knight or DQ11, ffxiv later
Comfy NEET life

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Any specific genre?

Well, you could start with the first game in the series proper, but you won't really be in the dark about much if you start on a different game. Most of them are pretty good, so it's really up to you.

Not really I'm trying to venture out to anything honestly

Comfy discord

Played any of the resident evil games?

Just recently started playing Pokémon Yellow for the first time. Enjoying it so far. Did the Mew glitch last night so that’s neat. Inspired me to watch the first season of the anime again

I finished 4 and currently finishing up re2

Play REmake if you haven’t yet

This is a /comfy/ thread, thank you, OP.

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Yellow is pretty fun, similar to R&B but good

I'm playing Dragon Quest Heroes Slime Edition, it's delicious in every single way, you have to try it. It's a musou game with light jrpg mechanics and everything you would love about a DQ game.
They should make a similar game where pokemons go crazy and you have to fight them, hoards of them, can you imagine?
Soul is there 200%, love it.

Do you all want something comfy? Play Darkest Dungeon

I've been playing through the Avernum series myself - they're pretty fun, if you like RPGs. I've also been playing Brawlhalla whenever I've had a few minutes to spare waiting for something.

Which one should I play? Monkey Island 2, Sam and Max hit the road or Day of the tentacle?

pong but with more paddles and balls

Not him but 4's a great starting point. I play through it like once or twice a year because it is just straight up a fun video game to play. It's also on literally every electronic device ever made.

Sam and Max but all good options

Day if the tentacle

>pick up a milk bottle
>stage ends

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Katamari is based af

I hear 11 is a lovely game, if not exactly a mold-breaker. Seems like a good choice for a snow day.

Playing civ V as Germany with the end goal of winning without war.
>working on a storyboard for a VN
>can't concentrate because my brain gets filled with concept art instead
Feels good.

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The Darkness is muck

What’s the VN about?

>yesterday Chicago
>Wind is fucking 30 mph
>Birds are dead on Lake Shore Drive
>billboards are being torn off like a hand
>A fucking crane operator forgot to set the brakes so it was spinning all day.
>In my room while the wind is buffeting the hell out of my house.

It's an abstract kind of comfy horror.

um i dont need to be on fbi watchlist, thanks.

>78f degrees outside in miami right now
>going to connecticut tonight for work
>will be away from home for 1-2 months between connecticut, rhode island and new york
>taking my 3ds and gaming laptop
>got all 3 nuTR games, Forza Horizon 4 and Witcher 3 on gaming laptop
>got Zelda ALBW, Earthbound, Animal Crossing and Samus Returns on 3DS
It's gonna be damn good

Why are there no windy horror games?

Team of cute girls doing cute exploration.
Choices made by the player either heighten or lower each members survival rate.

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Alan Wake is sort of windy.

Well, most of the stuff happens outside.

I'm talking the kind of wind that fucking killed a GOOSE and splattered a seagull on Lake Shore.

This, except with more balls.
Just more balls.
Lots of balls.

haha it could be called dong

>inb4 story party
>inb4 Atlas

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I've been playing nothing but Osu! and Dark Souls lately. God I'm in love with DS right now. Should I skip DS2 for now and buy 3?

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Post comfy vidya

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I've just been chilling and played whatever I impulsively decide to
I accidentally put myself into a shitty cycle of wanting to continue/play singleplayer games but since I started streaming I'd rather play on there but I don't have a consistent viewerbase so it makes me not want to play and by extension stream.
so to pass the time I've just been playing CS:S, osu!, and Blood
is that SMT?
osu! is great. do you use tablet or kbm?

Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight
It's actually an older screencap I took and saved in my miiverse album, I just wanted to bump this thread.

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Is Rune Factory Oceans any good?

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I've been playing Danmaku Unlimited 3, it's great fun. Tried out having my switch on it's stand and making use of my pro controller for once rather than using it as a regular handheld and it's pretty comfy just laying back a bit.
Could do with something singplayer to get stuck with on my switch if anyone has any less than obvious reccomendations.
>A fucking crane operator forgot to set the brakes so it was spinning all day.
That sounds fucking nuts, and incredibly dangerous.
The obvious answer is to have games to play off stream and ones to play on, good luck with it eitherway. Wanted to try that myself, but I don't play on PC too much.

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any interesting online competitive games with some actual new ideas?

preferably no battle royales, no 2D fighters, no mobas, no card games. just gimme something actually interesting. it doesn't have to be from this year

Not new, and I'm sure you've heard of it (if not played) but, splatoon 2. It's very, very unique.

Avernum 3 is literally 5/5

Yeah, I've heard about it but I'm not super hyped to try it out based on news I've read about it. Hackers taking over leaderboards, devs outright telling fans they don't care for their ideas/suggestions, etc. I will admit it does try new interesting ideas. Thanks for the suggestion, user.

I've been playing Hitman 2. It's a lot of fun and it has a nearly unlimited replayability
Even though I often end up killing everyone, it's a really great stealth-sandbox game

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What are you left with if you exclude those things; 3D fighting games, shooters, and racing games? Must admit I can't think of any for those, but if you're excluding things, thinking of what you haven't excluded might make it easier to find something.
Oh, I might have one: Puyo Puyo Tetris. I've never actually played it, but I know that the online has a mode where you keep swapping between the two games within the same match, on top of playing one game vs another being a kinda interesting idea already. I think the steam version of Twinkle Star Sprites has online multiplayer, and that's a competitive shmup that I've heard really good things about. That's a real old one though.

Just got done with a session in Sea of Thieves, I joined some randoms who turned out to be retards so I pal'd around with another crew (who ended up being old COD clanners) for a while.
Also I basically sank a skeleton galleon by myself, that makes 5 this week, feeling pretty pic related.

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What's a relatively comfy JRPG where a lot of grinding is necessary so I waste a shit ton of my boring life

Dragon Quest 8

>lot of grinding
disgaea series

I've tried Puyo puyo tetris. it's fun but I don't think I could see myself taking it very seriously as it's just so simple. There doesn't seem to be much depth there. I mean, it's basically tetris.

I've never even heard of Twinkle star sprites but I actually don't entirely mind shmups so I might try it out. Again though, most shmups aren't very complex and can lead to boredom so who knows how long that'll last. Thanks for the suggestions

Actually, I almost want to say Twinkle Star Sprites is on fightcade, so maybe check that.

There's a surprising amount of depth once you reach higher levels of play. There's a ton of set ups with hundreds of ways to set them up with the different pieces you might have. You have to mind your opponents board so you can be ready to counter if they have big combo coming or even steal the game if you see them overextend. Fixing your stack efficiently is a skill in and of itself. Tetris has a low skill floor but an immense skill ceiling. There's a reason the same guy has been winning every Classic Tetris World Championship up until recently.


Should I cum inside cute boys?

no thats gay

>last night
>sniff a line of 8mg of hydromorphone
>lay in bed in the dark and start a new game on pokemon crystal
Honestly the comfiest night ever, recommened it

Exile 3 > Avernum 3 > Avernum 3 remake

Avernum was always better than Exile

Any games like Stardew Valley? I'm a bit cautious about My Time at Portia because I wasn't a huge fan of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life and My Time at Portia looks a lot like it.

Retarded zoomer

Each subsequent remake streamlined things, some good (like not having to type things you want to ask about in a box), most just making the gameplay shallower and limiting the weight of the player's input and decisions. The latest Avernum is simply boring to play. The world is theoretically the same, but the gameplay is devoid of any variation or strategy.

Exile felt like a grand adventure, punishing but rewarding, with great exploration and tons of detail and strategic options. The latest Avernum is a fucking slog with nothing to do but uncover the map and suffer the shitty samey simplistic combat in every encounter. No camping, no closing doors, no walking into walls, no build variety, no spell variety, 4 chars max, no Exile death sounds, simplified skill system. It sucks.

Currently replaying Mass Effect 3. The Normandy in this game is especially comfy.

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Little Nightmares is one of the best game of the generation and is rarely mentionned here. It gave me that "can't wait to finish work so I can can get back home and play it" feeling, which I rarely get anymore

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I'm legitimately upset I watched a playthrough of it thinking it was going to be another rinky dink indie horror game.

Rundown without spoilers?

you are little girl who wakes up in a submarine/ship thing called the maw. a bunch of fat people try to eat you. there is an asian woman controlling the ship. you gotta fucking bail.

Hi bros, I downloaded some "artsy" games that look nice, this is what I have:
1-Katamari Damacy Reroll
2-Jet Set Radio
3- Okami HD
What else should I get? I want games that are very gamey and just fun, but have a lot of artistic integrity and generally look nice, thanks.

I'm playing ballisticng
If you like fast, get this game
If you like classic wipeout, get this game
If you like modern wipeout, get this game
Just get this game, it's $7 and way too much fun

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Last night I started playing Conan Exiles. I made a giant tittied blonde and am building a comfy house in the middle of the jungle. Any way to hide all the clothing in this game?

It tells it's story through the environment and gameplay and is scary without a reliance on jump scares. It's nothing revolutionary, but it executes good ideas very well.

Thie pretty much, it has some light puzzling/platforming. Graphics/sound/music/gameplay are all great, it's very hard to find flaws for this game considering it's an indie title you can get for like $10 on sale

While I've been playing Ace Combat 7 to grind out the final Trophy, Gravity Rush 2 is always my comfy game of choice. Just jumping around for a bit and taking pictures. And I'll always recommend it, because despite Sony cutting the cord on it early, Gravity Rush 1 and 2 tell a complete story, and if the series comes to a rest after that, I'll be fine knowing what we got was good.
I ended up recommending that to a friend despite never actually playing it myself. I know he really ended up enjoying it

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>be shitposting non-anime watching Xboners
>shit on Snoyggers and their weeb exclusives
>manage to find a cheap PS4 for sale and download the GR2 demo out of boredom
>absolutely love it

S-sorry for being mean guys :3

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cum inside me! I'll even dress up for you ;3

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Guys what should I play tonight? More Sea of Thieves or more Deep Rock Galactic?